Do You Love Me?


Yuri was home alone with her mother that night. Jessica had extra work she needed to finish for school. As much as Yuri begged to stay with her, Jessica refused. Yuri then pouted and gave a quick kiss to Jessica before going home, greeted by her mother.


Yuri was currently sitting on the couch, watching TV as her mom was in the kitchen. Yuri paid no attention to the TV, all she was thinking about was a certain blonde girl whose name begins with Jes and ends with Sica. Yuri huffed, should she tell her mom? Yuri decided not to tell her mother about her relationship with Jessica, but instead about her uality.


Yuri got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, "Mom?" she called out, sitting at the dining table.


Her mother, who was washing the dishes, turned her head, "Yes, honey?"


Yuri bit her lip, "You might want to stop that and pay attention.."


Mrs. Kwon frowned and placed the dish she was washing down and drying her hands before sitting besides Yuri, "What's wrong?"


Yuri didn't meet her mother's eyes. "Do you love me?"


Mrs. Kwon widened her eyes, "Of course. What's wrong, Yuri? You're scaring me." she asked, taking hold of Yuri's hand.


Yuri looked into her mother's eyes, "Will you love me forever?"


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "Yes, I will. I love you forever, you're my daughter. What's bothering you?"


Yuri took a deep breath in and out. "Mom... do you really hate lesbians that much?"


Mrs. Kwon's grip on Yuri's hand loosened at the surprising question, "Well.. I find it.. disgusting. Men are meant for women."


"Does it matter if they're a boy or girl? Isn't it called 'love' for a reason? Love is when you love someone not when you're a girl and you love a man. It's someone. That 'someone' could be a girl, can't it?"


Mrs. Kwon completely let go of Yuri, "Where are you getting this from, Yuri?"




Mrs. Kwon frowned, "I knew I shouldn't have let you go to a public school, there are probably gays and lesbians everywhere." she mumbled.


"Mom." Yuri called out, getting her mom's attention.


"You love me, right?"


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "I love you, Yuri. How many times do I need to say it."


Yuri sighed and looked at the ground, lowering her head, "Will you still love me if I love girls?"


Mrs. Kwon widened her eyes, agape, "You're kidding, right, Yuri?"


"So, you don't love me anymore?" Yuri asked, tears beginning to fill her eyes.


"Who taught you this? We can change this. We can get you a boyfriend. Tell me, who changed my daughter?" Mrs. Kwon asked, demanding an answer.


Yuri frowned and looked up at her mom suddenly, anger clear in her eyes, "I changed myself, mom." she stated. "I was born this way. I am lesbian whether you like it or not."


Mrs. Kwon shook her head, "No way, I will not allow my daughter become one of 'them'"


Yuri released her tears, out of anger and sadness. "Does that mean you never loved me? You said those words without actually meaning it?"


Mrs. Kwon furrowed her eyebrows, "What?"


"I was like this since I was born. Does that mean you never loved me?"


Mrs. Kwon didn't know how to respond, she had mix emotions.


Mr. Kwon suddenly entered the room, seeing his daughter crying and his wife with a surprised face, "What's going on?" he asked.


Yuri turned her head and wiped her tears that kept falling, "Dad, do you love me?"


Mr. Kwon was taken aback, "O-of course honey, tell me what's wrong?"


"Will you still love me if I am lesbian?"


Mr. Kwon didn't have anything against gays and lesbians. It was his wife that disliked them, he himself had nothing wrong with them. Mr. Kwon held out his arms. Yuri smiled, but her smile was lopsided since she was crying as she hugged her father.


Mrs. Kwon watched the scene. Did Mr. Kwon actually approve of this?


Mr. Kwon kissed his daughter's head as she cried into his chest, it broke his heart to see his daughter crying like this. "I'll love you no matter what, Yuri. Whether you're lesbian or not."


Yuri looked up, tearful, "Really?"


Mr. Kwon smiled and pecked his daughter's forehead, "Really."


"I don't approve."


Yuri turned her head and looked at her mother. Her mother looked stern and serious, "I don't approve of this at all. You're beautiful, Yuri. Why waste it on another girl? Why not get a boyfriend? You can have a real family."


"It isn't a family without love." Yuri stated, clenching her jaw.


"Are you telling me you're in love?"


Yuri closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, "Yes."


"With who?"











Jessica began to walk home from school when she saw Yuri. Jessica widened her eyes, seeing Yuri walk in an angry manner while mumbling incoherent things. Jessica walked up to Yuri and took her arm. Yuri, who didn't know it was Jessica, yanked her arm away.
Jessica widened her eyes, slightly hurt at Yuri's action. Yuri immediately hugged Jessica after realizing it was her, wrapping her arms around Jessica's petite waist, "I'm sorry, Sica.." she mumbled, nuzzling her face into Jessica's neck.
Jessica nodded and hugged Yuri back, "It's alright, what's wrong? Why are you walking right now? It's late out."
Yuri sniffed, "I told them."
Jessica gasped and leaned out, looking at Yuri's face that was now flooded with tears, Jessica wiped the tears away with her thumb, "What'd they say?"
"My dad doesn't care but... my mom..."
Jessica frowned, "What'd she say?"
"She found me a boyfriend."
"Huh? Didn't you tell her we were dating?"
"I did.."
Yuri sniffed, "She told me that I have to date the guy for at least 2 months. She said after that I could choose between you and him."
Jessica huffed, "Who?"
Yuri shrugged, "I don't know."
"Ugh..." Jessica mumbled.
Yuri then kissed Jessica quickly, "Don't worry, Sica. I'll choose you for sure!"
Jessica nodded numbly, a feeling of doubt in her stomach. What if Yuri gained feelings for the boy? What will happen to her?"
Yuri bit her lip as she stared into Jessica's eyes, "Will you.. tell your parents about us?"
Jessica sighed, "I would, but my mom isn't home right now, she's at work while Krystal is at Amber's."
Yuri smiled widely and grabbed Jessica's hand, "Let's go to your house and call your dad then!"
"Hello?" Mr. Jung answered the call.
"D-dad?" Jessica called.
Mr. Jung, who was eating, quickly put down his spoon and listened to his daughter, "Ah, yes, Jessie?"
"I have something to tell you.."
Mr. Jung frowned, hearing the hesitation in his daughter's voice. "What is it, honey?"
"Promise you won't get mad at me?" Jessica said as she stared at her feet.
Yuri, who was sitting besides Jessica on the couch, wrapped her arm around Jessica's shoulder for comfort.
Mr. Jung nodded, "I won't get mad, now tell dad what's wrong.."
"I.. I'm lesbian."
"I'm lesbian." Jessica stated.
Jessica took a shaky breath, "Yes."
Mr. Jung didn't like the idea of his daughter liking another girl, but he missed half of Jessica's life, he doesn't want to miss the rest. "It's alright." He breathed.
Jessica widened her eyes, "You're not mad?"
"I'm not mad. You're my daughter. I'll love you no matter who you love. As long as that person makes my baby girl happy."
Jessica smiled widely before answering, "She does."
Mr. Jung widened his eyes, "You already have a girlfriend?"
Jessica nodded even though she knew her father couldn't see her, she looked up at Yuri.
"I do. And she's the most sweetest, caring, and adorable girl you'll ever meet."
"Who is she?"
"Kwon Yuri."






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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
914 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
914 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥