We are Family !

Negotiate with Love



(3 months later)

"Minho, wake up!" Kibum pushed Minho who snorted and rolled over onto his right side facing away from Kibum. It was about two in the morning and the middle of winter making the nights long and cold. Kibum gasped as another contraction hit him making him double over. Kibum reached out again and shook Minho's shoulder speaking through gritted teeth. "Choi Minho, wake the hell up already!"

"No more papers Amber," Minho muttered sleepily, "I don't wanna work today."

"Minho, your baby is about to be born wake up!" Kibum yelped as another contraction squeezed his insides painfully. Minho snored gently. Kibum groaned. He should know that Minho was a heavy sleeper. He had to be to sleep in the same bed as Kibum who kicked and snored all night.

"Key," Minho sighed in his sleep and Kibum looked up hoping Minho was awake, "That dress doesn't suit you." Kibum's face turned scarlet. Summoning his strength Kibum gave Minho a very strong punsh on the back. "Aaahh!" Minho woke up feeling the intense pain. His black hair was messed up and he still looked half asleep. "What was that for?"

"Minho I'm –" Kibum cried out as yet another contraction hit. This time he felt fluid seep down his legs to soak the bed sheets and his pink pyjama.

"Key!" Minho was beside Kibum in an instant. After a moment Minho managed to light a match and lit a lamp. Minho took in Kibum's pale sweaty face and heavy breathing and the soaked bed. "Key, are you ok?"

"No I am not ok you stupid frog!" Kibum yelled through the pain. "I'm giving birth you dolt!" Minho froze for a second his eyes going almost comically wide.



Minho paced outside of the infirmary casting worried looks at the closed doors. It was almost ten in the morning now. Kibum had been inside the infirmary for almost eight hours. Minho bit his lip for what felt like the hundredth time before he started pacing again. After a mad rush to the infirmary at two in the morning and rousing Dara ( their personal doctor ) from her bed Kibum had been hurried into a hospital and Minho told to wait outside.

Taemin, Amber and Gwibum had all been woken up by Securityguards sent by Minho and told that Kibum was giving birth. At this time only an exhausted looking Gwibum and a worried looking Taemin remained with Minho waiting for news. Minho had told the guards who had woken the others to let Yoogeun sleep. The little boy had been furious when he found out that Kibum had gone into labour and no one had told him but when he saw his appa's worried face he didn't make a fuss. Yoogeun had disappeared awhile ago to eat breakfast with Amber, Hoon and Sulli. Hoon and Sulli had gone back to bed after being told that Kibum was in labour after extracting promises from Taemin and Amber that they would be told if there were any developments. They had checked in once they had woken up for news then they took Yoogeun to eat some breakfast. Minho had flat out refused to leave. He was still in his nightwear not wanting to leave Kibum for even a moment.

"It's been way too long." Minho muttered still pacing.

"Male births usually take longer than with females." Gwibum said as she yawned. Everyone had told her she could go back to bed but she refused. Minho had to admit when it came to Kibum ( or Taemin ) nothing was too much trouble for Gwibum.

"But eight whole hours!" Minho cried waving his hands. Minho made a mental promise to never ever get Kibum pregnant again.

"Dara would have sent someone to tell us if things were going wrong." Taemin assured Minho although his eyes were troubled. At that moment the door swung open and everyone jumped. Gwibum and Taemin were on their feet so fast they were blurs of movement. Minho rushed up the tired looked Dara his eyes searching her face frantically for any indication of how the birth had gone. Dara gave Minhoa tired but happy smile.

"You can go in now." Minho didn't wait a second longer he shot through the doors as if his life depended on it. Dara grinned and beckoned Taemin and Gwibum to follow her. Minho pushed open a second door to find Kibum sitting up in bed looking exhausted. His face was pale and sweat stuck strands of hair to his face. He smiled tiredly at minho.

"Hey frog," Kibum's voice was horse and Minho felt a pang of sympathy.

"Hey kitty, how are you feeling?" Minho asked taking Kibum's hand.

"Tired and really sore." Kibum flinched slightly to prove his point. Minho kissed Kibum.

"What about the baby?" Minho had to ask. He didn't see Dara, Taemin and Gwibum step into the room behind him. Kibum face broke into a huge grin and the tension melted from Minho's shoulders.

"You mean babies." Kibum corrected. Minho looked confused then the two nurses who had helped Dara with the birth walked into the room. Each one was holding a small bundle wrapped up in a soft towel. One towel was blue and the other was white. Both Taemin and Gwibum gasped quietly. Minho just stared unable to believe his eyes.

"How are they doing?" Dara asked peering into the bundles the nurses were holding gently.

"They are both fit and healthy." One nurse said with a tired smile. Dara nodded.

"Ok you can give them to their parents now." Minho felt like he was about to pass out. Twins? The nurse carrying the baby wrapped in blue walked up to Kibum and handed him the baby. The other nurse walked to Minho and held out the second smaller baby. Minho took the bundle his arms shaking slightly. Minho sat down beside Kibum gazing into the face of his baby.

"They are both perfectly healthy little boys." Dara announced with a smile and Minho nodded unable to speak. His gaze shifted to the baby in Kibum's arms. This baby was slightly bigger with cute froggy eyes. The baby shifted and opened his eyes slightly before they slid shut. Minho returned his gaze to the smaller boy whose head was covered in a fuzz of black hair. This baby also opened his eyes as if knowing that his father wanted to see them. Minho felt his throat close up at the sight of feline brown eyes staring up at him.

"Oh Kibum they are so beautiful."Minho gasped out unable to stop his eyes from misting over. "Is this why the labour took so long?"

"Yeah, having twins means twice the effort." Kibum groaned but he was still smiling from ear to ear. Taemin and Gwibum came up for a closer look. Gwibum stood beside Minho while Taemin went around the bed to stand next to his older brother.

"Hello my beautiful grandsons," Gwibum cooed. "I am your grandmother Gwibum." The baby in Minho's arms shifted slightly.

"And I am your uncle Taeminnie," Taemin grinned the cheek of the baby that Kibum was holding. "What are you going to call them?" Taemin looked from Minho to Kibum.

"Well we said that if it was a boy then he would have a name with Min and if it was a girl she would have a name with bum." Minho said, "But since there are two we might as well give one a name with min and one with bum." Kibum nodded and looked down at the baby in his arms.

"How about the name MinKi ( like Minkey hahaha ) for this little one?" Kibum said and the baby gurgled happily.

"He likes it!" Gwibum giggled and Minho smiled broadly.

"MinKi it is then," Minho said and turned back to the baby in his arms. There were so many names Minho could choose for his baby but he wanted the perfect one. The baby's eyes opened again and Minho smiled. "What do you think of MinBum? " Minho looked up at Kibum who leaned slightly to look at his second born son.

"MinBum, yes I like that name. MinKi and MinBum, my perfect sons." Kibum smiled and Minho chuckled.

"You mean our perfect sons," Minho kissed Kibum's sweaty brow. Kibum smiled and looked at Minho.

"Yes, they are our perfect sons."

The End of final chapter ! 



I know, the names are lame :s

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD