
Powerless Charm


It was the next day and Taehyun was permitted to leave the hospital. When she woke up, she smiled at the sight beside her. Junhong had made a little bed out of pillows and slept on the floor. This health thing was becoming ridiculous.  After the nurses came in to help her out, she and Junhong left the hospital.

“So do you want something to eat or do you want to go home?” Junhong asked, holding her hand with his right and driving with his left. “Could you take me home please? I’m still kind of tired.” She replied. He nodded and proceeded to make his way to her house.

 Junhong had always cared deeply for her. She was his first love. They had known each other for a while now and both of them lived alone in their own homes, so he was going to finally ask her…to move in with him. Sure they were still young, but they were on their own now and they weren’t little kids in high  school anymore. It would be better for them to stay together…wouldn’t it?

He pulled up to her house and got out to open the door for her. Walking her to her front door, he placed a small kiss on her lips. “Get better okay? And if anything happens or you feel weird just call me.” He spoke. She smiled and nodded. “One more thing! Make sure you’re ready by 8 o’clock. I want to take you to dinner.” He smiled.

“Sounds good then.” She waved back as she went into her house. Closing the door behind her, she sighed as she set her bag down. She stood in the middle of her living room, absorbing the silence. Ever since her mom passed away, the house had been so quiet. All that could be heard was the soft and constant ticking of the wall clock.

Turning on the television, she went to the kitchen to grab a glass of soju. She normally wouldn’t drink, but since no one was there to stop her, she went on ahead. Drinking it quickly she knocked the glass back and cringed at the strength of the alcohol. It always managed to help her chronic headaches go away.

Then suddenly there was a knock at the door. She walked over and opened it. She was surprised to see it was that woman who was one of the officials from Upper Seoul. “Um, is there something I can help you with?” Taehyun questioned. The woman looked very sad for some reason, “May I come in please?” The woman asked.

Taehyun was very hesitant, but agreed. “Um….sure I guess.” Taehyun stepped aside allowing the woman to enter. She shut the door behind her and they both took a seat on the couch in the living room. There was an awkward silence until the woman finally spoke.

“So how are you?” The woman asked. Taehyun felt kind of uncomfortable considering she had no idea why this person was at her house. “Um, Im doing well I suppose. May I ask you, who you are?” Taehyun questioned.

The woman sighed. “So Kai was right…you really don’t remember.” Taehyun looked at her and creased her brow. “Why does everyone keep talking about him? And…who are you? Why are you here?” Taehyun let out. She didn’t mean to sound so rude, but things were really getting confusing.

“… If I tell you…you wouldn’t believe me.” The woman replied. “Try me.” Taehyun responded. To be honest, Taehyun just wanted some answers. The woman sighed, “ Well…for starters, my name is Choi Sooyoung. I am one of the Officials of Upper Seoul, and we…used to be best friends.”

Taehyun looked slightly confused. “How would we used to be best friends if I’ve never met you before?” Sooyoung exhaled before she spoke again. “It would take me too long to explain…but you will understand everything if you come with me.” Sooyoung answered. Taehyun furrowed her brow, “Go where?...and to do what?”

“Come with me back to Upper Seoul. It’s important for you to meet some people and…I can get you your memory back.” Sooyoung proposed. Sooyoung looked her in the eyes and insisted. “Please Taehyun, come with me. It won’t take too long.”

“Get my memory back?...Are you talking about—that day?...Two years ago?” Taehyun was beginning to connect some of the dots. Sooyoung was surprised, “You remember that day?” Sooyoung asked. Taehyun shook her head, “No…all I remember was a bright light, some man’s voice, and then blank.” Taehyun responded, “and ever since that day, I’ve had these horrible headaches that randomly get triggered. Like…when that ‘Kai’ person came to the flower shop…”

Sooyoung stopped for a moment. “Triggered?...” Taehyun nodded and showed her hospital bracelet. “I just came back from the hospital…it’s weird; Whenever certain things are said or I see something, my head will pound and I tend to blackout.”

Sooyoung creased her brow, “and you’ve been having these headaches since that day, two years ago?” Sooyoung questioned. Once again Taehyun nodded. Sooyoung adjusted herself in her seat. “That’s why im telling you; you have to come with me.” Sooyoung pleaded. Taehyun paused for a moment, “…when?”

Sooyoung began grabbing her bag, “We can go right now; the sooner the better. The drive is about an hour, but I promise you it will be worth it.” Taehyun still sat on the couch, thinking. Maybe if I go, I can finally get some answers… She looked up at Sooyoung, “Okay, I’ll go.” Taehyun got up and grabbed her phone. They got in the car and Sooyoung sped away. This is crazy! I just got into the car with someone I barely know…yet, I feel relatively safe. Where ever we’re going, I better get some answers. Taehyun thought anxiously to herself.


Kai and Chanyeol sat in their living room watching a movie and enjoying a nice cold beer. Kai never liked to drink, but after seeing Taehyun again, he needed anything to fill the hole that was re-opened in his heart. About an hour into the movie, Chanyeol had fallen asleep and proceeded to snore loudly. Kai’s mind had drifted off and he began to think of how quickly time had gone by.

In the two years that had passed, a lot of things had changed. The former “rivals” of Choesang High, Kris and his group along with Kai and the group, were now best friends and all members on the government Official Board. Kai let out a small chuckle as a smile curled on his lips. His mind then drifted to a bunch of memories of Taehyun.

The smile had disappeared from his face. It felt as if the blood drained out of his body. He felt empty. Looking down, he grabbed his beer and chugged the entire thing. Wiping his mouth, he grabbed the bottle and threw it against the wall in frustration. The loud crash startled Chanyeol, “Yah! What the hell are you doing?!”

Without saying anything, Kai got up and went to the fridge, grabbing another bottle. “Kai! What’s wrong with you?!” Chanyeol shouted again, he got up and made his way towards Kai. Kai pushed him aside and opened the new bottle, “Bottoms up” Kai said as he raised the glass to his mouth and threw his head back. Chanyeol pulled the bottle from Kai and pushed him. “Have you lost your ing mind?!”

Kai clenched his fists. “Chanyeol…I saw her.” Kai looked Chanyeol in the eyes. Chanyeol could see the pain that resided in his eyes. “…Who?” He questioned. Kai looked away. He couldn’t even say her name. Chanyeol had known Kai pretty much his entire life, so he was quick to catch on. “…You saw her?...Yoon Taehyun?”

Just hearing her name made Kai’s insides clench. “Well what happened?!” Chanyeol questioned. Kai paused for a moment before he spoke; closing his eyes he responded. “..She…she didn’t remember me. She probably thinks im some crazy weirdo.” He gripped the edge of the chair. Chanyeol crossed his arms and sighed. “Jongin. Did you really believe she would remember you? I want her to remember us just as much as you do, but you can’t expect her to.”

“…I know.” Kai sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and reached for the beer bottle. “You’ve had enough to drink.” Chanyeol grabbed the bottle away from him. “I’m gonna go take a shower. If you need anything just knock I guess..” Chanyeol turned away and was making his way to the bathroom when there was a frantic knock at the door.

Bang bang bang bang.

“Coming! Geez!” Chanyeol walked over to the door. “Baekhyun I swear if—.” Chanyeol stopped abruptly. “Hey.” The woman greeted. “Chanyeol who is it?” Kai asked from the kitchen as he was pulling a water bottle from the fridge. Chanyeol was silent for a second before speaking again. “It’s Sooyoung…” He responded.

“…and Taehyun.” Chanyeol finished.

Kai’s eyes widened and he slowly turned around, meeting eyes with her again.



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you ^__^
Hopefully you all have been well. Sorry it took me so long 

T_T But it's okay ♥ As long as you're all still with me its okay 
Have a fun and safe holiday season and hopefully you all 
enjoy~ ^________^ ♥♥♥

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Very very sorry for being gone for a while! T_T finals are approaching and they are very important! Bare with me please


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knox001 #1
Chapter 21: Does she have a power? I hope she does..pretty please author-nim :3 :D
Chapter 29: I really hope she gets her memory back and just- im full on pray mode for this girl, your fic has go me in!
sn_syuhada #3
Chapter 29: I hope she has powers though~ hmm.. But please UPDATE soon!! My new favourite ff now! :D
Chapter 4: Aww! I wanted her to at least have a hidden power! :( but oh well, great job author-nim! :3
Hanny1397 #5
Chapter 29: Pls update soon~
Chapter 29: oh my gosh please update soon!!!! :DDD
I really really like your story!!!!!!!!!!
Smileyblu #7
Chapter 29: Update soon !...
Chapter 28: Update soon please ... //Pout//
Chapter 28: Man I cried reading this story. I was reading this while hearing I need you by Kim sunggyu. .... *sniff* damn, it's started again. update soon so I'll cry to my hearts content
sarang_sora #10
Chapter 28: merry christmas author-nim :3 hope that taehyun will remember then soon~

update-soon author-ssi