When You Look Me In The Eyes.

Home Run
Thank you so much for all the upvotes, subscribers and comments ;;~;; My heart goes out to you all <3 my heart is warmed at the positive comments >< 

Wenrene high cut photoshoot based story. 

Requested by JJ_soyeon :) 
When You Look Me in The Eyes 
By Jonas Brothers 
"Unnie, look! I'm partnered up with you." Wendy smiled sheepishly at the given paper of their photoshoot schedule. 
"Oh really? I must be lucky." Irene childishly grinned in return. 
"Wendy-ssi." Wendy quickly jogged to their stylist, momentarily leaving Irene with their make up artist. 
"Here is your clothing for your couple shoot with Irene-ssi. Would you mind giving the blue one to her? I still have to fix Joy-ssi's outfit." The stylist gently handed the branded clothing before heading her way to the second youngest. 
Wendy happily skipped to Irene's direction before stopping a good meter away.
"Here, unnie. The stylist said that you'll need to wear the blue outfit. Isn't it cute? We match!" The cheerful tone in Wendy's voice was irresistibly cute. 
Couple outfit
Irene bit back a smile at the thought of publicly wearing the same patterned clothing as the adorable younger. 
"It's pretty." Irene almost whispered. 
"I know right? They even switched our colour. You get the blue and I have the pink. Yerim would be jealous." The younger was awfully hyperactive, her cuteness becoming unbearable for the older. 
The temptation to pepper the younger's full cheeks with kisses was too much
Oh how she wished. 
But so many things could easily go wrong. One, they are out in public. Conservative country plus a strong display of affection wasn't the best combination. And two, Wendy's cheeks would be tatted with lipstick marks and as tempting as that sounds, she would rather save it for later. 
"You'd look great in my colour." Irene smoothly commented, immediately burning the younger's ears with crimson. It reminded her of the infamous boyfriend line 'You look great in my shirt.' 
Irene is oddly a boyfriend material. Despite the fact that the girl cannot drive, was startled by her own shadow and was about as tough as a butterfly. 
Still, she was strangely a perfect lover. 
"Where did you get such lines from?" Wendy stammered but nonetheless, she was impressed by the former's greasy words.
Irene just shrugged, playing the chic girl card that she knew Wendy was a fond of. 
"Do you think the pink would go well with my hair? Won't I look aggressive? Too much?" Wendy worried. 
And yet to Irene, she was still adorable. It's like the girl was getting younger by the day. 
"Everything looks perfect on you." There she was again. If it was even possible, Wendy's face flushed on further. A bashful hamster was definitely a loving sight. Irene stopped herself from squealing at the sight of a fidgeting and very much flustered Seungwan. 
"Unnie, stop." Though Irene knew that the latter meant the opposite. 
"Okay, okay. Request granted, Princess." She gestured a dorky salute before bowing like a gentle(wo)man.
"Just put this on." She gently pushed the older girl towards the change room before stacking the chosen clothes for Irene.
Wendy waited a few minutes for Irene to get ready. She always took her time changing. Always making sure that she looked decent before walking out, giving justice to the endorsed brand. 
As the younger heard the door click open, her gaze reflexively directed to the source in anticipation. agape at the gorgeous Irene with her wavy jet black hair and lips tinted subtly in an inviting shade of rose. 
"So?" The older waited for Wendy's comment. The shorter have always felt the need to give Irene the assurance that she looked for. Always making sure that Irene knew just how alluring she looked in the outfit she wore. 
"You look.. Unreal." She simply stated. Her eyes blinked and blinked, unable to grasp the fact that such a gorgeous girl was standing just a few feet before her. 
Irene just chuckled. 
Well that's a first, as always.
Seungwan was never the one to repeat the same opinion twice. Everytime she saw Irene, she generously gave a sweet compliment. But oddly enough, it was never the same compliment twice. 
It is still amusing to Irene how Wendy was able to see the beauty in everything and yet has always brushed off the kind words that were crafted for her. 
'No, no. I'm not pretty. Please look at yourself. You are gorgeous.' 
It was so.. Wendy
And Irene loved it. 
"You look great in those clothes, unnie." 
"Do I? But I always look best in yours." Irene cheekily smiled. 
"You definitely got a new sleazy pick up line book." Wendy confirmed, nodding her head in approval of what she had just said. 
But Irene didn't miss the way Seungwan's dimple appeared faintly on her cheek.
"I didn't. You just have this effect on me." Irene continued her teasing, loving the way Wendy reacted to her every word.
"I'm gonna change." The younger clumsily picked up the clothing before sprinting to the small stall in the corner of the room. 
Joohyun couldn't help but smile that Seungwan's adorable antics. 
She just couldn't enough of Wendy, and there's no denying that. 
• • •
Yeri was in the middle of her solo shoot as the others stood at the side, entertaining themselves with what ever they could find. 
Seulgi was checking the monitor for her approved shots that they had just taken. 
She smiled at some, approving the way the photographer enhanced her beauty further than what she have herself credit for. 
"Seulgi unnie, Don't you think that our Yerim has gotten prettier lately?" Joy enthusiastically bugged her older member. 
Not that it was anything new. Seulgi was the maknaes' favourite playmate. Well, more like target. They enjoyed Seulgi's innocence and patience when it came to their schemes. 
"Yes, she has. She might be in love. After all, she's been going out an awful lot, lately. Even more than usual." Seulgi stated before observing their youngest. Yeri has indeed gotten more attractive. Her charms continuing to overflow the day passes. 
"Wait, is my baby actually in love? How come she never told us?" Joy sulked. Her lips pursed at she pouted while looking at the screen the directly transferred the capture images of Yeri. 
"I was just assuming. Calm down, woman." Seulgi defended. The other three would definitely give her a long talk if they thought that she made their Sooyoung cry. 
Joy faked a sob as she playfully blew her nose using Seulgi's blanket the covered the latter from the air conditioned room. 
"Hey, that's my blanket. Wheein gave this to me, don't touch." Seulgi pulled the soft sheet in panic. 
"What's happening?" Irene, as the leader looked into the banter. She worried a lot about their behaviour. People are judgemental and their liked to talk ignorant. 
"Joy was blowing her nose on my blanket." Seulgi pouted, slowly stepping away from the younger.  
"Sooyoung, don't do that. We're in public." She simply warned. 
Joy just nodded in understanding though the glint in her eyes, sparked. 
Irene didn't even want to know what the younger was thinking. 
Before she could lecture further, she heard the photographer's voice echo against the room. 
"Okay that's it. Great work, Yeri. Wendy, Irene, please get ready." The infamous photographer 
"Seungwan? Where's Seungwan?" Irene looked around for her partner before spotting Wendy getting her final make up retouch. 
"Gosh, unnie. She's just right there. We all know Wendy isn't going to leave you. She loves you too much."
Of course Yeri just had to comment
Irene just rolled her eyes in return before turning her attention back to Wendy. 
The younger could tell that Irene was getting bored and so she did what she was best at, entertaining the older. 
Wendy's face contorted into a distorted face, her eyes shut tightly with her lips pursed in an unattractive manner. 
It was meant to be wacky but Irene found her lavish as ever. 
The way Wendy's hair was styled in a messy form and how her glossy lips unknowing invited Irene. It's almost as if Wendy was teasing her. 
And the moment her eyes moved itself up to stare into Wendy's hypnotizing pair of orbs, the younger suddenly possessed a boost of confidence, suggestively winking to Irene's direction. 
"Are you ready, Wendy-ssi?" The photographer, Jonghyun's voice snapped Irene back into reality. 
"Yes, sorry for the delay." She bowed politely. 
"Okay, positions everyone." He demanded. "Wendy, you can go ahead and take a seat on the 6th step of the stairs."
Wendy willingly obliged, carefully walking up the stairs, making herself comfortable against the hard, polished wood. 
"Okay good. Just stay right there for now. Irene, please take a seat just a step below where Wendy is." Irene smiled in delight at the command. 
She always had a great time doing photoshoots with Wendy. The meters bowne pictorial where she again, had a couple photoshoot with Wendy. Being allowed to hold the younger's hand, openly take a hold of her girlfriend's waist in public without malice. 
She loved the feeling of showing off. Allowing the world to know that Wendy was hers alone. 
They all complimented her for showing such a genuine looking smile while she had her moment with Wendy and she could only smile kindly. 
They didn't know, everything was natural. Wendy has been and always will be her source of happiness. 
Irene took a seat just a step below Wendy just like the photographer had instructed. She shuffled her skirt, slightly bending, her back rested against Wendy's right thigh. 
She was on the right side of Wendy and yet something felt lacking. 
Jonghyun stared at the view through his lens and something was just off about the position. 
"Irene-ssi? Would you mind moving closer to Wendy?"
And so she stuck closer to Wendy.
But it still wasn't striking enough to be on a magazine. 
"Hm. Wendy-ssi? Would you mind having Irene's back rest against your chest?" 
"What do you mean?" Wendy was confused. Completely lost as to what Jonghyun was asking. 
Irene, being the more attentive one, stood up and moved a step, blocking Wendy's sight. She then took a seat and on instinct, Wendy knees moved itself apart to allow Irene from leaning back comfortably. 
"This is what he meant." She said before tilting her head up, grinning at Wendy's cute clueless expression.
Jonghyun once again peeked through his lens and approved of the intimate position. 
He contentedly smiled at the obvious chemistry that the two possess. 
"Perfect. Let's begin." He started. 
As they have done many times before, Irene and Wendy smoothly breezed through the photoshoot. 
Irene could hear Wendy humming against the tune of the foreign song that was currently playing on their shuffled doc. 
The rhythm of Wendy's humming was getting distracted especially as the latter's lips aligned parallel against Irene's right ear. 
Wendy tapped her finger to the beat of the song and that's what diverted Irene's attention. The song unfamiliar language was slowly sinking into her brain. She unconsciously looked up to ask Wendy about the title and artist of the current pop song but when her head tilted upwards, it was quickly met by a very close view of a breathtaking Seungwan. 
All the previous thoughts has left Irene's system at the tight sight of Wendy's face against her own. 
"Hmm?" She could hear Wendy hum before flashing a gorgeous smile to Irene like she always did. 
She melted Irene, just like all the other times
How lucky is she to be with such a perfect being? 
Joohyun's heart pounded against her ribs harshly. The fast beating agitated her forcing her to quickly look away from Wendy's smile. 
Wendy looked at her like so lovingly that Irene, for the first time, felt frightened that she'll expose herself and be unable to resist her temptation and just kiss Wendy there and then. 
Irene has never lost a staring battle before and yet she wasn't able to keep an eye contact with Wendy for even a few seconds. 
She felt herself fall deeper
Not that she minded, she knew that Wendy fell with her. 
They fell together. Hands intertwined, with heartbeats in sync with the pure bliss that mirrored through their carefree smiles. 
They fell.
And they didn't mind. 
"Wendy unnie, Irene unnie, you look perfect together." Joy shamelessly opinionated from behind the screen as to which Wendy shyly laughed at. 
Irene chuckled along the careless comment but her laughter was soon replaced by a nervous smile as she Wendy's hands curl against her shoulders as she hid her face behind Irene's hair. 
"Unnie, I love you." Irene heard Wendy nervously but sweetly mumble against her left ear. But before Irene could respond, Wendy lifted her face, acting as if nothing happened. 
"Okay, good job girls. Keep it up." Jonghyun commented. 
Wendy couldn't help but grin at the compliments. Her strong chemistry with Irene did not go unnoticed and was in fact, happily recognized. 
With that, she surprised Irene by wrapping her arms against the girl, her hands coming together on Irene's forearm. 
"Unnie, I love you." She whispered once, again just loud enough for Irene to register. 
Wendy's child-like smile then broadened even more as she caught a glimpse of her Joohyun's burning ears. 
"Seungwan.." The girl heard Irene whisper as the looked down momentarily to ease her beet red face. 
"Okay, girls a few more." They heard Jonghyun mention before focusing his eyes back on the lens.
Irene tried to focus on the photoshoot and ignore her lover's sugary messages when she decided to lean her head against the base of her palm as she looked to the right, the direction as to where her members stood.
She could see Seulgi giving a thumbs up. Meanwhile, as expected from the youngest ones, JoyRi were mocking a kissing scene in which Joy's head was craned to the right, giving the illusion that she was kissing Yeri passionately. Irene could see Yerim playfully wink in her direction as if she was suggesting something
Irene immediately looked away, heat started to spread through her face as she began fanning using her hands. 
Wendy who witnessed the gesture quickly put Irene's hands down. About to protest, the older's mouth rapidly shut tightly as she felt a gentle air blowing against her face. 
Wendy's hands began fanning her instead.
"Your hands might get tired, and I don't want that. I love you, unnie." Wendy sweetly mumbled once again.
Irene was about to go crazy at the incredible affection that came from the younger. 
What drove Irene mad is the fact that she can't return the affection fondly not when they are still in the middle of their shoot. 
She was about to look back when she Wendy motioned Irene to stay in the current position. 
"Just stay there unnie, I like this. I love you." Wendy was teasing her and it was ridiculous. Irene was supposed to be the clingy one. 
Wendy playfully put her right hand in front of Irene eyes to prevent Irene from seeing anything else for a moment before slowly sliding it to the side before saying a greasy line. Much like what Irene did before the their photoshoot.
"You should only look at me. You can't see anyone else. Only see me." Irene couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud at Wendy's overrated line. 
She then comfortable rested her hand against Irene. And much like their perfected art, their fingers automatically tangled against each other. 
"Isn't it perfect? Our hands together." Wendy whispered once again. 
Irene rarely physically blushed and yet, somehow Wendy seemed to be her only exception. 
"Great! That's perfect! That's the last of it, great work girls." Jonghyun clapped. 
Wendy immediately stood from her seat to run away from Irene, not before stopping to bow to every staff around the room. After a good continuous bows, Wendy quickly ran to the change room.
But Irene wouldn't let her go that easy. 
The older quickly sprinted to Wendy, trapping her as Irene's arms looped tightly around Wendy. 
"Gotcha." She smiled in victory. 
"I love you too, Wendy. I love you. I love you so much. I love you." She whispered. Lips against the shell of Wendy's right ear. 
Four times. 
Because Wendy said it four times 
Because Wendy deserved a response.
Because Wendy needed to know that Irene loved her just as much
Four times.
Simply because Joohyun loved her four times more than anyone can love her Seungwan
Irene's lips pressed softly against Wendy, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. 
"I love you, Seungwan.
Because four, just isn't enough. 
• • •
The couple were cuddling contentedly on the couch as Irene laid between Wendy's thighs much like they did during their memorable shoot. 
"Hmm?" Wendy hummed softly as her fingers mindlessly twirled Irene's silky strands. 
"Do you remember that song that they played during our photoshoot? The one you were humming to? What was it called?" Irene forgot to ask Wendy yet she truly never forgot about the song. 
"It's called, When You Look Me In The Eyes." 
"Sing it to me, please?" A rare case of the older's cuteness exploded right before Wendy's eyes which she would never say no to. 
"When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me
Everything's alright
When you're right here by my side
When you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I found my paradise
When you look me in the eyes." 
Irene felt herself get lost into Wendy's alluring hazel eyes as the girl sang with all her soul while never leaving Irene's stare even for a second. 
The sincerity melted Irene's heart. Though she didn't necessarily understand the lyrics, the meaning behind Wendy's passion as she sang the song to Irene was heartwarming. 
"I love you, Unnie." 
Wendy tried to find the perfect number but she knew that no amount can ever be enough to let Irene know just how much Wendy feels for her. 
"I can't stop falling. Every time you look me in the eyes, like that." Irene could hear Wendy speak in English. 
Irene returned Wendy's gaze, though baffled as to what her girlfriend is saying. 
She really wished she understood English. 
"I really do find my paradise when you look me in the eyes." 
Whatever.  Irene thought.
She'll google the meaning later on
• • •
I'm nervous about this one :/ idk I'm really sorry if it's not as satisfying as you'd like it to be.. I work hard to meet the expectations so I apologize if I didn't meet your needs >< 
This story is relatively shorter than my usual updates but that's okay. It's only because I spent a few hours on it and not my usual days/weeks worth of draft. 
If you have any request that you'd trust me on doing, I gladly accept :3 that's only if you're okay with me handling it though. 
Until next time. Thanks for all the feedbacks :3 it really motivates me ><
Bai Bai.  
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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.