Just a Little Bit Closer

Hello Baby~


Jonghyun stands between Onew and Taemin, chatting happily with them as I stay on his back leaning my head against his back. “Are we going home soon?” I ask drumming my fingers on Jonghyun’s shoulders. “I wanna take a nap.”

The four of them nod their heads “Nap time!”

“You have a mission boys.” A writer unnie says. “You can’t take a nap.”

“What?!” They all whine, “What is it?”

“We’ll reveal it when we get to the house.” She says, “The car is outside.”

Jonghyun walks all the way outside before setting me down gently to allow me to get in the car, once we’re all in the boys discuss the ‘mission’ and I contemplate if I should stay awake with them or take my nap, soon though my thoughts travel back to the kiss I’d shared with Jonghyun.  How amazing it felt, the way his hands held me, the feeling of our bodies pressed together.

“Olivia-ah, we’re here!” Taemin says waving his hand in my face grabbing my attention. “Come on, we’re waiting for you silly.”

Smiling at him I hop out of the car apologizing for spacing out, quietly we all ride up stairs to their condo. Walking in I hang my coat up just like the others, but instead of listening to the writers and camera directors I walk down the hall kicking my shoes off into my closet before hiding in the covers to think things through.


Jonghyun’s POV


Walking in with Olivia on my back, avoiding Minho’s gaze I talk to Onew and Taemin about some movie I saw a commercial for, I could feel Olivia getting impatient, drumming her fingers on my shoulders, mumbling about wanting to take a nap. Could she get any cuter? I think not, but that was all it took for me to dive into a reply of the kiss we’d just created. It was perfect, our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces…

Once we got home Olivia seemed just as spacey as she had in the car, everyone noticed. “What happened to her?” Minho asks as he watches her skip happily into her room before closing the door.

“Who knows?” Taemin mutters walking into the kitchen to start our mission of creating the perfect dinner for Olivia, in teams, Onew and I vs. Minho and Taemin…

“You did IT again didn’t you?!” Onew whisper-shouts in my ear.

I nod my head to my hyung. “IT just sort of happened.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “Cut it out until the show is over.”

“She’ll have to go to University by then.”

“Ask her to transfer or something.” Onew suggests shrugging his shoulders as we begin out meal of grilled cheese sandwiches, Oreos and peanut butter along with a glass of milk, carrots, grapes and some other fruit and vegetables that Olivia likes, glancing over at Minho and Maknae’s creation of some kind of soup, and side dishes.

“Where do you think Olivia is going to study?” I ask aloud. “She hasn’t said where.”

“We can ask, or maybe we should wait for her to tell us.” Minho tells us placing a few finishing touches on his meal.

Nodding my head, sighing I stand up after placing our tray on a table opposite of Minho and Maknae’s. “I’ll go get her.” I tell them running down the hall quickly opening Olivia’s door to see her writing something down in some notebook. “Dinner Olivia-ah.”


Olivia’s POV

Looking up surprised at Jonghyun as he opens my door to inform me about dinner. “M’kay.” I tell him tucking my journal under some covers, “I’ll be right there.”

Nodding his head he turns to leave my room, stuffing my journal into my suitcase in my closet, while turning the lights off I shut my door walking down the corridor, walking through the living room, raising my eyebrows at my Appas, setting up two different choices it looks like.

“Try some of each before you decide!” Taeminnie-Appa cheers walking over to me guiding me to his table.

Looking at the soup, chicken noodle soup it looks like. “Did Onew make this?” I ask pointing to it.

“No, we did.” Minho says hanging his head like Taemin. “You like chicken soup right?”

Nodding my head I take a spoonful of the soup, it being absolutely delicious, taking a small bite of the melon squares they have I smile happily.

“Omo what about us?!” Onew whines, “We tried our best!”

Turning my head I walk over to theirs seeing all my favorites, taking a bit of the grilled sandwich I smile again, “This stuff is good.” I tell them taking another bite.


“Pick one.” A write unnie calls. “The one you want to eat.” Looking at both dinners I eye each one carefully…

“I’m sorry you guys.” I say kissing Jonghyun and Onew’s cheek as I sit at Minho and Taeminnie-Appa’s table. “I really want their chicken soup.”

The other two sulk eating their food mumbling about how that this wasn’t fair. Quickly eating the five of us are sitting on the couches, cameras finally gone, letting us relax “I’m going to go to bed.” I mumble yawning while leaning against someone.

“I’ll take her.” Jonghyun says lifting me up. “I’m gonna go to bed too.” He adds walking down the hall laying me on my bed. “Night Olivia.”

Falling asleep I’m vaguely aware that I’m holding his hand whispering “Stay with me tonight please.”

My homework took longer than I thought it would @W@;;

Anywyas enjoy! (:
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Chapter 13: I like to see Olivia with Minho ^^
Chapter 1: I love it! Just finished reading and I'm about to re-read again! ^^
nice fic~!
Silver9311 #4
hey there i was curious who does she end up with?
vanessa-95garcia #5
Hello, two days ago I did users here.And is the first story I read and its sooo good!
Its soooo good!!! I kinda wanted them to get together in this one though. lol O well. A sequel is welcome! :D Great story. I'm one of those quiet readers who only comment when I finsh the story :D okay, im done, bye :D
Sunshinegrave #7
@OnlyHope<br />
She's about the same age, younger than Taemin, but she's just their pretend daughter on the show, 'Hello Baby'<br />
I'm glad you like the story ^^<br />
<br />
@Everyone that's commented<br />
AND... Sorry for never commenting back at people but, thank-you for all the comments :D
OnlyHope #8
Hey, i just started reading this story and im a little confused about the ages. If she's about the same age as them, how can she be their daughter. Other than that i love love love love the story!!!<br />
hoshichii #9
SEQUEL!!!!! <333 THANK YOU *bows <br />
<33333 YAYYYYY <br />
kekeke. <33