Classic Omegaverse!Kyusung (part 2)

Random Kyusung Snippets (and small One-shots)


When Yesung woke up, his entire body hurt.


His crotch area was burning, and he couldn't help the little whines that escaped his mouth at the pain.


"It's alright Hyung. You're strong, it's going to be okay, I promise." 


A voice he could recognize amongst a thousand was just next to him, and now he could feel his body a bit more, he could feel a pressure on his hand. Kyuhyun was holding it.


How ironic, the man who caused him all this pain was trying so hard to sooth him.


"... Don't you have things to do? You're the new alpha, you have responsibilities now, you can't just stay at the bedside of a suffering little omega." 


Yesung couldn't keep the bitterness out of his voice, even if he tried to. He didn't want that, he didn't want those negative feelings inside his body, because no matter what, his conditions will not change, holding it inside his body would not make things better, even less for him. But still. It still hurt.


Kyuhyun staid quiet at that, but he didn't let go of his hand, not until Yesung took the pills he was quietly giving him and the pain started to go away.


" I know Hyung doesn't" Kyuhyun hesitated, "I know that you'll probably hate me for a while, or at least resent me. I understand. Hyung just needs to know if you ever need anything you can ask me, you'll always be my priority."


Yesung staid quiet. His feelings weren't as positive as he'll want them to be while hearing those words.


Yesung loved him.


That it would not change. Never.


But the bitterness of his heart would take time to be soothed, and even if he understood the motivations behind his actions, it didn't mean he could forgive them, not yet. Kyuhyun would never be hated, resented. But his actions still costed him his life, something he took from him without even consulting him.


"... Why didn't you talk to me." He said, a bit more angrily after a while. "You're smart. You must already know I love you."' He said straight into his eyes, no point of hiding anything right now. "We could have talked about this." 


Kyuhyun's ears turned a bit red at this, a clear sign of him being flustered.


Some things didn't change after all. 


"... I thought about it." He answered after a while, "but you know yourself as well, Hyung." He signed. "You'll never have taken the solution where we'll be both happy"


That he couldn't deny. 


"Yeah." Kyuhyun chuckled bitterly. "Hyung is always like that."


"I hurt you." He kept saying; "I know. I also knew by doing that, I might never have a chance, with you." Yesung could feel the pressure against his hand, how it got unconsciously a bit stronger, as if it might be the last time he ever holds it. "I... I accept that. But if I didn't do that, then I would never have a chance at all." He ended up saying. "So please, Hyung take care, please go see me if you ever... If you need anything. I'll go back now."


"Will you be really okay with it?" He held him back before he had the chance to leave. "Will you really be okay with it if I never give you a chance, if I hate you and never want to see you again?" Kyuhyun's eyes flickered at that.


"… It's Hyung's choice."


"Then," He kept insisting, "if I meet someone else? If I start feeling things for another beta, or, if I fell for an alpha of another pack, will you still be okay with it?'


Silence engulfed the room, and Yesung could only see the red coloring Kyuhyun's eyes and his hand squeezing his own a bit too hard.


"... I'm okay with it."


He wasn't okay with it. 


His whole behavior and reactions were proofs enough of it.


Yesung sighed. What a mess.


"Kyu, I love you."


Kyuhyun coughed a bit at that, he wasn't expecting it,


"I loved you, I love you now, and I'll love you later, it'll not change, I'm a huge fool like that."


A few seconds passed


"I love you too, Hyung." Kyuhyun said in a breath.


Yesung smiled, although it was still bitter, the words soothed the bitterness of his heart.


"... It'll take time. I'm not saying it's okay now, maybe it'll take years, but one day, I know myself well enough to know I'll forgive you."


Kyuhytun whole behavior seemed to relax instantly at those words, as if it was the only thing he waited for.

"Just, next time you want to do something like this, talk to me before."


"Okay, Hyung, I'll promise I'll ask for advices when I fight another alpha next time."


Yesung chuckled a bit, here it was, the bratty man he knew so well.


One day, it'll be okay, one day he can see himself being happy, being something he never thought he would be, but still happy, one day, he can see him, and Kyuhyun, happily mated, he could see his -maybe- future children, he could see a happier future. 


But for now, they were in the present, and they still had a lot of work to do.

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398 streak #1
Chapter 20: rereading all of the chapters, coz why not? they're amazing!!!

still waiting for the omegaverse hehehe
398 streak #2
Chapter 17: I need more chapters for this story!!!! 😭
398 streak #3
Chapter 9: If I'm not dreaming, I believe you said you're gonna write the whole fic about omegaverse, when? I'm dying to read it! 😭😭😭

PS : sorry, I'm a little greedy bastard that always push writers to write and write and write 😱
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 20: I got so anxious reading this, poor thing being trapped with such a horrible man :(
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: I wonder what my sister's fishes thought when they looked at us, did they hate us -human-? Afterall we separated them from their families u.u
Chapter 18: oh shoot this is so good! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Yesung really took "I want, I got it" concept into another level~
Chapter 11: This fic is the first I will read when I reread these snippets/oneshots. I will never be bored of this specific fic.
I love how you describe the journey of their love story in Kyu's pov, Author-nim. It is so touching and beautiful.
Chapter 6: How Kyu had so much trouble in refrain himself, but failed anyway in the end lol
I can see Heechul's evil laugh and Teuk's desperation in my head hahaha
Love this, Author-nim <3
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 18: Yesung gets what Yesungs wants ;)
398 streak #10
Chapter 18: Oh! 😂 I thought that Kyu would be perfect for the pirate role, but well~ still love it~ 🥰