Meeting with The Foreingers; The end of the Engagement.

Negotiate with Love

Kibum had a feeling that Minho didn't feel the same way about him as he felt about Minho. Kibum knew that he could be over-reacting, he did have a tendency to get worked up when it came to Minho, but this time was worse than any other time he had called Minho a 'cheating Frog'. Minho was smiling happily at a pretty young girl who was batting her eyes back at him. The girl was a foreinger who was visiting  korea with her father. Kibum was proud of all that Minho had achieved in his short three years as the Minister of Korea . The issues between the Germany and Korea had all but vanished and trade had never been better. Minho's 'no war' policy had seemed naïve and foolish at first and no one was more surprised than Kibum when it paid off in ways he could never had imagined. When Minho had first arrived in the ministery all Kibum saw was a shy boy who couldn't tell one end of a document from another. Kibum had resented his presence from the start. He was furious to think that he should bow his head to this idiot boy who knew nothing of their work and follow his orders.

That all changed however, Minho proved to be a great Minister who ended the wars between North and South Korea. No minister in the history of Korea had even thought it possible to achieve peace with Japan but then a boy apeared and changed everything. Kibum found himself beginning to admire, even fall for, the froggy boy in ways he couldn't have imagined. Even now Kibum couldn't pinpoint exactly when it was he fell for Minho but he fell hard. Now his every waking moment was filled with thoughts about Minho and his dreams plagued with images of Minho leaving him behind for a woman. In Kibum's mind there was no greater insult than Minho breaking their engagement ( Got engaged by their parents for political rreasons ) for some woman he had just met. How could Kibum ever compete for Minho's love against a woman? How could he make Minho see him when all Minho could see were pretty girls? They had been engaged for five years and Minho hadn't even kissed him.

To protect himself Kibum tried to hide his feelings behind a brash and sometimes diva-ish exterior. But Minho could always break through the fragile walls that Kibum had built around his heart. Kibum looked away from where Minho was still chatting to the pretty brunet girl. Minho had stormed the maison protecting Kibum's heart and torn down its walls leaving Kibum feeling more vulnerable than he had ever felt in his whole life. Kibum had had many admires in the past, both male and female, but he had ignored them easily. Why was Minho so different? Why couldn't he push him away like he did to all the others? Kibum closed his eyes and sighed. Maybe it was because he had never loved before. Kibum didn't value time like other people did. 23 years was nothing to Kibum and he used to think that 23 years without love wasn't anything to worry about. Now Kibum thought differently.

Minho had made Kibum feel lonely whenever he wasn't around so Kibum treasured the moments they had together. It was why Kibum always chased Minho even though Minho didn't want him to. At first it was because he had to do so as the frog's fiancé like his parents told him but now it was because he wanted so desperately to be with Minho. It hurt so much when Minho rolled his eyes in exasperation when he found out that Kibum had yet again snuck on board a plane or talked his way into following them. Whenever Minho tried to leave Seoul and leave him behind it felt like a stab to Kibum's heart. Minho had no idea how painful it was to be pushed away by the one you loved; to know that they would rather spend time with your younger half brother than with you.

Kibum didn't believe for a second that Taemin loved Minho the way he loved Minho. Taemin saw Minho as the father he didn't have and loved him like one. Kibum wasn't as stupid as everyone thought he was. But it still hurt to see Minho smile so brightly at Taemin whenever he saw him. Kibum wanted Minho to smile at him like that; he wanted Minho to be happy when he was near like he was when Minho was near. Yet Minho just seemed annoyed by his presence and it hurt, it hurt so much.

The young lady giggled and glanced shyly up at Minho with her baby blue eyes. Minho had a stupid grin on his face and was making a total fool of himself. Kibum felt a pang of jealousy shoot through his body. All the times he had called Minho a 'frog' or an 'idiot' it was all to get Minho's attention. He wanted Minho to look at him, just to notice him, so he did the only thing he knew how to. He shouted and threw insults around. In the past Kibum had always gotten what he wanted by shouting or throwing a temper tantrum. People feared him and his temper so they did their best to please him. That technique didn't work on Minho however. Minho just became angry at Kibum when he shouted or just ignored him. Kibum soon learnt that by trying to get Minho's attention he was just pushing Minho further away from him. But Kibum didn't know what else to do. So he kept on shouting.

This time Kibum didn't want to shout or make a fuss. He just didn't have the energy. He was tired of trying so hard to make Minho love him but getting nothing but blank looks in return. Minho was adamant that he didn't like boys 'that way' and that all he wanted was a girlfriend. Kibum couldn't understand, what was so special about girls? Kibum could do anything ual to Minho that they could do. He would happily give his body to Minho if he would only ask him. But Minho didn't want him. Kibum closed his eyes again to force the tears back. It was as if there was a metal case around his heart that tightened every time Kibum thought about Minho. Now it was crushing his heart so tightly it was painful.

"Hey Key this is Lady Mariella," Minho was still grinning. Kibum opened his eyes and carefully put on his mask of slight disdain. "She's here with Duke Andrew." I know that Minho,Kibum thought to himself. He knew all about Duke Andrew coming to sign the German-Korean treaty. He had known for months.

"Nice to meet you," Kibum said politely looking the girl up and down. Kibum hated to admit it, but Mariella was pretty. Her blue dress looked like it was made of silk and it matched her eyes. Her waist was tiny and her bust large but no were near as big as Kibum's mother's. Then again Gwibum was in a league of her own.

"It is an honour to meet you Mr. Kim." Mariella smiled and dropped into an elegant curtsy. Kibum felt another wave of anger and jealousy flow through him. Mariella was from a wealthy family and she knew her manners. If she had been rude at least Kibum could have good reason for hating her guts. But Marielle seemed to as polite as she was pretty.

"I'm sure it is," Kibum said with a slight sneer to his voice. Mariella looked surprised and glanced at Minho who frowned at Kibum.

"Lady Mariella is going to be staying with us tonight and leaving tomorrow." Minho continued giving Kibum a stern look. Oh wonderful, Kibum thought but he said nothing. Mariella smiled at Minho showing perfect white teeth. Kibum had to clench his hands to stop them from shaking. Mariella may be pretty and perfect but she was stealing Minho from him! What was worse is that Minho as expected didn't care. Kibum felt his eyes sting. He couldn't cry now, not in front of Choi Monho. Kibum never cried in front of Minho, he refused to show him such weakness.

"I see you are enjoying spending time with my fiancé." Kibum said and Mariella looked at Minho in surprise.

"Mr. Kim is your fiancé?" Mariella asked looking shocked and embarrassed.

"Didn't Minho tell you about that?" Kibum asked innocently knowing full well that Minho hadn't told her.

"Oh," Mariella blushed furiously and turned to Kibum and dropped into another curtsey. "Forgive my behaviour Kim my father had not mentioned that the Minister had a fiancé."

"There is nothing to forgive Mariella," Minho cut in giving Mariella a smile, "would you give Kibum and I a minute?" Mariella nodded and walked away a short distance. Once she was out of hearing range Minho Kibum. "Why did you tell her that?"

"You are my fiancé you frog!" Kibum hissed, "And she had her hands all over you."

"Key just because I talk to a girl doesn't mean that I going to talk them into my bed!" Minho looked really angry now. "Why can't you trust me a little?"

"How could I ever trust a no good frog like you?" Key snapped before he could stop himself. Minho sighed and shook his head.

"I'm going to show Mariella around the gardens so don't follow us."

"You can't –" Kibum began but Minho cut him off.

"Kibum I order you as your Superior to go the hell away." Minho snapped before turning on his heel and marching away. Minho hated arguing with Kibum like this. He actually had some respect for the cat-boy but then Kibum would act like a silly child ruining everything. Minho would never admit it out loud but he recently began developing feelings for Kibum. Minho wasn't comfortable with the idea of loving a boy so he had been getting advice from Taemin. Yet when Kibum acted like this it made Minho so mad. Once again Minho found himself questioning his feelings for Kibum and whether or not the blond was worthy of them. Minho couldn't face giving his heart away only to have it destroyed by a child who was only playing fiancé.

Kibum didn't watch Minho walk back to Mariella. He turned and marched back inside the Maison his face burning. How dare Minho send me away like that! Kibum seethed. For several minutes Kibum marched around the maison looking murderous. Everyone hurried out of the diva's path not wanting to feel his wrath. Once Kibum had marched off his anger he began to realise what he had done. He and Minho had had yet another argument. Kibum leaned against a pillar in a deserted corridor with a heavy sigh. How could he tell Minho his feelings when all he ever did was yell at him?



It was late evening and Minho was heading back to his room looking forward to a good night's sleep. Minho had explained everything to Mariella about his forced engagement to Kibum. When Mariella asked why Minho hadn't called off the engagement yet Minho had been unable to give her a straight answer. Dinner had been an awkward affair with Kibum stubbornly ignoring Minho making Minho mad. If Kibum thought he could get his attention through childish games then Minho wasn't going to give in. If Mariella and her father Duke Andrew noticed the atmosphere they didn't say anything.

Minho hadn't stopped talking to Mariella and her father all night about their country and their people. Mariella had told Minho all about this strange purple fruit that grew like a weed in their hometown. It was eaten after a meal to freshen the mouth and according to Mariella it tasted very good. Mariella had promised to bring some back the next time she visited Seoul. Minho hope Mariella would return soon because then he could see her again. Mariella was bright and funny and just plain nice to be around. She was also laid back and relaxed and took things one step at a time. Minho couldn't help but notice how different she was compared to Kibum who had left the table soon after dinner finished. Minho had stayed up late to talk with Andrew about trade relations and now he was very tired and just wanted to go to sleep.

Minho opened his bedroom door. Minho closed the door behind him with a sigh. He walked over to his bed yawning loudly when the covers suddenly moved. Minho jumped about a foot in the air and was about to shout to his security guards when he recognised Kibum's head.

"Damn Kibum, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Minho said angrily glaring at the diva. Kibum smiled at Minho and Minho frowned suddenly wary. Kibum had never looked at him like before. Kibum gave Minho a y smile as he slid out of bed.

"Who else were you expecting in your bed Minho?" Kibum purred. Minho's eyes went wide when he saw how short Kibum's pink short was. The pijama in question only brushed against Wolfram's legs mid-thigh.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Minho squeaked. Kibum smiled again looking cool and confident. Inside however, Kibum was a nervous wreak. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would punch a hole in his chest. Kibum had surprised himself by confiding in Choi Sulli after dinner about how lost he felt because Minho was ignoring him for a girl. Sulli had smiled and clapped Kibum on the shoulder and whispered to him that he needed to 'show Minho what he was missing'. KIbum was praying that this would work. Kibum felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff and about to jump. He just hoped Minho was going to catch him before he hit the ground.

"Do you like it? I'm wearing it just for you." Kibum stepped up to MiNho still smiling. Kibum glanced up at Minho from under his eyelashes in what he hoped was a coy look. If Minho's red face was any indication, then Kibum was succeeding in his mission so far.

"W-what the hell Kibum? Take that t-thing off r-right now!" Minho spluttered. Kibum smiled and reached out for Minho's belt buckle.

"All in good time my fiancé." Kibum whispered in Minho's ear before brushing his lips down Minho's cheek feeling the boy's shiver under his touch. Kibum undid Minho's belt his heart racing in his chest. Minho shoved Kibum away from him his face red with anger.

"Don't do that!" Minho snapped before doing his belt back up. Minho turned away from a shocked Kibum.

"Why not? You're my fiancé aren't you?" Minho didn't reply. "Unless, you really don't find me attractive," Kibum said slowly as realisation set in.

"Do you want an honest answer to that question?" Minho asked his voice strained with anger. Kibum looked away. He had jumped off that cliff and no one had caught him.

"No," Kibum said shortly walking to his wardrobe to get his dressing gown.

"No you started this, do you want an honest answer or not?" Minho demanded marching up to Kibum.

"Just leave it alone." Kibum said as he opened the doors to his wardrobe and searched for his dressing gown and slippers.

"Did you really believe that I could have any serious feeling for you?" Minho asked sounding shocked and disgusted. The words struck Kibum's heart like a blow. Kibum turned to Minho who was staring at him unflinchingly.

"I never suggested that you had 'serious' feelings." Kibum swallowed the lump in his throat. Minho threw up his hands.

"So what, we sleep together once then what?" Minho snapped in Kibum's face making Kibum flinch back. "We work together Kibum! You are a close friend and you have proven that you can be trusted I admit. But I can't even imagine what a relationship with you would even be like! At best you are a spoiled bratty diva who stamps his feet and throws insults around to get what he wants!"

"I –" Kibum closed his mouth and turned away from Minho's gaze. His chest was so tight he couldn't breathe.

"I mean, I used to think I would never end the wars or stop the issues taking over Korea. I thought I would be an awful Minister who always messes things up. But now that I have proved myself a worthy Minister, I feel that I deserve to find someone to share my life with. But never in a million, million years would I ever possibly consider that person being you." Minho scoffed turning away from Kibum. Kibum was trying desperately not to cry. "You and I are total opposites and so wrong for each other it's not even funny. The worst part about all this is that you know that." Minho looked at Kibum accusingly. "So this whole flirty ual thing is just your way of having a laugh at my expense. So I'm so sorry that I'm not more appreciative of that," Minho said his voice heavy with sarcasm, "And I'm so sorry that you are so bored you have nothing better to do. But don't you pretend its anything else."

"So that is how you feel." Kibum said taking deep breaths trying to keep his feelings in check. Nothing had ever hurt this much before.

"Oh don't pretend that you're hurt," Minho scoffed in disgust. Kibum turned to Minho with a glare.

"If that is how you feel then I wouldn't want to force you to be my fiancé. Minho, I herby cancel the engagement our parent's have put us in." Kibum said firmly.

"Finally," Minho threw up his hands. Kibum stared at Minho in shock. He had no idea Minho could be so hurtful.

"Run off with that harlot woman then see if I care!" Kibum yelled wanting to hurt Minho as much as he had hurt him.

"Mariella is not a harlot!" Minho yelled back. "She is a bright, intelligent and kind woman. She doesn't dress like a for a start!" Minho pointed at Kibum's "pijama". Kibum turned his back on Minho and pulled on his dressing gown and slippers.

"Good bye, Your Bastard." Kibum said icily and marched over to the doors and threw them open. The Security guards jumped slightly and stared in amazement as Kibum marched past them in his night wear. Minho stomped over to the doors and slammed them shut.

Kibum made it back the guest's room before the tears started. Kibum closed and locked the door behind him before sliding to the floor. Once the tears started they wouldn't stop.Kibum drew his knees to his chest and hugged them tightly as he cried.



End of Chapter1

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD