

As Jessica was about to walk home with Yuri like she usually does, Yuri stopped her. Jessica frowned and turned her head to the side, "What?"


Yuri bit her lip, "My mom..." she started, hesitating, "She said you can't come over anymore."


Jessica widened her eyes before her eyes glared at the boy who just wrapped his arm around Yuri's waist, "I'm going over her house after school from now on."


Jessica couldn't help but feel hurt. Even if she knew that it wasn't Yuri's decision, the fact that Yuri let Minho hold her around the waist like that angered her.


Without responding, Jessica walked away with fists and teeth clenched. Yuri had a sad frown on her face before Minho began to drag her, "Come on, your parents are probably waiting."


Yuri nodded and began to walk with Minho. Jessica ended up kicking a trash can over before sitting on the side walk.


Doesn't Mrs. Kwon understand that if Yuri is dating Minho, it'll also hurt Jessica? Jessica ran her hands over her face and was surprised to feel tears. Someone sat besides her, and from the strawberry perfume, she knew it was Tiffany.


"Go away, Tiffany."


"No way. You're crying, now tell me what happened."


"Yuri." Jessica answered, hands still over her face.


"I thought you guys are already dating?"


"She told her parents."


"Oh... what happened?"


"She's dating Minho."


Tiffany widened her eyes, "What!? Why?!"


"Her mom made her.. They're dating for two months before Yuri can choose her decision."


"Why are you stressing so much? She'll choose you, don't worry." Tiffany said, putting a hand on Jessica's shoulder.


"I don't know about that." Jessica responded with a sad tone, looking into Tiffany's eyes.


"W-why not?" Tiffany stuttered, seeing how sad and lonely Jessica looked.


"Minho is a boy. He's different than me. Maybe Yuri might gain feelings for him. I.. I don't know what to do." Jessica said before the tears began to spill again.


Tiffany, who didn't know what else to say, hugged the blonde girl and let her cry on her chest. Taeyeon walked out of the school building before quickly walking over to the girls. She mouthed to Tiffany, 'What happened?'


Tiffany mouthed back, 'Later'


Taeyeon nodded and sat on the other side of Taeyeon before wrapping her arm around Jessica.







At home, Jessica couldn't sleep. Was Minho still at Yuri's house? By now Yuri would be asleep, right? Did they have dinner together? 


Krystal opened Jessica's door and jumped onto her bed, "Jessica, why didn't we go to Yuri's today?"


Jessica frowned and sat up, "We're not going there anymore."


"Why?" Krystal asked in a sad tone.


"We just aren't, okay?"


Krystal nodded, "Okay, but can I sleep here?"


Jessica nodded and laid back down and so did Krystal. Jessica hugged Krystal from behind the back. But it felt like something was missing. What was missing?


A tear fell down Jessica's face after realizing the missing piece.










A certain tan girl.













As Jessica walked to school, she noticed two people sitting on the bench she and Yuri usually sat on. It was Yuri and Minho. Minho had his arm slung over Yuri's shoulder, and it seemed like Yuri was leaning on Minho. Jessica clenched her teeth and lowered her head, trying to walk past them and into the school.


Yuri automatically saw Jessica, she jumped off the bench and ran up to Jessica, "Sica!"


Jessica ignored her and continued to walk. Yuri frowned and followed Jessica into the building, leaving Minho behind.




Jessica ignored her.


"Answer me."


Jessica still had her head lowered, trying to hide her pale face and puffy eyes from Yuri. Yuri took hold of Jessica's hand, attempting to catch her attention, but Jessica yanked her hand back. Hurt and angry at Jessica, Yuri grabbed Jessica's wrist and dragged her to the bathroom, closing and locking the entrance.


Jessica bit her lip and walked to the door, trying to unlock it and walk out, but Yuri was quicker. Yuri ran in front of the door, blocking Jessica. The blonde girl still didn't want Yuri to see her face, she lowered her head even more.


"What's wrong?"


Jessica didn't answer.


"Jessica Jung Sooyeon." Yuri called sternly.


This made Jessica look up at her, Yuri gasped. Jessica's eyes were red and puffy, her face was pale, and her cheeks were stained with tears.


"What, Yuri?" Jessica asked, her voice hoarse.


Yuri brought her hands up to Jessica's cheeks, "Sica-"


Jessica took hold of Yuri's wrists, pulling them away from her face. Yuri frowned, "What's wrong?"


Jessica stared blankly into Yuri's eyes, "What's wrong?" she asked back.


Yuri nodded, "What's wrong with you, Sica?"


"What's wrong with me? What about you?"


"What about me?"


"You're not even trying to prevent Minho from touching you!" Jessica burst.


Yuri frowned, "What do you want me to do?! He's my boyfriend!


Jessica's tears released at the word 'boyfriend'. The word she didn't want to hear coming from Yuri. Jessica backed up from Yuri, the tears flowing.


"Sica.." Yuri called softly, regretting her words.


"What are we?"


Yuri furrowed her eyebrows, "What?"


Jessica sniffed and didn't bother to wipe the tears off her face, "If he's your boyfriend, then what are we?"


Immediately, Jessica spoke again, "Wait. Don't answer that, because I already the answer."


Yuri waited for Jessica to speak again. Yuri connected eyes with Jessica, noticing how hurt they were.


"I'm just your tutor. Your babysitter that helped you grow up, right?" Jessica asked painfully.


Yuri wanted to disagree, she wanted to make Jessica feel better, but nothing came out. Why must she freeze at this moment?


"Did you ever truly love me, Yuri?"


The question made Yuri freeze. Jessica bit her lips to stop them from trembling. "Did you?"


"O-of course I did, Sica. How could you assume I didn't?"


"Because you're not even trying anymore!"


"Trying what?!" Yuri yelled back.


Jessica's heart was constricting every time Yuri yelled at her. Jessica backed away as Yuri moved closer. Eventually, Jessica's back hit the wall, and she gasped as Yuri placed her hands on either side of Jessica's face.


Jessica turned her head, "Go away. Go with Minho."


Yuri frowned, "Stop assuming I like Minho."


Jessica locked eyes with Yuri, "But you do, don't you?"


Yuri chose her next words carefully, "I may be attracted to him.."


Jessica's heart was on the verge of breaking into a million pieces.


"But.." Yuri started again.
















"I love you"


"Not him. I love you, Jessica Jung. My tutor, my babysitter, my lover, it's you I love,"


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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
909 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
909 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥