Can't Help It.

Home Run

Requested by: white_lights

Writing is getting gross I'm basically 101% done with it -_-
Warning: this story contains a few foul language. Nothing too offensive though. 
A/N: Leo- Yeri's nickname from Wendy. 
Can't Help It. 
Irene paced around the room, causing a headache to the poor resting cub. 
"I can't believe mom would betray me like this! It's too soon, I can't. Seulgi, listen to me, I really can't."
"Would you quit it? I couldn't care less. Let me sleep." The grumpy latter threw a pillow towards Irene that happened to land square on her face, but not even such a pain calmed her down.
"What's so bad about Wendy anyway?" 
"She's arrogant, a know-it-all, and she thinks she can lure me in just because my mom loves her." Irene groaned in hopelessness.
Seulgi just rolled her eyes at her best friend's dramatic act. In reality, Wendy was nowhere near how Irene had described the girl. 
Wendy was down to earth, she's caring, humble and not to mention, rich
Not that Irene cared about that. She was just as wealthy as Wendy, if not more. What Irene couldn't stand was the fact that she's bound to be with Wendy whether she approved or not.
And really, she stood way beyond the not line. Even further stepping into the area of never
Never going out with Wendy, that is. 
Seulgi never understood Irene's deep hatred for the latter especially since Wendy has done her nothing wrong. In fact, she has been a complete sweetheart to Irene. Seulgi totally adored her. 
Who wouldn't? The ever-so-gentle Seungwan is the kind of girl everyone just finds themselves falling for.  
Well, almost everyone. 
Excluding the stubborn girl that refused to accept the fact that her destined lover is a total heartthrob.
"You're just salty because no one agrees with your opinion." Seulgi scoffed. She has always known the right buttons to push when it came to Irene. 
"Not even your parents." Seulgi chuckled. 
"Shut up! They can't see what I see. That nut headed loser isn't someone i picture myself being with. I can't stand her!" 
"Nut headed loser?" Seulgi asked in disbelief. "Irene, Seungwan isn't like that." She defended.
"Oh, so it's Seungwan now? Since when did you two become such tight friends?" Irene mocked, a slight tone of jealousy hinted on her irritated voice. 
"We've always been friends." Seulgi just shrugged, choosing the safe route of not questioning the hellish Irene. "Just accept it, Hyun. Everyone here either wants two things. One, for you to be with Wendy or two, to date Wendy themselves." 
"I know and I don't understand!" Irene trashed, picking up the forgotten pillow from earlier before violently throwing it towards her best friend, in which Seulgi, like always, never dodged. 
Her slow reflex is a pain in the sometimes. 
"Even Yerim loves her." Seulgi mentioned as she rubbed her now aching face. 
Grandma Bae can sure throw when aggravated
"So? That midget always gives Yerim food that's why she likes her. That brat likes everyone who offers her food." Irene sulked, mindlessly squeezing the stuffing out of Seulgi's teddy bear. 
"Wendy is just likeable in general." 
"Why did I even come here? You're clearly on Wendy's side." Irene grumbled.
"I honestly don't know why you came either. I was just peacefully taking a nap when you came barging in with your nonsense." 
"Nonsense? How dare you! You aren't the one in the situation." Irene's arms childishly crossed as she slumped her back against the swivel chair.
"I would be honoured to be in such a situation, then I wouldn't need to look for anyone. And It's Wendy for god's sake. People would kill to be in your spot."
"It will be my pleasure." 
Seulgi just rolled her eyes as her lips pursed into a disappointed pout.  
"And come on, she has a bright red hair! Who does that?" Irene went on with her rants.
Seulgi tapped her finger impatiently. Anything else would be more entertaining than Joohyun's rants.
"Do you have something against gingers?" 
"What? No."
"Then problem solved. Move on."
"Her hair is dyed. Ruined. And not to mention, ugly." Joohyun pushed on with her excuses.
"Yes, ugly. That's exactly why she's surrounded by girls. It's because she's ugly." Seulgi nodded her head slowly, making Irene even worst than she already has been. 
"I didn't say she's ugly.." She mumbled.
"Oh, so you do admit that Wendy is pretty?"
"I didn't say that either." Irene looked away in irritation. Her hands itched to throw the nearest possible item but she had more decency than that. 
"Sure." Seulgi meekly answered. 
Though the smug look she has on spoke the unsaid. 
"Shut it." Irene warned in which Seulgi obliged to, resisting to push on the subject further. 
"It's not like you're getting married." Seulgi couldn't help but mumble, in which surprisingly, the physically aged girl heard clearly. 
"That is disgusting! I would rather go out with that , Bogum than even look at Wendy." Irene shuddered in disgust.
"Really? Bogum? You're willing to stoop that low?" 
"Still higher than Wendy." 
"You're crazy." Seulgi slumped against her pillow, giving Irene such an insulting look. 
"Am not!" 
"Keep telling yourself that." Seulgi slid herself against the bed, stuffing her ears with her favourite plushie, obviously wanting to ignore the older.
The next thing she knew, Seulgi was laying on the cold floor instead of her heaven-like mattress. The crawling pain in her back became more evident as she felt Irene's feet adding more pain onto her body.
"What the hell was that?" 
"That's what you get for being a douchebag." Irene huffed in anger. 
"What are you on about? I listened to you!" Seulgi complained as her moans grew louder from the pain on her pressed abdomen. 
 "Yes but you're clearly on Wendy's side!" The older childishly argued. 
"I'm just saying that it's not like it's easy for her. She's pursuing you for the sake of her mum. This whole thing is probably harder for her than it is for you." Seulgi yelped as Irene's foot dug deeper against her stomach.  
"If I were her, I won't even bother dealing with your annoying ." The bear-like girl knew that what she is saying will cause her a week worth of pain but maybe Irene will finally come to her senses. 
"What kind of a best friend are you?" The raven haired girl pointed accusingly. 
"A good one who is honest enough to tell you that you're a jerk." They were probably disturbing the Kang household but they didn't care. 
It was always like this
"You know what, whatever. You can defend Wendy all you want." Irene's foot stomped on the other girl before finally releasing her, arms crossed stubbornly as Irene glared at the only girl. 
But Seulgi wasn't fazed, only giving Irene an empty look. 
Irene was about to throw a light punch on Seulgi's shoulder when classical music rang across the younger's room. 
"Classical, Really?" Seulgi laughed mockingly. 
"." Irene muttered before irritatedly pulling out her phone from her zipped pocket. 
'Mommy' flashed across the screen. Hesitating whether to pick up or not, Irene knew that if she chose to ignore her mother, Mrs. Bae will give a life long lecture about respect and polite manners towards the elderly. 
So Irene picked up. 
"Hey, mum!" Irene's overly pretentious enthusiasm caused Seulgi to choke on laugher, which of course, ended her with a hard smack from the older. 
"Hey, honey. Come home soon, okay? We are having dinner with the Son's and Wendy is gonna be there. Dress nicely okay?" Irene groaned internally at the mention of a certain girl's name. 
"Okay mom, I'll be there in a bit. Yes. Love you too." Irene mumbled before hanging up. 
"So, it looks like you're having dinner with your soon to be girlfriend once again." Seulgi's eyebrows wiggled playfully 
"Won't you shut up? Just shut up. Stop it. I don't wanna hear any more. Shut up!" Irene exploded to which Seulgi just grinned at. 
"If you want me to stop talking in my own home, then leave. You have to get ready anyway." Seulgi shoo'd away the older. 
"It's just a dinner, Irene. All you have to do is pretend to like her for your parents' sake. You never know, karma might just kick you in the ." 
"As if. Pretending is the closest it will ever get. 
"That's what they all say." Seulgi sang teasingly. 
"I hate you."
"I live for that." Seulgi laughed, gesturing the girl to leave.
Which she did, Irene needed to hurry home.
She quickly ran downstairs to her car, finally driving home.
"I'm home." Irene's voice bounced around the empty halls before finally reaching the pink room upstairs. 
The hyperactive girl sprinted down the spiral stairs before stopping halfway. 
"Unnie!" The nasally voice echoed twice as loudly as Irene did previously. 
"Auntie Tiffany and Wendy unnie are coming over in an hour." The younger squealed. 
"Come down here, won't you? You'll end up falling and mom and dad are gonna kill me!" Irene scolded in which the younger gladly went along. 
Yeri ran down the stairs almost giving Irene a heart attack with each step. 
"Why are you so hyper? They always come over." 
"Yes I know but Wendy unnie promised to play PS4 with me." The younger bounced on spot, unable to contain her excitement. 
"You never asked me to play with you." Irene pouted. Her sister is becoming much closer with Yeri. 
Wendy continued to go around winning everyone's hearts. 
First her mother, then Seulgi and now Yeri? Who's next? 
Definitely not Irene.
"That's because you ." The younger blonde rolled her eyes at her older sister's pursed lips. "The only rule is you are supposed to eliminate the zombies and what did you do? You threw a bomb at me." Yeri stared with a strong judgement. 
"Go get changed unnie. Wear something pretty. I want Wendy unnie to fall for you even more." Yeri went behind Irene's back and began pushing the girl towards the door painted with a light shade of purple. 
"But I don't want her to!" Irene whined as her feet slid across the floor. 
Yeri's love for sports must be paying off because Irene doesn't remember the girl being this strong. 
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say. Either way, you're gonna date somehow." Yeri pushed her sister harder until they were finally in front of the neatly organized room. 
"Don't mess this up, unnie. I really like Wendy unnie." Yeri glared at her older sister. 
"Then you marry her!" 
"But I'm too young." Yeri pouted. 
So she actually considered it? 
"Fine. I'll get ready. I don't want mom to yell at me." 
"True. I'll get dressed too." The younger ran carelessly, running up to her room like a gorilla.
Most wonder how the two came to be sisters when just a sight of them were such polar opposite. The quiet, neat, tidy and obedient Irene along with the rambunctious, messy and clumsy Yerim. 
The only thing that tied them together were the obvious beauty that they both possessed from their loving parents. 
Half an hour later, the tune of wind chimes rang across the the luxurious home of the Bae. Of course, such atmospheres never lingers with a certain youngest Bae around. 
"Wendy unnie!" The younger jumped on the red headed girl the moment the door was wide enough for welcoming. 
"Leo!" Wendy welcomed the little one affectionately, never forgetting to ruffle the younger's styled hair.
"Unnie~ I spent an hour on that." The youngest Bae pouted like a toddler. 
"Fine, I'll fix it." Wendy gently placed misplaced strands of hair to its rightful place before the red head patted Yeri's head with care.
"Where's your sister?" Wendy looked around the house only to notice Irene's absence. 
"Joohyun unnie? She's changing. She'll be right out. I'll go get her." Yeri excused herself before speed walking towards her older sister's room.
"Joohyun unnie." It took four knocks for the door to swing open revealing a semi prepared Irene.
"What is it?" The older seemed to be in the middle of applying her mascara when Yerim just felt the need to disturb the peaceful room, like what she did best. 
"Everyone's here already. Hurry up. Wendy unnie is looking for you." 
"I'll be right out." 
The older just stared at her sister blankly before slamming the door shut, resuming her declined business. 
Jeez. What an old hag. 
Yeri grumpily marched back to the living room taking the open seat beside her favourite older girl. 
"What's wrong Leo?" Wendy worriedly asked. Yeri was in such a good mood earlier and now she's all frowns. 
"Irene unnie is such buzz kill. She ruins my vibes." The younger shook her head disapprovingly. 
"Give her a break, squirt. She's probably just annoyed to see me." Wendy's voice died down solemnly. 
"It's not that, unnie. She's really just a sour grandma." 
Why is she even protecting her sister? 
The most logical answer would probably be the fact that she's trying to sell her sister to Wendy, hoping that the kind older would be patient enough to keep catering her sister's needs. 
Even though it's all because of a discussed set up both of their parents agreed on way back time. 
On cue, Irene walked in with a floral dress that wasn't too flashy yet still elegant. The semi formal one piece was enough to attract the attention of the busy crowd.
"Sorry I took a while." Irene politely bowed to the elders, extracting an apologetic smile.
"No worries, dear. It hasn't been long since we arrived." Mrs. Son waved her hand dismissively. "My daughter Wendy is here as well. Pay your respect, Seungwan." The older gestured for her daughter to stand up, in which she quickly did.
"Good evening, Irene. You look lovely." Wendy's hands mannerly clasped in front of her before bowing a good angle. 
"Um, thank you?" 
This is gonna be a long night
Irene inwardly grumbled at the courteous act.
Why is she so extra all the time? 
"We're just about to finish cooking, you kids entertain yourselves for a while." Mrs. Bae commanded before heading to the kitchen, followed by Mr. Bae and the Sons.
Yeri hopped off the couch before running closer to the television, setting up her console. Without a single care that she was currently wearing a feminine dress, she slumped herself against the single seater couch. 
The younger frantically pulled off her sandals before crossing her legs, ready to play. She mindlessly tossed the joystick to Wendy, which the girl effortlessly caught, making herself comfortable against the leather couch as well. 
"What do you wanna play, unnie?" 
"Black Ops?" 
"You're on." Yerim challenged. The confident smile growing larger on her lips.
"You're going down, Leo. The loser has to buy ice cream." Wendy stuck her tongue out playfully, hands gripping tightly against the controller's handles. She exhumed confidence that even Irene couldn't stop herself from watching from the corner of the room. 
"So nice of you to offer, unnie." 
Just like that, the game began and the two focused solely on their task. Slowly eliminating each soldier until it was them against each other. 
Irene could see Yerim struggling. The younger continuously ran her tongue against her tinted lower lip, an action she often did when in trouble. Then the older's attention diverted to the short red-head. Unlike Yerim, Wendy looked very calm and relaxed, no signs of struggle on her face.
And just like that, Wendy's gaze turned to Yeri instead of the television screen. Her thumbs continued to dance around the buttons mindlessly before Yerim's voice blasted through the living room.
"Yes! I won! In your face Wendy unnie. You owe me ice cream now." Yeri dropped the controller before standing up from the couch only to trash talk her opponent. 
Wendy only laughed at the childish act before nodding in acceptance, both arms raised defeatedly. "Yes, I owe you ice cream. I'll buy you some later. You're too good at this, Leo." Yeri fist pumped the air before screaming a loud 'Yess!' then switching the CD to another game. 
There's no way Wendy lost to Yeri. 
Irene might not know much about the game but she knew that Wendy should have won indefinitely. 
She lost on purpose
Why would she do that? 
Questions flooded Irene's mind as she continued to unknowingly stare at the stupid girl sitting comfortably on their couch with an idiotic grin plastered on her face.
"Hey kids, dinner's up!" Mrs. Bae called from the kitchen. The three kids got up and quietly moved to the kitchen, Yeri clinging hard on Wendy and the latter gladly playing along. 
The two straightened up as they reached the dining table, taking proper seats. Wendy sat in between Yeri and Irene.
Not that she had a choice, she was sort of dragged down to her seat. 
"Isn't that cute? Seungwan sitting beside our Joohyun." Mrs. Bae cooed at the sight of the future lovers together. "Isn't it great honey?" She asked, eyes fixed on Irene.
"Yes mom." The raven haired girl ducked her head in hopes of dismissing the current topic but little did she know that such actions were mistaken for demureness. 
"Seungwan, have you made any plans on how to ask out Joohyun?" Mrs. Son pried. Teasing tone very distinct.
"Um. No mom.. I think Joohyun still needs time. Isn't it too early?" Wendy glanced at Irene hesitantly before redirecting her attention to the elders. 
Is she helping me out?
"You'll end up together anyway. There's no use to waiting, isn't that right sweetie?
"Yes, mom. Ha.Ha." Irene's grip on the fork in hand visibly tightened at her mother's probing. 
"Mom, give Irene some time. We're still in high school anyway." On her peripheral vision, Yeri could see Wendy's index finger tapping unknowingly. 
Like a reflex, Yeri reached for the older's hand to comfort her burdened feelings. Wendy was trying her best to chase after Irene's selfish ways without considering her own wants. 
"Why can't I marry her instead mom?" Yeri's words caught everyone off guard. Mrs. Bae's jaw involuntarily dropped to the floor.
"W-what? What are you saying, Leo?" Wendy chuckled awkwardly. She liked the younger's bright nature but Yeri was like her own sister.
Stupid nickname. 
When will she ever call Yeri by her name? Irene rolled her eyes at the petname given. 
Not because she's jealous or anything. 
Not even close. 
She was just.. Well, it's senseless nickname. 
Irene rolled her eyes unintentionally. 
Marry her if you'd like. Not my loss
"Yerim, dear. She's too old for you. She has the perfect age and height difference with your sister. Tiffany and I had been planning this for ages." Mrs. Bae explained calmly. 
"That's right. All we need is Irene's confirmation." 
Irene sighed inwardly at the never ending pushing from both households.
I'm so gonna regret this
"Okay, mom. I'll go out with Wendy." 
Like what the younger Bae had done earlier, Irene's news caused everyone to keep silent for a long minute.
"What?" Wendy asked in disbelief, eyes blinking now and then. 
"Are you serious, unnie? I thought you hated--" Irene was quick to stand up and sprint to her sister's chair, muffling the younger's mouth tightly with her palm. 
"What was that, Yeri? Nothing? I thought so." Irene muttered threateningly, each words pronounced in a pressed manner. 
"I'll go out with her mom." Irene smiled in which she thought was the most convincing one she could manage to pull off.
Wendy was aware of the forced tone from the older yet she kept shut, fully knowledgable of Irene's intentions.
"Fantastic. We'll leave you two for a little bit to talk. Tiffany and I are just going to grocery shop. Yeri, honey? You're coming." 
"But I wanna stay with Wendy un-" 
"You are coming with us." Mrs. Bae smiled though her eyes glared of order. 
"Fine." Yeri grumbled. Her figure slumped against the chair before getting up to follow the adults. She quickly leaned in to Irene's ears before whispering: 
"Don't say stupid crap or else you'll screw this up.
Irene just smacked her sister's shoulder, violently shoving her towards the door. 
"So.." The younger started off. 
She gasped in surprise as Irene's slender fingers wrapped itself around her wrist, pulling her up.
"Let's talk outside." She stood up before walking towards the backdoor leading to their yard. 
Irene dragged Wendy's figure until they reached a particular bench in the centre of the area. 
"About what you said inside, I know you didn't mean that. You shouldn't have forced yourself.
There she was again, thinking about other's sake. 
Doesn't she hate this too? 
"They won't stop unless I said yes." 
Wendy chuckled dryly. 
"I know right? Kind of an adult nature, I guess?"
"H'yeah. They're worse than us." Irene shrugged, eyes remained glued to the open. 
"They're doing what they think is best. But is it really the best if it's an action against your will?" Wendy asked rhetorically. 
"Do you mind me asking, Irene are you straight?" Wendy's eyes panned until it was solely staring at Irene. 
"Me? I don't know. I haven't really said yes to anyone before. I do find some guys cute. Sometimes girls too.  I don't know." 
"Ah, I see." Wendy nodded in understanding. "I must be lucky then." Wendy grinned out of nowhere, slightly baffling Irene. 
"Lucky? Why is that?" The older's head tilted to the right, doe eyes glimmering without her knowledge. 
"Because I'm the first one you said 'yes' to." Wendy's smile broadened making Irene laugh wholeheartedly. 
For the first time, she found Wendy not half bad
"I didn't say 'yes' though." Irene laughed even harder after seeing Wendy's sulky pout.
"Well, that's true." Wendy said awkwardly. "But it's better than what your stalkers have gotten." The smile she had a few minutes ago slowly made its way back to her lips. 
"That's mean. They aren't stalkers, they're nice people." 
"Really? You actually think Bogum is nice?" Wendy's current tone reminds Irene so much of her best friend, Seulgi. The same incredulity. 
It was quite amusing. 
"Okay, maybe not him." Irene chuckled, the memory of Bogum weirdly staring at her in class giving her the chills. 
"You know, you actually aren't that bad." The older turned her body to face west.
To face Wendy.
"Better than Bogum, at least." 
"Hmm. I'm not quite sure about that." Irene playfully her thumb and index finger against her chin. Feigning contemplation.
"What? Are you kidding me?" Wendy gasped. Her eyes comically bulged out. "Am I really that bad to be on the same level as that.. That bowlhead?"
"Bowl head?"
"Have you seen his new haircut? We ought to buy ramen because really, flip it right side up and I swear that hair will come handy." Wendy blabbed the nonsense that popped in her mind. Irene has never seen Wendy talked this much. 
She must really hate Bogum. 
No wonder she gets along with Yerim and Seulgi
"I can't be that bad. I refused to be that bad. I'm not that bad. Right?" Wendy chanted repeatedly. The sulky action getting more obvious after every word.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Irene teased.
"You are so mean to me, Irene. Can't you be nicer to your pretend girlfriend?
"I can pretend to be nice." Irene sang.
"Not fair. I'm nice to you." Wendy's back slumped lazily against the wooden bench.
"I never asked you to be." 
"But- it's a responsibility. Your mom asked me to." 
"No one said you actually had to follow along."
"You're stubborn, did you know that?"
"Out and proud." Irene dorkily pounded her fist against her chest.
"Are you really older than me?"
"According to my birth certificate, yes." 
"But you're so cute, how?" 
If Irene was affected by the younger girl's compliment, she didn't show it. 
"Some people are just angels sent to earth." Irene flipped her hair in overwhelming confidence.
"Yeah, like Lucifer." Wendy giggled sheepishly.
"Did you just-"
"Nope. I didn't say anything." Wendy's laughter eventually grew into a more carefree one.
"For your information, everyone thinks I'm gorgeous." Irene smirked in conceit. 
"Are you sure about the 'everyone' part?" Wendy taunted. 
"Yes, of course." 
"I disagree." Irene was about to argue when the following words managed to glue shut.
"Irene, I think you're ethereal." 
The genuine smile that Wendy was flaunting left Irene speechless. The words stuck in as she struggled to speak, gaping inaudibly. 
In perfect timing, Seulgi came skipping in to the Bae's glorious backyard. 
"Joohyun! I heard from Yerim that you finally said yes to Wendy. Hah'Hate' my -" Seulgi's tracks immediately came to a halt the moment her mono lidded eyes came in contact with Wendy's alluring orbs. 
"Hate?" Wendy question in half confusion, half knowing. 
"It's- it's nothing!" Irene waved dismissively, subtly glaring the frozen figure within a few minutes their range.
"You really do hate me, eh?" Wendy nodded in understanding before looking away, eyes forcibly fixed on the dull colour of the dirtied fence. 
"I don't-" 
"No need. It's quite obvious." Irene's head lowered in shame at the pain stricken face of the younger. 
Seulgi didn't dare move an inch from her spot, very much aware of the heavy tension she had created. 
Curse her unstoppable mouth.
Wendy didn't deserve it. 
"Don't worry, Irene. You'll only need to deal with me for a few months, after that, I'll just tell mom that we didn't work out. You don't need to act when we're alone, you're free." With every word, the power in Wendy's voice gradually lowered until it became a mere whisper. 
"It's getting late, I should get going. Do tell Aunty Bae that I'm thankful for the great dinner. Have a good night Irene." 
With that, Wendy solemnly stood up from the stiff chair, the coldness slowly attaching to her skin. She gripped onto the hem of her thin clothing in hopes for some warmth. Her back regrettable turning away from the two as she pushed her feet towards the car, finally leaving the dumbstruck girls behind.
Irene's fingers twitched in temptation, feeling a strong need to stop the girl from stepping any further.
But what was she supposed to say?
'I don't hate you, don't leave.. I didn't mean anything!' 
But she did. She meant it. Irene never outwardly confessed her dark feelings yet her actions said it all. 
Wendy knew, and she didn't deserve that. 
"Irene, look-" Seulgi panicked, reality finally entering her mind. 
"Don't. It's too late, Seulgi." She raised her hand, gesturing Seulgi to stop the nonsensical excuse.
"I'm sorry.." The latter hear Seulgi lowly mumble to the open.
"Yeah, me too." She said before finding herself slowly moving closer to the house, wanting nothing else but to shut herself in her room. 
She needed her sanctuary.   
The next thing she knew, Irene felt her back leaned tightly against the brightly painted door. Tears streamed without control no matter how hard Irene had attempted to wipe every drop. She hoped that as she wiped every tear, her pained feelings were washed away as well. 
She was mindful of the fact that words hurt, they leave a scar that only time can heal. 
Yet time can only do so much.
Pain fades but the mark will remain stitched for eternity, in both a person's mind as well as their heart. 
Irene's sobbing grew louder as her chest tightened, hand desperately gripping on to her shirt miserably wanting all the pain to vanish already. 
"Don't say stupid crap or else you'll screw this up."
Yeri's previous words dawned back to her, Irene's mistake slapped her hard across the face.
Irene ed up. 
She definitely ed up
A destructive series of pounding drove Irene back to her senses. She didn't have to open the door to find out who the person is. 
It's Yerim. 
She must've heard the news from Seulgi. Irene knew how much the younger adored Wendy.
Wendy, the girl who carefully handed Irene her heart only for it to be stomped on, inconsiderately.
The latter pushed herself up, hands hesitantly twisting the lock before opening the door for her sister.
Just as she expected, Yerim was standing just a few inches behind the frame, impatiently waiting for Irene to open the door. 
She willingly entered before closing the door once again, wanting the talk to be just between the two of them.
"What did I tell you?" Yeri's voice was dangerously calm, polar to her usually energetic, nasally but very distinct tone. 
"I didn't say anything. We got along just fine before Seulgi came over." 
"Don't pull that on me. Nothing would've happened if you were considerate enough." 
Yeri was right. She almost always is. Irene kept mum as she listened to her sister's lecture, absorbing every word. She's always been the mature one, so Irene never argued. 
"Did you know that she likes you? Actually likes you? I wasn't supposed to tell you this because she insisted that she'll win you over on her own." Yeri scoffed bitterly, reliving the determined look on Wendy's face as they discussed the matter together. "But there's no use now, is there? Since you wittingly played yourself. Congratulations, unnie, you just lost the best girl you could have possibly had." 
Yeri slowly clapped in mockery. The sound of slapping palms together heightened the anxiousness Irene was already feeling. The empty look that the younger was giving her made her feel even more pathetic than she already was. 
"I can't believe I actually rooted for you. I thought you're better than this, unnieYou proved me wrong."
Yeri headed for the door in order to refrain herself from speaking even more. She could see Irene being swallowed whole by the enormous regret that she's feeling, but maybe that's what she needed. Her gripped tightened on the knob as she twisted the door open, a slight crack slowly unveiling. She nibbled on her plumped lip, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.
"You proved Wendy unnie wrong.
Yeri walked out of the tense room, slamming the door shut. Her knees weakened as she ran to her room wanting to curl up in her bed of comfort.
Please fix this. 
• • •
"Mom, I'm heading out." Irene called out, eyes still visibly puffy from crying.
"Where to? Seungwan's?"
"I don't know. Anywhere." 
"Don't stay out for too long." 
"Yes mom." 
She quickly grabbed the thickest coat available before heading out. She has always hated the cold, It just wasn't for her. She enjoyed the warmth that the sun radiated along with the peaceful scenery that seemed to enhance with the humid weather.
She mindlessly drove around without a particular place in mind, exiting the street when her instinct told her to and turning a different direction whenever she felt the need. 
Somehow, she ended by a run down playground. 
It didn't quite look like the area most kids would bother going to; metallic material of the slides visibly aged as it rusted, the sight of paint easily peeling off, residue breezing along with the wind, and they swings in state of collapsing soon enough.
It just didn't give off the chastity that children often looked for. The bright colours, the welcoming vibe, none of such things existed anymore. 
It effused such a somber feeling instead. 
Irene's feet brought her by the bars, sitting on the cold metal rod. She wasn't sure why she bothered leaving the car, all she knows is that she needed to clear her mind.
"What the hell?
Irene knocked her head hard against the solid bar when a husky yet slightly squeaky female voice suddenly interrupted the silent night. 
"Who are you?" Irene asked, slightly frightened by the stranger lurking around in shadows.
"The question is, who are you? What the hell are you doing sitting around here at night? Don't you know how ghetto this place is?" An average built woman came out of the shaded area and slowly made her way towards Irene. 
"If it's bad then why are you here?" Irene retorted. If it's that bad then why was she walking around herself?  
"I'm used to it. I live across the street. I like to come here to make sure no one makes the same mistake of coming back."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Irene questioned, her fright gradually dispersing as the woman drew closer. 
"I don't know. The world is a cruel place. Either you're a victim, or you're at fault ." The woman shrugged, casually taking a seat across Irene.
"So why are you here? It isn't an easy place to find." 
"I was just driving around and I ended up here. I needed some fresh air." 
"The air around here isn't very fresh you know. There's a ton of potheads lurking around." The stranger humoured though she knew that wasn't what Irene meant. 
The dry joke worked for Irene cracked a little smile. She could feel herself getting more comfortable. 
"What really brought you here?" The girl asked again. Irene could make out the wavy hair tucked inside the oversized red hoodie. She was quite pretty, possessing a beauty with a subtle glow. 
"I might have said some things I didn't really mean. Well, I thought I meant it but now I just feel bad." Irene carefully spoke, voice small but comprehensive enough.
"And..? What did you do about it?" 
"She left before I could even say anything." Irene mumbled, not quite comfortable opening up to a complete stranger. She didn't even know the girl's name. 
"Ah, yes. The typical 'I'm hurt so I'll excuse myself and leave'. Let me tell you something, Violet. People are either two things. They're either careless, or they are sensitive. You might have said the wrong things but it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if the person you said it to, isn't sensitive. Does the person like you? I would think so. The pain multiplies when it comes to the person you hold dearly to your heart." 
Irene sat straight, in disbelief of the stranger's advice. 
"Whatever stupid thing you said, I can tell you now that you probably didn't mean it. You might have lied to yourself too many times. So much so that you actually believed your own nonsense." The girl chuckled at her own advice.
A satisfied smile started to stretch her lips when she caught a glimpse of Irene's face that showed a deep contemplation. 
"How can I ask for forgiveness?" 
"Why do you need her forgiveness?"
"Don't ask for forgiveness if that person's feelings isn't what's on your mind. Never ask for forgiveness just because the guilt is eating you alive. That isn't how it's supposed to be, that is called selfishness." 
Irene just stared at the girl across from her. Thoughts after thoughts currently rushing through her head.
"Do you think she'll forgive me?" 
"I don't see why not. She's most likely just seeking for sincerity and if you show her just that, she'll give you another chance."
"Thank you so much." Irene mumbled, unsure of the proper way of thanking the hooded girl. 
"At your service, Violet."
Why violet? Irene internally questioned but she'll save it for later. Perhaps when she meets the stranger once again in a brighter, better day. 
"You've made my time worthwhile.." Irene dragged on, hoping to earn as much as the girl's name.
"Red?" Irene repeated.
"Yes. Call me Red." The stranger confirmed.
"Why Red?"
"Because I'm a little stranger in a Red Hoodie. A girl like you will only remember my colour so it's better to call me Red."
"Hey, that's not true!" Irene protested, slightly offended by the stranger's words.
"Okay, so if you had to describe the stranger you met tonight, aka me, to your friends, what would you say? How would you describe my appearance?"
"A girl.. In a red hoodie.." Irene mumbled, ashamed of even arguing for something she clearly lost. 
"That's what I thought. You're too easy, Violet. Quite adorable too. No wonder she fell." Red commented with an obvious sly tone. 
"What are you saying?" 
"Nothing. Anyway, it's a little pass midnight already, I better get going. See you around, Violet!" Red waved before disappearing into the night. 
Irene began walking back to her car and as she was finally just a few inches away, the sight of her reflection came upon her. 
Dark purple sweater. 
No wonder she called me 'Violet'. 
Irene laughed at the unpredictable simplicity of Red. A girl made of wisdom, though her simplicity was quite apparent.
That's why she made me call her 'Red'
The stranger's smooth way of hinting Irene about her given nickname. 
The raven haired girl drove home in content of the previous interaction. 
Maybe Seulgi was right, going out once in a while isn't such a bad thing. 
• • •
Irene opened the door to her house, not expecting anyone to be awake since its roughly a little pass 1:30 am.
She jumped in fright as she caught a dark figure of a girl sitting on the couch, her back facing Irene. 
Tom and Jerry
Only then when Irene saw the two running enemies on the television that she figured out who the girl on the couch is. 
As if she read her sister's internal call, Yeri turned around before standing up, running to her sister's embrace. 
The younger let out a few muffled sobs before burying her face deeper on Irene's shoulder.
"What's wrong, Yeri-ah? Are you alright?" The older ran her palm up and down Yeri's back, providing the comfort that she has been seeking.
"Unnie, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh.. Where were you? You didn't drink, right?" The young blonde's cries boomed louder, a deep worry noticeable in her voice.
"Of course I didn't. I was just out for some air, I needed to think." Understanding her sister's concern, Irene hugged her sister closer, pulling the younger's body towards her even more. "I'm sorry too.. I'll make everything right, I promise." Irene swore to the open before kissing the top of her sister's forehead.
"I promise, Yeri.
She could feel the younger's head nod against her chest as she gripped on Irene's shirt tighter.
"I know.." 
Yeri's murmurs eventually died down and without knowing, she fell asleep in Irene's arms. The older couldn't help but smile at the sight. It's already 2 o'clock, indicating that it was way beyond the blonde's bedtime.
She must've worried a lot huh? 
Irene lifted the younger, leading them both to her room. Yeri needed some sleep and so does she. 
A night out of the norm is quite helpful sometimes. 
With a plan for the upcoming days ahead, Irene closed her eyes letting slumber finally overtake her.
• • •
Irene woke up with the sight of her rustled, empty bed. 
I guess she left. 
She quickly washed up before heading to the dining table for some breakfast. 
She drowsily waddled her way to the kitchen before taking a seat at the feasted table.
She quickly rubbed her eyes to remove the sleepiness left when she caught a fast look at the girl sitting in front of her.
"W-Wendy?" Irene asked in disbelief.
"Hey.." The read headed girl responded quietly. 
"What are you doing here?" Finally registering the styled look of Wendy, Irene suddenly feel small inside her bunny printed pyjamas.
"I'm here to pick up Yeri." The younger's hands agitatedly fiddled with her jeans.
"What for?" She didn't know why she suddenly became an interrogating mess but she did. 
"We're going out for ice cream. I forgot to buy some." Wendy scratched her nape in shame at the forgetful act.
"Oh.. She's probably showering right now. She'll be down in a sec." 
The sat in silence for a few moments with clouded minds reminiscing back to their last interaction.
Irene swallowed roughly before deciding. 
"Wendy, I'm really sorry about the last time.."
She could see Wendy freeze for a moment before lifting her lowered head. 
"It's really nothing." A small smile slipped pass her lips that was only meant for Irene.
"I don't actually hate you, you know. I mean, the whole dating idea was quite ridiculous but I really don't hate you. Especially after we talked.." Irene explained hoping that Wendy was able to catch on her true feelings. She was never one with words, she showed everything through actions.
"I already forgave you, don't worry." I like you too much.
"If it isn't too much, I hope we could start over. As friends?" Irene hesitatingly stood up, extending her arm to Wendy. 
"Friends." The younger confirmed as a mirrored smile reflected on both of their faces. "But what are we gonna do about mom? And Aunty Bae?" 
"They don't have to know. I really don't want mom to pester me anymore, and I'm sure you feel the same way so between us just friends? They'll assume we're together." Irene expressed her plan in mind that Wendy was only able to agree on. She really did hate her mom's constant nagging about her finally asking Irene to be hers.
They heard a rushed shuffling before a messy looking Yeri came speeding to the kitchen.
"What's going on?" She narrowed her eyes at the sight of the two casually talking like close pals.
"Huh? We're just talking." Irene explained, a bit confused about her sister's action.
"Exactly, you're talking." She answered slowly, as if mocking Irene's incomprehension.
"Oh, yeah. We kind of talked it out earlier." This time, it was Wendy who cleared the confusion.
Of course she was the one that Yeri trusted so the younger didn't push on any further. 
"You didn't say anything dumb, did you unnie?" Yeri focused on her sister, not trusting her a bit.
"I didn't, I swear! I apologized and that was it." Irene looked at Wendy with pleading eyes, asking for confirmation.
"Your sister did nothing wrong, Leo." She calmly stated, stopping the light tension between the siblings. 
Irene sighed in relief as Yeri left contentedly, muttering something about hello kitty shoes.
"Thank you so much! You saved my life." Irene breathed.
"It can't be that bad, and plus, you're older than she is." 
"You have no idea! Oh my gosh she practically nags me all the time, even more than mom!" Irene grumbled as she complained about her younger, yet intimidating sister.
"I'm scared of her Wendy! She does what she wants and it's frightening." Irene shivered at the thought. 
She can swear that her sister secretly knows some black spells.
"I'll be here to protect you." The confident tone in Wendy's voice made Irene feel that she was truly safe in the younger's presence.
"I'll count on it." Irene simply smiled at Wendy with much gratefulness, muttering a small 'thank you' before the red headed girl made her way to Yeri whom insisted that she was ready for some dessert.
• • • 
It's been a two months since their pretend relationship started which only meant that it has been two months since their beautiful friendship bloomed. 
Nothing much changed, actually. Same old, same old.
The daily bickering session of the Bae sisters with Wendy standing as their middleman. 
The only thing that ended with minor adjustment was their friendship. Spending almost everyday together, Irene and Wendy eventually found comfort in each other's presence. As days passed, they grew more and more comfortable with each other even initiating physical contact here and there. 
They no longer minded their nosy parents as their fingers automatically magnetize as the sight of the adults in the room. 
They no longer minded.
Irene began to grow more chic with her feelings, never outwardly admitting her thoughts.
She found herself in front of Wendy's condominium unit for no apparent reason, one chilly Friday night. No invitation, no texts, no calls, nothing. She wasn't sure and yet there she was, standing in front of a numbered door.
Her original plan was to just turn around and walk away but it seems like her body had a mind of its own, buzzing the doorbell before she was able to stop herself from doing so.
She could hear a faint sound of quick footsteps before a door opened, revealing an adorable sight of Wendy with a striped apron along with a messy bun, giving such a homey feeling.
Irene caught a whiff of the mouth watering aroma that was coming from Wendy's unit as well as the sound of the television. It wasn't a language Irene quite understood so she assumed that it was in English. 
"Joohyun? What are you doing here?" Wendy questioned, very confused.
"I- I was just-" Irene wasn't sure why she was there either. She could feel the rush of flames creeping into her skin, flustering her rapidly.
"Are you here to see me?" There it was. The tone that Wendy's voice switches into whenever she teased Irene. 
"Y-You wish!" Irene denied but her flamed cheeks said all that words can't. 
"I do wish that." Wendy sang in a sing song melody, heating up Irene's face even more. If that was even possible. "Anyway, come on in. Make yourself at home."
As soon as Irene's toe made contact with Wendy's place, she immediately felt a warm feeling in her chest. 
She didn't know how to properly express her feelings but it felt perfect. A feeling she only gets whenever she's in her room. Wendy's condo felt like a haven. Irene knew that she was supposed to feel awkward, uncomfortable for being in someone else's house but what she felt was nowhere near that area. She felt welcomed
"Here, some cookies. I just finished baking so they're still a little hot." Wendy offered a plate load of white chocolate cookies, Irene's favourite.
Shamelessly, Irene grabbed one before stuffing a big bite into . 
It was indeed hot but nonetheless, delicious. Irene coughed a little, not being able to handle the overwhelming temperature of the cookie down before Wendy quickly handed a cup of water. 
"Thanks." Irene grabbed the beverage gratefully before gulping all of its contents down. 
What was weird was the fact that Wendy's moving hand down Irene's back somehow gave the older an odd sensation in her stomach. She wasn't quite sure what it was.
"Be more careful, Joohyun. You could've been hurt. What would have happened if I wasn't around?" Wendy's tongue clucked in disappointment as she continued to soothe Irene's back.
With the younger's sweet words, the rumbling inside Irene's stomach became more chaotic. The latter's head tilted upwards to gaze at Wendy, unknowingly. 
Like a reflex, Wendy's eyes disappeared into a pair of crescents that had Irene drooling
Has Wendy always been this mesmerizing? 
"You're gorgeous.." Irene blurted without thinking. She only realized her clumsy confession as she witnessed Wendy's expressive face grew unsteady.
"Ah, no- what I meant was- oh my gosh, what did I just do?" Irene rambled a series of messy explanation but before she could make a fool out of herself further, Wendy's voice disrupted her thoughts.
"Irene, do you like me?" Wendy asked in a voice close to a whisper, nerves visible in her whole state. 
"Do you like me?" Wendy asked again, her volume slightly louder than before.
"I- um. I'm not sure.. I don't know if I like you or not. I think so?" Irene wanted to seal her lips shut for making her sound foolish. 
'I think so?'
Wendy giggled at the clumsy words.
"Joohyun Bae, do you like me?" Wendy asked again, her eyes glued to Irene, aggravating the older's feelings even more.  
"Okay, fine! I like you! Stop looking at me like that!" Irene pushed Wendy slightly before snapping her head to the left, avoiding the younger's hypnotizing eyes as best as she could. 
"Really? You mean that?" Wendy grew excited like a hyperactive beagle as she gazed at Irene with expectant eyes.
"Yes, yes. Blame this stupid whatever on my stomach. It keeps going crazy whenever I see you." Irene mumbled childishly as she passed on the blame elsewhere. 
Wendy found the sight incredibly adorable as Irene's lips pursed into a sulking pout. 
"You're cute, Joohyun." Wendy smiled directly at Irene, unable to contain herself from the adorable sight. Her hands wandered off to Irene's hair, it lightly. 
"Stop that. You're making me seem like such a kid." Irene complained, her figure slumping against Wendy's couch.
She didn't hate it thought. In fact, she would love to have Wendy caress her head all the time. The feeling was very soothing. 
"But aren't you one? You need someone to look out for you and make sure you're not being your usual clumsy self. You need me to take care of you." Wendy lifted Irene's chin to make sure that the older was looking at her.
"I really like you, Irene. Trust me on this one please?
Too busy gazing at Wendy's spellbound eyes, Irene nodded in agreement. 
She felt Wendy's strong, protective arms looping itself around her waist in pure Joy. 
"Thank you so much, Joohyun! For giving me a chance. You just made me the happiest and luckiest girl on earth." 
Irene smiled at the sincere words as she felt her arms curling against Wendy's figure. 
"That's not true. Seungwan, I'm the luckiest one here.
Irene couldn't help but giggle as she felt her shoulder becoming damp of Wendy's tears. She didn't know that the younger could be quite a softie. 
"No more pretending, Joohyun. Let's be in this relationship comfortably, okay?" Wendy's grip tightened, melting Irene on the spot as the younger's warmth is slowly enveloping her.
"As long as I'm with you, I wouldn't need to pretend.
They spent the night at Wendy's cozy unit cuddling and talking about the random wonders of the world. Irene fell asleep in Wendy's arms and she could openly say that that had been the best slumber she has had in forever. Waking up next to Wendy was the second best thing, the red head that's made entirely of girlfriend material. She wondered how she managed to miss such a gem when the rest of the world looked at Wendy like she was made of silver and gold. 
How could she miss such a perfect ball of fluff? She should've listened to her surroundings earlier. It took her months and months of nagging and pointless bickers before seeing the blinding light that has been in front of her this whole time. 
She really should listen to Seulgi and Yeri more often. 
But maybe not in the near future, since she's gotten everything she needed in life, right in her arms
This literally took me way longer than I wanted it to. It's way longer than my original plan. 
Yeri's nickname became Leo because I was searching up some cute Squirtle nicknames when the name "Leonardo" popped up and I found it hilarious because it's just so random so I thought, Hey why not? 
I wasn't gonna finish today but after reading IHBLMB update, I was inspired >< I am so In love with that story, it's crazy. 
Please leave a feedback. It really inspires me to write more and more. (Since I frustrate myself too much sometimes that I just wanna quit writing.) I'll edit this tomorrow so pardon my mistakes for now. It's nearly 2 AM. 
My next update will be the Bae twins AU: Irene and Ahreum. It's a guaranteed fluff and crack as well. It's coming up real soon. 
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Thank you!
Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.