A date on the Ferry Wheel

Random Kyusung Snippets (and small One-shots)

There's a lot to be said about Kyuhyun's dating skills.

His best friend, a little spawn from hell called Ryeowook, usually told him that his singleness was his own and only fault. And not in a, "you're very unattractive please change yourself", but in a more "Why are you so weird about your preferences" kind of way. Which, he never understood mind you, he had his preferences like everyone else!! His weren't weirder than usual, what was weird about liking someone a bit smaller than him but not too much, sharp eyes but pretty smile, kind of really manly but still pretty, small waist and small frame, but not fragile looking, can basically kill him with his hands -it's hot don't judge him- but will not to him? It's not that weird!!! 

"It is ing weird. But it's alright, when you'll realize you've been single all your life you'll understand." -Sometimes he wondered why he was friend with this demon.

His sister was nicer to him about all of this, she only said: "You can have... weird habits and expectations, it's alright if not everyone meets them, but please try to be more open-minded." She started with "and...also" She hesitated, and then sighed "Kyu. I saw you on dates, why does it look more like a questioning session with a police officer than a real date?" 

It wasn't his fault! He just wanted to be sure they'll be good together, was it so bad? 

Needless to say, they both thought he was a hopeless case, and as much as he wanted to dispute that, his dating record only proved them right, and he started to doubt himself as well.

Which is why he was so surprised with how well it was going with Kanghoon so far.

He was starting to be really suspicious.

See, when he saw the man for the first time, he actually looked like he came from his own little fantasies, so much he had to pinch himself to be sure he wasn't hallucinating, see all the, perfectly normal I remind you, traits he asked of a person? Kanghoon had all of them. He was everything he ever wanted and even more.

Needless to say, when they had their first date in this little coffee shop, Kanhgoon's choice, he was even more stressed than usual and so, the questions he started spitting out felt even more out of the ordinary than usual

(or at least Ryeowook told him that asking someone for their insurance company and what was their plan for their retirement days weren't normal questions)

But even with that, he didn't say anything bad! Just smiled at him, answered, chuckled a bit, and said he was cute!


Kyuhyun was cute, can't you believe that? Because he totally did, he was a cutie, a catch, he knew it of course, he was glad Kanghoon could see it as well, to be you all of his exes, and Wookie, take that, he was awesome.

 But still, it was weird, how did such a perfect guy like him fell into his arms so easily? Chances like that didn't happen often.

(did he already mention how Kanghoon chased a pickpocket because he saw him take an old lady's wallet, beat him up, and gave the wallet back to the old lady like a superhero from a movie? So cool)

So he thought for a while that Kanghoon just took pity on him, and didn't actually mean to see him back again.

Except he totally did call him back and asked him to choose the dating location!

"I can't believe this , why does this guy want to keep seeing you? He must be as weird as you."

Kyuhyun scoffed at his best friend, he was awesome! We already established that earlier. 

"It's because he has better tastes than you, now, what do you think about a second date? I'm not sure where to take him"

Ryeowook hummed at that. 

"Your guy looks like the romantic type from what you told me, take him to a ferry wheel or something, bet he'll like that." Kyuhyun's eyes light up.

A ferry wheel! He wasn't the biggest fan of those things, but it definitely was romantic, the atmosphere inside one, where they will be all alone, far up in the sky, will be great, and maybe, if everything goes well, and Kanghoon doesn't think he's a loser yet, which he isn't, they, you know, maybe, share a first kiss.

Oh, he couldn't wait to surprise him!

Except Kanghoon didn't look too happy when they arrived at the ferry wheel.

Kyuhyun looked anxiously at his date, who looked at the ferry wheel with a very constipated expression. He might really dislike it, he thought. When Kyuhyun said he wanted to surprise him, he was very happy, and had this cute smile on, Kyuhyun already loved a lot, and during the walk to the amusement park and wheel, the atmosphere was good, they kept talking and laughing and Kyuhyun already was considering this date a success but now...

"If you dislike it so much, we don't have to go inside," he finally said after a while, "we can do something else."

"No." He said instantly, determined.

"Oh, really?" 

"Yes, let's go, we'll ride the ferry wheel, and we'll enjoy it, the both us."

"... Okay?" 

Kyuhyun was a bit skeptical at the choice of words but decided to not think too much of it and ride the wheel, he still had hoped his perfect scenario could get realized once they both were inside! Romanticism worked this way right, you just needed the right conditions! 

Except things don't work like that after all.

"You're enjoying your ride Kyuhyun right. You are having fun." It wasn't a question.

"Huh, right."

Kanghoon was sitting the exact opposite of him, his eyes fixed on Kyuhyun's face, and even though it made him shy at first, now it was a bit creepy.

He tried a few times to reach out to hold his hand, but Kanghoon never reacted to it, only kept repeating how much fun they both had, never looking at the sky, never looking at the ground, never looking at anything at all really.

He wondered what was wrong for a while, but then he realized.

Of course, it was obvious now.

"Hyung, hm, forgive me for asking, but..."

"I'm having a lot of fun, yes, you didn't have to ask, I'm very amused right now." He said with the most robotic voice Kyuhyun ever heard.

"... Right. I see. But, Hyung, aren't you, hm, you know, I mean I think I might have noticed that you, might, it's a possibility, correct me if I'm wrong of course, but I think I have noticed that you might, dislike height...?"

It was silent for a few seconds.

And then suddenly, his Hyung blushed very hard. And Kyuhyun heart started to beat faster.

How cute.

"How did you notice?" Kyuhyun tried his best not to laugh.

"Oh it was very hard to see, I just have good eyes, You should have told me Hyung, we would have done something else."

"But you looked so excited to ride it, I didn't want to let you down" he murmured, a bit shyly, Kyu smiled grow bigger, softer. His Hyung was softer than he thought.

"I didn't really care about the ferry wheel Hyung, I was excited to be with you."

If possible, Kanghoon's blush deepen, and Kyuhyun heart was going to explode at any moment now if possible, so he did what he wanted to do from the start, and grabbed his hand. Kanghoon didn't protest.

"I already like you a lot Hyung, so you don't need to impress me next time, let's do something we both enjoy, okay?"

Kanghoon shyly nodded.


Kyuhyun smiled.

It didn't matter in the end, if everything looked too suspicious to be real, for now it was the reality he knew.

And he couldn't wait to know it more

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398 streak #1
Chapter 20: rereading all of the chapters, coz why not? they're amazing!!!

still waiting for the omegaverse hehehe
398 streak #2
Chapter 17: I need more chapters for this story!!!! 😭
398 streak #3
Chapter 9: If I'm not dreaming, I believe you said you're gonna write the whole fic about omegaverse, when? I'm dying to read it! 😭😭😭

PS : sorry, I'm a little greedy bastard that always push writers to write and write and write 😱
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 20: I got so anxious reading this, poor thing being trapped with such a horrible man :(
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: I wonder what my sister's fishes thought when they looked at us, did they hate us -human-? Afterall we separated them from their families u.u
Chapter 18: oh shoot this is so good! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Yesung really took "I want, I got it" concept into another level~
Chapter 11: This fic is the first I will read when I reread these snippets/oneshots. I will never be bored of this specific fic.
I love how you describe the journey of their love story in Kyu's pov, Author-nim. It is so touching and beautiful.
Chapter 6: How Kyu had so much trouble in refrain himself, but failed anyway in the end lol
I can see Heechul's evil laugh and Teuk's desperation in my head hahaha
Love this, Author-nim <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 18: Yesung gets what Yesungs wants ;)
398 streak #10
Chapter 18: Oh! 😂 I thought that Kyu would be perfect for the pirate role, but well~ still love it~ 🥰