The Mother's Scheme

Negotiate with Love





Minho entered the large hall looking for Kibum. He was no where to be seen and Minho frowned in annoyance. It seemed that Kibum was avoiding him. Taemin spotted Amber and Hoon talking to Krystal's older sister Actress Jung. Taemin headed in his direction with Minho following put out that he hadn't seen Kibum yet.

"Minho it's nice to see you again." Actress Jung smiled. Minho forced a smile onto his face.

"Hello Jessica, how is Krystal?"

"She's fing, thank you." Jessica bowed slightly and Minho nodded his eyes still scanning the hall for Kibum. "Are you looking for someone ?" Jessica asked brushing a lock of light blond hair out of her face.

"Oh," Minho blushed, embarrassed at being caught out, "I was just looking for Kibum I haven't seen him yet."

"I think I saw him over there," Jessica pointed to the far end of the hall, "He was talking with his mother."

"Thank you Noona," Minho nodded and turned and hurried away. The Actress frowned in confusion and turned to Taemin.

"I thought they broke off their engagement?"

"They did," Taemin answered, "But I think they did it in the heat of the moment and neither really wanted it."

"So the JangGwan is going to try and make up with the diva?" Jessica asked in surprise. She knew that Minho had been seeing several women who wished to be his bride but she also knew that Minho had turned them all down.

"I don't know," Taemin admitted and glanced in the direction Minho had taken, "But I hope so."


Gwibum and Yoogeun had left to mingle with other guests leaving Kibum and Jonghyun alone. Kibum was still thinking about what his mother and Yoogeun had said. Could Minho really have feelings for me? He made it pretty clear that night that he wanted nothing to do with me.

"What are you thinking about?" Jonghyun asked although he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

"Hmm, oh it's nothing Jonghyun." Kibum shifted in place clearly uncomfortable. The dino stepped up close to Kibum and placed his hand on Kibum's left hip. Kibum stiffened but he didn't pull away so Jonghyun took that as a good sign.

"You are thinking about Minho again aren't you?" Jonghyun whispered in Kibum's ear making him shiver.


"Gwibum have you seen Key?" Minho asked the former JangGwan. It hadn't been difficult to spot Gwibum in her bright red dress. As usual she was surrounded by young single (and not so single) men who had fallen for her good looks.

"Oh hello Dear, yes he's just over there." Gwibum pointed and Minho thanked her before slipping through the crowd in the direction that she had indicated. The mother made a quick excuse and hurried after Minho. She wanted to see what would happen when Minho and Kibum finally met up again.


"I wasn't thinking about him." Kibum said his voice breathless. Jonghyun was so close Kibum could see the flecks of black in his eyes. Jonghyun leaned forward and brushed his lips against Kibum's ear making the blond shiver again.

"Yes you where," Jonghyun whispered, "But its ok Bummie. I don't expect you to forget him, just think about me a little more ok?" Jonghyun said his breath ghosting over Kibum's skin. Kibum turned so he was facing Jonghyun. They were nose to nose. Their breath mingled when they breathed out.

"Ok," Kibum said softly looking into Jonghyun's eyes.


Minho spotted Kibum's hair and started forward with a smile, He's blond ?! So cute. Then he frowned and slowed down. Kibum was standing very close to a handsome boy who looked about the same age as Kibum. The boy had dark brown hair and puppy eyes and was whispering something in Kibum's ear. The blond was blushing and shivering. Minho felt something stir inside him that felt a lot like jealousy.

Mnho noticed the hand that the other boy had on Kibum's hip and the feeling inside him grew stronger. Minho walked forward and opened his mouth to announce his presence when Kibum turned towards the other boy and looked into his eyes. Minho stopped again as he saw Kibum's lips move saying a word that Minho couldn't hear. Then Kibum tilted his head up and kissed the other boy on the lips. Minho couldn't watch anymore. He turned and hurried away the image of Kibum kissing someone else burned into his memory.


Minho had thought that Kibum would come back to him if he only asked him. He had believed that Kibum would always be there for him. Minho never considered that Kibum would leave him for someone else. It hurt. Minho left the hall and stepped outside. It was coming close to winter so the sun had already slipped over the hills. Minho looked up at the stars above him. I am such an idiot, Minho thought to himself. He was no longer Kibum's fiancé which meant that the diva was free to love, kiss and marry who ever he wanted. Minho closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands. He just wished it had been him.


Gwibum had seen the whole thing. She saw Kibum kiss Jonghyun and she saw Minho watch the whole thing before turning and leaving. She saw the look of hurt and jealousy on Minho's face. This is either going to be really good, or really bad. She thought as Kibum stepped back from Jonghyun's embrace and smiled shyly at the older Man. Gwibum wanted Kibum to be happy, and if Jonghyun made him happy then so be it. Gwibum was sure however that Kibum couldn't be happy with anyone but Minho and she was now sure that Minho could only be happy with Kibum.

Its time for some motherly intervention, Gwibum thought with a grin.



End of chapter 10

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD