A Day with Taemin; Part 2: Confessions of Affections

Hello Baby~

Sitting on the cold swing, with Taemin next to me us chatting, Taemin suddenly says “Olivia?”  us both barely moving, the Camera crew done filming, the two of us left there alone in the cold of February.

“Yeah Taeminnie-Appa?” I ask looking over at him, and into his worried eyes, stirring something inside of me, anxiety.

“How come you haven’t told us where you’ll be going to school?” He asks staring into my eyes.

Looking away nibbling the inside of my cheek. “I don’t really want to tell.” I mumble glancing back over at him.

“Why?” Taemin asks, his innocent face twisted into hurt. “We care about you a lot, we’d like to know… Even if it’s just the country.”

Pursing my lips I look over at the distance. “Appa, you can’t tell the others. I don’t want them to know, not yet at least.”

Taemin stands up. “A secret? I don’t know if I can keep this a secret.”

“Then I won’t, Appa I’m not telling you all because I need at least one safe place just in case.” I tell him stopping to look up at him, his red-brown hair flapping slightly in the wind. “You have our home, isn’t that safe?”

Standing up I hug Taemin. “I don’t want to tell everyone, Appa.”

Feeling him wrap his arms around me calms my nerves he suddenly brought up. “I won’t tell them then, but I don’t want to be the only one to know forever Olivia-ah.” He says holding me like you would your best friend, and that’s exactly what Taemin was becoming to me, someone close and reliable.

“I’m going to school in  Paris, France, but that’s all I’m saying.” I mumble letting go. Taemin smiles at me, causing me to smile back.

“Do you like hyung?”

Flabbergasted by his intuition or rather how blunt he’s being I stare at him. “What?”

“Do you like Jonghyun?” He presses pulling me out of the park. “It’s just a question.”

“Yeah, and you’re full of them.” I resort back looking away from Taemin, and his all knowingness.  “What’s with it so suddenly anyways?”

“Don’t avoid the question.” He barks jokingly. “I won’t tell.”

“You’re sure you can keep so many secrets?” I ask as he pulls me into a café place, completely empty except for the staff and now us. Bowing to the staff and saying hello, they do the same, walking further into the coffee shop

“I can, and I’ll let you in on some secrets if it’ll make you more comfortable.” Taemin says letting my hand go, letting me pick a table while he gets us some hot chocolate.

Sitting down while staring at the table, sighing trying to figure out if I should tell Taemin that I do in fact like his best friend, and that his friend has me falling for him, falling fast for him. It was daunting really it’s been a while since I’ve felt anything like this for anyone, but at the same time exhilarating to feel this variety of effects that Jonghyun has on me. My heart racing, his soft lips making me melt, his warm arms enough to keep me warm even in this kind of weather how his voice could make me smile, even if I was having an appalling day, and who could forget those kisses, all the intense moments we’ve shared.

“Olivia-ah,” Taemin says waving a hand in my face. “Hello?”

Looking up at him smiling, blushing slightly from thinking about the lip locking. “Sorry Taemin, I spaced.”

Chuckling he smiles. “So do you?” Nodding my head was enough for him to smile, “I’m really glad.”

“What’s your secret?”

“God, I’m not confessing here.” He scoffs looking around now at girls that suddenly flocked here. “Come on let’s go home.”

Nodding my head I avoid looking at anyone other than Taemin’s back as he leads us out into the streets and back to the apartment, quickly we turn corners vanishing from the girls’ prying eyes. “They got their so suddenly.” I mumble as we walk into the condo. “They’re like vultures.” I mutter bitterly.

Taemin is smiles. “I’ve never told the Hyungs this, but I’ve had my first kiss.” He blurts out.

Looking at Taemin completely surprised. “Recently?”

“Fairly recent.” He says leading walking towards the bedrooms. “Let’s get back in our pjs’.”

Giggling I change into teal tights, pulling on a pair of pink, blue, yellow and white plaid pajama shorts, then argyle socks stopping below my knee, I quickly pull on a pair of white furry slippers stopping half-way up my calf. Pulling on a white tank top, then a black and gray stripped shirt with a moon and a star above bones above a read heart, then a red and black plaid pajama shirt and finally a gray zip-up hoodie to help keep me warm. Quickly placing my glasses on my desk I throw my long hair into a bun, putting a black slouchy beanie, stuffing my bun in the hat, before putting my glasses back on walking out of my room to see Taemin sitting patiently on the couch for me. “You look so nice.” He jokes, I’m completely aware that I’m really clashing but these are comfy and it keeps me warm.

Sticking my tongue out at him. “Well you look nice Mr. fashion.” I joke at his sweats, he looks more put together than I do, but I look a hell of a lot happier. “So how recent was this kiss?”

Blushing he looks away sipping his chocolate. “When was you last kiss?” He asks. “We’ll take turns admitting.”

I know my mouth is hanging open, I didn’t expect that one. “This morning.” I squeak out. Taemin’s eyes grow quite large. “We’re not telling anyone else promise?” I ask holding my pinky out for him, obviously we’re going to be spilling quite a bit. Nodding his head we make our pact. “My question stands.” I tell him after sipping my beverage.

“The first time we took you to work, we’ve been talking for a while, and we’ve agreed on to go on a date, but I tripped into her after being pushed and we kissed.” I just smile at him, it’s so cute, and it would happen to Taemin. “Was it Onew or Jonghyun you kissed?”

“Jonghyun, we’ve kissed a few times to be honest.” I say fidgeting. “And each time I swear my heart stops for a few seconds.” Taemin is poking my leg excitedly, and smiling at me widely. I’m about to ask another question when Jonghyun and Minho come walking through the door.

“Olivia-ah you changed pjs’?” Minho asks intriguingly. “These are…”

“They are obviously her comfy ones.” Jonghyun says jogging to his room. “I’m gonna change too!”

I’m completely silent as is Taemin, what if they heard us?

Taemin's secret crush <3 :D

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Chapter 13: I like to see Olivia with Minho ^^
Chapter 1: I love it! Just finished reading and I'm about to re-read again! ^^
nice fic~!
Silver9311 #4
hey there i was curious who does she end up with?
vanessa-95garcia #5
Hello, two days ago I did users here.And is the first story I read and its sooo good!
Its soooo good!!! I kinda wanted them to get together in this one though. lol O well. A sequel is welcome! :D Great story. I'm one of those quiet readers who only comment when I finsh the story :D okay, im done, bye :D
Sunshinegrave #7
@OnlyHope<br />
She's about the same age, younger than Taemin, but she's just their pretend daughter on the show, 'Hello Baby'<br />
I'm glad you like the story ^^<br />
<br />
@Everyone that's commented<br />
AND... Sorry for never commenting back at people but, thank-you for all the comments :D
OnlyHope #8
Hey, i just started reading this story and im a little confused about the ages. If she's about the same age as them, how can she be their daughter. Other than that i love love love love the story!!!<br />
hoshichii #9
SEQUEL!!!!! <333 THANK YOU *bows <br />
<33333 YAYYYYY <br />
kekeke. <33