Happy Frog !

Negotiate with Love





Minho had been denying it for weeks. But as the weeks turned into a month Minho finally had to admit it. He missed Kibum. A lot. He missed his whining, he missed him calling him a frog, he missed Kibum's presence in his bed at night and most of all he missed the protection that having a fiancé gave him. Minho must have received hundreds of letters from wealthy families who wanted their daughters, to become his next fiancé. Minho had been forced to sit through so many personal pleas for his affection he feared he might be going mad. At first Minho had loved all the attention from beautiful girls he received but it was clear even to him that all they wanted was the prestige and power that being married to the Prime Minister gave them. They wanted jewels and fancy silk dresses. Minho had almost fainted when he causally asked Gwibum how much a dress one of the girls had talked about would cost. Minho was sure that if he married a girl like that the country would be bankrupt within a year.

Kibum had never asked for silk outfits or fancy jewels. Kibum hadn't even wanted to marry him at first so Minho was sure that Kibum didn't want the power and status that came with being married to the minister. Kibum was strong and independent and could hold his own in a fight. Most of the girls Minho saw looked like a strong wind would blow them away. They were clingy and at times boring and annoying. Minho had found reason to turn every one of them down but he found himself re-using excuses with different girls and it was bound to get him in to trouble. Minho now told Amber to toss out any requests for his hand in marriage they could politically ignore and send polite refusals to those they couldn't. Minho got the feeling that Krystal was laughing at him behind his back. In fact Krystal was spending a lot of time in Seoul recently. He had seen the usually perfectly kept Krystal walking away from the ministery her front buttons on her uniform done up wrong, her shirt only half tucked in and her hair messed up with a content look on her face. Minho decided on that day that he really didn't want to know what was going on as he was sure it did involve her assistent Donghae.

Minho groaned and dropped yet another letter on the 'signed' pile and looked at the stake of papers he had left to do. Minho stuck his tongue out at them childishly before snatching another one off the pile. There was a knock at the door and Minho dropped his head on the table with a loud thump. If it was Amber with yet more papers then Minho was going to pass out. The door opened and Taemin looked around the door.

"Minho-hyun, are you in here?"

"Ah Taemin are we going to practise?" Minho asked hopefully as he half-stood up. Recently Taemin went with Minho for some jogging, football or fitness. Minho even missed Kibum training him in taekwando to the brink of death while Kibum's friends watched in amusement.

"No Noona has me under strict instructions not to take you away from your work." Taemin grinned as Minho dropped inelegantly back into his chair. "I do however have a letter from the Daegu addressed to you from uncle Onew." Minho perked up at once. After Kibum's rather short call to say that he had arrived safely home he hadn't heard a thing from him or his uncle. Taemin noticed Minho's reaction and smiled. Everyone could tell that Minho was moping; it was rather sweet that Minho missed Kibum so much but the only problem was that Kibum wasn't there to see it himself. Taemin handed over the letter and Minho opened it with a letter opener and skim read its contents.

"Onew-shi is having a party and he has invited me, you, Yoogeun, Gwibum, Hoon and Amber." Minho looked up at Taemin. "Why would Onew-shi being throwing a party?"

"The letter doesn't say?" Taemin asked puzzled and Minho looked back over the letter before shaking his head.

"All it says it that the party is in a week from today. A week, that means we need to leave soon." Minho stood up frowning. "If Amber and Hoon are coming I will need to ask Hoon to find someone to do the paper work while I'm away."

"Whoa Minho-hyung, we haven't said that we are going yet." Taemin pointed out.

"Onew-shi is expecting us to attend and I can't think of any reasons not to go." Minho shrugged. Taemin opened his mouth when Minho cut him off. "Besides, Kibum will be there." Taemin shut his mouth when he saw the pleading look in Minho's eyes.

"Fine, I will let Noona know." Taemin sighed and Minho beamed at Taemin in delight.

"Thanks Taeminnie," Minho gave Taemin a hug and ran to the door.

"Hey hyung where are you going?" Taemin pointed at all the paper work Minho had left to do.

"I was going to tell Yoogeun," Minho edged towards the door but Taemin shook his head and pointed at Minho's chair.

"Hyung, you sit," Taemin said firmly and Minho's shoulders dropped as he headed back to his chair. "You can tell Yoogeun at dinner this evening."

"When will we leave?" Minho asked as he sat down behind his desk. Taemin smiled at Minho's eagerness, he just hoped Kibum would be as excited to see Minho as Minho was to see him.

"The party is in a week from now right?" Taemin asked and Minho nodded. "It takes three hours to drive to Daegu so we should leave four hours before the party."

"But what if there is traffic!" Minho protested and Taemin grinned.

"I'm sure hyung will still be there Minho." Taemin teased and Minho turned bright red.

"I meant that we would only turn up the day before the party. Shouldn't we get there sooner?"

"I think uncle is up to something," Taemin admitted, "I don't want to be with him for any longer than need be.I hate going there."




end of chapter 7

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD