Bridal Style


"Yuri, let's go sit down, please? My legs hurt." Jessica pouted as she pointed to the bench nearby. Yuri shook her head, holding Jessica's hand and interlocking it with her own.


"You're lazy." Yuri stated.


Jessica's pout increased, "I know." she replied.


Yuri giggled and crouched down in front of Jessica. Jessica widened her eyes, "What are you doing?"


Yuri turned her head to look at Jessica, "I'm going to carry you, why?"


Jessica shook her head with eyes wide, "I'm not as light as Krystal. I don't think you can carry me. I don't want you to fall."


Yuri sighed, "You're small. I'm pretty sure I can carry you."


Jessica bit her lip, "Fine, but if we fall, it's your fault."


"Yes ma'am." Yuri replied.


Jessica rolled her eyes and got onto Yuri's back. Jessica's leg wrapped around Yuri's waist and her arms wrapped around Yuri's neck. Yuri stood up and Jessica squealed. "Eeesh, Sica, not so loud, your mouth is right next to my ear."


Jessica giggled slightly, "Sorry."


Yuri's heart beat faster at the sound of Jessica's giggle. Yuri unwrapped Jessica's hands from her neck and held them instead, "I'll just hold your hands like this. You were choking me earlier." Yuri joked.


Jessica rolled her eyes, "Am I not heavy?"


Yuri giggled, "I think you're lighter than Krystal."


Jessica let out a small laugh and rested her head on Yuri's shoulder, "Yuri, where are we going anyway?" she asked as Yuri continued to walk around the small park.


"I don't know. You're the older one here." Yuri replied, "What time is it?"


Jessica pulled out her phone and checked the time, "3:20"


Jessica then widened her eyes, "We need to pick up Krystal!" she exclaimed as she jumped off of Yuri's back. Yuri's back felt cold without Jessica's presence, but she shrugged it off. Jessica instantly interlocked her hand with Yuri's as she ran to Amber's house with Yuri.


Upon arriving at Amber's house Jessica saw her little sister and another little girl running around in the front yard with an elder woman standing at the doorsteps, supervising the children. Jessica smiled, seeing the littler girls chasing each other, she heard her little sister squealing. Amber's mom noticed Jessica, "Ah, hello, Jessica!" she greeted.


The little girls stopped running and looked at Jessica, then Krystal pouted, "I don't want to go back yet." she whined.


Jessica bit her lip, wondering if she should let Krystal stay a little longer. Yuri squeezed Jessica's hand, causing the blonde girl to look up at her. "Let her stay for a little." Yuri said, smiling. Krystal smiled widely after hearing Yuri, she ran to Yuri and hugged the tan girl's leg, "Jessica, listen to Yuri!" Krystal squeaked.


Jessica giggled and nodded, some how Yuri managed to convince her. "Fine." Jessica smiled gently.


Krystal squealed and jumped over to Jessica's leg, hugging her sister's leg now. Jessica giggled and leaned down, kissing Krystal's head, "I'll let you stay for two more hours, then we have to go home before it gets late, alright?" Jessica said sternly as Krystal looked up at her with bright eyes.


Krystal nodded, "Alright!" she chirped before jumping up and kissing her sister on the cheek and running back to Amber.


Yuri smiled at the scene and noticed that Jessica was blanking out while staring at Krystal. "Yah, Sica. Wakey wakey." Yuri said, waving her hand in front of Jessica.


Jessica snapped out of it and grabbed the hand that Yuri was waving and interlocking it with hers. Somehow, Jessica's hand always manages to find Yuri's. Yuri smiled at Jessica, "Let's go home and watch TV." Yuri suggested.


Jessica nodded in agreement, "Yes, let's. I'm tired." she replied exhaustedly.


Yuri giggled, "Want me to carry you again?"


Jessica shook her head, "No. I'm good."


Yuri smirked, making a plan in her mind. Yuri let go of Jessica's hand, making Jessica look at her with eyebrows raised. Yuri giggled before slipping one hand under Jessica's legs and the other under her body, lifting her up and continuing to walk to her house.


"Hey! Kwon Yuri!" Jessica high pitched voice rang out.


Yuri ignored her, since she was busy laughing. Yuri managed to make it to her house while carrying Jessica. Mrs. Kwon, who was now home, heard the noise and opened the door, revealing Yuri carrying Jessica bridal style while Jessica hid her face in Yuri's shoulder since she was scared.


Mrs. Kwon laughed out loud at the scene. Jessica, who was now blushing, jumped off of Yuri and fixed her clothes before glaring at Yuri. Yuri simply laughed it off, "Still tired?" she asked in amusement.


Jessica made a face at Yuri, sticking her tongue out. Yuri stuck her tongue out as well, Mrs. Kwon laughed once again, "Alright, alright girls, let's go inside the house, by the way, where is Krystal?"


"She's still at Amber's. I'm going to pick her up in about two hours." Jessica replied as she entered the house with Yuri.


"Oh, really? Give me Amber's address, I'll pick her up for you, you girls just relax." Mrs. Kwon smiled.


Jessica widened her eyes, "Really?"


Mrs. Kwon nodded and smiled again, "Yeah, now, go along now." she said, shooing the girls.


Yuri grabbed Jessica's hand and led them to her room, "Come on, Sica, let's watch scary movies!"



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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
910 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
910 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥