

Jessica woke up and felt someone snuggling into her. She opened her eyes and saw Yuri's back facing her as Jessica's arm wrapped around Yuri's waist from the back. Unconsciously, a smile formed on Jessica's face. Jessica glanced over to the other couch and saw Krystal sleeping peacefully as well.


As Jessica tried to get up quietly, she woke up Yuri. Yuri turned and hugged Jessica's waist, "Stay here. I'm tired." Yuri mumbled.


Jessica giggled quietly, "You can go back to sleep if I get up."


Yuri shook her head, "Stay here." She ordered, her eyes still closed as she continued to hug Jessica.


Jessica sighed and began to run her hand through Yuri's raven hair. "Sica?"


"Yuri, it's too early for any questions." Jessica replied.


Yuri giggled and looked up at Jessica, "I wasn't going to ask a question."


"What were you going to say?"


Yuri smiled to herself and cuddled more into Jessica, "You're more comfy than Mickey."


Jessica let out a little giggle, "Well, gee, thanks." She replied.


Yuri also giggled and hugged Jessica, "I don't want to get up." Yuri muttered, her voice muffled by Jessica's shirt.


"Let's go, Yuri." Jessica said softly, trying to pry Yuri's arms off of her waist.


Yuri pouted and let go of Jessica, "Fine." She said, sitting up and making her back face Jessica, crossing her arms.


Jessica giggled to herself, seeing the grumpy Yuri. Jessica sat besides Yuri and leaned her head on Yuri's shoulder, "Are you mad?"


Yuri huffed in response. Jessica smiled, "Are you mad because I didn't let you hug me?"


Yuri's cheeks heated up, but Yuri didn't know why. Jessica smiled and hugged Yuri around the waist from the side. "Better?" She asked, still hugging Yuri.


Yuri nodded, making Jessica giggle again, "Okay, let's go brush our teeth."






"Here, Yuri, turn around so I can brush your hair for you." Jessica ordered.


Yuri obediently turned around and let Jessica brush her slightly tangled hair. "Your hair is pretty." Jessica commented, brushing Yuri's hair.


Yuri smiled, "Thanks, Sica. Yours is too."


Jessica simply smiled and continued to brush Yuri's hair. "Sica?"


"Hmm?" Jessica hummed.


"Are you my friend?" Yuri asked.


Jessica stopped brushing, "Huh?" she replied.


"Well.. Krystal is my friend.. so does that make you my friend too?"


Jessica smiled and turned Yuri around so she faced her. Jessica looked at Yuri, "You're more than a friend."


Yuri widened her eyes, "More?" she asked.


Jessica nodded.



"You're family."






Krystal ran to Jessica and hugged her, "Morning, Jessica!"


Jessica smiled and patted Krystal's head before leaning down and giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, "Morning, Krystal. Did you sleep well?"


Krystal nodded before pouting and looking up at Jessica. Jessica raised an eyebrow, "What?" she asked, knowing that look on her little sister's face indicating she wanted something.


"My friends wanted me to go over to their house today." Krystal explained.


Jessica smiled at the cute Krystal. "Well, what time do you want to go?"


Krystal smiled widely, "I can go?" she asked.


Jessica nodded, "But first I need to know who you are going to, where they live, and their phone number." Jessica said like a mother.


Krystal nodded, making an okay sign, "Got it! Amber gave it to me yesterday, hold on, it's in my pocket..." Krystal said before reaching into her pockets, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper, giving it to Jessica. Jessica took the paper and saw that it was in red crayon messily, luckily Jessica was able to read it.


Jessica smiled, "It's not too far from here, I'll drop you off." Krystal smiled widely and took Jessica's hand. Yuri popped out from the kitchen, "Can I go drop off Krystal too?" she asked.


Jessica nodded and reached her other hand for Yuri, who happily skipped forwards and placed her hand in Jessica's.





"Bye-bye, Krystal!" Yuri waved to Krystal, who walked into the house that was opened by a girl around her age that had pig tails. 


Krystal turned and waved, "Bye Jessica, bye Yuri!"


Jessica smiled and waved, "Have fun, be careful. I'll pick you up at 3!"


Krystal pouted, "4!" she yelled.


"3:30!" Jessica bargained.


Krystal giggled and gave a thumbs up, "Deal!"


"Come on, Krys!" A little voice called out.


"Coming, Amber! Bye!" she waved before entering the house.


Jessica turned to Yuri.


"So, what do you want to do now?"






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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
909 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
909 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥