7. Pink on Saturday

100 Days Being...a Maid?
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Sunyoul standing up with the help of the angel guy and looking straight into him as he just see a wonderful creature. This guy is human, but he somehow not look like one. He had this sparkling aura that could captivating people’s attention with just one look. How could anyone not got attracted by that face and that smile on him? It’s too pretty and handsome to be recognized by human’s beauty level. The gentleness of him absorbing into Sunyoul’s skin as they touching hands of each other, and it created an electricity sensation all over his body.

Alright, maybe Sunyoul is a bit exagerrate everything about that guy, but who could blame him? No other word can describes his condition in this moment except get mesmerized,


or maybe more than that.






"Hallo, my name is Changhyun. Nice to meet you, Sir"

A deep yet cheerful voice  greeted and waking up the daydreaming Sunyoul. He just realize that he's already at the cashier while holding a new shopping basket full of veges and fruits that Seungkwan gave him some minutes ago.

’Where is the angel guy?’

He said more sorry multiples times and brought Sunyoul to the cashier after some short talks. He went back to work after that. Sunyoul was too deep in his daydream until he doesn't remember that.


Sunyoul wipes away the thought about the angel guy and now look into the guy behind the counter who just greeted him seconds ago. Immediately he feel familiar. 'Chubby cheek and that deep voice...' Where he met this cute guy before?




Deep voice...








He was a guy with giant tomato costume awhile ago and now he is turning into a cashier. How cute...he even introduced his name.

Sunyoul giving his smile after recognized the guy. "Hello, Changhyun-ssi. I'm Sunyoul. Nice to meet you."

Changhyun get surprised. "Woah...This is the first time customer greet me back with name." He smile in happiness. "Nice to meet you too, Sunyoul-ssi."


As Changhyun start to scan the barcode with scanner, there are some moments of silence between them until the chubby guy can't prevent himself to ask,

"I think I just see you today. This is the first time you shopping with us?"

Sunyoul nods. "Yes. This is my first time."

"Hmm...Are you living around here?"

"Yes. Actually... I just came to Seoul six days ago."

"Ah...it's explain it then." Changhyun nodded. "I must've known it if I saw you before. Hehe."


Some moments later, Sunyoul found himself had nice conversation with Changhyun while the guy doing his job. They talked a bit about themselves and found out that they are actually have same age. They decided to break the formality and be more relax to each other. Changhyun was came from countryside just like Sunyoul. He started his university life in Seoul last semester and works part-time job here. Living in mega-city like Seoul is indeed need a lot of money and he doesn’t want to let his parent struggle for him alone. Just from some minutes of meeting, Sunyoul assumed that Changhyun is really nice and strange enough, Sunyoul feel comfortable with him already. Maybe it’s the way the guy talked and behaved himself. Or maybe the way his thoughtfulness about his parent? Sunyoul not really sure.



"₩27,500. " Changhyun read the amount of number on the screen and place some packed of bags on the counter.

Sunyoul give the money and take the bags. "Thanks, Changhyun."

"Just call me Bitto. I prefer my friend to call me that."

“We are ‘friend’ already?” Sunyoul laughed. They just met anyway.

Changhyun startled, “Ah..I’m sorry. I just thought that we are at same age and had a nice chat before, so I think...”

"Ahaha...relax. I’d like it to be your friend." It’s so cute of him being startled with that deep voice. “ Fighting for the rest of your shift...”

"Thanks... Ah, I hadn't heard a lot about you."

"There is always next time. You definitely will see me here frequently."

"Alright then."

"Bye, Bitto."



Sunyoul turn around and ready to back home, but he stopped when his eyes catching that pretty figure once again. That guy just place some fruits to its counter, but his angel aura radiating Sunyoul and bring back that electricity until he can't move his body even a bit. That guy looked so good even when he doesn't trying to look good.


"Why you stopped? You forget something?" Bitto asked.


Sunyoul turning back with an expression that Bitto couldn’t explain. "B-Bitto..."

"Yes? What happened?"


"I need to ask you something."





Sunyoul staring his phonescreen while hugging his pillow tightly. The scene at the grocery shop earlier is still playing in his mind. Just thinking about that angel guy and how they met immediately success to put a smile on his face and heating up his cheek. He turned around his body left and right countless time like a child, giggling over something in his mind. It’s really been a while since the last time he acted like this.


'What happened to me...’


They just met once, but that guy already make Sunyoul suffering from heart-attacked. Maybe this is what people called love at the first sight?






"His name is Kim Wooseok, but he want to be called Wooshin." Bitto answered. "He has same age with us.


 "Is he still... single?" Sunyoul asked but feel so stupid right after. How can he ask such question to a guy he just met. Bitto looked nice, but it’s embarrassing."Ah, it's not like what you think, Bitto."

"You know what am I thinking?" Bitto laughed. “I don't know about it to be honest, I'm not really close to him." He answered, and then  playfully move his eyebrows up and down. "How about you ask him yourself?"

Sunyoul startled. "What? No. No. No. I didn't mean it like that, Bitto. I..just..."

Bitto moved closer to the blushing Sunyoul. "Are you sure? I have his phone number. I will give it to you if only you want...."




‘Huuufffttt....’ Sunyoul letting go a heavy breath. His eyes locked at some numbers on his phone. It’s Wooshin's phone number that Bitto just send him minutes ago. Sunyoul gave his phone number to the chubby guy before and the latter send him Wooshin’s number when he got a short-break. Now that Sunyoul already got the number, he feel confused himself.

'Should I text him now? But I have no idea what to say...'

Should I?

Text him.


Text him.


Text him.


Text him...



To : Angel Wooshin <3

"Hi, Wooshin. I’m Sunyoul, a customer who got hit by trolley earlier, remember? Got your number from Bitto. I just want to say 'hi' and be friend if you don’t mind. Nice to meet you."



Sunyoul throws his phone on the bed, cringing over what he just did. He is proud for acted like a man, but his heart can’t stop being anxious. He feel so nervous for how Wooshin would think about his message and more more nervous for how he will respond later. The message isn’t too obvious, right? According to Bitto, Wooshin’s shift end at 6pm. He might be still busy right now and won’t reply him so soon. Or he might be reply in his break-time.


The pretty maid lying down on his bed, yawning, immediately feel sleepy and tired. He just had 4 hours of sleep last night and deal with many works since morning. He already did all of them, except for preparing dinner. Good thing that his masters are not picky on food and fine to eat the same food for both lunch and dinner. He just need to reheat the food he cooked earlier for dinner at 7pm. Sunyoul is really thankful for that.

Four hours to go until 7pm. It might be fine to sleep some hours.


Sunyoul covering his body with a blanket and slowly close his eyes. He is ready to get a nice and hopefully, a peaceful nap.



Knock. Knock. Knock.



Sunyoul opens his eyes in a flash speed. He almost forget about his masters existence at home. ‘Sigh’. He swears that this place never give him any time to relax except for his sleeping-time. ‘That young master’ even disturbed his sleeping time last night, but then, it his job to fulfill their needs. He remind himself that he get paid for this. Lazily, Sunyoul wake up and walks toward the door. He doesn’t have ‘that young master’ in mind, but he almost sure that the one knocking is that guy. Maybe he need snacks or ask him to buy something, or even worse…scold him for last night.


Knock. Knock. Knock.


Whatever. Sunyoul open the door. " Yes. I'm coming, Hyu..." He stop his own words seeing the guy behind his door. This is not like he’s expected before.


Young Master Wei?


"Sunyoul-a, are you busy?"

Sunyoul, not prepare to seeing this young master in front of his room, just shaking his head. "N-No.."

"Good then. You will go with me. Get ready and I'll see you downstairs in 10 minutes."


Wei said that and just leave to his room, not even give a chance for his maid to respond.







Never there in Sunyoul’s mind that his young master would brought him into a shopping mall together. Not for buying him something or make him bring the stuffs, but to choose a dress for Madam Lee instead. His master need his help for choosing a dress as his Mom’s birthday gift. Now the question is, why his master think Sunyoul would be a good choice to choose a  lady’s dress, when the fact is he knew nothing about it. When Sunyoul asked, his master just replied with, “Better to go with you than Kuhn Hyung. I will end up drunk if I go with him.” It’s not like Sunyoul expected another thing, but this is just a bit too sudden. Not to mention that they are still awkward to each other.



"Which one do you prefer, Sir?"

Sunyoul standing in front of his master while holding two lady dresses in his hand. He finally able to sorted all the dresses in the shop onto two choices. It’s not easy for him.

Wei, sitting comfortably on the couch, scanning the two dresses Sunyoul hold. "Both of them are good. What were you thinking when picking the dresses?" Honestly, he really had no idea about women fashion. All the dresses looked same for him. That’s why he need someone else’s opinion.

Sunyoul lift one of the dress with red color. "I like this one because the roses embroidery is so pretty and it looked extravagance. I think it will suit Madam who attend many formal events. While for the pink one...” Sunyoul lift a plain pink dress. “I like the color.

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 10: I hope you will update this stories ?
ItachiMer #2
Chapter 10: Aw, this story is so cute! But have you abandoned it, or will you continue updating? Thanks, nice work
SongPanda91 #3
Authornim, i hope u update sooner. Its super cutee
Chapter 9: (cough) unfortunately I'm a shinsun shipper (cough) but since sunyoul is my bias, then I will accept all ships with Sunyoul HAHAHAHAH (k bye im trash)
Plumccan #5
YAASSS FINALLY AN UPDATE X3. Really love your story <3. This is soooo cuuuute :3
miss0korea #6
Chapter 9: Wei wei wei wei wei wei wei >>>> XD omg I remembered that fan who called wei like that
miss0korea #7
Chapter 9: Omg finally :))))))))) you updated
Chapter 9: WEYOUL--- TOO KAWAII(and awkward) FOR MY HEART >< ofc woosatan will be the "bad" guy >.>
you can't believe how happy i felt when i saw the update ;^;
miss0korea #9
Why do you take so long to post the next chapter :'( I'm dying