
Because not every expectation that you expect is going to be happened. Not every dream that you’ve dreamt is going to be true. And not every promises you’ve made is going to be fulfilled.




“I don’t want to go with you. I’m waiting for somebody.” Suzy said flatly, more interested with the stone than Myungsoo. Myungsoo then sighed and then grab her wrist and take her with him.


“Don’t fight back. Woohyun hyung asked me to take you home.” Myungsoo didn’t bother to look at her expression the time he said her brother’s name, smiling to himself feeling proud that he has finally annoyed this girl on his arm.



“OPPA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?” shout her to her one and only brother. Woohyun. Woohyun who has been thrown by any stuff in the kitchen just defend himself with his hands, hoping to not see knives flying toward to him. “WHY DID YOU ASK THAT ‘THING’ TO TAKE ME HOME? WHY OPPA? WHY?”


“Suzy-yah!!! Stop! Our neighbors may think something has happened because you shouted all the time plus the voices of stuff that you threw!” No one would ever think somebody as silent as Suzy will shout because this kind of thing, well, no one would ever think that Suzy does shout.


“I don’t care! Just let them be & they’ll take you to the police for violence against girl!!!” Suzy just keep throwing things to Woohyun, of course just things that won’t give him a big wound.


“LISTEN!” Woohyun finally shout. Suzy just stand there, glaring at him with a wood spoon on her hand. “Taecyeon was busy so he couldn’t pick you up, so I asked if Myungsoo could drive you home and he said yes! Why did you mad, anyway? You guys have been in the same class for like….everytime!”


“BUT…” she was going to throw another spoon to her brother until she sighed heavily and then leave her brother alone, “Don’t wait me home, I’m just going to Taecyeon oppa’s house.” She said pissed off.


“IT’S LATE!!!!! It’s almost nine!!” Woohyun shouted after he looked at the time, Suzy just looked at him coldly and then go to Taecyeon’s home anyway, she didn’t ask for permission though, she was telling him that she’s going.


She walked to Taecyeon’s house, while thinking why did she get mad. Myungsoo didn’t do anything to her, even though for the past days he has been bothering her, it wasn’t like he’s doing violence to her, right? How did Woohyun know him, by the way? Myungsoo said ‘Woohyun hyung’ before, and Woohyun said he asked him to take Suzy home, are they close or something? Whatever, she just pissed off and didn’t feel like she wants to see his brother now.



Her eyes display nothing but coldness. She looked at the ground blankly, didn’t know why is she being like this. They don’t have any special relationship, then why does she feel disappointed? Why does she feel betrayed? Where are the words ‘I will always be there.’?


“Yo! What are you doing on a park this late at night?” a guy asked her, but Suzy remained silent. Still looking at the ground thinking about what just happened in front of her eyes. “Hey, I’ve told you to answer when people ask, don’t you remember?” that guy asked again. But then, what he got is only silence. Something’s started to bother him, “Hey! You’re still alive, right? Say something!” he shakes her shoulder but Suzy stayed still. “Don’t scare me, I’m not scared of anything like this, Suzy.” He looked at her strangely, wonder why didn’t she do anything to him. He didn’t know what to do, so he went in front of her and then her hair to see her face but her hands are there covering her face. Myungsoo reaches her hands trying to remove them off her face, and once it’s done, Myungsoo’s eyes widened. Never thought he will ever be able see her tears.


“Don’t cry, you’re much uglier when you cry” Myungsoo , but didn’t get any response. Over all the way people cry, the saddest one is when someone is crying in silence, without any sobs heard, without anyone there to help. He ‘barely’ know her even though they have been together for about 10 years, but to see someone like her crying like this… “I’ve never seen a girl as ugly as you are right now.” He tries to again, doesn’t know what he should do to make this girl at least stop crying.


“I’m sorry..” she finally said something.


“You should be.” Myungsoo said trying to be sound as pissed as possible. But again, what he found is silence. “Let’s go home.” Myungsoo grabs her hand and tries to make her leave the swing, feeling responsible for her, she did stand, but then the last thing that he expect to be happened had just happened , Suzy hugged him.



From: Taecyeon

Suzy? She isn’t at my house, did she say she is going to?

Woohyun didn’t believe what he just read, she’s not with Taecyeon? Then where is she? It’s too late for a girl to be out at this time, he grabbed his jacket and then go look for Suzy anywhere possible in this town, didn’t even bother to brought his phone because he knows Suzy doesn’t have any friend that he could contact.


It’s been over an hour, and he hasn’t found Suzy. He decided to go home with a hope deep inside his heart, he hopes that the moment  he opens the door, he’ll find Suzy there. Pouting at him, yelling at him, or anything. He just want to see her there. But no. He didn’t find anyone there, only his phone that has just stopped ringing.


From: Myungsoo
@ 23:22

Hyung, Suzy was fainted. She’s sick. I want to take her home but your home is too far so I take her to mine. Don’t worry, my parents are overseas & my aunt will help her.

To: Myungsoo

Is she okay? I’m going to your house.

He got even shocker now, Suzy? Sick? It really is a rare thing that Suzy’s sick, since they were kids Suzy has always been healthy somehow. And now she’s sick? And even faint? Woohyun was going to go to Myungsoo’s house by now, but then he doesn’t know why but he stopped and just stay there. Praying for his sister so she will be fine. After 16 years of her life, she only has been sick twice. And it was because….ah… something very bad must have happened.


‘Woohyun hyung?’ Myungsoo says over the phone, ‘Hyung, she has fever, I don’t think she could attend school tomorrow, her fever has gone up to 40°. She…’ Myungsoo suddenly stop & his voice changed ‘Don’t come here, oppa. Just take a rest, I will be okay.’


“Su…” Suzy hung up the phone before Woohyun said anything, Suzy asked him to stay, so he stay. Then he walked to the balcony of his room, watching the stars that shining brightly in the dark, a sad smile appears in his face.


“You know…you’re just like the stars. Didn’t show up when everything is alright. But always there when it’s the darkest time.” He said to Suzy who is not even there.



Hoy hoy~ I'm sorry bcs my modem got broken so I couldn't update anything & only online via my phone. thanks for those who read this, sorry for the grammatical error & everything ^^

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I'm sorry if there are still readers who's waiting T.T school has been stealing my time DX


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anisakurnia #1
Chapter 35: Please update...
I love MyungZy very much...
anisakurnia #2
Chapter 35: Please update...
I love MyungZy very much...
shumz456 #3
Chapter 34: Plz update soon!
Chapter 34: Update soon pliss Myungzy
shumz456 #5
Chapter 33: Plz update soon!
Chapter 33: myungzyyy! and woohyun's support :D
Update soon plizz :D
Chapter 32: Update soon pliss oh myungsoo this is a opportunity for back with suzy awww chapter very cute
shumz456 #9
Chapter 32: plz update soon!!