Hell's Kitchen Kyusung edition

Random Kyusung Snippets (and small One-shots)

Kyuhyun watched, fascinated, as the man before him put spaghetti in a pot of cold water directly. 


He thought for a few seconds that the man, at least, will turn the cooking plates on after this, but no.


He stared at the pot, looked at the clock on the wall -why????- and waited. 


After a few minutes of stunned silence, Kyuhyun looked at the filming crew who were trying their best to NOT laugh, at the rest of the restaurant crew, who either looked ashamed, understandably, or weirdly satisfied, which put a frown on Kyuhyun's face, but he decided to look into it later.


He then finally looked at the, definitely way too cute, man fixing the pot with his eyes, so hard, as if his stare was enough to light the pot on fire.

Kyuhyun hesitated. Usually, at this point, it was the time for a snarky comment, and a little bit of mean teasing, his own brand of hell's kitchen, but...


The man was pouting.


This was too much, why did the most incompetent cook he ever saw was being so cute? He sighed.


"....what are you doing?" He said, instead, as calmly as he could


The man, Jongwoon he remembered, jumped at those words, he looked at him, guilty eyes on his face, and oh, why so cute, and said:


"I'm waiting for the pasta to get softer before cooking them…?" His words were full of hesitation as if it was the first time he was doing this, and honestly, Kyuhyun started to wonder if it wasn't his first time in a kitchen, ever.


"Alright." He said, "that's not how it works."






More silence.


Usually, it was time for him to get angry, and watching the restaurant and filming crew, that's all they were waiting for, and honestly, the boss satisfied eyes left a bad taste in his mouth.


So no, no anger today.


"Okay, Jongwoon-ssi, right?"


The Jongwoon-ssi in question jumped a little bit, and oh, was that a blush on those cute cheeks?


"I'll teach you how to do it, give me your hands"


"Is…is grabbing my hands necessary for this?"


Instead of answering, Kyuhyun grabbed those little hands that he wanted to hold as soon as he saw him grab the spaghetti with both of them, they looked so soft, so cute.


Jongwoon gasped. 


The filming crew gasped.


The restaurant crew gasped.


Kyuhyun smirked.


"Yes, I'm the chef, right? You don't look much of a chef yourself" 


Jongwoon looked a bit offended at that, for what, when he clearly never put his feet in this kitchen before Kyuhyun wasn't sure, and tried to speak, but Kyuhyun kept going before he could.


"And as a chef, I need my little apprentice to only do as I say."


The smirk on his face wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

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398 streak #1
Chapter 20: rereading all of the chapters, coz why not? they're amazing!!!

still waiting for the omegaverse hehehe
398 streak #2
Chapter 17: I need more chapters for this story!!!! 😭
398 streak #3
Chapter 9: If I'm not dreaming, I believe you said you're gonna write the whole fic about omegaverse, when? I'm dying to read it! 😭😭😭

PS : sorry, I'm a little greedy bastard that always push writers to write and write and write 😱
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 20: I got so anxious reading this, poor thing being trapped with such a horrible man :(
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: I wonder what my sister's fishes thought when they looked at us, did they hate us -human-? Afterall we separated them from their families u.u
Chapter 18: oh shoot this is so good! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Yesung really took "I want, I got it" concept into another level~
Chapter 11: This fic is the first I will read when I reread these snippets/oneshots. I will never be bored of this specific fic.
I love how you describe the journey of their love story in Kyu's pov, Author-nim. It is so touching and beautiful.
Chapter 6: How Kyu had so much trouble in refrain himself, but failed anyway in the end lol
I can see Heechul's evil laugh and Teuk's desperation in my head hahaha
Love this, Author-nim <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 18: Yesung gets what Yesungs wants ;)
398 streak #10
Chapter 18: Oh! 😂 I thought that Kyu would be perfect for the pirate role, but well~ still love it~ 🥰