Yoboseyo ?

Hours, days and weeks passed. To be exact, 5 weeks and 4 days.
And there hadn't been a single day Yerin didn't get to talk to Gongchan.
And even Yerin began to create special feelings for that Gongchan, what was totally absurd ofcourse, since she only knew him by... well, phone.

Yerin and Sohee were walking togheter from school to their home, they were neighbours.
*beep beep* 
"Hey, did you get a text from your looooo-ve~ again?" Sohee teased Yerin.
"He's not my love," Yerin opened her phone, 

« You got a text from: GongChan»

"Yes, it's from him," just said,
"Awww~ Yerin-ah, I'm so jealous... because, well it's clear that he MUST like you too," Sohee giggled.
"Eh?! But I don't even like him! He's just a friend, I guess." Yerin immedeatly said.
"Yah yah... It's that you're just not realizing it yet! And.. aren't you going to read that text ?" 
"Ah.. yae," and Yerin opened the text.

From: GongChan
Let's meet up some time, I'm very curious to actually seeing you.

Yerin's eyes widened, "Sohee... He wants to meet me!?"
Sohee's eyes also widened, "What? Awww how cool, now you can finally see what your fiancee looks like!"
"Yah! Stop teasing me already," 
"But don't you want to meet him then?" Sohee asked,
"I don't know. Maybe he will be dissapointed, and then this friendship we have will be over,"
Sohee kept quiet, it was true that Yerin didn't have much friends beside her, and even Sohee knew that.
Yerin sighed, "Well, I'll think about it. It'd be really nice though, I mean Gongchan seems very nice," 
"That's true!" Sohee said to destroy the awkwardness.


It was already 11Pm, and Yerin still didn't know what to respond to the text.
What if things will get awkward when we meet up...? Wait what if he's actually really ugly, or has bad breath!?
But wait what if he thinks of me as a dork... or what if we don't have any connection in person? 
Or maybe...

Yerin's profession was over-thinking, and her hidden insecurities stimulated the over-thinking thing.
Yerin's thinking went on and on, and it didn't seem to come to an end untill Gongchan suddenly called her.

"Yoboseyo Yerin-ah, did you read my text ?" is what Gongchan immedeatly said.
"Yae, I did-" 
"My friend  sent it to you, by accident. I'm so sorry," Gongchan explained,
"Oh, it's not that I care!" Yerin lied.
"Well... it'd be fun if we would maybe did meet togheter, right?" 
Yerin just laughed, being a little nervous. What is this feeling? Why am I so "nervous" and stuff? It's just Gongchan...
"We could go to a game-hall, or eat ice-cream. You said you loved that right? Mint flavored ice-cream is your fave right?"
"Wow, you still remember that?" Yerin surprisingly asked.

By the way he was talking to her she actually felt comforted, like she always feels while talking to him.
She didn't even think about all the "what if's" anymore and enjoyed talking to him. So... the "date" was set. Next saturday, they'd meet.

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Dustbinhugger #1
Pweeeaase update soon? ><
chibi14 #2
Please update soon~~
maknaegongchan #3
Are you going to update? Update soon please~~~
Little_Ys #4
update sooN! new reader and this is getting REALLY interesting! :)
I'm still in Chapter 2.. I'll read your Chapet 3 untill end after my school exame, okay^^ I.. I want to be like Yerin too! Oh, my gosh, have a wrong call with Gongchan oppa! That can make me call him everynight, for sure... For sure!!!! (>_<) *fainted*
Are you serious?! :O you don't know infinite?! Well, you should look them up! :D oh and thank you for updating!~ Gongchan is a very good friend :) but I hope that other girl does not spread a rumor about them going out :(
OH MY GODDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~<br />
19 streak #9
Update soon.
Dustbinhugger #10
Dammit. I meant NAM NAM NAM. NAM WOO HYUN #facepalm