
What is it called when your heart keeps beating so fast only when you’re around that special someone? What is it called when you can’t help but think about that special someone whatever you do? What is it called when you have no idea what’s happening but all that matter is that special someone is happy? Oh. Falling in love.


“Suji? Are you okay?” Taecyeon shook her by the shoulders as he didn’t get any answer for the question he just asked a minute ago. Suzy only shook her head as if she has only been released from a jinx, she turned to face him and only smiled as an answer.


He could only sighed at this, he knew something was wrong and he got the confirmation from Myungsoo just a while ago. Because as much as he wanted to not say anything, Myungsoo knows if it’s not Woohyun at least Taecyee on needs to know about what happened. “Where did you go today? Whom did you go with?” he whined.


“A friend.”


“Only friend? Not friends?”


“Yeah, you know me. I am lucky enough that he wanted to be  friend with me. Most people don’t.”


Taecyeon sighed again how he miss the opened Suzy. The one who wouldn’t hesitate to tell him anything or even everything that happened at her, especially something bad. He knows that people have stories they’d rather to keep than to share. But things like this is definitely not one to be kept.


“Who is Seunghyun-ssi?” Hearing his words, she was startled. How could he know Seunghyun? “I met him at the hospital you’re in. He was talking to Woohyun.” He reasoned, it’s true tough, he met Seunghyun when he visited Suzy in the hospital.


She was quiet at first but in the end she said, “He’s my teammate. I unexpectedly become friend with him after the trip.”


“Okay.” Was the only thing he said, he was waiting for Suzy to tell him herself, he doesn’t want to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. If she’s going to tell him, she’ll tell, but if she’s not going to, so be it.


“Oppa…” her voice was so quiet, so quiet that people might think she’s whispering. But what she’s going to say Taecyeon never knew, Suzy suddenly burst into tears and buried herself on Taecyeon’s embrace. “I’m sorry…” she said between her sobs. “I’m sorry that I’m being like this.”


Taecyeon didn’t do anything except giving her embrace and her hair gently, letting her to cry her heart out, a moment of Suzy breaking down is definitely a rare moment.


“Something happened today.” She said once she’s done with the tears, she was cuddling with him on the living room. “But I don’t want to tell you because it hurts enough to just remember it.”


At least. She’s having an intention to tell something about this to him. That’s enough for him. Enough. The fact that she’s been calling Myungsoo’s name in her sleep is…just too much. So with this…is very enough for him.


“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.” He said softly as his fingers ran through her long hairs. “I will not make you to do things you don’t want to do. But just know that whatever happens. I repeat. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you, okay?”


Isn’t she supposed to be happy to hear those words? Isn’t she supposed to be flattered by those words? But the only thing she feels was guilt. A guilt that she felt like she will never able to pay off until whenever.





“Ya~ You’re going to be like this until when?” Sunggyu pokes Myungsoo’s side, making him to turn around to face him.


Myungsoo sighed and shook his head in frustration, still worried about how is Suzy doing. “I’m sorry hyung. I’m just not feeling well.”


Sungyeol rolled his eyes, “Yeah. Not feeling well until Suzy is mine again.” He butted in without caring pairs of eyes that all shot to his direction. “What? I’m telling the truth! I know I was wrong for leaving her alone, but I did that because I had seen that Suzy is comfortable with Seunghyun! And I left her that time because I saw her approaching you, and what did you do? You talked to another girl making Suzy to call Seunghyun out. Then after that you get angry at her for not answering your call and went off somewhere with Seunghyun? Yeah, you called her only to let her saw you kissing another girl.”


The other member was already rushing to make the two not facing each other, but the next thing they know was Myungsoo left without words. He didn’t even want to hit Sungyeol? It was a big thing for them, remembering how the two often fight with each other.


“What the hell are you thinking? Talking like that when his state is not right.” Woohyun said with a big sigh, he never expected to see his friends like this. Especially Myungsoo.


“I just hate to see him like that. I know we’re used to the fact that he’s sometimes cold and not talking to people, but doesn’t it hurt you guys as well? To see him being a walking death just because of a girl.” He quickly turned to Woohyun and raised his hands, “No offense, hyung. I love Suzy too. But I don’t like to see one of us being like this because of a girl.”


“I hate it too, Sungyeol.” He stopped. “But that how people is when they’re in love.”


Woohyun doesn’t know if what he’s doing is right or wrong, but the only thing he know is: Suzy is happy with Myungsoo. Therefore, he needs to get them back together. He needs to.

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I'm sorry if there are still readers who's waiting T.T school has been stealing my time DX


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anisakurnia #1
Chapter 35: Please update...
I love MyungZy very much...
anisakurnia #2
Chapter 35: Please update...
I love MyungZy very much...
shumz456 #3
Chapter 34: Plz update soon!
Chapter 34: Update soon pliss Myungzy
shumz456 #5
Chapter 33: Plz update soon!
Chapter 33: myungzyyy! and woohyun's support :D
Update soon plizz :D
Chapter 32: Update soon pliss oh myungsoo this is a opportunity for back with suzy awww chapter very cute
shumz456 #9
Chapter 32: plz update soon!!