~mean love~


After hours at the amusement park,they went back.Tiffany back with Wooyoung,Sooyoung back with Chansung and Jessica back with Taecyeon.

“Let’s go to my car.I will send you,”said Nichkhun

“Ani,gwenchana…I’ll be back home with bus”

“No…I’m insist….Jebal!!”

“Emmm….okay,”Yoona give up and follow Nichkhun to his car. She takes a sit beside Nichkhun.

As the car start it journey,the situation in there become awkward.

“Thanks for the bear,”said Yoona to release the tension in the car.

“I’m happy if you like it”

“You know,this is the first gift I ever have.”

“First gift? Are you kidding me? Didn’t your parent give you present? For your birthday, maybe?”

Yoona silent for a while.

“I mean except for my family,”said Yoona trying to keep cheerful.Her mind now thought of her parent that have leave her.

“Wah!!! Then I’m the first person,isn’t it?”

Yoona nodded her head.

“We had arrive,”said Nichkhun

“Oh….okay…then I leaves first…Komawo,”

Before Yoona went out from the car,Nichkhun hold Yoona’s hand.Yoona turn her head towards Nichkhun

“Komawo…” said Nichkhun sweetly


“Because of you I can smile like this.Because of you my life brighten again.Because of you I feel my life meaningful again so komawo”

Yoona smile sweetly. “I don’t think I do anything”

“You do…You are beside me when I need someone”

“Sincha? Then I’m happy for it,” Yoona smile to hide her feeling right now.She don’t know why but her heart are thumping hard right now. “I think it’s late now and I should go first”

“Ooo….okay....See you tomorrow,bye!!!”

“Bye!!” said Yoona before close the car’s door.

After Nichkhun’s car move,she then walk to her house but suddenly someone hold her hand making her step stop.She turn her head and surprise to see that person.

“Gi Kwang!!!” said Yoona surprises.“How did you know I live here?”

“Yoon-ah…,I have my own way to find where you live.I come here because I need to talk to you”

“But it’s late now.Let’s just talk tomorrow,okay?”

“No…please Yoon,I want to talk now”

Yoona sigh. “Okay…,what is it?”

“Yoon,I know that before I have make mistake by broke up with you but maybe at that time I confuse with my feeling but now I realise that the person I really love is you.I hope that we can back together.Please Yoon!!!”

“What are you trying to say? I don’t understand”

“Yoon,I really love you so please come back to me.Let’s start a new memory.I promise you that I will not hurt you anymore.Please Yoon!!! Jebal!!”

“Are you crazy? After what you had done to me,you expect me to forgive you easily.Sory,I can’t.For your information,I’m not that weak Yoona anymore that will forgive you easily after you make a mistake.I’m a new Yoona so please leave me,” said Yoona before start her step to her house but it stop because Gi Kwang hold Yoona’s hand.

“Wae? Is it because of Nichkhun?”

Yoona surprise.She didn’t answer the question because she herself doesn’t know the answer.

“So I’m right,eh? You like nichkhun,right?”

Yoona keep silent.

“Yah Im Yoona…, do you think that guy love you? You are just so innocent Yoona.You think he gives you this present meant that he like you,” said Gi Kwang laugh while showing at the teddy bear.

“You are still new here Yoona so you don’t know how much playboy he is. How many girl had he deceive and you are one of his toy,you know? He and I are not that different. You are too easy Im Yoona,” Gi Kwang laughs again.

Yoona’s eyes started too watery.

“Is he telling the true? Is Nichkhun really like that?” a lot of question keep questioning her and she didn’t know how to answer it.

“Nichkhun are not a good guy like what you imagined him to be,and if he love you maybe it because you look same like his past girlfriend. That are not what we call a true love, Im Yoona,” said Gi Kwang with smirk before go leaving Yoona alone.

“Is he really likes that?” ask Yoona to herself. This time her eyes had flow a tears. “Yah..,Im Yoona,he is not your boyfriend so why should you care about him.”

“Is that you Yoona?” said one voice from behind.

Yoona wiped the tears that flow at her face.

“Ahh…omma!!” said Yoona as soon as she turn her head.

“Why didn’t you come inside?”

“I’m just arrive.Omma,where is oppa?”

“He said that he will be back late today.Waeyo??”




“Where did you get this bear? Is it from your boyfriend?”

“Omma…aniyo…My friend give it to me.Emm….omma,I want to get a bath so I’ll go first,okay?”

Yoona then walk to her room.Her omma look at her.

“I’m happy if you happy Yoona.That is all we can do for you,”


At Nichkhun’s house

“Why did my heart feel so happy when I look at her.When she sick,why did I become worry so much? When she sad,why did I feel that I want to comfort her? Is it because she is my friend? But why this feeling is the same feeling that I have for Yuri? Is it love? But I just knew her so how can I fall for her? Or maybe because she look like Yuri? Ahh….it’s too confusing.”

Nichkhun look at Yuri picture that place beside his bed.

“Yuri-ah,if one day,I found that I love other person,will you get mad? If one day,I totally forget about you,will you get mad? If that really happen,mianhae.I’m sorry for falling in love again.Jeongmal mianhae!!”

At Yoona’s house

After take a bath,Yoona lay her body on her bed.She hug the bear that Nichkhun give to her.

Nichkhun are not a good guy like what you imagined him to be,and if he love you maybe it because you look same like his past girlfriend. That are not what we call a true love, Im Yoona,

Gi Kwang words keeps replay in her mind.

“Why should I care about what he said? Nichkhun and I are not a couple so how can Nichkhun deceive me,”said Yoona try to relax herself.She then tighten her hug.

“I should give you name,right?” Yoona talk to the bear.

“Emmm…..let me think!! What about Koonie? You like it!!” ask Yoona smile.

“I’m sure you like it so from now on I will call you Koonie”

“Koonie-ah,I know that I should not have this feeling but I can’t help it.Everything I do,everything I see,I can’t help but think of him.Today are very special because I get to spend my time with him.I’m very happy today.After that incident,this is my first time feel like this again.Did I make a sin if I hope he also have the same feeling towards me? Koonie-ah,can you answer me?"


 did you watch music&lyrics? If you watch it you will know where i get the name of "Koonie". hehe~~

I find the name so cute so that is why i use that name...hehe~~

hope you enjoy my update.i will try to update as soon as i can...>.<

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now...,all my assignment have been done so please wait for my update.Maybe on this saturday...^_^


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Keroppilove #1
Chapter 37: Aww the best story kinda ever
leogirlz_94 #2
Chapter 1: sory for the late reply... do you mean the 'that' person that i refer in chapter 1... if it is than it means her parents which had died....
ImYoonAndNichkhun #3
Who is ' that ' person 4 YoonA ? I cannot understand ...
wahh,, I just finish read your story,,
thanks for making khuna fanfic,
i like it,, hehehhehe,,
leogirlz_94 #5
thanks for all the supportive comment...i will try to make a new Khuna stories but maybe not now because i am really busy now but for sure someday i will come out with more great story..... And about the final chapter picture, i can't remember where i find it because i just find it randomly on one of the website....-;)
LilDO7 #6
Hi i saw this story and read it. its so good:)
Oh can l ask where you got the final chapter picture from?
It ended <3 please make more KHUNA stories I'll be waiting for you
fawbnerdy05 #9
Please write more awesome 9pm stories.!
The ending was great.!
Woohoo! Khuna!<3 woofany!<3 Taecsica!<3 changsoo.!<3
ImYoonAndNichkhun #10
Tks !! Post more KhunA stories!! You are a great author !! :P