My first Kiss went a little like this ....

Negotiate with Love




Next day

Kibum leaned over his mare's neck and urged her to go faster. Jonghyun was right behind him riding his bay gelding. The wind whipped Kibum's hair around his face and into his cat-like eyes as he leaned slightly to the left. The mare felt Kibum shift his weight and she responded by turning left towards a large Oak tree. Kibum glanced over his shoulder to see Jonghyun catching up fast behind him. Kibum's mare was faster on the turns but Jonghyun's gelding had longer legs and could gain ground on the straights. Kibum looked back to the Oak tree that marked the finishing line. All Kibum could hear was the pounding of hooves on dry earth and grass. His heart was beating fast with excitement as the thrill of the chase filled his body. Kibum could feel the rocking movement of his mare under him as she stretched her legs as far as they could go.

Jonghyun was now almost along side Kibum. But Kibum's mare shot over the finish line just a head in front of Jonghyun's gelding. Kibum cheered and patted his mare's neck as she slowed down. Jonghyun cursed but his cheeks were pink from excitement and he was grinning.Kibum knew that he was grinning like a fool as well but he didn't care. Once the horses had dropped out of a full gallop and into a gentle canter Kibum and Jonghyun could talk. Both boys were breathless and bright eyed.

"You know I let you beat me." Jonghyun said still breathing hard.

"Ha, I beat you far and square." Kibum panted back still grinning. Kibum leaned forward to pat his mare's neck again and she tossed her head and whickered. Kibum his lips and glanced around looking for the maids who were had been setting up the picnic Kibum and Jonghyun had brought with them. It was a gorgeous day with the sun shining brightly in a bright blue sky. Not a cloud could be seen and there was a gentle breeze which prevented the day from being too hot. Kibum and Jonghyun along with three of Kibum uncle's maids had left the Lee House shortly after breakfast with the maids carrying a huge picnic between them. When Kibum saw the picnic he had wondered if a small 'army' would be joining them. There was certainly enough food for one.

The horses slowed to a trot as they gently cooled off after their wild gallop around the lake. Kibum had always loved this spot as a child because his father would take him out here whenever he was in his hometown. Kibum treasured those memories after his father had died and this spot had remained his favourite place. It was a two hour ride from the castle through thick forest then the forest opened up to show a wide clearing with a deep blue lake in the centre. The clearing was full of green grass dotted with wild flowers of every colour. The constant sound of the wind whispering through the trees surrounding the clearing gave the whole place a calm feeling.

Kibum spotted his maids setting out the picnic a few meters from the edge of the lake. Their horses were tied to a nearby tree that stood out by itself in the middle of the clearing. Kibum groaned when he saw all the food. "We are never going to eat all that food!" he exclaimed and Jonghyun laughed.

"I think the kitchen might have gone a little over the top." Jonghyun admitted and Kibum snorted.

"If we eat all that we will be sick, not to mention we wouldn't be able to move we would be so fat!" Jonghyun threw his head back and laughed. Kibum looked at him then started to giggle as well. Soon the two of them were laughing so hard they almost fell off their horses.

"W-why are we l-laughing?" Jonghyun gasped out trying to control his laughter and failing.

"You s-started it!" Kibum said breathless from laughing. The two looked at each other and it set them off again. The maids looked up at the sound of Kibum's laughter and exchanged grins. It was so nice for them to hear Kibum laughing like that again. People were already starting to wonder if Jonghyun was going to propose to Kibum. Others were wondering if Kibum would say yes. A rich merchant was several steps down from a Prime Minister but Jonghyun could easily replicate Kibum's living style with his vast wealth.

Kibum and Jonghyun finally got control over their giggles and they pulled their horses back to a walk. Both horses had stopped panting for air now they had had time to cool down. Two of the maids stood up and took Kibum and Jonghyun's horse's reins when they stopped. Kibum and Jh dismounted and the maids took the horses to the lake for a drink. Kibum stretched before sitting down with a thump on the red and white checked table cloth that was stretched out on the grass. Jonghyun sat down with more grace as he eyed the spread before them.

"Good grief there is rather a lot isn't there?" Jonghyun said and Kibum gave him a 'no kidding' look. Kibum and Jonghyun's horses were tied up beside the maids horses and started to happily munch on the grass.

"Girls get yourself to anything you want," Kibum spread his hand to include all the food laid out before them.

"That is not proper Sir," One of the maids tried to argue but Kibum shook his head.

"Miss I couldn't possibly eat all of this even if there were six of me." Jonghyun gave a short laugh and Kibum arched an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry I was just trying to imagine six Bummies but it was impossible." Jonghyun grinned and Kibum rolled his eyes before jabbing Jonghyun gently in the ribs.

"Anyway, all three of you need to help Jonghyun and me eat all this otherwise its going to go to waste." Kibum said and the maids nodded although they didn't look that happy about breaking rules.

"It's Jonghyun and I actually, not Jonghyun and me." the dino said with a grin making Kibum laugh.

"Oh shut up and eat you idiot." Kibum grinned to take the bite out of his words and Jonghyun nodded and pulled a plate towards himself and started filling it with cold meats. One of the maids pulled another sheet out of her saddle bag and placed it a little way from Kibum and JH's. Kibum noticed but didn't comment.

For several minutes the only sound was content munching and the sound of bees buzzing from one flower to another. Kibum gazed over the lake watching the sunlight sparkle on its surface. As usual the lake was almost completely flat giving an almost perfect mirror image of the land surrounding the lake. Kibum had thought about bringing Minho here several times but there was never time. Some disaster or crisis would appear leaving no time for holidays no matter how short. Jonghyun noticed that Kibum seemed distracted.

"You are really different you know." Jonghyun said making Kibum look at him. "I've known you most of your life and you've changed more in just five years than all the time I've known you."

"A good change or a bad one?" Kibum teased but Jonghyun looked dead serious.

"Its defiantly good, you are so much calmer and well, to be honest, a lot less bossy and demanding." the maids froze but Kibum just tilted his head in thought.

"Uh, I hadn't noticed," Kibum commented eating a piece of meat.

"Like just now for example, if I had said that four years ago you would have betten me up." Jonghyun pointed out. Kibum glanced at Jonhgyun out of the corner of his eye.

"That could still happen you know." Jonhgyun went pale. Kibum tried to remain serious but the smile slipped out and Jonghyun relaxed again.

"I would never have thought you would tease me like that either, I like it." Jonghyun leaned forward and before Kibum could think, he kissed Kibum gently on the lips. The kiss was short and chaste. It was just a peck on the lips really but it made Kibum's heart pound. He had waited five long years to be kissed by the one he secretly loved and although Jonghyun wasn't that person he welcomed the attention. Jonghyun pulled back watching Kibum's face carefully to see his reaction.

"Call that a kiss? Surely you can do better than that." Kibum scoffed a smile threatening to break out across his face. Jonghyun blinked in surprise before grinning and leaning forward again. This time Kibum tilted his head to accept the kiss. Deep inside Kibum knew he didn't love Jonghyun and that he was using him as a substitute since he couldn't win Minho's love. Kibum knew that was wrong but he yearned to feel the touch of someone who loved him and Jonghyun was the only one willing to offer what Kibum so desperately craved. Besides, Kibum was thinking that, after a short time, he would love Jonghyun back.



end of chapter 6

some of you might be shocked that Key kissed JH but key has been through a lot

with minho not returning his feelings

and JH might be the one who will help key

to move on...

or not ?

please read the next chapter ;)

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD