Umma-Son Chat

Negotiate with Love




Minho was very annoyed. A hold up in Seoul had delayed their departure so they only arrived at Onew's house early in the morning of the day of the party . Minho had been corned as soon as he arrived by members of the opposite gouvernement who wanted to talk, or in most cases complain, about goings on in their respective county. Minho had searched for Kibum but the diva had been no where in sight. Minho had a sneaking suspicion that Kibum had run off before he arrived. The fact that none of Kibum's friend of the 91 line were around put weight behind Minho's theory.

Since it was a party a limousine had followed Minho and co. from Seoul to Daegu. Yoogeun and Gwibum had sat in the limousine as well. Minho was standing in front of his mirror adjusting his black veste. This toxedo was just a smarter version of his usual work outfit complete with a purple sash around his shoulders. Minho made a few minor adjustments before he heard a loud knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in!" Minho called and the door opened. Minho smiled at the mirror at Taemin's reflection. Taemin was wearing the smart version of his brown event costume. Minho guessed that Hoon was in a similar outfit and Amber...well,she would be wearing that not-so-womanly-outfit she saw on Ellen DeGeneres (American stand-up comediantelevision host and actress. ).

"Are you ready to go Minho-hyung?" Taemin asked just as the clock in the hallway struck seven.

"Yeah, hey Tae, have you seen Kibum yet?" Minho turned to look at Taemin with a frown.

"Onew ajeossi said that Hyung went out with a friend of his which was why he wasn't here when we arrived. He came back a few hours ago though." Taemin answered and Minho frowned again.

"A friend?" Minho repeated.

"Yes a guy called Kim Jonghyun," Taemin shook his head, "I haven't seen Jjongie-hyun in years."

"You know this guy?" Minho asked.

"He must be different from when I knew him otherwise Hyung would never be friends with him. It has been at least 8 or so years since I last saw him though." Minho was once again struck at how old everyone was. Kibum was 24 now but he only looked about 18 or 19 years old.

"So this Kim Jonghyun guy is afrom a noble family as well?" Minho asked although he was already certain that he was.

"No, Jjong-hyung is the only son of a very powerful merchant who made his money through selling and trading just about anything to anyone. They were not bad people," Taemin added seeing Minho's look, "They just had a good way of making money."

"So Jonghyun will inherit his father's company?"

"He already has, his father died a few years ago during your first year as JangGwan." Taemin answered, "Jjong-hyung is well known among very high social circles plus he is a member of the parliament !."

"It will be interesting to meet this guy." Minho said before smiling at Taemin. "But first we have a party to get to, so let's go." Minho walked out of the room with Taemin following behind shaking his head.


Kibum stood at the far end of the grand hall with Jonghyun beside him chatting to his mother. As soon as Gwibum had seen her 'baby boy' she had rushed over to hug him until Kibum's face began to turn blue. Gwibum had greeted Jonghyun as well but with a little more dignity than when she greeted her middle son. Kibum smiled as his mother told him how Amber and Hoon were still sneaking kisses when they thought no one was looking. It seemed they hadn't realised that everyone in the Ministery knew about their relationship and that no one was bothered by it. Kibum couldn't help but feel a little jealous that his Noona had found love and he hadn't. Taemin and Sulli had been lovers for months and Amber and Hoon were taking their time building up their relationship.

"Minho has missed you Kibummie," Gwibum said with a grin and Kibum blushed.

"No he hasn't," Kibum muttered looking away. He had run off this morning when he heard that Minho had been delayed in Seoul and wouldn't be arriving until early this morning. Kibum knew it was cowardly but he couldn't help himself. He and Jonghyun had spent almost the whole day in Gyeongsan. Kibum had been tempted to stay there all night too but Jonghyun had convinced him to come back.

"He has to, he's been moping about missing you but he just won't admit to it." Gwibum said firmly and Kibum gave up. No one won an argument with his mother.

"Key Umma!" A voice squealed and Kibum turned with a huge grin. Yoogeun rushed towards Kibum as fast as his blue ball dress robe ( they are dress robes for men too, i googled it !) would allow. Kibum knelt down and opened his arms for Yoogeun to run into. Kibum hugged Yoogeun tightly and he hugged him back.

"I've missed you my darling," Kibum said with a smile. Yoogeun pulled back and grinned hugely at Kibum.

"I've missed you too Umma, thiiiiis much. Appa has missed you as well." Yoogeun added seeing his grandmother wink at him. Kibum groaned and turned to look up at his mother who gazed innocently back at him.

"Umma really," Kibum sighed, "Its bad enough you saying things like that without making my baby say them too."

"But it's not a lie Umma!" Yoogeun protested with a pout. Kibum sighed and shook his head. He wanted it to be true, he really did, but he just couldn't believe that Minho would miss him at all. He would be having too much fun flirting with girls. Kibum scowled and stood up.

"Kibummie what's wrong?" Gwibum asked putting a hand on Kibum's shoulder. Kibum shook his head and forced a grin on to his face.

"Its nothing umma," Kibum turned back to Yoogeun, "So do you have a new mummy already?"

"No silly," Yoogeun giggled, "Minho-Appa didn't like any of the yeojas ( ladies ) that visited him. Appa likes Umma." Yoogeun smiled completely unaware what effect that sentence had on Kibum. For Kibum it was as if his heart stopped in his chest. Minho turned down all those girls? Kibum may not have any interest in women (since his second year of engagement) in general but he could recognise female beauty when he saw it, some of the wealthy daughters of the politicians where very beautiful. Kibum couldn't believe that Minho would turn them all down.

"Its true Kibum, Minho turned down all the proposals he received." Gwibum gazed at her son intently to make sure he knew that she was telling the truth. Kibum gazed at his mother for a moment before looking away.

"It means nothing," Kibum muttered. Gwibum sighed heavily. Her son was so stubborn, he got that from his mother, and he refused to believe that Minho would turn down all those women for him. Gwibum had seen the way Minho acted after Kibum left and she was now convinced that Minho had feelings for Kibum but was unsure of how to express them. Gwibum glanced at Jonghyun who was gazing at Kibum in concern; He wasn't bad for Kibum maybe...




End of chapter 9

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD