

Jessica woke up and felt her body being covered by somebody. Opening her eyes, she noticed that Yuri was still holding onto her. Jessica smiled a little, Yuri had kept her warm the whole night. Yuri, who had woken up due to Jessica's struggle to break free, stopped Jessica from moving.


"Sica, you're still sick, aren't you?" Yuri asked.


Jessica shook her head, "I'm fine now."


Yuri sat up on the couch and shook her head, "No you're not."


Yuri noticed some stuff on the coffee table. Getting up, she walked over and picked up the note, reading it out loud fluently, "Yuri, please give this medicine to Jessica. Love, Mom."


Yuri then picked up the bottle of medicine, reading the label. Yuri looked over to Jessica, "Stay here, Sica. I'll go get some water for you. Don't move."


Yuri then walked to the kitchen, getting a glass of water and a spoon for the medicine. Walking back, Yuri smiled seeing Jessica hadn't moved from her spot. Yuri took the medicine and poured it carefully into the spoon before putting it in front of Jessica's mouth, "Here."


Jessica opened and drank the medicine, her face contorted at the nasty taste. Yuri giggled at her face and handed the water to her, Jessica gladly drank the whole cup of water. Yuri watched Jessica, "Don't drink so fast, you might choke."


Jessica placed the cup down and continued to lay down. Yuri looked down at Jessica, "Are you still cold?"


Jessica shook her head, "I'm okay."


Yuri smiled and leaned down, giving Jessica's forehead a kiss. Jessica frowned, "Don't kiss me, you might get sick."


Yuri kissed Jessica again, but this time on the cheek. "Didn't you hear what I just said?" Jessica asked.


Yuri nodded, "I heard."


"Then why did you kiss me again?"


"Because, if I kiss you, the sickness will go to me, right? It would leave your body and go to mine, so if I keep kissing you, you won't be sick anymore."


Jessica was speechless as her heart beat rapidly. Yuri smiled and leaned down without Jessica noticing, giving her a kiss on the lips. Jessica snapped back to reality, "HEY! Yuri! Don't kiss me on the lips!"


Yuri pouted, "Why not? I did yesterday."


Jessica sighed, "Yuri, only lovers kiss on the lips."


"Then let's be lovers."


Jessica widened her eyes, "Yuri! We are both girls!"


Yuri frowned, "Why do you keep saying that? I know we are both girls. What's wrong with it?"


Jessica huffed out a breath, "Yuri, we can't do that. It's not a good thing."


"Dating a girl when you're a girl is not a good thing?"


"Well, it isn't to other people."


"But we're not other people."


Jessica and Yuri locked eyes. Jessica looked away, "We just can't okay?"


Yuri frowned, "Yes we can."


"Your mom will get mad."


Yuri froze. She knew how her mother disliked same gender dating. Jessica knew she had found a strong reason for Yuri. Yuri looked away, "Where's Krystal?" she changed the subject.


Jessica sighed.







Mrs. Kwon picked up her phone, "Hello?" she asked the unknown number.


"Is this the parent of Kwon Yuri?"


"Yes, I am her mother, who are you?"


"I'm Tim Jung. I was the one who caused the car accident."

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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
914 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
914 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥