Surprise Surprise

Hello Baby~


They’re all relatively around my age, I guess by their looks, that and they are all extremely good looking.

“Hello, I’m Onew.”




The last one seemed a little dazed. “I’m Jonghyun.”

All bowing they continue to say. “We’re going to be your new Appas.”

Sighing I bow back. “Olivia, it’s” Pausing I search for the right word… “A pleasure to meet you all” I finally say giving up.

The look at one to another, the tallest one speaks. “Where’s your jacket?”

Biting my lip I look out the window. “I don’t have one” I being to explain. “It’s warm where I’m from.”

Shrugging off one of his jackets he helps me into it. “We’ll buy you one tomorrow, or you could borrow some of Taemin’s you’re both about the same size.” Minho says picking up a few bags.

The others stare in shock, but recover quickly grabbing all of my things.

“Thank-you.” I mumble pulling Minho’s jacket closer to me feeling the warmth of his body still on it, his scent overpowering mine.

Getting out of the airport was harder with people quickly recognizing the group of boys screaming Shinee, and then more directly to me. Causing Minho to pull me closer, and the boys to try their best to walk around me blocking me from them and from them seeing me.

‘Who the hell is the girl with them?!’ ‘I don’t recognize her!’ ‘Is she wearing Minho’s jacket?!’ 'Why is she with my oppas?!'

Those where the nice and not threatening ones, the ones I can bare to listen to, the ones not wanting to kill me on spot for being close to their oppas.

Once in the car I quickly realize how tired I am, all the crying, yelling, swearing, and refusing to get my rest on the plane is quickly catching up with me.

Yawning I lean myself on the person next to me, quickly letting sleep take me over.

Shinee’s POV


“She’s not so bad when she’s asleep.” Jonghyun says staring at the girl in Minho’s jacket, resting her head on Minho.

“She’s upset.” Minho says sighing. “We’re going to have to try to get her to open up to us.”

“Maybe Onew-Hyung can actually touch this one.” Key jokes lightly to their leader.

“I don’t know I think she could kill us if we say the wrong thing.”

“I know did you see her face when we called her a kid?” Taemin asks bewildered.

The boys sit quietly with the camera filming it all getting a close up on the two.

“Do you think she’ll be less hostile after she gets some rest?” Onew asks suddenly.

“Didn’t she rest on the plane?” Key asks confused.

“She did not,” The camera people say a bit taken back at the memory.

“What do you mean?” Minho asks looking down at the brunette girl her small frame completely covered by the jacket she’s cuddling into looking completely innocent.

“She was very upset about coming here.” They say a bit awkwardly.

“What do you mean upset?” Onew asks this time.

“She was crying for a while, then went on yelling, and screamed profanities, when she wasn’t doing any of that she was silently looking out the window.” A writer says looking at the young girl sympathetically. “Her parent’s forced this on her.”

The five boys’ attention goes straight to the girl, all silently promising to help her feel more comfortable while staying with them.

The ride back home was relatively quiet all the boys anxious to get back to their condo to discuss their game plan while letting Olivia get some rest.


“Olivia time to get up.” Minho says trying to stir her.

“Go away…” She mumbles quickly snuggling closer to Minho.

The boys all look at her. “One of us could carry her.” Onew says looking around at his band mates.

Sighing Minho picks Olivia up setting her on his lap then wrapping his arms around her small body. “She’s light.” He says surprised. “Really light”

The others look at the rapper who is trekking into the lobby carrying Olivia, leaving them to carry all the bags.

The boys all stare at their friend as they enter the lobby with the camera crews now standing behind them as they all enter the elevator.

“How do you think she’ll react when she wakes?” Someone asks.

“In a better mood.” Onew says staring at the girl in Minho’s arms. “Is she really that light?”

He nods his head. “Want to see?”

Setting his bag down he takes Olivia into his arms, she turns her head and cuddles into his chest. “SHE IS!” He says surprised.

Quickly all the boys want to see how light she is, passing her around while she sleep peacefully in her Appas’ arms. This all continues until she’s back in Minho’s arms.

“She’s super light; I’d think she’d weigh more.” Jonghyun says. “Is she healthy?”

The writers nod their heads. “She’s healthy.”

As the door opens they all walk down the hall carrying Olivia, or her things to their condo.

“Manger-Hyung where is she staying?” Taemin asks.

“I don’t know, but you need to figure it out, I’m leaving on my break in a few hours.” The manager says.

Surprised they all stare at him. “You mean we’ll be staying with her on our own?!” Key says being the first to recover his voice.



I haven't quite decided if she'll end up liking one of them, but there will be a few appearances for some other K-Pop stars (:

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Chapter 13: I like to see Olivia with Minho ^^
Chapter 1: I love it! Just finished reading and I'm about to re-read again! ^^
nice fic~!
Silver9311 #4
hey there i was curious who does she end up with?
vanessa-95garcia #5
Hello, two days ago I did users here.And is the first story I read and its sooo good!
Its soooo good!!! I kinda wanted them to get together in this one though. lol O well. A sequel is welcome! :D Great story. I'm one of those quiet readers who only comment when I finsh the story :D okay, im done, bye :D
Sunshinegrave #7
@OnlyHope<br />
She's about the same age, younger than Taemin, but she's just their pretend daughter on the show, 'Hello Baby'<br />
I'm glad you like the story ^^<br />
<br />
@Everyone that's commented<br />
AND... Sorry for never commenting back at people but, thank-you for all the comments :D
OnlyHope #8
Hey, i just started reading this story and im a little confused about the ages. If she's about the same age as them, how can she be their daughter. Other than that i love love love love the story!!!<br />
hoshichii #9
SEQUEL!!!!! <333 THANK YOU *bows <br />
<33333 YAYYYYY <br />
kekeke. <33