Things Have Changed Greatly

Powerless Charm

heehee double update because I love you all too much♥ 
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Let me know what you think ^_^ Love you all!!~ 
Congrats to EXO for winning Best New Asian Artist♥
See you all soon!


Back at the flower shop, Taehyun checks her phone and noticed nine missed calls from Junhong. “Poor Junnie….he probably thinks I’ve gone crazy..” She sighed as she tucked the phone back into her pocket. She wasn't ready to talk to him just yet…she really needed to figure things out on her own. She went to the back and leaned against the wall.

“What is going on with me?!...Those people earlier…why do I feel as if I know them? I’ve never seen them before in my life…and I’ve lived my entire life in Lower Seoul and I didn't even know about the Biennial whatever…I feel like im losing my mind!” Taehyun thought to herself.  Then she heard the bell on the front door ring.

She walked back out towards the front. “We’re closed for the day~!” She chimed. She didn't see who it was because their back was facing her. The man turned around and his eyes grew to ten times the size. He dropped the flower pot he was holding as his mouth hung open. The noise from the shatter made him snap out of it.

He took a step closer to her. “…What …is your name?” The man asked her as he deeply furrowed his brow. She looked at him oddly, “Taehyun…I work at this store, and Im sorry but you are going to have to pay for that broken pot.” She proceeded.

The man didn't reply. He stood there, staring at her with a shocked expression. She looked at him slightly confused, “um…is there-something I can help you with?” She questioned. First this guy comes in after hours, then he breaks a flower pot, and now he is staring at her, which was freaking her out.

“It’s really you….It’s….It’s really you!” He shouted, making another step towards her. She quickly stepped back and looked at him like he was a crazy person. “Sir, if you don’t mind, im going to have to ask you to leave. The store hours have ended, please come back tomorrow.” She said quickly.

“Taehyun please…please try to remember.” The man pleaded. “Don’t you know who I am?” He asked her intently. She raised her brow again. “Well of course I know who you are.” She replied. His eyes immediately brightened and a smile grew on his face.

“Y-you do?!” He asked. “Well yeah, you’re that one guy from the Upper Seoul limo you’re here with that other guy and that girl for the Biennial thingy whatever.” Taehyun said nonchalantly. His smile immediately faded, “Is that all you know about me?” He questioned her, trying to make her remember.

“Im sorry, you must think Im someone else but, I’ve only seen you as of today, I truly do not know who you are or why you came in here and broke a pot.” She started to grow irritated. The man lowered his head.

“So they really did take you from me…” The man said. “Huh?” Taehyun questioned. This guy was growing more and more weird and Taehyun wasn't feeling comfortable. “Taehyun—“ Right when the man was about to finish, the door opened again.

“Tae is everything okay? You weren't answering my calls—“ Junhong came in. He stood at the door slightly confused. There was Taehyun, a broken pot, and the Upper Seoul official man he saw earlier. “Um what’s going on?” Junhong asked. “Hey look guy whoever you are, you better not be giving my girlfriend any problems.” Junhong says as he grabs her hand and interlocks his fingers with hers.

Taehyun shies away behind Junhong. She felt a lot safer now. The man stood there and to Taehyun it looked like he had just seen someone die. The color in his eyes was lost. “….girlfriend?” The man questioned. Junhong nodded.

“…N-no, sorry I was just paying for the broken pot is all. Didn't mean to cause your—girlfriend any trouble. I apologize.” He pulled out a 100$ bill without even asking the price and placed it on the counter. He bowed, “Im sorry for causing any trouble...” He slowly turned around to make his way towards the door.

“…w-wait…” Taehyun spoke out. “What’s …your name?” Taehyun questioned. She didn't’t mean to ask that question. Something in her body was screaming at her to ask. He looked at her and his eyes were so sad. He looked her in the eyes, “My name's…Jongin…Kim Jongin, but I go by Kai. It was nice meeting you Taehyun…sorry about the pot.” He spoke as he opened the door and left.

It was back. The chest throbbing pain was back. Taehyun’s breathing was becoming difficult and she clenched onto her chest as her heart began to quiver harshly. “Tae! Tae!! What’s going on?!” Junhong shouted worriedly. The next thing she knew she only saw black.


“My name's…Jongin…Kim Jongin, but I go by Kai”

“My name's…Jongin…Kim Jongin, but I go by Kai”

All Taehyun could feel was darkness, all she could see was darkness, but all she could hear….was what the man had said to her before  he left.

“My name's…Jongin…Kim Jongin, but I go by Kai”

Waking up, the lights of the hospital were too bright for her liking. She squinted as she tried to cover her eyes with her hand but realized she was attached to an IV. She looked around the room and saw no one. Next to her bedside was a small card with flowers next to it. 

"Tae, Im sorry I cant be there right now. I had a very important job interview...but don't worry I'll be there soon!" 
-Love Junnie

She smiled as she read the card and placed it back on the table. She the TV and figured she would make the best of a y situation. 

"In other news, yesterdays  Biennial Power Selection was a success. The Upper Seoul and Lower Seoul governments have decided to use this event as a peace treaty. The conflict between the powers and the powerless has ended. As a sign of the peace, both sides have agreed to have the barrier shut down and to combine as ONE unit "SEOUL." 

Taehyun would have been shocked...had she not been knocked out by her medication...She needed her rest anyways..


In Upper Seoul... 

"Breaking news, yesterdays  Biennial Power Selection was a success. The Upper Seoul and Lower Seoul governments have decided to use this event as a peace treaty. The conflict between the powers and the powerless has ended. As a sign of the peace, both sides have agreed to have the barrier shut down and to combine as ONE unit "SEOUL."

 Kai nearly spit out his coffee as he listened to the newscast. Chanyeol heard from the other room and came running all the way to their living room. Even all the other guys heard the news. In the streets, parades could already be heard. The conflict was now over... both sides were at peace now. 

"Isn't that great! The conflict is finally over!" Chanyeol smiled as he patted Kai on the back. Kai didn't pay much attention. He was too zoned out. His only thought... 

" may not know or even remember...but this conflict...its ended because of you. You have saved our countries...I just want to save you." 





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Very very sorry for being gone for a while! T_T finals are approaching and they are very important! Bare with me please


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knox001 #1
Chapter 21: Does she have a power? I hope she does..pretty please author-nim :3 :D
Chapter 29: I really hope she gets her memory back and just- im full on pray mode for this girl, your fic has go me in!
sn_syuhada #3
Chapter 29: I hope she has powers though~ hmm.. But please UPDATE soon!! My new favourite ff now! :D
Chapter 4: Aww! I wanted her to at least have a hidden power! :( but oh well, great job author-nim! :3
Hanny1397 #5
Chapter 29: Pls update soon~
Chapter 29: oh my gosh please update soon!!!! :DDD
I really really like your story!!!!!!!!!!
Smileyblu #7
Chapter 29: Update soon !...
Chapter 28: Update soon please ... //Pout//
Chapter 28: Man I cried reading this story. I was reading this while hearing I need you by Kim sunggyu. .... *sniff* damn, it's started again. update soon so I'll cry to my hearts content
sarang_sora #10
Chapter 28: merry christmas author-nim :3 hope that taehyun will remember then soon~

update-soon author-ssi