~mean love~


“Where we want to go?” ask Yoona

“I told you before, it’s secret.You will know after this.”

After 15 minutes travel,they arrive.

“Why are we here?” ask Yoona as soon as Nichkhun stop his car at a graveyard.

Nichkhun doesn’t answer Yoona question and just went out from his car.He take something from the sit behind.He took out two bouquet of flower.

“Can you please hold this to me?” ask Nichkhun while give Yoona one bouquet of flower and he hold the other one.

“Emm…ok…!!”said yoona shock while take the flower.

 “Come here!!” direct Nichkhun while hold Yoona’s hand.They walk through the graveyard until Nichkhun stop.

“Why we stop here?” ask Yoona as soon as Nichkhun stop his walk.She look at the grave.She look at the name ‘Baek Suzy’. She understands now why he stops here.

Nichkhun put the flower on the graveyard.He look at the graveyard with full of attention.Maybe with that, he can release his miss towards Suzy.

“Khun!!’ call Yoona. “Can I ask you something?”


“ Why did you and Suzy have different family’s name?” ask Yoona curious.

Nichkhun smile. “She is not my real sister.”


“My parents died when I am 4 years old. At that time, I feel really lost. I don’t have anybody to get help. I don’t have home so what I do is just sleep on the street. When I am hungry, I will steal things at shops but when I first meet Suzy, my life change. She helps me to buy food. She asked her parents to adopt me because she wants a brother but her parents don’t want but she insist. She even said to them that if they do not adopt me, they will see her body floated at Han River. She is still young at that time but the way she think make me admire her so much. Because of that treat, her parents adopted me so that is why I am here now. It is all because of her, I get to feel love again, because of her I get a home, because of her I live until now. So that is why I really love her,” explained Nichkhun. Without he conscious, there is tears falling down from his eyes.

Yoona hear the story with full of feel. She understands what Nichkhun had been through because she also had gone through that situation. Without her conscious, she shed a tear.

“Sometime we always think that life is unfair. ‘He’ took the life of the person we love. It makes we think why “He’ don’t take our life too. We always blame ‘him’ if anything doesn’t happen like what we want. But actually, ‘he’ has another plan for us. Have you ever heard a quote that said, life is too short. Enjoy it while it yours.” Said Yoona while look at Nichkhun.

Nichkhun lower his head.

“You must miss her a lot,right?” ask Yoona slow but Nichkhun heard it.

Nichkhun take a deep breath before stand up.He look at Yoona.

“Come follow me!!” said Nichkhun before hold Yoona’s hand.Yoona follow Nichkhun’s with a confuse look.

“Where we want to go now?” ask Yoona

Nichkhun stop walk.He turn to Yoona. “You said before that you want to meet Yuri,right? So now I want to bring you to her.” Said Nichkhun while smile. He then continues his walk without waiting for Yoona’s reaction.

“Here it is!!” exclaimed Nichkhun.


Nichkhun smile while showed at one the grave there.

Yoona read the name that written on the grave. Kwon Yuri. She looked at Nichkhun trying to ask what the real reason he bring her here but Nichkhun just smile.

Yoona put the flower on the grave. “Why did she die?” ask Yoona sudden.

“Because of leukaemia. When first time I meet her, I’m not even aware that she is sick because her face is always cheerful.” said Nichkhun while remembering again the moment he first meet Yuri. “She hide her disease from us because she don’t want us to sympathy her. Every time she hurt, she will hide it with smile. She bears all the pain alone. Even I don’t know that she is suffering from leukaemia. When Suzy die, she is on my side. Try to cheer me and help me but I ignore her. I don’t see how sincere she is until she left me. One day, she doesn’t come to my house like she always. I thought maybe she mad at me so I just ignore it. But the next day, I got a call from Taecyeon saying that Yuri is in hospital. She involves in an accident and badly injured. At that time then I know that all this time, Yuri is suffering from leukaemia. Because her body are to week, she can’t continue to life. At that time, I started to realize how important she is to me but it is too late.”

Yoona look at the grave. She can feel how strong Yuri’s love towards Nichkhun is.

“Kaja!!” said Nichkhun too sudden making Yoona’s surprised. He reaches Yoona’s hand and led her to his car.

“There is one more place that I would like to take you.”

“Huh?? Where??”

“Kaja!! You will know after this,” said Nichkhun before push Yoona slowly to her seat.


After 15 minutes

“Here we had arrive!!” exclaimed Nichkhun while stop his car.

Yoona look around her. “Is this Han River?”

Nichkhun nodded his head.

“Wah…!! It’s really beautiful. It's look same like a picture,” Yoona said happily.

“You have not come here yet?” ask Nichkhun not believe with what he heard.

Yoona nodded her head. She went out from the car. She takes a deep breath. It’s really refreshing here. Nichkhun take a look on Yoona. Looking at her making his heart thumping hardly.Is this really love? Nichkhun walk closer to Yoona. His eyes still on Yoona.

“Wae?” ask Yoona

He drew his face closer to her. “W… wh… why? Why?!” She moved her face away from him. The more he drew his face closer, the more she moved her face. Her heart started pounding.

“Aigoo! Im Choding!” He pinched her nose.

“Argh!” She touched her nose. “It hurts! What was that for?! Why suddenly called me Im Choding?!”

“Because you are like a little girl!” said Nichkhun laugh before run away from Yoona.

Yoona bite her lips in anger. “Khun!!” call Yoona before run after Nichkhun.He run more faster so that Yoona will not get him.

While Yoona run, she don’t see a stone in front of her foot so she hit the rock and fall.

Nichkhun turn his head to find Yoona but he can’t see Yoona running after him making him so worried.

“Yoona!!!” call Nichkhun louder while running back to find Yoona.He then saw Yoona lay on a ground.

“Yoona!!” Nichkhun run towards Yoona. “Yoon!! What happen??” Nichkhun become panic.

“Yoon!!” call Nichkhun again before try to lift Yoona up but suddenly Yoona laugh.

“What is this for? Do you think this is funny? Do you know how panic I am just now?” said Nichkhun angry making Yoona stop her laugh.She lower her head.

“Mianhae!!” said Yoona like a guilt person. “I just want revenge. It’s not fair if only I that always get prank.”

Nichkhun look at Yoona then he laugh.Yoona lifted up her head and look at Nichkhun with a 'why do you laugh' look.

“You look so cute just now,” said Nichkhun before continue his laugh. Yoona pouts .

“Are you mad?” ask Nichkhun still in laugh.Yoona doesn’t reply. “Kaja!! You said you want to eat ice-cream right? So Kaja!!”

At Yoona’s house

“Here we had arrived!!” exclaimed Nichkhun.Nichkhun went out from his car before Yoona.He then run to Yoona’s sit and help her to open the door.

“Why did you so nice to me?” ask Yoona.

Nichkhun smile. “Nothing.”

Yoona smile looking at Nichkhun. “Then, I’ll go first. See you at school tomorrow.”

“Emm…ok…bye!!” said Nichkhun while look at Yoona.After he had make sure that Yoona had entered her house, he started moving towards his car but suddenly, there is one voice calling his name.


Nichkhun turn his head. “oh..ajeossi!!”

“I’ve something to talk with you”


“You don’t have to worry.It’s not that I want to forbid you from being close to my daughter but I just want to thank you.”

“Huh?? What do you mean?”

“Her life is not always lucky. Since she is still small, she had lost both of her parents in one accident. Because of that accident, she has coma for 6 months. She always blamed herself for what happen. In school she is being isolated by her friends. Her friends always talk bad behind her. Thanks for being with her; I can see how she looks really different now.”

“But….but…she never told me about this.”

“She always likes that. She doesn’t like to share her problems with other people.”

“I thought that I am the only one that had to face all this pain but there are other people that are in the same boat with me.”


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now...,all my assignment have been done so please wait for my update.Maybe on this saturday...^_^


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Keroppilove #1
Chapter 37: Aww the best story kinda ever
leogirlz_94 #2
Chapter 1: sory for the late reply... do you mean the 'that' person that i refer in chapter 1... if it is than it means her parents which had died....
ImYoonAndNichkhun #3
Who is ' that ' person 4 YoonA ? I cannot understand ...
wahh,, I just finish read your story,,
thanks for making khuna fanfic,
i like it,, hehehhehe,,
leogirlz_94 #5
thanks for all the supportive comment...i will try to make a new Khuna stories but maybe not now because i am really busy now but for sure someday i will come out with more great story..... And about the final chapter picture, i can't remember where i find it because i just find it randomly on one of the website....-;)
LilDO7 #6
Hi i saw this story and read it. its so good:)
Oh can l ask where you got the final chapter picture from?
It ended <3 please make more KHUNA stories I'll be waiting for you
fawbnerdy05 #9
Please write more awesome 9pm stories.!
The ending was great.!
Woohoo! Khuna!<3 woofany!<3 Taecsica!<3 changsoo.!<3
ImYoonAndNichkhun #10
Tks !! Post more KhunA stories!! You are a great author !! :P