Powerless AND Homeless

Powerless Charm


“U-um. W-wait hold up.” Kai turned around and ran to catch up to her. “I’m Kai. What’s your name?”

Taehyun looked confused and hurt a little but she tried not to show it. “I know who you are. I’ve had classes with you since middle school. Do you really not know my name?” Taehyun was slightly disappointed. Why am I so disappointed. I should’ve known all these years they wouldn’t even know my name. Im a nobody remember?.

“Wait…give me a second…” Kai stared into the sky. He walked in a small circle constantly mumbling to himself. Taehyun found it cute how he was getting frustrated because he couldn’t remember her name. Wait! I can’t think he’s cute! Him along with all his friends have made my life hell! Suddenly Kai stopped and turned around to face her.  “…Wait! Your name is….Yoon Taehyun right?” Kai said pointing a finger at her. “N-neh... Now I must be going home.” Taehyun stepped to the side of him and began walking very quickly. She was surprised that he actually knew her name and she didn’t want him to notice the slight blush coming over her cheeks.

Then, Kai teleported in front of her again. “I think you are forgetting my power. You won’t be able to escape me.” He smiled as he bent down to her eye level, his face very close to hers. Taehyun could already feel herself blushing but didn’t want to show him. “Please Kai-sshi. I need to get home. My mother will be very angry.” She bowed to cover her face. “Wait.” Kai said. Taehyun began to walk away and Kai grabbed her wrist.

Taehyun flinched as he grabbed her wrist because she thought he was going to hit her. Kai noticed this and let go of her wrist. His face softened as he looked at her scared fragile self shaking. Taehyun had been so shaken, that the moment he let her go, she ran. She ran as fast as she could. Panting. She knew it was late and that her mom would be home, so she would definitely have an earful when she got home.

This time, Kai didn’t chase her. He let her go. Yoon Taehyun…Kai thought to himself. In seconds he teleported and disappeared.

Finally after realizing Kai was no longer there, she approached her front door and dreaded what was going to happen when she went in. She slowly turned the knob hoping maybe her mom would be in the shower or something. She opened and noticed her mom wasn’t there. She sighed in relief and closed the door behind her. As she went up the stairs she noticed her bedroom door was open and there was a lot of shuffling going on. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene.

“UMMA!!” Taehyun shouted. Her mom was in her room tearing everything apart. All her clothes were thrown on the ground, her bed sheets were crumpled on the ground. All her possessions were thrown all over the place, broken. Her mom began shouting. “DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST COME IN HERE WHENEVER YOU WANT?! I CAN’T TAKE YOU ANYMORE. GET OUT! GET OUT! TAKE ALL YOUR CRAP WITH YOU! BE OUT BY TONIGHT OR I’LL CARRY YOU OUT MYSELF!” Her mom screamed as she stormed out the room.

Taehyun closed the door and the tears finally flowed out. She dropped to her knees as she looked around the room and saw all her things ruined. She noticed there was a bottle of vodka in the corner. Mom’s drunk again…again… She wept as she sat on the floor. She slowly stood up and starting gathering her things. She didn’t bother to grab any of her clothes. All she left with was her backpack, her phone, and a photo of her and her mom from years ago.

It was now about 2 am, her mom has passed out in the living room. Taehyun took her last look around the house. She had lived there all her life, and though her life was full of abuse and pain, a part of her would still miss that horrible place. She left. As she closed the door to the front house, she realized that she could never come back. This was it. Goodbye Mom.

Taehyun walked down the street. It was a cold night and no one was around. Where will I go now? I have no other place to stay, I have no other family, no friends down here. I have no job…and I’m all alone. Taehyun found a small place to sit down at a park. She pulled out her phone. Sooyoung Unnie.

Taehyun decided to call Sooyoung.

….”Yeobosaeyo?” Sooyoung answered. Of course she was sleeping considering it was 2 in the morning. “Taehyun? Why are you calling so late?”

Taehyun’s voice cracked as got choked up. “U-unnie…I have no where to go.”

“What? What are you talking about? Taehyun-ah where are you?” Sooyoung got up worriedly.

“At a park…” Taehyun caught her breath. She wiped the tears from her eyes and inhaled deeply.

“Taehyun-ah… I’m on my way right now.” Sooyoung hung up and grabbed her keys. She quickly left to her car and started driving from Upper Seoul to Lower Seoul.

Taehyun sat in the dark park all alone. She was so lost she didn’t know what to do anymore. She waited and waited and finally she noticed Sooyoung’s car pull up beside her.

“Taehyun….” Sooyoung said as she got out of the car and hugged her tightly.

“Unnie…I have no place left. My mom kicked me out. I don’t have a job. Unnie what do I do?”

“Taehyun… I can stay at a hotel with you if you want. I have to bring the 6 KM boys back to Upper Seoul tomorrow anyways. Lets go.” They got in the car and drove off to a hotel.

“Sooyoung-ah, why are they called KM boys?” Taehyun questioned. “Well…have you heard of the KM Generation?” Sooyoung replied.

“no…” Taehyun shyly denied.

“Okay well, I will explain more when we get to the hotel room araso?”


After arriving at the hotel, they checked in and settled down. “Taehyun-ah what are you going to do when I leave? Are you sure you have absolutely no where to go?” Sooyoung worriedly asked

“Mm. There’s no one. There aren’t any jobs either. All the funding goes to Upper Seoul…and we already know I cant go there.” Taehyun looked at the ground. “Unnie…what’s your power?” Taehyun was curious.

Suddenly Sooyoung ran out the door and came back with ice cream in the blink of an eye. “Super Speed.” She smiled. “Now here, eat this ice cream and let’s talk. Ask me all the questions you want. I’ll answer.” She smiled as she handed Taehyun a popsicle.

“Wahh, unnie you are so lucky. Im just a loser with no powers.” Taehyun frowned. Sooyoung went over and flicked her on the head. “Ow! Unnie what was that for?!” Taehyun whined.

“Yoon Taehyun! Don’t you EVER say you are a loser got that!? I don’t know anyone stronger than you! You have dealt with your mom for your entire life and you have never broken down! Don’t quit now got that!” Sooyoung looked serious. Taehyun went timid and continued to eat her ice cream.

“Unnie…can you explain to me what you meant by ‘KM Boys’?” Taehyun questioned curiously.

“Well, lemme start by explaining the KM Generation.” Sooyoung began. 



Wah...Another chapter down!~ Let me know what you think! 
I promise EXO will show up very soon! Patience my lovelies. ♥

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Very very sorry for being gone for a while! T_T finals are approaching and they are very important! Bare with me please


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knox001 #1
Chapter 21: Does she have a power? I hope she does..pretty please author-nim :3 :D
Chapter 29: I really hope she gets her memory back and just- im full on pray mode for this girl, your fic has go me in!
sn_syuhada #3
Chapter 29: I hope she has powers though~ hmm.. But please UPDATE soon!! My new favourite ff now! :D
Chapter 4: Aww! I wanted her to at least have a hidden power! :( but oh well, great job author-nim! :3
Hanny1397 #5
Chapter 29: Pls update soon~
Chapter 29: oh my gosh please update soon!!!! :DDD
I really really like your story!!!!!!!!!!
Smileyblu #7
Chapter 29: Update soon !...
Chapter 28: Update soon please ... //Pout//
Chapter 28: Man I cried reading this story. I was reading this while hearing I need you by Kim sunggyu. .... *sniff* damn, it's started again. update soon so I'll cry to my hearts content
sarang_sora #10
Chapter 28: merry christmas author-nim :3 hope that taehyun will remember then soon~

update-soon author-ssi