Golden Bird in a Wooden Cage (PART 1)

Random Kyusung Snippets (and small One-shots)

“You are a golden bird inside a wooden cage. Red roses will only fill your cage with fragrance for a while. Red-hot embers will burn your cage and set you free forever.” - Shunya


What is to be said about a man who never saw further away from his golden cage?

Nothing much.

Yesung is a man like all the men like him where before, sure they might have different kinds of personalities and different life experiences, but in the end, they all share one thing: naivety. Yesung wasn't free of that. But like all the men like him before, he wasn't aware of it until reality crashed into his perfect little world.


"You must get married, it's not a choice my son, this is your duty, towards your family and towards why you even stand here in the first place."


His mother's words were cold but not colder than her eyes; they held some kind of indifference he never saw before, or perhaps, that he never wanted to notice until now.


You see, Yesung's existence fits the proverb of a bird in a golden cage, except the bird never had wanted to leave his cage, and until now Yesung never thought he would need to, his big brother was the one in charge of the succession, his parents telling him he didn't need to study if he didn't want to, so instead Yesung spent his days living in luxury, devoting himself in the arts, creating, painting, writing, making music, and even though he never left his cage, his name was recognized as an artist outside his little world. He thought it might be enough to contribute for his family's name, and until now, nothing had proved him otherwise.


"Your future husband doesn't look like he'll appreciate a maiden though, have you ever tried to find someone for yourself?"


He didn't recover yet from his shock that his mother asked him something so personal, he couldn't help himself but blush, it was humiliating, and he wasn't sure yet how to react.


"I guess it's a no."


His mother sighed, annoyed.


"You'll need experience."


Yesung eyes widened.


"I'll contact someone, they'll help you, please be ready for your husband, it's an important deal."


And Yesung hadn't the luxury of recovering from being treated as a deal by his mother, that in the blink of an eye, he was transported towards a special kind of "shop".


Yesung tried his best to contain the disbelief, the bitterness, and anger bubbling inside his chest, he still wasn't sure what happened to him.


Of course, he knew of the shops around the city, the ones who sold special kinds of androids, the ones who "help" you with your needs, but he never really liked that. Compared to robots, androids looked too... human, they were programmed as such and sometimes differencing between the two was hard and difficult.


But he didn't have a choice, didn't he?


It was with a bitter heart and a bit of hesitation that he entered the shop. As soon as he did, multiple curious eyes fell on him. Androids eyes. They all were dressed more or less normally; nothing from the fact they were in this kind of shop could tell they weren't humans or, well, workers (?)


"Ah welcome dear customer!" A man around 50 welcomed him with a greasy smile, "are you the son of the great lady that phoned me earlier?" Yesung shyly nodded and the man's smile grew bigger, impatient to conclude a real good deal.


"Great! Your mother said she was ready to pay for a "worker" full-time for multiple months! At this price, you're allowed to pay for whoever you want, even our luxury ones! Your mother was very adamant about your worker being male, so we'll only check those." He paused and then looked at the cyborgs lazing around his shop "Boys!" he yelled "Come here, line up! We have an important customer!" 


As soon as those words were pronounced the males started to go next to the manager, obediently lining up. Yesung couldn't help but blush a little bit, it was kind of awkward, all those men were too handsome, too pretty, he wasn't used to involve himself with so many people at once, his room and life was usually quiet and lonely, and he liked it as such. But well, he supposed he should start to get used to it.


"Come on dear customer, don't be shy! Choose one! If you ever get tired of one, you'll be able to change it, your mother paid enough for you."


It didn't reassure him at all, but still, trying to be a little bit courageous, he started looking at the men around.


They really were all very beautiful.


Some landed on the prettier sides, and some on the manlier sides, but none of them lacked beauty. He shyly greeted them all, and almost all of them greeted him back with a certain level of respect and a small reassuring smile, telling him that it was okay.




One of them, looked at him, from head to toe, smirked at his bashful face and sweaty hands, looked a bit too much at his neck, and then his eyes went back to his lips, a certain interest blending with something else he couldn't hide mixed in his eyes.


Yesung felt a chill at that, and his blush intensified. He looked at the name tag hooked on his shirt and saw the name of the android "Kyuhyun".


Yesung wondered if the emotions and the clear interests in him, he was showing was real or not, he doubted it, but he was the only one showing anything.


And Yesung thought that if he had to go through that, then maybe it was better if the one showing him the ropes (figuratively, he wasn't sure if he was ready for something as as that) could at least fake desire towards him.


"I'll take him" he said to the manager, pointing his finger at Kyuhyun.


The manager looked surprised, as if he wasn't expecting Yesung to choose him in particular, in fact, he wasn't the only one surprised, most of the other androids looked as well, meanwhile Kyuhyun just smiled as if he truly was happy about being chosen. However, the manager didn't say anything about it, it wasn't his job.


"Alright dear customer, great choice! You can go with your new worker, please enjoy his services to the fullest~ And don't hesitate to come back, remember, if this one doesn't satisfy you, you can get a replacement!"


And that's how Yesung got himself a cyborg in his home. 


The trip back home was pretty silent, Kyuhyun's eyes were still fixed on it with a certain interest in them, but it didn't look too ual, as if he only was curious about him, and Yesung just felt too awkward to talk.


Once they arrived back home and into his room it was a different story.


"You're really gorgeous you know."


Yesung jumped at those words, Kyuhyun's voice really was as beautiful as his face, with his doe eyes, perfectly shaped lips, and nose, so soothing, as sweet as honey. And this honey-liked voice could also say some sweet words. He looked away.


"Oh, hm, thanks. I don't expect you to say those things by the way, I..." He hesitated, He wasn't sure how to formulate his words "I only expect you to show me how to pleasure someone" he ended up saying, "ah, do you need to eat? Drink?... Charge?"


Kyuhyun chuckled at that, his eyes getting this small light inside them as if he as is if he truly thought Yesung's words were amusing.


"Charge but I can eat. You don't know much about the world, don't you?" Yesung felt a bit annoyed at those words, was he so easy to read and understand?


"Yes," he ended up saying a bit annoyed, "you can get your "bird in a golden cage" jokes out of the way now, it'll save us both time."


Kyuhyun actually laughed at that, not just chuckled, but laughed. A bombing laugh he didn't expect but still made his inside feel shame for some reason.


"Hm, I wonder" he ended up saying after a while, his eyes full of mirth, "Are you a wooden bird in a golden cage, or a golden bird in a wooden cage?" He said, his intense round eyes still on Yesung.


"What does that even mean," Yesung said skeptically.


"Who knows?" Kyuhyun answered, teasingly. "However there's one thing we must correct about your assumptions about what we're going to do here."

Yesung was about to ask what, but suddenly, he felt a gentle hand grabbing his one, and another around his waist, and in an instant, Kyuhyun's face was close, too close, and while his brain was catching up with what was going on, he felt his body hit the bed below him, laying on it, while Kyuhyun's was above him, his lips closer and closer to his pulse until he left a small kiss, as light as a feather on it. Yesung shivered at that and couldn't help the small gasp leaving his lips, Kyuhyun chuckled against his skin, and the vibration he felt through his body because of it gave him goosebumps.


Then Kyuhyun's lips went higher and higher, never really leaving his skin, touching his neck, his chin, his cheeks, and then his ear, leaving small kisses along the way.


"Dear customer," he whispered softly against his ear, and Yesung was really not prepared for that right now, "you're misunderstanding something" 




Kyuhyun smirked at his shaking little customer in his hands, how cute.


"One must know pleasure, before being able to give pleasure to others" He whispered.


Yesung eyes widened, Kyuhyun chuckled, and then, one hand's went under his shirt, caressing the skin between his bellybutton and his crotch with his fingertips, and this time Yesung couldn't help it, he moaned. Kyuhyun's eyes darkened.


"We have a lot to learn about."

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398 streak #1
Chapter 20: rereading all of the chapters, coz why not? they're amazing!!!

still waiting for the omegaverse hehehe
398 streak #2
Chapter 17: I need more chapters for this story!!!! 😭
398 streak #3
Chapter 9: If I'm not dreaming, I believe you said you're gonna write the whole fic about omegaverse, when? I'm dying to read it! 😭😭😭

PS : sorry, I'm a little greedy bastard that always push writers to write and write and write 😱
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 20: I got so anxious reading this, poor thing being trapped with such a horrible man :(
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: I wonder what my sister's fishes thought when they looked at us, did they hate us -human-? Afterall we separated them from their families u.u
Chapter 18: oh shoot this is so good! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Yesung really took "I want, I got it" concept into another level~
Chapter 11: This fic is the first I will read when I reread these snippets/oneshots. I will never be bored of this specific fic.
I love how you describe the journey of their love story in Kyu's pov, Author-nim. It is so touching and beautiful.
Chapter 6: How Kyu had so much trouble in refrain himself, but failed anyway in the end lol
I can see Heechul's evil laugh and Teuk's desperation in my head hahaha
Love this, Author-nim <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 18: Yesung gets what Yesungs wants ;)
398 streak #10
Chapter 18: Oh! 😂 I thought that Kyu would be perfect for the pirate role, but well~ still love it~ 🥰