8. You In My Dream

100 Days Being...a Maid?
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Warning : This chapter is containing light . Don't read if you're uncomfortable.


“Sungjoon, wait.”


Wei is about to stand up when a hand pulling him back to the seat harshly “Huh?” He surprised and “ Wha ihmmmffftt” His neck is being pulled suddenly and something soft is attacking his lips. The next thing he know is a view of a closed-eyes guy in his vision, and a slight of soft skin touching his cheek. Their face is so close until  the other’s warm breath and chocolate scents spreading on his nose.


Need some moments for him to realize that...


They are kissing.




This is surprising, but well, he wouldn’t complained. Just how he could be complained, when the touch on his lips is really enjoyable. He couldn’t even have brief time to be angry and just let himself melting into the kiss instead. Slowly, he is closing his eyes and kissing back.



Wei is enjoying it. Obviously his partner is the same, as he close his eyes from the start. His partner sat on his lap and wrapping the small arm around his neck, pressing their bodies together. He is trying to not really eager but then, ‘This is good.’


The electric feels is coming, waking up each cells inside him. This small lips on his is really addictive and pleasuring. He places his hand on the other’s hips and admiring how slim and small this guy is. Sometimes their lips is parted away to fill their lungs with air, but always find the way back to each other afterwards. As they continue playing each other’s lips, he can feel his partner’s hand is moving around his back and it really turn him on.


He lost it.


He lift the smaller body onto the table and position himself on the top. His hand are now locking his partner from escaping, but  his hand is touching something wet.


He broke the kiss and look around, suprised himself for knowing they are laying on the cold and wet floor in the bathroom instead.  The view is distracting his mind, until a high pitch screaming suddenly heard. He look back to the guy under him and...




A forehead is coming.





Wei jolted up from his sleep  and sit up hurriedly. He is panting hard, heat all over his face. Still half-awake, his fingers touches and massage his forehead as it is in pain after got a hit. His eyes are wandering around, realize that he’s not in the bathroom. ‘Was it a dream? Seem like that.’


Finally got full of his consciousness, he is trying to breath normally. ‘Huuu....’


A hard feeling suddenly felt at his lower body. Intend to check it out, he moves the blanket that covering him, and suprised for meet ‘another thing that waking up’ down there. He chuckled. “Hmmpphh... Long time not seeing you like this.” With that hot scene in his dream earlier, no wonder ‘he’ is waking up too. Good thing that ‘he’ didn’t release anything and staining his bed. “Nice to meet you, Junior, but now go to sleep again! Shuh shuh!”


The cold air in the room shivering him, make him to covers himself back with the blanket. He lays down, thinking over the dream that make him a bit ‘hard’ this morning. Was it even considered as a wet dream? ‘Well, maybe yes, because I really DID touched the ‘wet’ thing in the bathroom scene, water. (Haha. Not funny, Sungjoon)


Whatever it is called, the scenes itself was actually not a big deal. Doing romance with somebody in the dream was pretty normal for a grown up guy like him, and he dream something more than that quite often in the past. He doesn’t felt anything wrong or weird with it at all, until he realized who his partner was.


It’s Sunyoul...



His new maid...



Like... Seriously?



Out of the guys he met and knew, why it must be him?






It’s not like he hated him, but...Alright. They once on top of each other in the bathroom that day, and the dream was indeed, containing the scene from it. It was not his intend to did something bad of course, and nothing really happened afterall, except for he just helped him with the breathing and saw him . So, what? What was so wrong with that? Why it’s even appeared in his dream?


Don’t forget about the first scene...


#Flashback of his maid wiped cream on his lips#


That was also nothing. It’s not like he thought about something ert when his maid touched his lips at the close distance. Why it’s even came into his dream? Along with some intense romance added.


“Don’t Lie, Bud.” The voice screams in his head. “Remember when you’re overreacting after he wiped the cream on your lips? It was because you were looking on his lips and thought you two would kissed.  Just admit it.”


It was his mind, and it never lying.


So, he really did thinking like that?




#Flashback of him being cold afterward#




“Why do I even need to acted like that?” They already had good relation yesterday, but he ruined it again less than an hour.


#Flashback of the kiss scene from the dream#






Wei covers his face using his palms wish to dissapear from the world for some times. Both of his act yesterday and the dream were so embarrasing.


Now, how he will be able to face his maid after this?


Should he keep the distance for awhile until he’s ready? Just like what he did after the embarrasing moments from the bathroom scenes days ago.


Yes. Seems like that is the best answer.


He just need to avoiding his maid for some moments, or he would die in embarrassment.



Knock. Knock. Knock.

Damn it.


Why. Why. Why...


Someone is knocking his bedroom’s door at 9 in the morning. Let’s just say, that impossible for his cousin to be the person behind his door. That sleephead must be still sleeping in a cozy bed. Whosoever’s bed. Who is the another option? YES. HIS MAID. AND HE IS REALLY NOT READY FOR THIS....


Why that guy even come here in the first place? What should he does now?


Knock. Knock. Knock.



“S-Sungjoon....” The opened door’s sound heard, along with a really pretty voice calling his name. Wei had that habit for not locking his bedroom so Mr.Kim could easily wake him up. Now that he already used alarm instead, the habit is still exist. Fortunately, he is a quick thinker. In this kind of situation, the most right thing to do by him is pretend to sleep. That is what he does at this moment. Pretend to be sleeping with his back facing the door.


He could feel the gaze from his maid at the door, and it making him nervous. He prays hard so the maid wouldn’t come in to his room.


Seems like his maid is buying it because not long time after, the door is being closed. He opens his eyes slowly. ‘Is he gone?’ He want to look behind him, but he worry that his maid is still there. He stays still for some moments, and finally moves around after being sure that no one in his room. Right at that moment, his door is being opened for the second time.


He closes his eyes in a flash speed and do his best to look naturally sleeping. But damn, his face is facing the door right now.


“Sungjoon, sorry I’m in...” His maid is going in and his footstep is getting closer. The flashback of the dream is suddenly coming back again and bring back the tall guy’s nerves. He is trying hard to stay still, even trying too hard with holding his own breath. The footstep is stopped right beside his bed, and this time, he thought his heart would stopped from beating.


Damn. What is he going to do?


Don’t tell me that he’s going to kiss me!


No way.






Krrkkkk. Blammm.


Eh? He’s gone?


Right after the sound of door closing, Wei opens his eyes. He was right, his maid is nowhere to be found in his room. Knowing that, he lets out a relieved breath and waking up. He can feel that his heart now is beating so fast. “That was so close, but what was he doing in my room?” He asked himself. No one is anwering, but he found a written-paper on the table beside his bed instead.

He takes it.


Sungjoon, I’m going to meet my friend for awhile. I have reheat the breakfast and do my works.  I will comeback before lunch.




‘Oh... he just going to meet his friend.’


‘Why he even need to leave the notes in my room? He could just text me via phone.’


‘Wait, have I even gave my phone number already?’










Ground Floor

The sound from elevator’s speaker is heard along with a sound ‘TING’. It make the pretty guy inside taking off his eyes from the phone in his hand. He rush out of the elevator right after the door opened and walking straight to the building’s entrance. The weather is getting colder these day as autumn is coming, but strangely, he’s not feeling cold at all at the moment. Instead, the heat is gathered inside his head. He keep on walking, and when the sight of a-wide-smiley-guy-holding-his-phone is coming in his vision, the heat is about to explode.



“Hi, Yein-aa... How are you?” The guy is spreading his arm, expecting a hug from the pretty guy, but unfortunately, he got a scolde instead.


“Don’t ‘Hi’ and ‘How are you’ me, Hyung! And how many times I told you don’t call me Yein!”


As to ignoring the angry guy, the smiley guy is still trying his best to smile. “You’re so pretty like always.”


“Aarrrrgggghhh stop it! Hyung, seriously...where have you been? I almost slept on the road last week because of you.”


The wide smile on the ‘hyung’ is slowly turn wider until his eyes dissapeared. His hand is about to touch Sunyoul’s shoulder when the latter slap his hand.


“Don’t touch me! Just answer! And how can you just suddenly called me in the morning after one week dissapeared and asked me to meet like this??? Arrrggghhh I hate you, Hyung....”


The older guy is still smiling with his thick lips, while his hand is still trying to hug the younger, but once again, he dodged it. Whoever passing by and watching this scene, must be thinking they’re a couple in fight.


“I’m so sorry, Youl-a..I forgot that you came here last week. I really thought you will come here tomorrow.”

“And then, where were you these six days?”

“I went on hiking to the mountain with my friends for ten days, and we just arrived in Seoul this morning.”

“But at least you could picked my calls and replied my messaaaages.” Sunyoul start whinning.

“I turned off the phone as long as I was there.”

“... That’s still your fault.” Sunyoul folds his hand and pouts.

“Youl-a, I  knew that I’m in fault. I misthought your arrival and went on hiking instead, I also turned off my phone for ten days. But you know, the first thing I did after turning on my phone is reading your message and calling you.”


“Look, I even didn’t change my clothes and running over here after put my lugages.” The older is showing off his padding jacket and boots. “I’m really sorry.”


“Could you forgive me?”




“Do you feel better now?”

“Not yet!”

“Alright.” The older is giving a small smile, despite feeling guilty. This younger friend of him is actually really cute, even during angry.


“Now, better?”

“A bit.”

“Wanna grab some tea?”




“Chicken with sweet sauce?”


“Pancake with honey on the top?”


“With a glass of mochaccino. Just like Seoul citizens.”


Sunyoul’s eyes are sparkling. “Seoul citizen eat that?” The older nodded. “You treat me, Hyung.”

A bright and wide smile back on the older’s face. “Of course.”



Kim Jinwook, or casually called Jinhoo, is Sunyoul’s good friend back in Wando. They’d been really close since they were kids and already claimed each other as brothers. Being one year older, Jinhoo is really treated the younger well and  take good care of him. Sunyoul, being a maknae in his family with two noonas around, is really depend himself to the older guy. Even after J

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 10: I hope you will update this stories ?
ItachiMer #2
Chapter 10: Aw, this story is so cute! But have you abandoned it, or will you continue updating? Thanks, nice work
SongPanda91 #3
Authornim, i hope u update sooner. Its super cutee
Chapter 9: (cough) unfortunately I'm a shinsun shipper (cough) but since sunyoul is my bias, then I will accept all ships with Sunyoul HAHAHAHAH (k bye im trash)
Plumccan #5
YAASSS FINALLY AN UPDATE X3. Really love your story <3. This is soooo cuuuute :3
miss0korea #6
Chapter 9: Wei wei wei wei wei wei wei >>>> XD omg I remembered that fan who called wei like that
miss0korea #7
Chapter 9: Omg finally :))))))))) you updated
Chapter 9: WEYOUL--- TOO KAWAII(and awkward) FOR MY HEART >< ofc woosatan will be the "bad" guy >.>
you can't believe how happy i felt when i saw the update ;^;
miss0korea #9
Why do you take so long to post the next chapter :'( I'm dying