The Charm

Powerless Charm


“Unnie…can you explain to me what you meant by ‘KM Boys’?” Taehyun questioned curiously.

“Well, lemme start by explaining the KM Generation.” Sooyoung began. “Those who have super powers are called KM boys or girls because their DNA has the KM gene, which is the mutation that gives them these powers. Because so many children were being born with powers, it created a whole other social class which was then called the KM Generation. Those 6 boys, did not have powers in the beginning, but that’s only because the mutation was slightly recessive so it didn’t show up until now. But they are for sure KM boys.”

“Unnie! Does that mean that my power can show up later?!” Taehyun’s eyes gleamed with hope.

“Well…there’s one thing...” Sooyoung began. “What is it?” Taehyun asked.
“Taehyun, those who are a part of the KM Generation all have the same birthmark. It’s the symbol that allows people to pass through the barrier separating Upper and Lower Seoul.” Sooyoung pulled up hair and on the back of her neck was a small birthmark. “The 6 boys have already been checked and they do have the mark. Everyone in Upper Seoul has the mark. Girls have it on the back of their neck, and guys have it on their shoulders.”

Taehyun walked over to the mirror and lifted up her hair. No mark. “Does this mean I wont get a power?” Taehyun asked as her hopes were once again crushed. “Unfortunately Taehyun, you’re right. If you don’t have the mark, you will not get a power and wont be able to go to Upper Seoul.” Sooyoung apologized. “It’s okay Taehyun. Get some sleep and we can talk more tomorrow okay?” They both drifted off into sleep.

Hours later, Sooyoung woke up in the morning before Taehyun did. She had a dream that gave her an idea that just might work. Taehyun I think I can help you. Sooyoung made a call to her friend in Upper Seoul.
“Yeobosayo?......”Neh I have a question…….”….”…WAH JINJA?! DAEBAK!”….”Okay thank you!” “Bye!”
Sooyoung had a conversation with that friend and found out some great news.

“TAEHYUN! TAEHYUN! WAKE UP! OH MY GOODNESS!” Sooyoung was jumping with joy
Taehyun raised her head and sat up in the bed. “Unnie…what is it?” Taehyun yawned as she stretched out.


“MWOH?! JINJA?!!” Taehyun immediately woke up and beamed with extreme happiness. Sooyoung and Taehyun hugged each other in pure joy.

“But…how? I don’t have a power and I don’t have the mark, I wont be able to go through the barrier!” Taehyun questioned.

 “I called a friend and they said that there is a way or key that can be used to get through the barrier for those that don’t have powers.” Sooyoung replied. “We just have to go to his store and get the key from him…he said he would gladly give it to me…but we can’t tell anyone… it’s illegal…”

“WHAT? It’s illegal?!! What if we get caught?!” Taehyun was scared now. “U-unnie… I don’t think I --.”

“Taehyun! It’s okay! You wont get caught! I will be the only person that knows and I will make sure to stay beside you! Don’t worry.” Sooyoung comforted her. “Now get ready, we will drop by my friends store and then pick up the boys.”

Chanyeol and the others had packed all their things. “Hey guys, the people from Choesang  will be coming to pick us up later….Finally we can leave this hell hole.” All of them agreed. Even they wanted to get away from GN High School. They knew that if it wasn’t for their powers, they would be stuck in this dump for the rest of their lives.

Chanyeol looked over and noticed that Kai seemed preoccupied. “Kai, what’s wrong? You should be happy that we’re leaving. You told me yesterday how much you couldn’t wait to leave. Lighten up.”

“Chanyeol…do you know Yoon Taehyun?” Kai questioned. He didn’t know why he asked about her. It just slipped out. Ever since that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Chanyeol stopped at the mention of her name. “You mean ugly? Yeah I know her. Why?” Chanyeol looked away.

“Because…I want us all to apologize to her...before we leave.” Kai said while staring at everyone. Suddenly everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at him in surprise.

 “MWOH?!” Chanyeol shouted. “Why are you suddenly saying this? Micheoso?!”

“No. Im not crazy. I just feel that we have treated her so horribly these past few years, yet she has never done ANYTHING to us. Is that wrong for me to feel bad? Is it wrong that I want to apologize because I know that none of us have been nice to her? She doesn’t deserve the treatment that we have been giving her these past few years. She’s just an innocent powerless girl.” Kai spoke as he glared at Chanyeol.

“You really want to do this right before we are leaving? Who cares about her? She’s just one of the powerless. She’s nothing!” Chanyeol raised his voice. Kai was getting angry, but stopped himself not wanting to start a fight.

“Fine. Do whatever you want. But I am going to apologize to her whether you all do or not.” Kai teleported in an instant and was gone.  


Sooyoung and Taehyun had left the hotel and gone to her friend’s store. It was a creepy old secluded building on the outskirts of Upper and Lower Seoul, right next to the barrier. Taehyun had never been this far out and was in awe when she saw the barrier. It was a large transparent wall that stretched as far as eyes could see. They walked into the building and Sooyoung shouted “Oppa!” She ran over to the man and they hugged.

“Wahhh, Sooyoung-ah! How are you?” Sooyoung and the man had been catching up until he noticed Taehyun. “Is this your friend?” He asked Sooyoung.

“Neh! She is my best friend. The one that I was telling you about. So can we see the key?” Sooyoung asked.

He bent down in front of this vault and pulled out a peculiar looking charm. It was small and silver and it was in the shape of a hexagon with some lines on it. “This here, will allow the powerless to cross the boundary. If you lose this, you will not be able to cross the barrier so MAKE SURE that you keep this on you at all times. That barrier may look harmless but it will electrocute any powerless who try to pass through it. Only those with the mark…or in your case, this charm, can cross over. Im warning you two though, if the officials find out that your friend here is a powerless, they WILL not hesitate to….get rid of her.”

Taehyun froze as her chest began to tighten. She was so frightened now. What If I do get caught… he said they would…get rid of me…does that mean—they will kill me?!  Taehyun turned to Sooyoung with an extremely worried look on her face.

“Well Oppa, we have to get going now, but thank you so much! By the way…how do you know this charm will work?” Sooyoung asked him. “Sooyoung-ah…” he replied. “Did you forget that I am a powerless? How do you think I get through the barrier? Hehe” He chuckled and said his goodbyes to Sooyoung and Taehyun.

The car ride to pick up the boys was extremely quiet and awkward. “Taehyunie~ What’s the matter?! You should be happy! You can live in our dorms now and you will officially be a student of Choesang High School! Aren’t you happy?!”

“Of course Unnie…but…im scared.” Taehyun admitted. “what if they find out that I am a powerless and that I don’t actually have a power. Wont it be obvious that I don’t have a power?! If everyone finds out… they’ll….they’ll…kill me.” Taehyun shuttered as she said those last few words.

“Taehyun-ah! Don’t worry about it! Just be happy you can finally leave Lower Seoul and come to Upper Seoul with me! The people are really nice, and the guys are gorgeous” Sooyoung winked at Taehyun.

Taehyun felt less stressed as she held the charm in her hands. She took the ends and wrapped it around her wrist like a bracelet. Make sure that you keep this on you at all times. His words had echoed in her mind. Taehyun was suddenly in a lighter mood as she realized she no longer had to deal with her mother. She gets to stay at the beautiful dorms at Choesang with Sooyoung. She got to start fresh. Maybe things are working in her favor finally.

Sooyoung’s car stopped in front of the boy’s home and she honked. One by one the boys poured out of the house and it suddenly hit Taehyun. Oh no….the bullies are coming to Choesang too…I forgot. Hopefully they’ll stop teasing me. Plus I will have Sooyoung Unnie. It’ll be okay.. ..right?



Yay!~ Do you guys like it? How do you think things will be now 
that Taehyun is going to go to Upper Seoul? Lemme know in the comments!
Love youuu all~ ♥ :) 

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Very very sorry for being gone for a while! T_T finals are approaching and they are very important! Bare with me please


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knox001 #1
Chapter 21: Does she have a power? I hope she does..pretty please author-nim :3 :D
Chapter 29: I really hope she gets her memory back and just- im full on pray mode for this girl, your fic has go me in!
sn_syuhada #3
Chapter 29: I hope she has powers though~ hmm.. But please UPDATE soon!! My new favourite ff now! :D
Chapter 4: Aww! I wanted her to at least have a hidden power! :( but oh well, great job author-nim! :3
Hanny1397 #5
Chapter 29: Pls update soon~
Chapter 29: oh my gosh please update soon!!!! :DDD
I really really like your story!!!!!!!!!!
Smileyblu #7
Chapter 29: Update soon !...
Chapter 28: Update soon please ... //Pout//
Chapter 28: Man I cried reading this story. I was reading this while hearing I need you by Kim sunggyu. .... *sniff* damn, it's started again. update soon so I'll cry to my hearts content
sarang_sora #10
Chapter 28: merry christmas author-nim :3 hope that taehyun will remember then soon~

update-soon author-ssi