Haters, Concerned Appas and more tears

Hello Baby~


“We’re gonna make breakfast then go buy a heater.” Minho says standing by the entry way. “You can get ready while we make breakfast.”

Nodding my head and getting off the couch and walking to my room Jonghyun and I exchange glances. “M’kay Appa.” I say walking off down the hall to my room. One alone in there I dance to myself. Happy at the thought we’d both just kissed, it warmed my body, and life just seemed to get better, it was one of those kisses.

Walking to my dresser I pull out a pair of light washed skinny jeans, navy blue, light and red argyle socks, and boots with a plaid pattern on the tongue of them folded out. Pulling these on I instantly shivered from how cold the room is, pulling on a off-the-shoulder-shirt and pulling a sweater over it I rub my arms to keep warm. Finally putting in dinosaur earrings and a bird cage necklace, quickly stuffing my phone into my pocket I sit at my desk starting up my computer, waiting patiently for it to turn on. Quickly typing in to go to my e-mail to check them I’m faced with hundreds of e-mails from hundreds of people.

Surprised I open one.


To: Olivia

From: [email protected]



I don’t know who you think you are but what the hell do you think you’re doing living with my Oppas?! There isn’t anything special about you, you’re not pretty, and you’re pretty damn ugly. GET AWAY FROM MY TALENTED AND AMAZING OPPAS!!!!



Completely shocked I stare at my screen quickly realizing, they are all hate mail from fangirls of SHINee, all sending me, hate mail, death threats…

“Olivia something the matter?” Minho asks knocking on my door.

Quickly shutting my laptop I spin around flustered, to him giving me an interested look. “Fine.” I mumble smiling. “Breakfast ready?”

“Yeah.” He says already on to that I’m hiding something. “What was that?”

“What was what?” I ask him walking over to him.

“On the screen you shut suddenly?”

“Oh that…” I walk past him and try to think of something. “My diary I keep on my computer.” I lie quickly. “You know writing about my past few days here.”

Grabbing my arm he pulls me back. “Really?” He asks spinning me around to look in my eyes for deceitfulness.

Gulping I nod my head, having him stare at me so intensely made me panicky. “Y-y-y-y-yeah.”

He sighs hugging me. “You can tell me the truth I won’t get mad.”

Biting my lip I nod my head. “It wasn’t anything, come on I’m hungry.” I mumble pulling away. As shocked as I am, I don’t want them upset at their fans.

Feeling my phone buzz I stop mid-step pulling it out feeling Minho’s eyes staring at me as I look at the text message I’d just gotten.







Was all I read before quickly leaving it and stuffing it back in my pocket, I didn’t want to read people’s hurtful words, I didn’t want to know how much I’m hated on now a world wide scale.

“Who was it?” Minho asks me.

“Just a mistake.” I tell him smiling pulling on his hand to the table.


While eating I was quietly thinking how this day had started out amazing, with the kiss and everything, but quickly turned sour all because I decided to turn my laptop on. I’m going to have to change my e-mail, no doubt, delete my facebook, and most likely my number too since it’s gotten out. The trouble with this I guess was bound to catch up with me.


“Olivia!” Taemin says while poking me. “You ok?” He asks looking at me concerned, they all are.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I tell them smiling, keeping this a secret won’t be too bad.

“Minho was telling us that you seemed bothered by something.” Jonghyun says, eyes full of worry and care, at least I’d like to think that. “What is it?”

I shake my head. “It really is nothing.”

Looking down at my food I begin to eat as an excuse not to talk, ‘It really is nothing’ that was what I told my parents when the rumors got around, it didn’t bother me, they are just dumb words…Words that pack a punch and hurt. Finishing before the others I rinse my plate in the sick and place it in the dish washer before returning to my room.


Opening my laptop I delete all the e-mails, I don’t want to see their words, I don’t need them. Logging on face book I see all my notifications, all from people commenting on my page, all saying the same stuff, some of my friends defending me. I regret it suddenly, logging on, going to my account settings I deactivate my account, turning my laptop off, and locking my door to my room I sit against the wall crying.



I'm gonna work on my hate mail skills don't worry ._.;;

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Chapter 13: I like to see Olivia with Minho ^^
Chapter 1: I love it! Just finished reading and I'm about to re-read again! ^^
nice fic~!
Silver9311 #4
hey there i was curious who does she end up with?
vanessa-95garcia #5
Hello, two days ago I did users here.And is the first story I read and its sooo good!
Its soooo good!!! I kinda wanted them to get together in this one though. lol O well. A sequel is welcome! :D Great story. I'm one of those quiet readers who only comment when I finsh the story :D okay, im done, bye :D
Sunshinegrave #7
@OnlyHope<br />
She's about the same age, younger than Taemin, but she's just their pretend daughter on the show, 'Hello Baby'<br />
I'm glad you like the story ^^<br />
<br />
@Everyone that's commented<br />
AND... Sorry for never commenting back at people but, thank-you for all the comments :D
OnlyHope #8
Hey, i just started reading this story and im a little confused about the ages. If she's about the same age as them, how can she be their daughter. Other than that i love love love love the story!!!<br />
hoshichii #9
SEQUEL!!!!! <333 THANK YOU *bows <br />
<33333 YAYYYYY <br />
kekeke. <33