Welcome to Choesang High School

Powerless Charm


Sooyoung’s car stopped in front of the boy’s home and she honked. One by one the boys poured out of the house and it suddenly hit Taehyun. Oh no….the bullies are coming to Choesang too…I forgot. Hopefully they’ll stop teasing me. Plus I will have Sooyoung Unnie. It’ll be okay.. ..right?

When the boys opened the door to van, everyone immediately took notice of Taehyun in the front seat. They didn’t say anything except look at each other and remember what Kai told them.

*Flashback* I am going to apologize whether you all are or not. Kai said as he teleported away in seconds.


The silence was getting awkward so Sooyoung broke the silence. “Sooo…where’s the other one? I remember there being 6 of you.” Sooyoung raised an eyebrow as she checked the rear view mirror.

Suddenly, Kai appeared in the back seat. “Im here.” He said. Sooyoung awkwardly started the van, “um..okay..well is that all of you?” Everyone nodded in a agreement. Kai suddenly noticed that Taehyun was in the front seat. Why is she here? Is she coming with us to Choesang too? Does that mean…she has a power?

The drive to Upper Seoul was quiet. No one said anything to each other. Occasionally, one of the boys would say something or whisper something, but Kai and Chanyeol especially were very quiet. Taehyun on the other hand was freaking out.

Aigoo oettoke?! The bullies are all in the car with me…just when I thought I was escaping GN High school, they are coming with me. Gah…it’s okay. I should make the best out of the situation. At least I get the chance to go to Choesang High and live with the Upper Seoul citizens. Hopefully the charm works.

They were approaching the barrier. For some reason, the transparent wall Taehyun had seen earlier now looked like a death trap. Like moths to a buzzing lamp. Taehyun clutched the charm on her wrist and kissed it. Sooyoung’s car inched closer and closer to the barrier. Finally the car was through the barrier. Taehyun was expecting the worst.

Am I dead? She asked herself as a bright light flashed. But as soon as the light began to fade, she opened her eyes and realized she had made it. She finally left that horrible place behind, and things were starting to turn out in her favor. She stared at the charm on her wrist and smiled.

“Here we are.” Sooyoung said as she parked  her car and exited out. Everyone exited the car and was immediately amazed at what they saw. It was the Choesang School Building. It was HUGE! It was pretty much like  a hotel. It had about 25 floors of dorms and the building next to it was the same size but consisted of classrooms instead. This was it. This was Taehyun’s dream school. She  smiled brightly as she realized I’ve made it. Ive finally made it. I knew I was meant to be here. Upper Seoul, here I am.

Sooyoung led the way for them to follow her and showed them their dorms and where they  would be staying. Because of school rules, floors 1-12 were men’s dorms only. Then floors 13-25 were women’s dorms. Luckily for the 6 boys, they were all on the same floor. Floor 12. Each room had 2 people per room so the boys split up accordingly. Kai and Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Suho and Kyungsoo. Sooyoung then left them to show Taehyun their room.

“Taehyun-ah! You get to be my roommate! In case you’re not sure, we are on floor 24 araso? I know it’s a long elevator ride to get to our room, but trust me, the view is amazing.” Sooyoung walked over and opened a window that led out to a balcony. “Isn’t it beautiful?” She asked.

Taehyun peered outside and saw the bright blue sky of Upper Seoul. The air seemed cleaner, the sun seemed to shine brighter…everything just seemed…better. “Oh, Sooyoung…do you think before we start school…we could…go shopping?”

Sooyoung immediately brightened. “Of course! Oh my gosh there are so many cute shops I want to take you to. Let’s go now!” Sooyoung grabbed Taehyun and they went towards the elevators. As they waited for the elevators, the doors suddenly opened and Taehyun’s heart nearly dropped. The golden elevator doors opened to reveal the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

He stared at her and then smiled. As he walked out of the elevator she was speechless. She had never seen someone as gorgeous and breathtaking as him. Sooyoung and Taehyun entered the elevator.

“What’s wrong with you?” Sooyoung asked as she stared at Taehyun’s wide eyes and red face. “U-unnie….who was that?” Taehyun slightly embarrassed had asked. “Oh the guy from the elevator? That’s Kris. He’s one of the kingkas here at Choesang. Some people say he is one of the most powerful guys here. All the girls are all over him. But I don’t see what’s so appealing about him. His eyebrows really scare me.” Sooyoung said as she shuttered at the thought of his eyebrows. “Why? you think he is handsome?” Sooyoung asked smiling.

Taehyun just turned more red and nodded her head. “Aigoo~ Kyeopta my little dongsaengie has a crush. Well you have fun with that. Every girl wants to be with him. Have fun with the competition.” Sooyoung joked.

They exited the elevator and walked to the main street. There were many cute little clothing shops and food carts, cafés and bookstores. This really was like heaven for Taehyun.


Back on the boy’s floor, everyone set all their things down to unpack later. “Aish, it feels good to be away from GN.” Chanyeol spoke to Baekhyun. Baekhyun simply nodded. “Yah, Baek, lets go get the others and explore this place.” Chanyeol suggested. They put all their things down and gathered the others.

As they stood in the hallway between all their rooms, everyone could still sense the tension between Chanyeol and Kai.

“You guys are gonna have to talk to each other eventually.” Suho spoke. Chanyeol realized  that them acting like this wouldn’t be good, so he in his huge ego  and spoke to Kai.

“Kai, I’m sorry for flipping out on you. I don’t even know why I did. I was just…thinking about a lot…..Brothers?” Chanyeol apologized while sticking out his fist.

Kai was hesitant and he stared at Chanyeol for a while but then he raised his fist and bump it with Chanyeol. “Brothers” Kai said while smiling.

“Good. Now lets go explore!” Kyungsoo shouted. They all walked down the hall and went down to the main lobby floor. When they exited the elevator, all the girls in the lobby noticed them and Immediately began to squeal.

“Wah they are so gorgeous!””Omo they have such a bad boy image” “They are so hot” “Aigoo the new transfer boys are so handsome!” All the girls in the lobby were swooning.

“I could get used to this” Sehun said as he winked at one of the groups of girls causing them to spaz and squeal even louder.

“Aish, you are so full of yourself” Baekhyun said as he smacked the maknae’s arm.

As the 6 were walking through the building’s main entrance, they saw 6 other guys walking towards them. Students saw this and began to clamor all at once. Everyone was whispering to each other.

“Welcome to Choesang High School” A very tall boy spoke. “My name is Kris. Here at Choesang, my friends and I, we rule this school. I hear from the officials that you guys have pretty strong powers. But I’m warning you all now, we run this school. Don’t think about trying to come at us. You WILL lose.”

Chanyeol wasn’t afraid at all. He walked right up into Kris’s face. “Who do you think you are? Claiming yourself as king around here? Well my boys and I will change that very quickly. Maybe next time, you’ll know you messed with the wrong people.” All the other boys began staring each other down as Kris and Chanyeol were intently staring at each other.

“Tch, newbies coming in here trying to tell me what to do. Don’t say we didn’t warn you” Kris said while he walked away.

“Pftt, who does that guy think he is? God, if all Upper Seoul people are as snotty and arrogant as him, I say we go back to Lower Seoul.” Chanyeol and the rest decided to go down to main street and explore their new surroundings. 


~What do you think? (: Let me know in the comments!~♥
Thank youu♥ Btw, I am kind of busy for the next 2-3 days 
so hopefully this tides you over 'til next time? :3 I love you all~ 
Thank you... Comment and Subscribe~ :D

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Very very sorry for being gone for a while! T_T finals are approaching and they are very important! Bare with me please


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knox001 #1
Chapter 21: Does she have a power? I hope she does..pretty please author-nim :3 :D
Chapter 29: I really hope she gets her memory back and just- im full on pray mode for this girl, your fic has go me in!
sn_syuhada #3
Chapter 29: I hope she has powers though~ hmm.. But please UPDATE soon!! My new favourite ff now! :D
Chapter 4: Aww! I wanted her to at least have a hidden power! :( but oh well, great job author-nim! :3
Hanny1397 #5
Chapter 29: Pls update soon~
Chapter 29: oh my gosh please update soon!!!! :DDD
I really really like your story!!!!!!!!!!
Smileyblu #7
Chapter 29: Update soon !...
Chapter 28: Update soon please ... //Pout//
Chapter 28: Man I cried reading this story. I was reading this while hearing I need you by Kim sunggyu. .... *sniff* damn, it's started again. update soon so I'll cry to my hearts content
sarang_sora #10
Chapter 28: merry christmas author-nim :3 hope that taehyun will remember then soon~

update-soon author-ssi