

In the first month, Yuri's managed to go through all of Grade 1's lessons. Yes, Mrs. and Mr. Kwon were homeschooling Yuri. They didn't want to send their daughter out in public where she can get laughed at because she has the mind of a six year old. The bad thing about Mr. and Mrs. Kwon homeschooling Yuri was that they themselves don't know much about school as they had quit school to focus on their jobs and family.


"Should we get someone to tutor her?" Mr. Kwon asked Mrs. Kwon one morning.


Mrs. Kwon sighed, "I guess, we are horrible at being teachers."


Mr. Kwon let out a little chuckle, "I couldn't agree more." They browsed through advertisements on the newspaper, looking for tutors.


"Aha! I found one." Mr. Kwon said, pointing to a potential advertisement.

Jessica Jung

Willing to tutor Sunday - Friday up to Grade 12


Mr. Kwon smiled and took out his phone, dialing the girl's number.


"Hello?" a high pitched voice rang out.


"Yes, I am looking for a tutor for my daughter." Mr. Kwon responded.


"Ah, yes, may I know what she needs to learn and what grade?" the girl replied.


"Grade 2's entire lesson plan." Mr. Kwon replied simply, leaving the girl stunned.


"Hello?" Mr. Kwon called out.


"Oh, uh.. yes, I'm here. But, sir, I don't have the entire lesson plan.. and that might take a long time.."


Mr. Kwon stopped her from saying anymore, "I have the lesson plans, I just need a tutor for her, she's a bright girl, she learns quick. Please consider on coming over tomorrow bright and early at ______. I'll pay extra for your tutoring. I'm in need. Please, do consider." Mr. Kwon said before hanging up.


"Did you tell her that Yuri has the brain of a six year old and a body of a seventeen year old?" Mrs. Kwon asked.


Mr. Kwon sighed and facepalmed himself, "Nope."


Mrs. Kwon smacked his head, "Good job." she stated sarcastically.


Mr. Kwon shrugged, "She'll find out tomorrow if she comes." 


At that moment, Yuri walked in, with no shirt on, holding a bra, "Mommy, how do I do this again?"


Mr. Kwon sighed, this wasn't the first time seeing Yuri like that.


Mrs. Kwon stood and walked over, "Yuri, how many times do I have to explain this? Do not walk out without covering yourself, remember, you're not six anymore. Here, do this." Mrs. Kwon scolded before showing Yuri how to correctly put the bra on.


"Oh.. Thanks, mommy!" Yuri smiled and walked away, back to her room.


Mr. Kwon shook his head, "Luckily she isn't in high school right now, or all the boys will be hitting on her"


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "Fortunately she isn't. What I wonder, though, is how her body managed to stay that fit for eleven years."


Mr. Kwon nodded, agreeing, "Well, she was quite the active girl when she was younger. Perhaps she had abs when she was little, and it grew over time."


Mrs. Kwon shrugged, "That's ridiculous, but let's just go with that."


Suddenly, a loud scream was heard from the bathroom, "Mommy!" they heard Yuri.


Mrs. Kwon jumped slightly and quickly made her way to the bathroom, followed by Mr. Kwon. "What's wrong?" Mrs. Kwon asked, knocking on the door repeatedly.


"Mommy! It's bloody!" Mrs. Kwon widened her eyes and as did Mr. Kwon.


"Yuri, I'm coming in there okay?" Mrs. Kwon said after grabbing a pad, not wanting to use a tampon because Yuri would get scared. 


Mrs. Kwon opened the door and saw Yuri on the toilet, staring at the blood in the toilet and on her underwear, "Why am I bleeding?!" Yuri cried out.


Mrs. Kwon rubbed Yuri's back, "This is part of growing up, you'll get this for a week every month."


"So.. I'm not dying?" Yuri said, sniffing.


Mrs. Kwon smiled, "No, you are not dying. Here, let me get you a new pair of underwear and I'll show you what to do."




"Mommy, I feel uncomfortable" Yuri whined, walking weirdly with the pad.


Mrs. Kwon sighed, "You have to get used to it, Yuri."


Yuri pouted, "Why is being a girl so hard?"


Mrs. Kwon smiled, "I don't know honey, but that just shows that woman are tougher than men, right?"


Yuri smiled softly, "Right-- AHH! Mommy! I felt it!" She suddenly exclaimed, crossing her legs.


Mrs. Kwon sighed again, "Don't tell other people about it, okay? It's yucky. Keep it to yourself and try not to make it noticeable." 


Yuri sighed and nodded, "This is too much.." Yuri pouted.


Mrs. Kwon patted Yuri's head, "It's alright, honey. Did you study?" Yuri nodded again.


Mrs. Kwon eyed Yuri, the girl's hair was a mess, Mrs. Kwon clapped her hand once, "Let's go get you a hair cut."


"Now, Yuri, stay still so she can make you look pretty, okay?" Mrs. Kwon asked, sitting Yuri on the chair as they were at the barber.


Yuri nodded obediently, "Okay, mommy."


Mrs. Kwon turned to the hair dresser, "Please make my daughter look even more beautiful than she already is." she smiled. Yuri smiled back at her mother.


"Okay." The hairdresser replied before  starting to cut Yuri's hair.




"Oh my! Yuri, you look so pretty!"


Yuri widened her eyes, staring into the mirror the hairdresser put up. "My head feels lighter."



Mrs. Kwon brought Yuri home, bringing her to the bathroom. "Now, Yuri, you need to take care of your hair to keep it pretty like this, okay?" Mrs. Kwon said, patting Yuri's hair.


Yuri nodded, "How do I do that?" Yuri asked. Mrs. Kwon brought out a brush, "Brush your hair everyday."


Yuri suddenly grabbed her toothbrush, "Like how I brush my teeth with this?" Mrs. Kwon nodded.


Yuri suddenly tried to brush her hair using the toothbrush, Mrs. Kwon grabbed Yuri's wrist in surprise, "No, no, Yuri, that's for your teeth, not your hair!" 


"Oh..." Yuri realized before giggling, "Oops."


Mrs. Kwon giggled slightly at her daughter's behavior before handing her the brush, "Use this"


Yuri slowly began to brush her hair while Mrs. Kwon watched in silence. "My hair looks pretty." Yuri said, looking into the mirror.


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "It does. Now, you should take a shower, Yuri. You remember what to do, right?"


Yuri nodded, "I have to shampoo and condition my hair, right?"


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "And what else?"


"Wash my body with soap?"


Mrs. Kwon nodded again before walking over to the shower, "Now, tell me which one is shampoo, conditioner, and soap." Yuri walked over and scratched her head.


Mrs. Kwon smiled, "You know how to read, don't you?"


"Oh yeah!" Yuri remembered as she grabbed random containers, reading the labels slowly.


"Sha... Sham.. Poop? Poop!?" Yuri widened her eyes, dropping the container.


Mrs. Kwon laughed out loud, "Yuri, that says Shampoo, not Shampoop."


Yuri's face turned slightly pink at her mistake, "Oh.. Well, I found shampoo!"


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "Find soap and conditioner."


Yuri pointed to the bar that was a cream color, "That's soap."


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "Conditioner?"


Yuri then continued to read all the labels of all the bottles in the shower. "Con.. Cond.. it... Condition.. er.. Conditioner!" Yuri pointed.


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "Now you can shower alone, right?"


Yuri nodded, "I'm a big girl now, remember?"


Mrs. Kwon smiled, "Yes, you are a big girl, now be careful in the shower, it's slippery."


"Okay, mommy." Yuri said as she began to strip out of her clothes, ignoring the fact that another person was in the bathroom with her.


"Yuri, what did I say about changing in front of people?" Mrs. Kwon asked, crossing her arms.


Yuri stopped taking her clothes off and smiled sheepishly, "You told me to not do it."


"Yeah, even though I am your mother, it is rude, okay?"


Yuri nodded, "Sorry."


Mrs. Kwon smiled, "It's okay. Don't take too long, you should go to bed after your shower."


Yuri nodded again as her mother left the shower. "Yuri fighting!" Yuri chanted to herself quietly as she stepped into the shower, she suddenly erupted in giggles.




She still had her clothes on.


Yuri took the rest of her clothes off and placed them in the laundry bin before entering the shower again, turning the water on. "Ah! Cold!" She yelled, turning the shower knob.


"Ahh.. that's bett-- HOT!" Yuri exclaimed, turning the knob towards the left right a little.


"Okay.. better." Yuri said as she calmed herself.


"Now.. which one is shampoo?" she said to herself, eyeing the bottles in the shower.








"Done!" Yuri announced. Mrs. Kwon walked in and began to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of her daughter.


Yuri's hair was covered in bubbles and her body still had traces of soap.


"What?" Yuri asked, seeing her mother react like that.


"Yuri, you need to wash all the bubbles off your body before you get out."


Yuri glanced at herself in the mirror and gasped, seeing the amount of bubbles, "But, I swear, these bubbles weren't here before!"


"You silly girl, go finish up. Remember to dry yourself and put your clothes on, okay?" 




"Done!" Yuri announced for the second time. Mrs. Kwon walked in and nodded, seeing Yuri in a tank top and pair of shorts, ready to sleep.


"Now, after you shower, you should brush your hair and dry it with a towel, so you won't get sick." Mrs. Kwon said, handing Yuri a brush and a dry towel.


Yuri then began to brush her hair until it was straight, but still wet. "Now use the towel to dry it." Mrs. Kwon instructed.


After successfully drying and combing her hair, Yuri got settled into bed after brushing her teeth. Mrs. Kwon brought the blanket up to Yuri's chest.


"Tomorrow we might have a visitor, get up early, and remember what I said to you, okay?" Mrs. Kwon said softly.


Yuri nodded. Mrs. Kwon smiled and kissed Yuri's forehead, "Good night, love you."


"I love you too, mommy."

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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
914 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
914 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥