Stupid Cupid.

Home Run
A small gift for you all..
But frankly, I have no idea what this whole story is. 
On the bright side, it's really long for all those of you who are deprived. 
LSM: "Irene, there's no such thing as love"
I agree.
Based off of Irene during ISAC Archery competition :) 
"So, another one out the door eh?" Seulgi asked sheepishly, making Wendy feel even more pathetic than she already does.
"What do you think?" Wendy answered sarcastically before burying her head in her palms. Incoherent noises left Wendy's mouth as she recalled her previous interaction with the girl she had met in a blind date, set up by none other than Seulgi.
'So, Momo. It's been a while since we started seeing each other. Would you be my girlfriend?'
'I'm sorry, Wendy but I just can't see you as someone other than a friend..'
It's safe to say that Wendy was humiliated beyond means.
"What are they looking for, Seulgi? I'm not bad looking, I work out at least twice a day, I dress well - I'm a little short but short girls are cute - What am I lacking?" Seulgi looked at her best friend in pity. She too, did not understand why Wendy was single. The girl is sweet and very much caring - rich too, but somehow girls just aren't into her.
"Does Cupid hate me or something?" 
"Hello, Cupid Services; How may I help you?" A nasally voice picked up the phone from an unknown caller before engaging in a conversation, casually listing the client's favours and demands.
"Has anyone seen Joohyun?" A man in pure fury hustled through the office stalls, his neck craning and tilting side to side looking for a certain girl. 
"Uh, I think she's in the Love Range." A girl with a light brown locks answered from a few stalls ahead.
The man quickly rushed to the said location, speeding pass all the busy bodies around.
Spotting the target, he voiced with much anger. "Joohyun!" 
The girl visibly shuddered in fear at the expected man. She should have known he was about to come sooner or later.
She just wished it was later
"Yes, sir?" She nervously stammered.
"What did I tell you about client number seventy-seven? Aren't you supposed to have finished the job by now? This was the eleventh girl!" The old man rambled on.
"I did, I shot her! And I was about to aim for Momo when Sooyoung beat me to it.. She shot Momo the arrow with the name 'Mina' on it. So, it became one sided." 
Joohyun's voice started off strong but eventually died off as she continued on. 
The man groaned, palming his worn out face before mumbling. 
"She has been our client for almost a year but no progress has been made. You know that you can't take any new customers until you have finished your mission with her, correct?; Furthermore, I cannot promote your ranking if you do not handle this mess." 
"Noted, sir." Joohyun's voice was small.
"Good. I expect some changes from you, Joohyun." The man said in full authority before heading back to his office - probably to look for any more Cupidss he could scold
Irene internally sighed deeply as she gripped on her bow and arrow; Left eye reflexively closed as she raised her left arm until it was straight and still - pointed finger aiming at the target. She forcefully tugged on the string with her right hand until it had reached its maximum, releasing as she did so. 
If only the head chief witnessed just how great of a shot she really was. Really, it was never her fault. Her client, Wendy just has this painfully awful luck that seemed to affect Irene's job. 
Why was Wendy so unfortunate when it came to women? First it was Taeyeon, then Wheein, then it moved on to Krystal, and so on and so forth - until they eventually got to Momo. 
And still, no luck
Well, she can't give Wendy all the blame. After all, Irene does work with some of the most cunning Cupids - or people, for that matter - she had ever met. 
Irene would have been approximately fifteen clients pass Wendy if only Yerim and Sooyoung weren't there to sabotage her work. 
She frustratedly ruffled her jet black hair before heading back to her office. Practicing archery wouldn't do her any good, anyway. She was already skilled at that particular area.
"So, unnie? How did it go? What did Baldy say?" Sooyoung - or Joy, but Irene refused to call her that due to obvious reasons. 
"Same old. He's still his grumpy aged self." Irene mumbled bitterly. 
"He's just mad that his reputation can't improve unless we do." Yeri giggled. 
"I don't get it. We do our jobs just fine, why is he still so.. All up in our businesses?" Irene groaned in annoyance, his scolding voice stuck on repeat at the back of her mind. 
"Because he's the head Cupid but he's about as love-deprived as that cellphone company." Yeri knowingly smirked.
"You mean  Mobile?" Sooyoung asked making the three of them cackle in mischief. 
"If you were in his position, I bet you'd be just as salty." Yeri laughed whole heartedly, making the other two join along - not because of her lame humour but because of her hilarious laughter. 
"No wonder he stinks of vinegar." Sooyoung faked a gag.
"Huh?" Irene asked in slight confusion. 
"He reeks of sour and saltiness." 
Irene couldn't help but grin at the younger. 
"Most likely why he's so into his job; It's the only love he knows." The three of them flashed a mirrored smug look. 
The three stiffened at the familiar voice.
There he was again looking for his new victim. 
Poor Nayeon. 
They all rushed to their respective work spaces to accept some more calls from customers; if unfortunate, the desperate and demanding ones. 
Working is just wonderful. (Note the sarcasm) 
"Ooh flowers! Sleazy!" Seulgi voiced out excitedly. The thought of Wendy finally getting a girl without her help made her ecstatic. 
"Who is it for?"
"My soul. It's been hurt too many times, it finally gave up on me." Wendy answered in a melodramatic tone. 
Seulgi was at a loss for words by the girl's words. 
"Uh- what?" It's as if her ears have failed her, she asked for confirmation. 
"Have you ever been so hurt that even your own heart stopped working?" Wendy continued on. 
"Not to ruin the vibes or anything but I'm pretty sure you'd be dead by now if your heart really did stop working." 
"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing." Oh how tempted she was to continue the quoted lyrics that happened to be one of Seulgi's favourite songs, but she decided against the idea since Wendy seemed to have lost her sanity. 
"You know what, screw your feelings. We're going out." Seulgi declared before grabbing Wendy's wrist and dragging her out of their apartment complex. 
"Wait, I'm not in the mood to go out. It's too bright which means people are happy.." Seulgi just rolled her eyes at the dramatic act, still dragging Wendy around. 
"You are like this every time you get rejected, which is all the time." Seulgi said bluntly. 
She felt a strong jab on her rib which came from none other than Wendy.
"You are an ." Wendy spat. 
"Trust me, Wen. You'll find your so-called soulmate soon enough." 
"I'm done with hoping." The shorter said in a defeated tone.
"Just trust me. She'll come around." Seulgi winked confidently.
Can Wendy trust her? Seulgi has been saying the same line since Taeyeon. 
"Do you think she's pretty? My future girlfriend, I mean?" Wendy wondered, her hopes slowly coming back. 
"Unreal. She's out of your league. A girl everyone wants, and she'll be all yours." 
The serious tone in Seulgi's voice made Wendy believe that she's being serious. 
"Are you sure?" 
"Positive. Just wait, Wen.
You'll be a drooling mess once she comes around."
Wendy wishes. 
But she sincerely hopes that she deserves whoever her it girl is. 
She's been hurt too many times by the wrong girls, that she doesn't know what she would do once she's with the right one. 
Irene could see two girls walking hand in hand through a monitor. 
Wendy finally walking hand in hand with a girl
But unfortunately, it's only her best friend.
"How's the progress, unnie?" Yerim appeared out of nowhere. 
Shouldn't she be in the Main Range meeting the clients' orders? They are a busy crew and there was no room for slackers.
"Shouldn't you be working?" Irene's eyebrow rose in question. 
"Oh grandma! Of course I'm done for the night. Although I would have to admit, today has been a handful. One client of mine required three doses before finally feeling love- can you believe that? I wasted three doses! I should have demanded more merits than I received." The youngest Cupid of the headquarters, complained.
"How many did you handle?" 
"Six couples and that dense- potato looking guy that wasted my supply." 
"Wait, he isn't fully captured?" Irene gasped.
"No, he's too numb. So it might take him days, weeks even until he realizes his feelings for whoever the girl is." Yeri pouted. 
Customers like such are one of the biggest problem that the Cupids have to deal with. It is mandatory to observe the client until they are fully settled and the connection between the two lovers have been made, otherwise, they cannot simply abandon the job to move on to another. 
"Shouldn't you know the girl's name?" Irene chuckled. 
"Unnie, please. I come across at least a hundred names every day, I'm bound to forget some." The younger ranted. 
"Okay, settle down." Irene smiled seeing Yeri slump her exhausted body against the chair. 
"How's Wendy doing?" The young blonde questioned. She has grown familiar with Wendy, a customer Irene cannot seem to get rid of. Even she is aware of how diligent Irene is when it came to her job; she has always been the Cupid that accepted clients during the day, only to have the favour accomplished by night time. It was truly amazing.
Irene looked back at the monitor that was currently flashing Wendy's defeated face. 
"So, what are you gonna do then?" Yeri swirled a pen, making the object dance smoothly against her fingers mindlessly as she waited for Irene's response.
She was very much intrigued about Wendy's unfortunate case, worst than she has ever encountered. 
Yeri has had to deal with some stubborn, unattractive, ill-mannered people that still somehow landed them a partner for either counted number of days or maybe permanently, but Wendy- she must have been Hades in her previous life, for she just wasn't meant to be with anyone.
Unless, you know, she kidnaps a girl to her own home, forcing her to her wife- or girlfriend in this case- then letting her free once in a while. It wasn't the best analogy, but you get the point.
"That I don't know. I think even Baldy has given up on her. He can't do anything so he yells at me instead." Irene sighed with much remorse.
Yeri laughed at the older's whiny attitude. She had a plan in mind but it might be too risky. One, Irene would possibly lose her job- most likely. Two, she wasn't sure if it would be worth it since Wendy is a known air-head when it came to anything related to women. And lastly, she wasn't experienced enough to pull off such a plan.
So she'll set it aside for now. Sleep on the idea in hopes of coming up with more pros to continuing on with her detailed scheme.
"I wouldn't worry about him if I were you, he's a natural grouch- quite ironic for a Cupid, if I must say. He's busy reprimanding Sooyoung at the moment - just observe Wendy some more and maybe you'll come up with something." The younger got up, placing the pen back to it's original container before patting Joohyun's back and taking her leave. 
She's probably gonna rummage the pantry for some food.
Yes, Cupids get hungry too. 
Irene was then left with no choice but to go on with her unfinished business with Wendy, that she wasn't sure would ever come to an end.
She focused on the abandoned screen with the view of two girls inanimately talking. Irene secured both of her earpiece in, heightening the volume to get a better understanding of the situation.
Regretting immediately as she did so. 
"Ugh seriously why am I still single?"
"Cupid is probably getting his diaper changed. He's too busy to bother with your pathetic excuse of a love life." Seulgi humoured, making the both of them laugh; one, leaning more towards the sarcastic side.
Irene growled at the ignorance. She has always hated the typical stereotypes and the disgusting image that media has portrayed Cupids to be- a baby boy in a diaper
First of all, would you really trust a baby to handle such a serious business? Second, it is very ist to assume that Cupids are no one else but boys because as far as Irene knows, female Cupids are just as precise and competent as male Cupids are, if not, maybe more. 
And lastly- a diaper, really? What do humans take Cupids for? A joke? Irene took a look at her wrinkle-free uniform. A white skirt, along with a white button up, paired with an adorable bowtie and all topped with a dashing red blazer. 
Joohyun would like to point out that they are professionals that required intense training to make sure that those who are destined love will be granted exactly as they deserve. 
Babies, in diapers. Hah. What a joke. 
"No wonder you're both single, jerks." Irene venomously muttered.
Why does she have to be assigned Wendy's love life? If only she could pass the work off to another Cupid but she knows that they are busy with their own clients as well. Even the younger ones are occupied with their respective jobs. 
She unwillingly focused back on the screen to take a look at the possible progress of the girl. 
She isn't even Wendy's guardian angel. No, that's someone else's job, but it always seemed like Irene is constantly looking out for Wendy and she isn't exactly sure if that's necessarily a good thing. 
Irene quickly scanned through each passerby and their brief information, looking for any suitable match for Wendy. Excluding the males have made everything much easier for Irene but challenging as well; because.. well, girls tend to be more picky and opinionated.
She was quickly getting bored of scanning through possible candidates and most of them were either committed or are determined to be single due to preoccupation to their work. 
Tough life. 
Everything would have been much easier if she was a human, herself. Then she didn't need to deal with Wendy's problems.
She's always had 99 problems but the funny thing is, not even 1 is hers, personally. 
Ninety-nine problems and her client is every single one of them. 
"Joohyun unnie, Grumps wants to see you in his office." A young cupid, called the former.
"That grumpy hag." Chaeyoung frowned.
Irene just nodded in understanding.
"What about?"  
"No idea. Probably gonna rant again. He's so annoying." The younger grumbled. Joohyun figured that Chaeyoung must have gotted lectured again. Irene believes that he does not live for anything but to yell at the Cupids on duty. 
"Go get some rest. Monitor your ex-client Tzuyu or something." Irene teased, witnessing the shorter's cheeks flush obviously. 
"Shush, unnie. We do not discuss of such things." The younger looked away, avoiding the senior cupid's eyes.
"Aw, Is it because she got a boyfriend?" 
"Unnie, no." Chaeyoung whined. "That was supposed to be my job anyway.. To find her a lover." The little one mumbled in a bitter tone.
"Someone's salty.."
Chaeyoung pouted.
"It's okay, kid. You'll find someone else to crush on. Just hang in there. I'll get back with you after I talk to You-know-who." 
"Voldemort?" The little one's eyes sparkled with interest.
"Pretty much the same thing, except this one is crazy." Irene smirked before patting Chaeyoung's back, making her way to Grumps' office.
Irene knocked once, twice, thrice before a horrendous face, welcomed her in. 
Nothing's different with his look, Irene just thinks he's quite on the ugly side. 
"You wanted to see me?" Irene asked.
"Yes, take a seat Joohyun." 
Oh gosh, here we go again.  
"What is it?"
"As you know, your client Wendy has not had any luck with women at all."
No , Sherlock.
Irene just nodded, pretending to listen.
"So I thought of a way to finally solve the problem, but the downside is, that it has never been done before."
So this old geezer wants me to be an experiment? No thanks. 
"What suggestion would that be?"
"I'll be sending you down to the human world."
"Relax. It's just for a hundred days. Once Wendy has fallen for you, you can give her the love that she needs until she's experienced the love she has been longing for, then you'll be returning back on duty here shortly after."
"What if I don't want to go back?" 
"Then you're on your own. It's up to you to adapt to human ways. I'm warning you, Joohyun. The human world is not the best place to be in."
So is being around your uptight .
"Is that so? I'll give it a lot of thoughts, Chief. When is my departure?" 
"Tomorrow. I've arranged you a home beside Wendy's, everything is fixed. All we need is your cooperation." 
Hell yeah. Anything to get out of your nagging piehole.
And finally crossing of that girl's cursed name off of my list.
"I'll prepare." 
"Goodluck, Joohyun."
Looks like my time has came. Just watch, Grumps.
"So unnie, what did he say? did you get yelled at?" She should have seen this coming; The satanic duo lazing around her work space, waiting for the juicy details.
"Kind of. He had something else in mind though."
"Like what?" The curious duo moved in closer, not wanting to miss even just a single word of Irene's upcoming news.
"He's sending me down to the human world." The twins (With a few years gap) jumped in surprised; Both of their usual chatty mouths were closed shut as they tried to take in the information.
"Wait, What?" Just as she knew, they asked in sync.
"He told me to come down to the human world, make Wendy fall in love with me, make her feel loved, then eventually head back here." Irene shrugged like it was the most casual plan she had ever heard. 
"But, what if you fall in love with her too?" Yeri asked, she had always had a secret fantasy about a Cupid- who's mere purpose is to create love and connection in between humans- falling in love due to finally catching the real knowledge of the feeling that every human has a strong desire for; Love.
Highly unlikely.
"It means that I can choose to stay in the human world, just like the rest of them. But I'll be on my own, I have to be responsible for surviving there." 
"That's like, a win-win though! Oh gosh, I'm so excited!" Yeri squealed at the information.
If she shoots an arrow to Irene's heart, will it work? The thought made her giddy. 
"When do you leave?" It was Joy's turn to ask.
"That's fast. He must be so sick of you already." Joy's head tilted back as she cackled. 
What a savage Cupid. 
Joohyun has packed everything she needed for her departure to the human world. She was a little terrified of the possibilities but she was a little excited as well. Not as happy as the mischevous duo, though. The two had been grinning nonstop since they found out about her little trip to their clients' world. Who knows just what is going through the head of theirs? And it's not like Irene wants to know either. 
She already has a clue and she wants nothing to do with it. 
"Joohyun are you ready? You're gonna be known as Bae Irene and the rest is up to you. Good luck and have fun." Irene almost cackled at the old man's last words. Have fun? Since when was he a free spirit?
"Yes, sir." She answered nonetheless.
Joohyun made her way towards the blinding light, taking one last look at her co-cupids; the rowdy bunch that she won't see in a long while before taking a deep breath, finally crossing the light.
Not to her expectations, Irene woke up laying on a soft mattress, inside an unfamiliar room. 
This must be my temporary shelter
Without wasting another minute, Joohyun began organizing her items, putting them into their rightful places.
It's gonna be a long day. 
"Hey, uh.. Wendy?" Irene cautiously approached. 
Really, Irene? That's all you got? You're on a mission here! 
Irene could practically hear the sly duo laughing at her from the headquarters. 
Just wait until karma comes around. She internally hissed. 
A flustered Seungwan jumped on spot at the sight of a beautiful stranger calling her name oh-so-graciously. 
And those eyes, oh god those pair of doe eyes
"Y-Yes? You called for me?" 
"I'm Irene, your new neighbour from across the hall. I was wondering if you could tell me the way to the closest supermarket here? I'm not too familiar with the area." Irene feigned ignorance; Almost cracking up upon hearing the faultless line that she had gone over just a few times.
"Oh. Yes, there's actually one just two blocks down South." Wendy mentally congratulated herself for managing to keep straight. "I'll accompany you if you'd like?"
Too easy. Irene smirked in victory. 
"Would you like to go now?" 
"Yes, please. I'm a little hungry and I haven't gotten the chance to go grocery shopping." Irene flashed a cheeky smile. She was totally nailing the whole human conversation. 
Although, now that she was technically a human herself, the senses are kicking in and became noticeably intensified. Her hunger for food and ability to get tired became more evident as she felt the warm sensation of the sun creeping up her skin.
They made their way out of the complex and down the unfamiliar road that Irene doesn't remember Wendy ever taking when she was still monitoring the girl. 
"So, Irene. What do you do?" Wendy started with her small talk.
"I work for a company?" Well, technically, her job was quite similar to that. "I deal with some clients' problems." She tried to give the most vague answer she could possibly think of. 
It didn't sound too bad, right? It just sounded like a regular human job.
"What kind of problems? Like psychological? Financial?" Irene wished that Wendy wasn't so nosy. 
"Love problems.." Irene answered quietly. 
"Oh. So you're like a marriage counsellor? Or perhaps a Cupid?" Wendy chuckled, causing Irene to give off an awkward laugh in return. 
"You can say that. What about you Wendy, what do you do?" 
"Nothing at the moment. I'm still in school. I'm thinking of switching to culinary though, I really like cooking." The older was genuinely surprised over the fact. She knew a lot about Wendy but wanting to be a chef wasn't one of them. 
In fact, now that she thought about it, she didn't pay much attention to Wendy's life besides her tragic excuse of a love life. 
"Really? Then can you help me? If it isn't such a bother.. I don't really know how to cook." Her crimson cheeks flushed deeper at the unintended request.
"Is that all? Of course! I would love to." Wendy beamed, taking Irene aback. She couldn't help but linger her eyes at the soft looking pair of fluffed cheeks that Wendy possesses. The girl was incredibly fit but she has the fullest cheeks Irene had ever come across; not even Yeri's was a close match. 
Without much thought, Irene didn't realize the distance and they were finally at the cozy looking mart. 
"Hey, unnie!" Wendy greeted brightly. 
"Oh, Wendy darling! I haven't seen you in ages. Who is this pretty lady? Is she your girlfriend? As expected, you choose well." Wendy's orbs shook in panic as she looked at Irene with an apologetic look. Irene too, was quite flustered. 
"Tiff, let the kids be." A pretty lady with a set of perfect locks made her way to the counter before taking a seat beside the excessively hyperactive lady. 
"But Jessi, don't you think they're cute? This one is quite the catch." Tiffany mumbled not-so-subtly. 
"Of course. It runs in our genes." The Jessi girl gave a smug look in response. 
"She's not my girlfriend, gosh. She's my new neighbour and she didn't know the way to the store so I helped her out." Irene giggled at Wendy's defensive explanation. All she really needed to say was she and Irene aren't dating and yet she went overboard which sounded like someone in pure denial. 
"A neighbour? I see." Tiffany nodded, not quite convinced. 
"Welcome to the neighbourhood then.." 
"Welcome to the neighbourhood, Irene. I'm Jessica and this is Tiffany." The couple offered their warm, welcoming hands, which Irene gratefully took.
"Thank you very much." Irene smiled sincerely, causing the younger to unknowingly blush that did not go unnoticed to the mischievous couple behind the counter.
"Go ahead and look around, Irene. Looks like my dear cousin wants you all to herself." Irene's eyebrow rose as she looked at Wendy questioningly. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Wendy glared. 
"Oh nothing. You know how it is, now go on. You must be hungry already." Jessica shoo'd them away, forcing the two to walk around. 
Wendy grabbed a cart before the started browsing each isle.
"Sorry about that, they are very nosy at times. Especially when it comes to my relationships." Wendy awkwardly spoke.
Irene only laughed in return, finding the Wendy's awkward nature, a little funny. 
"No worries. They seem nice." 
"They are really nice. Tiffany unnie is just a little loud. Anyway, is there a particular food you'd like me to cook?" 
"Anything you can cook." It wouldn't have made a difference somehow, since Irene doesn't know the what is good and what isn't. 
"Are you okay with some carrot cakes? My friends say that I make that the best." 
"I'm okay with anything you give me, Wendy." Irene flirted. Having years experience in the headquarters, she mentally noted the do's and don't-s of luring someone into your embrace.
Make her fall for you, Joohyun. Then you can finally get that old man's constant nagging off of your back. 
Judging by the girl's nervous gaze, Irene knew that she was doing the right thing. 
"L-let's go." She stammered. "Carrot cake is a dessert so I will make that after. I'll just cook you some rice cake, is that okay? Or would you rather have pizza?" 
"Umm.." Irene has absolutely no clue what human food taste like but she knew that people were a fond of what Wendy had just recommended. "What do you prefer?" 
"I just had pizza yesterday, so rice cake?" 
"You'll cook it for me?" 
"If you'd like.." 
"I won't.." 
"Oh.. then nevermind.." Wendy's cheeks flushed of embarrassment. She hasn't made any obvious moves and yet she was already rejected. Tragic. 
"You didn't let me finish." Irene cupped the latter's chin with her right hand, delicately lifting the dropped gaze. "I would love if you'd cook for me."
Wendy's cheeks visibly burned in embarassment at such an intimate contact. She wasn't used to someone flirting back, everything felt quite odd. In a good way of course, considering Irene is unreallistically beautiful. 
Unknowingly, seeing her effect on Wendy brought a content smile across Irene's lips. A smile with a different kind of pride. Not the one she's usually used to, when she can finish her cupid duties within a span of hours, No. This is a personal level of accomplishment; One that warmed her heart a little. 
"Let's go?" Irene excitedly grabbed Wendy's arm, dragging her to a random isle, not having a single clue of the ingredients needed and yet she was too excited to roam around. 
"Relax, Irene. Be careful. Sometimes there are stuff on the floor that you might miss, so watch out." Wendy then began to push the cart further into the store, knowing the shop like the back of her hand. 
"O-okay." Wendy spoke in such a loving tone that Irene couldn't believe herself for swooning a little. She has known Wendy for almost a year but she has yet to grasp the fact that such a girl managed to get herself into such a tragic love life. 
She just followed the girl quietly, observing Wendy pick out random ingredients from the shelves, as she mumbled incoherent words to herself. 
After gathering everything they needed from the store, they made their way to the isle to finally pay. Irene was about to pull out her given wallet ( courtesy by her ever so sour chief. Shout out. ) when Wendy's arms stopped her from doing so. 
"I'll pay. Think of it as a welcoming gift." Wendy smiled. 
If Wendy ever flashed such smitten smiles to other girls, they will surely fall.
"Isn't it too much? You already helped me out."
"Don't worry, I haven't spent my money recently, It's nice to do so again." Wendy waved her rugged card in front of her knew neighbour's face.
Irene knew that that was a pathetic excuse. Who in the world would want to spend their money carelessly? But she knew better than to argue. 
"So, did my cousin treat you nicely?" Jessica asked casually as she bagged their purchased groceries.
"She did. She's been wonderful." Irene stole a glance from the nervous mess she was standing beside, before facing Jessica again. "I made a good choice." She answered.
"What choice?" Tiffany flashed her infamous eye smile.
"Of getting an apartment beside such a helpful girl." Irene politely smiled.
"Oh. I thought-" Tiffany was about to say something when her lover had interrupted her. 
"You thought nothing, Tiff." Jessica gave the younger a knowing look beforeher lover eagerly nodded. 
"You're right. I'm just being weird." Wendy and Irene could feel secondhand embarrassment creeping up their skins witnessing Tiffany's too fake of a laughter. 
Wendy quickly paid the bill before speed walking out of the store, unable to handle such a cringing atmosphere. 
"I like them, they're fun." Irene said out of nowhere, suprising Wendy a little.
"You mean Jessica and Tiffany unnie?" 
"Fun? That's a first." Wendy giggled.
"They are really boring. Well, Tiffany unnie is pretty wild; While Jessica unnie, she just stays in her room reading magazines. They're a polar pair." Wendy tried to recall a memory that could back up the couple being 'fun' and she just could not come up with any. Hence, why they are quite a no-fun duo. 
"That's interesting, I think. Two opposite people getting together. No matter how different they are, love managed to overshadow everything." Irene's words of wisdom caught Wendy's attention completely.
"I guess. Cupid must like playing tricks." Wendy humoured. 
You have no idea.. Irene internally voiced out. Joy and Yeri especially. Those two troublemakers..
"You believe in Cupids?" Irene asked incredulously. 
"You don't?" Wendy threw back.
"Touché. Isn't their job a little funny though? You know, just shooting arrows around? 'giving' love?" Irene's memory of what Wendy thinks of cupids is a little off hand but maybe the girl changed over the last time?
"I'd like to think of it as 'magical'. I know, childish word right? But they are the main reason why even the most hopeless can find love that can possibly change them for the better, they bring cure to the impossible, And I think that's beautiful."
Joohyun was at a loss for words. She knew that they were quite ridiculed in the human world but she didn't know that some people think of them so highly.
Maybe she should have paid more attention to Wendy.
The girl's mind does wonders. 
"That smells really good~" Irene leaned in before taking in the delicious essence before her.
"What? the food or me?" Wendy joked around, earning an eager smack from Irene. 
She made a self reminder to shave off Wendy's teasing brows one of these days. 
They have been spending every day since Irene arrived in Wendy's world and they have gotten a lot closer than Irene predicted. Maybe her colleagues from the headquarters are pulling a prank on her because sometimes, she catches herself thinking about Wendy and her distracting smile; Her expressive pair of orbs that drowns Irene's thoughts out, as well as Wendy's random greasy lines that Irene never failed cringing to. (She'd like to say that she hated it, but the joyful pests swarming in her stomach whenever she catches the latter's gaze, was enough to prove otherwise.)
"The food, of course." 
"Really? because I could have sworn you were sniffing me and not what I'm cooking." Yes, she'll definitely shave Wendy's eyebrows that seemed to enjoy wiggling around in a teasing manner, a little too much for her liking. 
The doorbell rang, interrupting the two's bickering. 
"Coming!" Irene yelled before running to the door.
"Now, now. Be careful." She could hear Wendy's reprimanding from the kitchen, unknowingly bringing a sweet smile across her lips.
Irene happily pulled open the door. What she saw before her was enough to cause her a heart attack.
"Yeri?! What in the world are you doing here!?" Her last words became a harsh whisper, scared of Wendy ever finding out.
"Can't you let me in first? It's cold out here.." The younger shuddered before welcoming herself to Irene's crib.
"How did you get down here?" She whispered.
"Well, you see.. I kind of messed up.." Yeri fiddled with her fingers, a clear show of guilt.
"What did you do now?" Irene sighed heavily. She was aware of Yeri's knack for trouble but just how bad was it? 
"I-um.. got kicked out.." Yeri confessed inaudibly.
"You're gonna need to speak up." 
"Chief kicked me out.." Yeri mumbled, but loud enough for Irene to hear.
"What, Are you crazy? Like, permanently?" 
"Yeah, I guess.. He seemed pretty serious about it. He confiscated everything.. Then he sent me here." She pouted, sadness written all over her face. 
"Irene, food's rea- who is that?" Wendy moved her gaze between Irene and the stranger beside the girl.
"This is, um- Yerim. My little sister; She visited from the province." Irene lied smoothly.
"I didn't know you had a little sister." Wendy stated in shock.
"Neither did I.." Irene whispered under her breath.
"Hi, I'm Bae Yerim, nice to meet you! Irene unnie here has told me so many things about you~" Irene's eyes widened in panic at the nonsense the little cupid was saying.
"Oh really now?" Wendy gave Irene a knowing look. "I hope they were good things." 
"Better. She said she met a really hot neighbour who was an amazing cook." Yeri cackled. If she were to get kicked out of her Cupid duties, might as well continue her services in human's world. 
"I didn't know you found me hot."  Wendy giggled, staring at Irene before her gaze lowered, now looking at the young girl. Unable to hold back, she couldn't stop her hand from ruffling Yeri's hair. "You're quite an honest one, aren't you?" 
"That's an understatement." The Bae 'siblings' answered in sync, taking each other aback.
"You two are cute." 
"Please, I'm cuter than unnie will ever be." Yeri huffed, bringing a motherly smile across Wendy's face.
"Are you hungry, kid?" 
"Starving. Getting here was a hassle. What a trip." Yeri exaggerated. 
"Let's eat first then we'll get you settled down." Wendy pointed towards the direction of the kitchen where her steaming hot meal was served.
"I must say, great choice, unnie." Yeri looked at her apparent sister before flashing a meaningful smirk, knowing how irritable Irene already was. 
'I will kill you.' Irene mouthed, glaring intensely.
'Not with your yummy neighbour here.' Yeri mouthed back, sticking her tongue out as she claimed victory. 
Irene will definitely kill her. 
"So why exactly did you get kicked out?" Wendy had already gone home after Irene insisted; The cunning kid continued to blurt out nonsense about Irene's apparent attraction for her neighbour. It would have been bearable if only the younger didn't go over board. 
( "Irene unnie thinks it's delicious."
"What is?"
"Your abs.")
That was the last straw before Irene forcefully shoved Wendy out the door; her heart racing at the girl's unbelievable last words before the door fully slammed shut in front of her. 'Would you like a taste? Free sample just for you.' along with a flirty wink that Irene did not know her client possessed. 
"I did something I wasn't supposed to.." Irene sighed at the younger's words. 
"Why am I not suprised.. I don't even know if I want to an answer but, What did you do?" 
"I shot an arrow.." she began.
"So? That's our job." Irene spoke, still clueless of the point the younger was trying to get across.
"I shot an arrow at Wendy.." Yeri continued, making Irene's eyes widened. "With your name on it.." 
"You did what?! Didn't I tell you that was against the rule? I'm a cupid for God's sake." 
"Yeah, but.. You looked so cute and sweet and I couldn't resist.." 
Irene was about to argue but she knew she'll just end up wasting her breath. It's not like Yeri listened long enough, anyway. She was expelled from the headquarters and that's that. 
"What about Sooyoung, you just left her there?" Tehy were like two peas in a pod, where Sooyoung was, Yeri followed and vice versa.
"Oh trust me unnie, she'll be kicked too." The younger stated, very much sure of her comment.
"What makes you think that?" 
"Because we're the same. She's just as dumb as I am." Irene couldn't argue with that
"So, how long until the doses work?" Irene brought the subject back.
"Tomorrow.. Or maybe the day after." 
"Are you sure it will work?" 
"She's a human, It ought to work, unnie." Oh god.
"How am I supposed to go back if she's in love with me?" Irene was freaking out. How was she supposed to deael with a mess that she didn't do?
"You can't go back to the headquarters, unnie. You can't leave me here.." Irene took a look at the miniature Satan in front of her, feeling her heart soften at the thought of leaving the pouty child. Yerim can't survive alone and she knows that. She is known to be the biggest trouble prone and she will surely end up burning something down. 
They were doomed.
The situation does not have a loop hole.
They were definitely doomed.
Screw Yeri for shooting Wendy an xth dose of her love arrow
Screw Wendy for getting affected.
But most of all, screw Irene for liking the idea of owning Wendy's heart
"Hey Irene!" Wendy greeted in the middle of a blazing noon, all styled from head to toe. 
"Wen- What in hell are you wearing!?" Irene gasped in a scandalous manner as her eyes landed on Wendy's top. Crop top, to be exact.
"Your sister said you like my abs so I thought I'd give your eyes a little something to feed on." 
Dear God, now would be a good time for a sudden cardiac arrest, thank you.  
"She was lying!" Irene explained, animately flailing her arms around.
"Oh, but everyone likes my abs though.." Wendy's face turned crestfallen as she hesitantly pulled down her shirt, mumbling something along the lines of "I wasted thirty dollars for this top.." 
Irene was about to answer when Yeri came running from the kitchen. "Wendy unnie!" 
"Oh hey, kiddo. Had lunch yet?" Wendy have gotten used to messing up the younger's blonde hair as a way of expressing her affection.
"I did! Oh my- That's quite a shirt you have on; Or should I say half a shirt." Yeri giggled, stealing glances at Irene who was clearly hiding her mad blushing cheeks. 
"Have you been living in the gym lately?" Yeri asked, fully aware that Irene was eavesdropping to their conversation. Feeling a bit more evil that usual, ( she had a great night sleep ) the youngest decided to poke the older's toned stomach. To be fair, she was half curious. 
"Wow! feels like a rock. I should get one myself!" Yeri continued poking Wendy's abdomen before poking her own. Soft and fluffy
"No, don't do that. You're still young, just worry about eating for now. Besides, it's not like you have anyone to impress yet." 
"Wait, does that mean you're impressing someone?" Yeri was too clever for her own good
"N-no I was just cursed with fat genes.." Wendy reasoned, which of course Yeri didn't buy. 
Poke. Poke.
"Well, that's all muscle now." Yeri confirmed, chortling a little at the sight of a Irene.
"Unnie, stop drooling. If you wanna touch it, just say so. Wendy unnie is kind enough to agree." This time, Yeri laughed openly, making the two even more flustered. 
"H-hey! You're too young, what are you saying?"
"Ignore her.. She's been speaking rubbish since she found 'the love of her life' at the little shop across the street." Irene mumbled, avoiding Wendy's eyes at all cost.
"You mean, Saeron? around your height, black hair, pretty light brown eyes?" Wendy described. She knew that she was right on dot, judging by Yeri's turtle-like grin. 
"You know her?!" 
"Of course. I've lived here long enough. We're close, actually; She used to come over all the time." The glint in Yerim's eyes brightened. 
"Really? Introduce me, unnie!" She was now grabbing onto Wendy's newly purchased shirt, desperation reeking out of her. 
"But I think she has a boyfriend right now?" 
"Oh." It seems as though the world had fallen before Yeri's hands at the cruel news. "I'll just wait for them to break up then.." 
Wendy chortled before breaking into a carefree laughter, amused by Yerim's nonchalant attitude. Irene on the other hand, gasped at the younger's words. 
"Yerim! That is not a nice thing to say." She glared intensely. 
"Whatever. There is no such thing as forever." Yeri bitterly spat. 
"Kids these days." Wendy giggled.
Yeri's dose clearly worked since Wendy has gotten extra sweeter over the past weeks, her smooth gestures growing increasingly bolder as days pass. The strange thing was, Irene has been feeling strongly attached to Wendy for unknown reasons; Hating the thought of not seeing the woman, or not being by her side for even a mere few minutes. It was very odd, and not to mention, unsettling. 
They were currently hanging out in the living room couch, just cooling off when Wendy began to stand up. 
"I'm just gonna grab us some wa-" The younger's words were cut short
"No- Don't go!" Irene grabbed Wendy's arms to stop the girl from moving away any further. 
She has always labelled herself as an independednt woman; Needing no man around. 
But it never occured to her that apparently, she needs a woman instead. 
Almost two and a half months of seeing each other and always being together, she didn't know it was possible to grow attached so fast. 
"You know, if you're gonna act like my adorable clingy girlfriend, why not just make it official?" Wendy's lips formed a teasing smile but her orbs pooled of seriousness.
"W-what do you m-mean?" Irene couldn't hide her burning cheeks. The room was suddenly hotter than she remembered.
This was probably the most boring and in-spur-of-the-moment confession she has ever done (No flowers, or chocolates, nor a teddy bear that was bigger than her whole existence) but she has never been so sure of her feelings  and future with someone before; Not even Taeyeon whom she loved the most out of all her ex-(almost) lovers.
"If I wasn't being obvious enough with my actions, I really like you, Irene. So please be my girlfriend?"
" can give her the love that she needs until she's experienced the love she has been longing for, then you'll be returning back on duty here shortly after."]
"Yes, I would love to."
"Sooyoung!" The old man was maniacally sprinting through the halls searching for a certain culprit. 
"." The said girl mumbled as she caught the figure of an old man. He really has nothing better to do than monitor the Cupid. 
"Y-Yes, sir?" she gulped in fear as he began walking towards her, painfully slow. The whole room was silent, he hasn't been that mad since the littled 'accident' with Yerim.. 
"You know what I came here for." He started, voice filled with venom.
"You shot Joohyun with a love arrow." He slammed his fist against the desk, creating a ruckus among the nosy bunch hiding in their cubicles. "And now she is bound to fall in love with Wendy. Which was not in the plan. That leaves me no choice but disallow her return to the headquarters. "


"I just- I didn't know it would actually work.." Sooyoung's voice was small. She knew better than to talk back to the grouchy man.
"She's in the human world! What did you think was gonna happen, you fool!?" 
"Just trying an experiment, Sir.." Sooyoung was too honest for her own good
He sighed loudly before stretching out his hand. 
"Give me your bow and all of your doses." 
"Because you disobeyed the rules. You must be sent away." 
B-but, she loved her bow! She even named it. She even engraved certain words to her wooden bow, sort of like customized carving.
Joy half heartedly offered her equipment. 
"Now, get out. You know the way." He frustratedly scratched his silver hair before pointing at a ceratin direction. "Also, tell Joohyun that she can no longer come back since she has been shot with a strong dose. Her priority is Wendy now. She will forget ever wanting to return here." Joy only nodded before walking away. 
She already misses her bow
Her bow that was almost as pretty as her. Almost
She knows that no one can ever top her glorious face. 
Joy should have known better than to follow along with Yeri's plans.  
Never again. 
"Have you ever been in a planetrarium?" Irene asked out of  nowhere. They were currently at the complex's rooftop, gazing at the starry sky. It was a perfect night; a good amount of clouds together with the sea of shimmering stars.
"I don't think I'll need to, if your eyes already contain the most beautiful galaxy I can ever lay my sight upon." Wendy smoothly replied, flashing a serene smile at Irene. The older playfully slapped Wendy's shoulder, giggling at the sugary compliment. 
"That's so cheesy" The skilled cupid was glad that the night was dim enough to conceal the burning sensation of her cheeks.
"You love it anyway." Wendy just grinned, enjoying the calming chill of the rooftop. 
"Confident much?"
"With you? Always." Why is Wendy so cheesy? She must have saved all her sweetness for Irene. Like the saying goes, save the best for last. 
"Aren't you cold? Your clothes are too thin." The younger's brows creased with worry at Irene's shorts. 
"I don't have a blanket but I'll be fine." She insisted.
"You're a stubborn one. I told you to bring a blanket earlier." Wendy began scolding lightly, removing her gray cardigan in the process.
"B-but, it wasn't cold when we went up." Irene reasoned.
"How are you supposed to survive well without me? Come here." Wendy wrapped her arm around Irene's waist before pulling her closer. Being a muscular individual, it was an easy task for the shorter considering Irene was light as a feather. "You're gonna get sick at this rate." 
"It's okay, as long as you're there to take care of me." Irene doesn't know where the cute tone had come from since she does not remember ever having a child-like attitude in her but it was most likely due to Wendy's nurturing nature. 
"You're such a baby." Wendy gestured as they shared the warmth of her clothing, the cardigan becoming a temporary shield from the wind. 
Your baby~ wait, ew! What are you saying Joohyun? 
Irene shuddered at the cringing line that she would never dare say out loud. 
"Yeah, yeah. Keep nagging me, woman." Irene leaned closer to Wendy's chest, enjoying the girl's warmth. Wendy was like a human heater. Except, more huggable; And she smells really good to. Like a tropical fruit body soap, and fabric softener. A combination of essence that Irene adored the most. 
"I'm not nagging. It's called caring."
"You're babbling though." Irene hummed. 
"Are you really older than me?" Wendy's head craned to the side, observing Irene's head that was comfortably placed against her collar bone. Feeling the bumps on her skin, Wendy began running her right hand up and down, providing heat for the cupid's skin.
"You know, I am." 
"I missed you earlier." Wendy whispered just loud enough for Irene to hear; As if it were a secret that only two of them have the knowledge of. With a pair of burned ears, Irene responded.
"I was gone for an hour. I needed groceries." The girl in pink giggled before tilting her hear upwards, facing Wendy. 
"A minute without you is a minute not worth living for." Wendy looked to her right, placing her lips just a few centimetres away from Irene's. The former could feel the older's warm breath on her lips, tickling her a little. Her heart was about leap out her chest from the close proximity that they were in. She could see Irene's orbs wander in panic, giving her a cue to move away. 
"Let's go? Yerim's waiting, and It's getting a little cold." Irene didn't budge, in fact, she pressed closer to her lover, refusing to let go. 
"Do we have to? It's so comfortable." Irene whined as she boldly wrapped her arms around Wendy waste, fully cuddling her. It was a perfect weather to cuddle, in her opinion; Especially with Wendy's warmth surrounding her away from the night breeze.
"We haven't eaten dinner." 
"We can do that later. Cuddle for now?" Irene asked childishly, like a kid asking for another pack of candy after finishing a given batch.
"If you don't get up, I'll carry you down." Seeing the words as nothing but an empty threat, Irene wrapped her arms tighter, very much loving everything about the heaven-like cuddles from Wendy. 
"For someone who has a washboard-like abs, you're very huggable." Irene muttered against Wendy's skin as she buried her head deeper into the younger's neck. Feeling a little playful, Irene then ran her index finger across Wendy's clothed abdomen. 
"You mean this?" Wendy gripped on the hem of her loose shirt before proudly flashing her toned (and, as Yeri quoted "yummy") stomach. 
Wendy's abs just for Joohyun's eyes to fiest upon.
"Seungwan!" The older then bolted up straight, hastily tugging Wendy's shirt back down. "L-let's go. Yerim's hungry!" Irene quickly ran towards the doors, leaving Wendy alone. 
A knowing smirk formed on her striking face. 
Irene was easy to tease,
Too easy.
"Sooyoung?! What the hell are you doing here?" Yerim and Irene almost collapsed at the sight of Satan spawn #1 before their eyes.
"I got kicked out.." The girl at the other side of the door frame shrugged, letting herself in to the apartment. 
Irene was about to close the door to discuss the issue when Wendy came skipping towards their doorstep. 
"Hey, Irene my lov- Uh, who are you?
It was like a flashback to the day Yerim arrived.
Having Yerim was bad enough, now Sooyoung too? 
She expected it but not this soon!
Like the shameless girl that she was, Sooyoung stepped up confidently, even flipping her smooth hair in the process- hitting Wendy's face quite hard.
"I'm Sooyoung, their angelic cousin." She flashed a grin, making the Bae siblings panic, most especially Irene.  
Oh god, not again!
For the person who asked for Wendy's abs to make an appearance, this is for you :) 
A/N: I see many people requesting for a "Bae Mine?" Sequel. So it's official! I'll be writing a sequel of the infamous Bae Twins ft. Wendy xD That fic was hell since I did it by phone and it had more characters than usual which made everything much, much longer but if you guys really want a sequel, I suppose it doesn't hurt to write one :) Please let me know what you think of this one..
It's my birthday so I thought that it would be nice to celebrate together by updating and making you guys happy as well. Let's be happy together ^_^ I'll be updating very soon again. :D Until then..
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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.