...Meets a God of Light (PART 2)

Random Kyusung Snippets (and small One-shots)

Kyuhyun remembers only one thing before waking up.


His creator murmuring his name in his ear, telling him he was now a creature of light, that he was going to send him to a desolate place, but it was okay, he would not be alone.


Kyuhyun didn't understand at first what he meant by that, because the only thing he remembers while opening his eyes for the first time, was all the darkness surrounding him, and how small he felt against it. When he woke up, his energy was so small he didn't have a body yet. 


And then something moved in the shadows. 


Kyuhyun got scared, he didn't know what to do, what if this creature tried to kill him before he even could do anything in this world he was put in. He wanted to create, he wanted to see life moves around in this dark place, he wanted to... He wanted to live and see life.


But the creature didn't kill him, it just looked at him. He couldn't see it well, his light was too small to really illuminate the creature's face, but he could see it looks at him.


A small hand got out of the shadows, and Kyuhyun remembered that even in his smaller form he was surprised at how small and delicate it looked, the hand tried to touch him, but retreated as fast as it started to move, as if it was afraid Kyuhyun's light was going to hurt him. 


That's when he realized that the creature wasn't really one, but the other's deity that was assigned to this world, the one that would be on his side for the rest of eternity, according to his creature. A deity of darkness.


Kyuhyun thought it made sense. Light would flourish in darkness, and nothing could be born only out of darkness, they could help each other. But for that he needed to be stronger, to grow, because right now, only the shadows filled this place up. He couldn't do anything except growing for now.


Years pass, and he grows bigger. Unfortunately, not as fast as he would like to, but he did. The bigger his light becomes, the easier it is to see his fellow's deity figure, but for now, he could still not see his face. However, he could hear his voice.


Yesung Hyung talked to him sometimes. Introducing himself, about the shadows, the realm. Kyuhyun didn't think Yesung understood, yet he wasn't talking to an anomaly in his realm, a weird child, but to another deity, but it was okay, Kyuhyun didn't mind for now, he liked listening to Yesung's voice. It was really soothing. 


He learned many things from him, how big his, their, realm really was, how it was only covered in shadows, no life could be seen from miles away, but, if you tried hard enough, in some places you could feel under your feet hard rock, even though you couldn't see it. How, if you looked up, then through the shadows you could see the star's light, so far away from this place. And that, if you listened closely, then you'll only hear silence, and that it was the most peaceful sound in the universe.


Kyuhyun didn't really see the appeal, he wanted to see life after all, but he understood Yesung loved his realm, his world, and that in itself, made him even more beautiful in his eyes.


Even more time passes, a century goes, then two. His light is now big enough to see the shadows of his face and Kyuhyun thought he looked beautiful. With hair and eyes as dark as his shadows, but pink small lips and soft cheeks, leading down to a smooth looking neck. He really was a beautiful one. It made him wonder if he looked beautiful, too, and if Yesung would think he of him as such.


Those days he wondered a lot if Yesung would like his voice as much as he likes his, or if he's going to like him in general. He never really experienced the emotion yet, but he thinks he'll be sad, if Yesung didn't like him. 


And he still didn't have a body yet, that was the most frustrating part. He wondered how big he needed to be to finally get one.


Then, one day, as he got even bigger, Yesung did something even more different than usual. 


He came closer. And closer. And closer.  


He looked so, so beautiful up close.


And then his hand touched his light, and he could feel his entire being burned, then his face and body until his whole being was inside his light. 


And for the first time since he was born, he could feel his heart beating, he could feel what he thought was his legs, and arms, and his eyelids move up and down. And when he saw Yesung leaves his light so suddenly, he reached for him to keep him there, to wait for him, and as if his arms were coming into existence, he finally could grab him.


He finally could touch him.


And for the first time since he was born, his mouth opened to speak its first words.


"Finally, Hyung decided to meet me"

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398 streak #1
Chapter 20: rereading all of the chapters, coz why not? they're amazing!!!

still waiting for the omegaverse hehehe
398 streak #2
Chapter 17: I need more chapters for this story!!!! 😭
398 streak #3
Chapter 9: If I'm not dreaming, I believe you said you're gonna write the whole fic about omegaverse, when? I'm dying to read it! 😭😭😭

PS : sorry, I'm a little greedy bastard that always push writers to write and write and write 😱
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 20: I got so anxious reading this, poor thing being trapped with such a horrible man :(
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: I wonder what my sister's fishes thought when they looked at us, did they hate us -human-? Afterall we separated them from their families u.u
Chapter 18: oh shoot this is so good! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Yesung really took "I want, I got it" concept into another level~
Chapter 11: This fic is the first I will read when I reread these snippets/oneshots. I will never be bored of this specific fic.
I love how you describe the journey of their love story in Kyu's pov, Author-nim. It is so touching and beautiful.
Chapter 6: How Kyu had so much trouble in refrain himself, but failed anyway in the end lol
I can see Heechul's evil laugh and Teuk's desperation in my head hahaha
Love this, Author-nim <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 18: Yesung gets what Yesungs wants ;)
398 streak #10
Chapter 18: Oh! 😂 I thought that Kyu would be perfect for the pirate role, but well~ still love it~ 🥰