
Home Run

A/N: This is 11k words so I suggest you read it when you actually have enough free time.

Enjoy another one of my nonsense stories :)

I hope this makes your day/night better^^




Receiving stares was something Wendy had grown accustomed to; Being one of the blessed multi-talented students along with a striking face, she was bound to be popular, having her own little share of admirers among the crowd of her co-students. To say that Wendy possesses everything good in this world was an understatement; wealth, brain, charisma, personality; She has it all.


Rumours had it that Wendy was created through the tears of God, combined with all sorts of girlfriend materials that happened to exist; When really, Mr. and Mrs. Son just decided to have a beautiful baby one blazing summer night.

She was used to the variation of gazes that her peers always seem to not-so-subtly throw her way. Whether it were eyes filled with lust, longing, love, simple adoration, or even jealousy, Wendy was immune to them all.


So she gave herself a firm reminder that their current stares meant nothing. The whispers were merely an affectionate gesture between one another, it had nothing to do with her, nothing at all.



Oh who was she kidding?

They did mean something.



Simply, no one can brush off a fitful giggle. Everything would have been bearable, if they weren't flashing a knowing look towards the Canadian girl. It was as if they had discovered an embarrassing secret of Wendy's and they were not about to let it go. Needless to say, it was nearly driving the short blonde over the edge.



She would not have known about the possible news if not for her ever-so-blunt friends confronting her about the issue.


"Wendy Son Seungwan. If you're hiding anything from us, you better spill." The tallest out of the trio that had just barged into Wendy's peaceful lunch break, threatened. Her followers from either side decided to join by nodding their heads, glaring at Wendy for reasons still unknown to the latter.


"Hiding?" Wendy questioned, lowering the fork filled with 'healthy crap' as Yeri called it, blinking dumbly towards Sooyoung.


"Don't play dumb with us!" Seulgi said seriously, but instead of intimidating her 94-liner friend, Wendy internally cackled at the irony. She wanted to say another one of her smartass remarks to Seulgi, something along the lines of 'Isn't that your job?' but seeing how serious the three are being, she decided that it wouldn't be as humorous as she would like it to be.

"I'm not playing anything. What's up with you three?" Yeri just rolled her eyes at the remark as she watched her unnie stuff with a forkful of her home-made lunch.

"Just tell us, are you dating anyone?" Joy suddenly grabbed Wendy's collar, pulling Wendy's body until their faces were merely inches apart. Sooyoung's grip must have been a little aggressive, judging by the strained cry the older girl was voicing out unwantedly.


Without another word, Wendy began to struggle, coughing out a mouthful of salad, spewing chewed vegetables all over Joy, whom -as far as everyone knew- valued her face very much.


"What. The. Hell. Did you just do?" Joy shoved Wendy before her face contorted with disgust. A sound of a snortle echoed through the now pin-drop silent cafeteria, followed by a shameless cackle from Yerim. Seulgi's eyes widened at the sight, Wendy and the youngest pretty much just asked for an early funeral by humiliating Joy in front of the whole school.

The fact that they are close also meant that the punishment the short duo is about to receive is gonna be a path through hell - which happened to also be the said girl's so called home.


"I- um, I'm sorry!" Wendy took a hold of Joy's shoulders before showing a rare display of cuteness, slightly startling all in her surroundings. No amount of money can ever make Wendy speak in such a cringing tone -the after effect of such action was definitely not worth any dollar bill, in her opinion-  and yet, her fear of ending up cold and murdered in a shady outskirts of town, has changed her attitude a little. Gotta hand it to Joy and her terrifying aura.


"Just tell me the truth and maybe, I'll spare you. Are you dating Bae Joohyun?" The younger interrogated as she wiped the remaining dressing off of the corner of her lips.


"Bae Joohyun? You mean our sunbae Bae Joohyun?" Wendy's expressive brows quirked in confusion. What kind of question was that? She has never talked to the popular senior, what more actually dating her.

"There's only one. Duh?" Seulgi scoffed as her arms automatically crossed, feeling like a police officer interrogating a lying suspect.

"What kind of nonsense is that? You know how popular she is. Do you really think that I am dating her? Even if I was, I'd probably be dead right now anyway, considering how protective the creepers are." Wendy shuddered at the thought of the overwhelming mob of Irene's followers.


Creepers; What Irene's horde of fanboys and girls are labelled as. It's pretty self explanatory and very much accurate judging by how creepy they are around, not only Joohyun, but everyone else around the school as well.


"Then what's with the couple tee?" Yeri moved a step closer before feeling the texture of Wendy's newly purchased shirt she had just bought at the busy street of Gangnam. “Is that why you eagerly bought it?”

"Wait- Tea? I don't even drink tea- there's such thing as a couple tea?" The shortest girl's eyes widened in shock at the random information. She had always thought that the beverage were for anyone who desired to drink such flavour, not necessarily for a romantic pair.

"She means a T-shirt you fool!" Joy groaned before slightly ruffling her hair. A habit of hers that she often does whenever she's frustrated. A memorized gesture they had all acknowledged over time.  

"A t-shirt?"

"Do you really want me to explain what a damn t-shirt is?"

"Joohyun sunbae has the same shirt as me!?"

"Not the same, but matching enough to be considered as a couple's shirt." Yeri nodded at her own comment.

"Is that why everyone has been staring at me since this morning?" Wendy wondered out loud.


"Could be. Or maybe you're just extra short and ugly today." Joy, who has been silent clucked her tongue in bitterness.


"Joy's just a little salty." Seulgi gestured in front of her own face, indicating that Sooyoung is still mad due to the food accident from earlier.

"Let it go, Sooyoung unnie." Yeri rubbed the older's back in comfort, which of course, worked. Joy had a very soft spot of the youngest, after all.


"Have you seen Irene unnie? I heard everyone has been bugging her about the rumour of you two dating." Seulgi whispered as she leaned in closer to Wendy, who was currently sitting down.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do.. I've never said a single word to her ever since I've set a foot in this campus." Truth to be told, Wendy was internally panicking. It was the Bae Joohyun they were talking about, the prettiest baby-faced doll of their University! How would she take such news about dating, not just anyone, but dating a girl? Yes, Wendy shared a good portion of God's blessings but being Joohyun's lover? It was completely out of proportion!

"Well, you might want to start now." Her best friend of the same age flashed a pitiful look before patting her back lightly, then heading her way to follow the two youngest out of the cafeteria, leaving Wendy alone to reflect.




What am I gonna do?





Wendy has always hated having a spare right after lunch, always leaving her bored and out of her mind. Not in this particular day though. She needed some time to think, needing time to process the fact that the end might be near for her. It was only a matter of time until the whole school hears about the false news and unfortunately for Wendy, it could also mean that a crowd of furious admirers shall be waiting for her after school. Irene's stalkers, to be exact; which only happened to the biggest clan their school has ever had.


So no matter how someone puts the idea, Wendy was doomed to get in trouble somehow.


Deciding to isolate herself away from the nonstop gazes and unsubtle gossips, Wendy made her way to the back of the school, strolling along the field until she has finally reached a rusty, worn-out bench by the hidden corner of the school's field. Just like she always did, she decided to fish out her sky-blue earbuds, plugging them in as she listened to calming music. Her body automatically swayed to the rhythm of the current song on her playlist, enjoying the peaceful feeling that music has always given her. That was until she felt a light tap on her shoulder, waking her up from a trance.


"Seungwan, right?" A voice soft as a mallow greeted the said girl. Wendy, unknowingly blinked a few times before staring at Irene's shirt. A very familiar shirt. A shirt that looked exactly like the one she was currently wearing except that the fabric came in a blue version. It matched very well with Wendy's.

"Ah, yes that's me!" Wendy said in a haste before her nonexistent manners dawned upon her, quickly standing on her two feet. "Irene sunbae, please have a seat!" As if her body had a mind of its own, Seungwan found herself in a ninety-degree bow in front of her respectable senior.


She could hear a series of muffled giggles from the infamous student before finally deciding to straighten up. Tense as a rock, Wendy remained in an awkwardly stiff position. That is until Irene patted the space next to her, smiling gently.


"Have a seat, I won't hurt you." Her voice was heavenly and it brought soft tingles all over Wendy's skin. Like a soft lullaby, the feeling was warm and welcoming. "I just have something to discuss with you." Wendy swallowed at the said words, such sentence were never good for anyone's soul. Especially the oh-so-fragile Son Seungwan.

"W-what is it, sunbae?" Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her pink shirt; the shirt that mirrored Joohyun's.

"I assume you've heard about the rumour that went around today?" She started off. Unable to find her voice, Seungwan simply nodded in response.

"Y-yes, sunbae. About us d-dating, right?" Wendy stammered.

"Relax, will you? I'm not here to cause you some trouble." Wendy was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Irene's words stopped her immediately. "That's the creepers' job."


"B-But, I didn't do anything; I didn't start the rumour! I didn't even mean to wear the same shirt as you, sunbae." Wendy babbled.


"I know, but they don't know that."

"T-then what do I do?" Wendy couldn't help but sulk at the current predicament. She didn't ask to be partnered up with a goddess, she just wanted to breeze through the year without a problem. But now, she's in the biggest one possible.  

"Well, for starters, I’d like us to get comfortable with each other. Friends?" The older of the two offered a hand, which Wendy hesitantly took.


"You're funny." Irene mentioned as her hand slipped out of Wendy's hold.

"How so?" Her friends usually label her as the no-fun one. Even worse than Seulgi, which says something.

"You're an awfully jumpy person, aren't you?"

"I've been told." Wendy, who was feeling unsettled by the Irene’s gaze then moved her line of sight towards the field, momentarily absorbing such a calming scene. Meanwhile, Joohyun who was previously looking at the junior’s features, was now absentmindedly observing the clear view of younger’s side profile.


She was about to blurt a compliment when a sudden sparkling reflection distracted Irene from her previous thoughts. It was a tiny diamond tucked under the shell of Wendy’s ear. It surprisingly suited the younger, reminding Irene of the cliché line she once heard in one of the soap operas her mother used to obsess over; A line that almost made young Joohyun puke, back in her middle school days.


(“It brings out the colour in your eyes, the kind of hazel I find myself wanting more and more of.”)


The senior student couldn’t help but shudder at the painfully gross memory.


"I really like your conch piercing. When did you get it?" Irene's hand unconsciously moved to reach out the younger's lobe, slightly leaning in to get a better view. "It's so shiny~" She mumbled childishly, clearly drawn to the shimmering jewelry.

"Oh, hehe. Last year.." The urge to squeal was undeniable. She had a secret weak spot by her ears, and feeling Irene's warm breath was not helping calm it down either.

"It's super cool! I’ve always wanted one. Did it hurt when you got it?" She swore to God that the expression on Irene's face changed as fast as it came, starting with an elated expression, to a sulky child.

"I don't remember. B-but I think if you take your meds on time, it will be o-okay." Gosh, when will she stop slurring her words?

"Hmm, are you sure?" Irene gave the younger a suspicious, yet quite adorable look; And Wendy is sure that her supposed sunbae was not as charismatic as people described her to be.

"Y-yes, ma'am!" She blurted without thinking.

"Ma'am? Excuse me?" If Irene was acting like a rotten child earlier, she was now mirroring an offended and very much petty, teen.

"Sorry.. I panicked.." If Wendy could openly bang her head against the wall in hopes of waking up her inner intellect, she gladly would.

"You are one unique cookie.." Irene commented, not quite knowing how to respond to the younger's random quirks.



"Do you think I'd be a delicious cookie?" Wendy then murmured dumbly as her mind wandered to the land of sweet pastries.



Irene thinks that it would be better not to respond at all.



As both their minds wandered, they have failed to notice the series of shutters, and a camera that sneakily pointed their way.







..And there goes Wendy Son's chance of ever escaping the rumour.






"Wendy Son, Seungwan!" The trio came barging in once again giving the girl a strong deja vu of a certain occurrence that happened during the day prior. School was over so Wendy had no idea why the three were still around. They were usually the fastest ones out the campus, rushing straight to a random restaurant of choice.

"What now? I already told you, didn't I? I'm not dating Irene sunbae." The younger one sighed, quickly dismissing the topic that she knew the three came to her for.



But she didn't know that there was more to it than she knew.



"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this?"



[ HOT!: Wendy Son dating the school's infamous senior student, Joohyun Bae? ]



It was a recent news from a website that Wendy had never seen before, flashing right before her eyes. Much to her surprise, the article itself had thousands of viewers, and an enormous amount of dislikes, enough to send her into a strong sense of discomfort.

"What the hell is that?"

"A news, duh? From the school's underground website? What are you, a grandma?" Yeri then pulled her phone back, clicking on the article and showing Wendy the inner juicy contents of the story.



It was a series of pictures. Wendy's pictures to be exact.

Wendy's photos with the girl she was ridiculously linked to, Irene Bae.



She hates to admit but the photos did look promising, except they were at a very manipulating angle, making it seem even more than what had actually happened.


"She was kissing you! So don't tell me you're not dating." Seulgi's arm were crossed, betrayal clearly evident in her face. Wendy was her best friend, so why should she hide such an important detail about her life?

"We didn’t kiss. There was no kissing! Hell, I didn't even dare lay a hand on her." The younger explained.


She was doomed, she was so doomed!


"Then why were you two so close together, huh?"

"It was the angle, you fools! She was checking out my earring." The three scoffed in sync making Wendy feel even more pathetic for actually explaining. Her reasoning did sound quite pathetic, no matter if it was indeed a fact.



"I call bull." Yerim whispered not-so-quietly.

"Hey, I heard that.." Wendy pouted. How was she supposed to get out of such a troublesome situation?



Are people honestly that illogical to believe that she's dating the Joohyun Bae?



"Why are you even denying it? We’ll still accept you even if you decide to openly date a girl." Yerim once again spoke, in which the two just nodded to.

"Coming from someone who's actually dating a girl, what you said was really something." Wendy couldn't help but retort.



"Come to think of it, that's true. You're the gayest one out of all of us.." Joy mumbled under her breath, looking at the younger with a knowing look.

"Wendy's right, you know. You got your main chick, Saeron; then Suhyun, and even Shannon who's straight as a pole, you managed to woo." Seulgi listed as she gave the younger a teasing smile.  

"Wha- this isn't about me! And excuse you, Saeron is my girlfriend. Not my 'chick' or my 'main' because I don't have any sides!" Yerim whined, making the three chuckle a little.


"Then what do you call Suhyun and Shannon?" The older trio said in sync, surprising each other.

"They're just my friends okay? Nothing more." Yeri answered.

"That's what they all say~" Seulgi sang in mockery.



"Unnie.. You know I'm not like that." Yeri whined like a rotten child.


"Says the one surrounded by girls all the time." Joy smirked, earning a smack from the youngest. "Ow!"

"That's what you get. You were supposed to back me up." Yeri huffed.

"Can't do that if they're right." Joy just giggled, finding Yerim's childish behavior, irresistible.


"I thought you loved me.." The youngest's lip jutted into a pout.


"I do. That's why Saeron still doesn't know about your others." Joy winked, accompanied with her infamous smug look. The same aged friends watching from the side couldn't hold back a laugh at the speechless Yerim. It rarely happened. And oh boy; was it a sweet sight.  



In the middle of the fitful laughing spree, a group of bulky men overshadowed the four, frightening them a little.


"Wendy? May we speak to you in private?" The center, who seemed to be their leader- judging from his eye catching appearance as well as his hell-deep voice.

"W-what about?" Seulgi quickly palm-slapped her back, sending Wendy into a coughing fit.

"Don't show nervousness. They can smell fear.." She whispered in a creepy tone, frightening Wendy a little. She wanted to ask but chose not to since Seulgi has a tendency to sound like a sociopath sometimes.


The excessively built students continued to stare Wendy down, making her slightly agitated. The moment she has been avoiding has come.


She's dead meat now.



Wendy stood up from her seat before nodding at the man in front of her. He then gestured his boys to move along, making their way out of the cafeteria. The smallest of the group could feel her knees tremble in fright at the muscular boys’ presence alone. What more if they actually beat her to pulp?

Her mind must have wandered to places longer than she thought because her thoughts only came to a sudden halt when she felt her upper body slam against one of the guy's biceps. A little dizzy from the impact, Wendy wobbled a few steps until her back collided with the dusty concrete wall. She looked around finding herself in a hidden area of the campus where kids loiter to smoke weed, or risk their lives by taking a day's worth of nap.


"Do you know why we called you over?" One of the three musketeers started off with a funny sounding voice. Wendy didn't expect such a tough looking man to have such a high pitched voice.

"Uh, no?" Wendy faked innocence. Of course she knew! Why else would they call her?

"We heard you're dating our queen. Is that true?" Another of the trio added on in his heavily accented Korean.



Wendy kept mum.

What was she supposed to say?



The leader with a chest bigger than Wendy's, stepped forward slightly trapping Wendy between his arms. Which happened to be around the size of the latter's head.


"I swear to God if you hurt our queen in any way.. If we ever see her sad or angry, I will personally peel off your flesh, grilling it to medium rare. Then I might just shove it down your throat while I'm at it." There were no sign that the buff man was in any way kidding which made Wendy gulp harder than she ever had before, visibly trembling in fear. Her knees were starting to feel buckle from the unnerving proximity.


"What's going on here?" Just to her luck, A girl around her height came to the rescue.

"Seungwan?" The student asked in confusion.

"Haha. Hey?" Wendy greeted awkwardly, still sandwiched between the bulky leader and a dirty wall.


"Boss, Queen even calls Wendy by her Korean name. It must be a serious relationship.." One of the goons mumbled to his team leader.



What kind of logic-?



"Uh, we were just having a little conversation. Isn't that right, Wendy?" He faked a smile. Wendy felt a continuous poke on her side, tickling her a little. "Tell her, Wendy. What were we talking about?"

"He was just talking about grilling meat.. A.K.A me." Wendy whispered the last words as she faked a laugh, giving the guy a satisfied smile.


"Are you done talking then? Because my girlfriend and I have other places to be." The idiotic trio- and Wendy- gasped in shock at the news.



Girlfriend? No way!



"Y-You mean me?" Wendy stuttered. To be fair, her life is on the line and she had every right to panic.

"Who else, silly? Of course it's you. Don't tell me you've forgotten asking me out last month?" Irene giggled. It was so genuine that Wendy almost fell for it herself.  

"Oh. Y-Yes of course. How could I forget having such a p-pretty g-girlfriend." Wendy wonders if she should go to a specialist about her stammering problems and cringing awkwardness.



Irene was about to reach for Wendy's hand when one of the three egg-looking guys spoke.



"So, you're really dating her?" Irene's eyebrow rose at the question. To further prove her point, the older then grabbed Wendy by the wrist, tugging her away from the rough bunch, and onto her embrace.

"Wouldn't you? Who could ever resist such a cutie like my Seungwan?"

"But Queen, Seungwan is-" He was then cut off.

"That's 'Wendy' for you." Irene commanded strictly, glaring one last time before taking her leave, dragging the clueless Junior along.


Once they were far enough from the rest of the busy bodies, Wendy detached her arm from the older, giving her a half panicked expression, the recent conversation replaying in her mind like a broken record.


“Why did you tell them you’re dating me? That could get me killed, Sunbae.” Wendy frantically looked around, her paranoia getting the best of her. She was starting to get scared of being seen by any of Irene’s crazy fans. Rumour had it that a student who once caught Irene’s attention had suddenly gone missing. His last known whereabouts were having a little ‘get-together’ with a few of the infamous cuckoo members of the creepers clan. Poor newbie did not know what he got himself into.


“Would you prefer if I had left you alone instead?” The baffled look on Irene’s face was undeniably adorable, but that wasn’t the point. “You know what would have happened.”


“B-but that’s ridiculous! How in the world is it be possible for someone like me to date you? I’m way out of your league. You’re really pretty and popular, and you smell really good. And-” Wendy was about to continue, but her lips sealed shut the moment she caught the teasing smirk playing on Irene’s luscious lips.


“Did you just say I’m pretty and that I smell good?”


“That was- I don’t know..”


“Oh my, look at you. Are you flirting with me? If you have a crush on me, you could have just said so; Confessed, just like everyone else.” Irene teased, in hopes of lightening Wendy’s tense nerves.


“What? No.” Wendy looked away with a pair of burning ears. “You really want me dead, don’t you?” Wendy muttered to herself.


“I said we were dating to save you some trouble. They won’t lay a hand on you if they knew you’re precious to me.” Irene comforted.


“But I’m not?” Wendy argued.


Irene only hummed at that, keeping her lips pressed and sealed.



“So, what did those three really say to you before I came? If you lie, I’ll find out.” Irene changed the subject. They were now mindlessly walking around the half empty school.


Wendy, who was never a good liar, decided to spill the beans. “They said they’ll cook me if they ever see you sad..”


Irene’s lips pursed as she pondered out loud. “What about if I cried in front of them?”


Wendy’s eyes widened. The older was not only playful, she was also quite evil; But the crowd only ever sees her as the infamous, perfect, charismatic Irene.


“You’re scary..” Wendy pouted. “You’re gonna get me killed.” A sigh followed along.


“Looks like you have no choice, since I’m your girlfriend now.” Irene clapped in excitement, not showing any hints of regret about the whole situation, like everything was going perfectly.


“Do your friends know?” Wendy carefully asked.


“About us?”


Us. How odd.


How did everything turn out like this? One moment, Wendy was living her life as a regular student without any worries, then it seemed like within a blink of an eye, she’s suddenly falsely dating the most popular girl in school, and the whole campus is onto her.


All because of a damn misunderstanding.


All because of a stupid, stupid matching t-shirt.


All because of an absurd coincidence.  


She is left with dealing with Joohyun Bae and her manipulative, and sly (and also cute, but she didn’t need to know that.) personality.


“Yeah, they all know. I told them we’re dating.”  She shrugged casually, checking out her newly manicured nails nonchalantly.


“So everyone thinks we’re dating?”


“Yeah, pretty much. Oh come on, don’t give me that look. It’s not that bad! better than ending up a lifeless body down the river, don’t you think so?” Irene flashed a bright grin.


How is she still so positive about the whole situation? Just, who is Joohyun Bae? Wendy had never met someone so.. Unpredictable, for the lack of a better term.


“Starting from now, we should probably pretend that we’re actually dating. If I’m ever seen alone, they’ll come for you.” Wendy shuddered at the thought.




Great! Give me your address and I’ll pick you up on Monday.” Irene excitedly hopped on the spot, resembling a baby bunny in a way. It was sort of, cute?


“No, that’s not-”


“Nonsense. We’re friends remember? And It’s better to know that you’re not hurt because of me. Who knows what they might do to you if I’m not around.” Irene stated with such determination, it completely blocked out Wendy’s further arguments.


Was this it? Was this the charisma her fans cannot seem to stop talking about?


If Wendy were to be frank, Irene’s charms aren’t ones to be dismissed. The impact was too strong to brush off. No wonder she’s unbelievably popular.


Wendy then handed her phone to the older. Irene was right, she doesn’t have much choice. Playing along can’t be that bad, right? It’s for her own safety, after all.




“Look at you, so advanced. You’re making me shy with your bold moves, Seungwan.” It can’t be that bad. It can’t be that bad. Wendy replayed like a mantra, reminding herself that she had no other choice but to play the role of Irene’s girlfriend. Now that everyone knows, thinks, they’re together.


Wendy could only sigh at Irene’s flirty attitude. Who knew?


“I’ll text you my address.”


“Is that a subtle way of hinting me to come over?” Irene ran her index finger down Wendy’s sharp jawline, making the girl hiss at the goosebumps-inducing sensation.


Nonetheless Irene punched in her digits.


“Don’t worry, you won’t regret this, Seungwan. I promise.” Wendy didn’t know what to make out of the older’s unreadable expression. “Sadly, I have to go now. I’ll see you on Monday.” Irene then lightly pecked her fingers before tapping it against Wendy’s cheek, transferring the kiss smoothly. “Get home safely.”


Wendy stood at the same spot as the world revolved around her. Unable to react properly, she remained frozen, gaping like a fish, with only one thought in mind:


Irene is very, seriously, totally, really weird..




It only took Wendy a few days (Three days, ten hours, twenty-seven minutes and fifty-two seconds, to be exact) to realize that Irene is a very clingy person, sticking to Wendy like a deprived leech whenever given the opportunity.


“Seungwan!” Wendy continued munching on her salted snack. Even without a glance, she already knew who the caller was.


A heavy weight then pounced on the short junior, causing a slight discomfort.

Sunbae, I was eating!” Wendy pouted, regretfully eyeing the piece of her favourite strawberry-flavoured pepero stick, now laying dirty on the rugged concrete floor.

“Are those peperos?” Irene ignored the younger’s sulking look, reaching out to grab a piece.


“These are mine.” Wendy tugged the box away, keeping it out of her pretend-lover’s reach.


“But, everything that’s yours is automatically mine too.” She reasoned.

Fine. Have it. I’m full anyway.” Wendy shoved the remaining snack.

“But sharing makes the peperos much, much sweeter, don’t you think so?” Irene’s voice became painfully louder, obviously wanting the bystanders to hear a tad of their ‘sweet’ moment.  


Wendy flashed a flat smile in return, needing to remind herself about the agreement between her and Irene. Mentally sighing, she decided to put on an act. (Not like she had much of a choice.)

“I already ate, Hyun.” Her teeth gritted as she smiled towards the older.

“But Wan-” Irene’s protest was cut short by the sudden intrusion of Satan’s daughters, and Seulgi.


“Would you look at that, looks like I caught something here!” Joy obnoxiously stated as she made herself comfortable on the couple’s occupied space, taking a seat just right across.

“Pokemon go, again?” Wendy questioned.

“The appropriate word right now isn't ‘go’, but ‘Pokemon get the out, please’.” Yeri giggled at Irene’s muffled words.

“I don’t think Irene unnie wants us around, Joy unnie.”

“That’s fine, we’ll be leaving after I catch this sly snake.”


“No way! You caught an ekans? My tracker isn’t showing anything.” The clueless Junior looked around, trying to locate the said Pokemon. Yeri, who was always the smarter one, nudged Seulgi on the rib.

“No, I caught something better. I caught a snake who had been lying to us all this time. Isn’t that right, Son Seungwan-ssi?” Wendy’s eyes widened at the sophomore’s words, the meaning slowly coming together in her mind.


What could possibly be better than Ekans?” Seulgi muttered bitterly as she continued to run her palm against her sore abdomen, in hopes of soothing the possible bruise.

“Yeri, didn’t you catch a Chansey outside just a while ago? Why don’t you take our precious Seulgi there?” The youngest simply nodded, understanding the situation. Making sure to take her wallet, Yeri walked out of the room with Seulgi, mentally preparing for the upcoming disappointment and possibly, tears from the innocent Junior.

She’ll just treat the older some ice cream.


Well, well, well. Look at you, Wendy-ssi. I thought you weren’t dating our Irene unnie? But here you are, sweetly sharing a box of pepero. Oh wait, do I recall hearing you talk about how much you hate sharing?” If there was anything in the world Wendy could get rid of at the very moment, it would be the irritatingly sweet smirk pasted along Joy’s reddened lips. How she would love to wipe that smug look, until there was nothing left of the latter’s coy expression.   

“We tried to keep it hidden, okay?” Irene tried to speak for the couple, but it only added fuel to the younger’s fiery personality.

“Oh, isn’t that cute? Your girlfriend just answered for you.”


“Shut up, Joy. At least I have a girlfriend.” Wendy snapped.


The whole cafeteria froze still at the unexpected remark from Wendy. The latter wasn’t one to argue, and she most definitely wasn’t the one to retort with such a mic-dropping insult.

If it weren’t for Irene’s hearty guffaw, the whole cafeteria would have remained in pin-drop silence. An offended gasp slipped past Sooyoung’s lips, hurt evident on her face.


“Y-you owe me for that!” Joy stammered nervously, before taking off, and out of the couple’s sight.


Irene continued to giggle, leaving Wendy staring in amusement. She didn’t know that Irene enjoyed such savage remarks. She could see the older’s eyes scan through a text message before stuffing the item back in her pocket, redirecting her attention towards Wendy.


“Joy seemed pretty mad.” Irene chuckled, facing Wendy completely.

“Was I too much? Should I apologize?”

“It was way beyond anyone has ever dared say to her, but it was hilarious! I’m falling for you even more.” Wendy’s heart fluttered at the words, only to remember that they were in public and Irene was just putting on a show.


From a few tables away, a rowdy bunch grew increasingly loud, starting a commotion in the area. Irene couldn’t help but palm her face in embarrassment, recognizing the group to be her friends.

“Bae, quiet down won’t you? I can hear your grossness all the way here!”

“Sit your salty down, Kibum!” Irene retorted with the same level of vocal power, taking the younger aback. She wasn’t aware that the older was capable of raising her voice, what more actually throwing such vulgar words.


Irene is really something.



“She got you, dude. You know how riled up Irene gets when it comes to her girl.” A rich senior whom Wendy recognized to be Junmyeon, patted Key’s back in comfort.  

“But I gotta admit, Wendy is really hot.” Nana whistled, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. “That can kill.”

“She’ll kill you if she hears that.” Seohyun shook her head in disapproval. Key and Nana has always been the most problematic of the group.

“Why? Is it wrong to admire such a pretty view?” Was Nana unaware that Wendy could hear her loud and clear? Or is she simply that carefree? Wendy didn’t know for sure.

“You’re asking for an early funeral, Jin.”


Nana shrugged nonchalantly, the teasing smile on her face still evident.


“What can I say? Beautiful things in life should be noticed and acknowledged.”

“Not if it’s someone else’s girlfriend.” Lay, who’s always been the quiet one, frowned.

Bouquets can still be admired no matter whose they are.” The former stubbornly argued.

“Are you asking for a beating? Because I volunteer as tribute.” Junmyeon talked back.

“Beating? As far as I remembered, the last time you tried to punch me, your knuckle ended up bruised.”


“True. She was sore for like two minutes while your fist almost bled.” Kibum laughed like the savage diva that he was.

“What the- I helped you earlier you traitor!”


Enough. I can you all from here; Stop talking about my girlfriend. She’s hot, and green tea is green; Move on. All of you need to get your own girl, except you Kibum, to this day, I’m still not sure just what you’re into.” Irene finally spoke.


He’s probably a Bronie.” Lay mindlessly muttered under his breath, which caused an eruption of laughter from Nana, Junmyeon, and Irene.


“I wouldn’t even be surprised.” Junmyeon commented in between chuckles.

“You never know, there might be a Pony that’s around Wendy’s level when it comes to hotness.” Irene giggled, laughing harder as Kibum huffed.

“If that’s the case then sign me up.” Nana cackled, earning a light smack from Seohyun.


Wendy stared in awe at the scene displaying before her, wondering just how good of an actress Irene really was, being able to fool her close friends into believe that they were actually together.



It’s been approximately a month since the chaotic pretend started to happen and whether Wendy admits or not, she has grown liking towards the older. The affectionate gestures of the senior always had Wendy blushing furiously but she has never once disliked the feeling. She pondered if perhaps, agreeing to the whole thing isn’t so bad after all.


And compared to her three other friends, Irene was no doubt the most mannerful and intelligent of them all.


“What are you doing bumming around the house? Are those cooked carrots? You are so gross.” Joy faked a gag, returning from Wendy’s kitchen.


Wendy doesn’t know how, or why, but Joy somehow manages to sneak into her house often. She doesn’t have a spare key and yet she’s always barging into Wendy’s business.

The latter wonders if it’s a perk of being Satan’s daughter, having the ability to do some strange sorcery.


To be fair, she thinks Joy’s existence is overall eerie.


“What do you want now?” Wendy groaned as Joy slumped against the couch, forcing her to make room, and out of the comfortable position she was just in.

“Irene unnie told me that tomorrow is your first month anniversary. Congrats!” If Wendy was happily savouring her prized vegetable earlier, well, not anymore; Now coughing on the perfectly mushed carrots.

“F-first month?” If Joy was any less decent, she would have laughed there and then at her older friend’s comical expressions.

“Yeah. Wait, don't tell me you forgot? No way! She totally sounded so excited over the phone.” Joy was now giving Wendy an iconic judgmental stare, making the latter feel even more pathetic for being obvious.

“Tch. As if i’d f-forget such an important day!”

“Then what did you get her?”

“T-that's a secret..” If only Joy could see the how sweaty her palms have gotten.

“If you say so. She said she’ll bring her present to school tomorrow, so should you.”


Wendy gave a hesitant nod as she gazed warily at a clock hanging loosely against her painted wall. Mentally calculating how much time she had (and also how much money she has left in the bank) until she has to show up to school tomorrow.


Nineteen o’clock


All the stores around her area closes at approximately ten o’clock. Realizing how limited her time is, she immediately rushed to her room, even tripping on nothing on the way.

Joy couldn't help but shake her head in amusement.


After a few moments, Wendy came sprinting downstairs in a pair of boyfriend jeans and her favourite pink hoodie she’s had for years. It was a typical ‘Wendy’ fashion which surprisingly suited her.


“Are you sure you even have presents?” Joy teased, knowing fully well that the older didn’t. Joy was a fool, but she wasn’t dumb.

“O-of course!” She denied.

“Oh yeah? Then I shouldn’t come with you.”


That stopped Wendy’s frantic movements.


“W-Wait! Come with me.. Y-you know, just in case Irene unnie wants more things..” Wendy faked reasoning.

Uh-huh. That’s why I’m tagging along.”

“Okay fine, I have nothing prepared. Happy?”

“All you had to do was admit it; I wouldn’t tell on you.” Joy chuckled, buckling up.


“Do you, perhaps, know what she got me?” Wendy carefully asked, quickly glancing at Joy who was playing on her phone.

Beats me. Maybe some lingerie?” Wendy regrets even asking the younger. Joy had never once given a decent answer to such questions.

“I’m serious.” With a pair of burning ears, the older responded.

“Fine, fine. I actually wouldn’t know. But knowing Irene unnie, she probably got you a shirt or something.” The sophomore honestly answered.


“Then what am I supposed to get her?”

“Why are you asking me? You’re the one dating unnie.” Joy continued to type away.

“Yeah, but- nevermind. I’ll find something.” Wendy pursed her lips as she made a turn towards the narrow alley, driving mindlessly. She wasn’t gonna admit to Joy that her and Irene weren’t actually a couple. If Irene never told the younger, then what gave Wendy the right to do so? Nothing.

“Does Irene unnie like flowers?”

Are you stupid?” Joy gave the older a strange look, as if Wendy had just said the most ridiculous thing ever.

“I’ve just.. Never given her one before..” Wendy excused.

“No, she doesn’t. She’s allergic. She likes candies though.”

“Oh, okay. Candy shop then.”

No , Sherlock. How about we try going to a laundromat? Maybe we’ll find some sweet candies there.” Joy sarcastically answered.


“I didn’t ask for the attitude..” Wendy pouted.

“You know what they say, you get what you deserve.” Joy flashed an excessively bright grin, making Wendy’s eye twitch a little.


“Have I ever told you how much I hate you?”

“More than anyone I’ve met.” The short haired girl feigned innocence, nauseating Wendy a little.

“Good, because I really do.” Wendy gave a fake smile in return.


Trust me, you should really be thanking me.” Seungwan had no idea what Sooyoung meant by her words but she decided to brush it off. The younger always talks about nonsense, anyway.




“Seungwan! My Seungwannie!” It hasn’t even been a second since Wendy’s feet had stepped on the school’s parking lot when Joohyun had come running into her arms.

“Woah there, Joohyun unnie. Settle down.” Nonetheless, the junior flashed a grateful smile from the warm welcome.

“I’m just really happy to see you again, I missed you!” Wendy wonders if she could ever get used to such smitten lines.

“I missed you too.” Wendy’s smile grew into a very gentle looking smile, melting all those around her.


The crowd around the duo were in awe of how perfect the two looked together. No one can deny that their chemistry was too strong to be simply dismissed. They had even named the couple ‘WenRene’, fully recognizing their picture-perfect relationship.

“Oh by the way, before I forget, I have something for you. Stay here for a moment.” Irene’s face showed obvious shocked at the younger’s words.


Wendy came running to her car’s trunk, opening up to grab a handful of items.


Irene, along with the surrounding students, all gasped at the items in Wendy’s arms.


“W-what-” Before the senior could ask further, Wendy decided to tilt her head to the side, pushing the stuffed bear’s body a little to the right, giving her a view of Joohyun.

Happy first month?


Unable to hide her emotions any longer, Irene came running into Wendy’s arms, ignoring the giant bear in between.


“Wait, hold on.” Wendy gently placed the items on the floor, pulling Irene for a proper hug. She carefully placed her lips beside Joohyun’s right ear, softly whispering the words that caused Irene’s heartbeat to momentarily stop. “Even though we aren’t an actual couple, I’d still like to celebrate the first month we had spent together.


Irene was about to answer when Wendy picked up yet another large looking bag, placed neatly beside the giant plushie.


Here. Joy said you’re into sweets so I got you some candies. I didn’t know which one you wanted so I kinda, bought one of everything?” Wendy bashfully scratched her nape, making Irene shamefully squeal at the adorable gesture.

I love sweets. It’s no wonder I’m very much into you.” Irene cupped Wendy cheeks before giving each side a sugary peck, surprising Wendy greatly. “Thank you, Seungwan; Really. I love it. Don’t worry, I have something for you as well!”


Very accurate to what Joy had predicted, Irene did in fact presented Wendy with a t-shirt. Which is ironically how they became linked to each other in the first place.


“Uh, unnie?” Wendy gave an apprehensive look as she eyed the given clothing.

“You don’t like it? It was custom made!” The older pouted, obviously sulking at the unexpected reaction.

“N-no. I love it! A lot..” Wendy gulped.


The three demons giggled and cackled at the laughable choice of design. Irene had purchased a black shirt with the word ‘Bae’ heavily bolded in a maddeningly blinding pink colour. If that weren’t absurd enough, ‘Joohyun’s’ was also proudly plastered at the back of the shirt.


“But isn’t it genius? It says ‘Bae’ because you are definitely bae, but if you look at the back, surprise! You’re more than just a bae, you’re also Joohyun’s!” Irene clapped in extreme excitement.


It’s evil genius!” Yeri continued to laugh maniacally at the hilarious looking shirt. Poor Wendy.

This is probably the first time I thank God I’m not in a relationship.” Joy’s fist rhythmically smacked the table, shamelessly guffawing at the tragic, yet very comical situation.

I just thank god, I’m not Wendy.” The short ‘94 liner had always found Seulgi’s eye-smile to be gorgeous. But not at the very moment. Her best friend’s smile had never looked so annoying in her eyes.


Why are the annoying trio always around?




“Where’s unnie?” Wendy muttered to herself as she looked around the poorly emitted room, finding no one but her. “Unnie?

“If you’re looking for me, try searching in your heart. I would definitely be there, somewhere.” Just then, the room became blaring with lights, the view now fully visible for Wendy to absorb.


“W-what’s all this?”


“This whole room visually represents just how colourful my life has been since you came.” Wendy looked around at the floor covered in balloons of different colours, the walls pasted with a series of romantic quotes.




“Our relationship might not have been real, but my feelings surely were, even from the very beginning.” Irene continued, finding strength at the crimson forming on Wendy’s cheeks. “Just stay where you are, and for once, let me be the one to make you feel butterflies.”


“Irene unni-”


“Just listen, okay?” Irene then walked towards the side table, picking up a few poster papers. “In these, my feelings are written. Don’t you dare laugh Seungwan, or I will kick you.” Irene glared, which looked incredibly cute to Wendy.


Irene then flipped the first paper.


‘I’m not sure just how hot the sun is, but I doubt it can amount to you.’

Was Irene drunk when she wrote it? The love intoxicated smile she had answered everything.


Irene then flipped the second one.


‘I’m no exo but you can definitely call me baby.’


Wendy wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at the words. She sure hoped the next one is at least a tad bit better.


‘Ron has Hermoine, but I’m luckier since Youreminee.’


Nope, It was totally lamer than the previous ones.


Irene then flipped the fourth paper.


‘When others look up at the night sky, they claim to see stars; But why can I only ever see you?’


Wendy would never say it outloud but her heart began to beat rapidly at the excessively sweet line.


And lastly,


‘I must be a fast food place.. Because I’m “Wendy’s”.’


Wendy almost choked after reading the last poster. Well, at least one out of five was romantic..


“Was the last one really necessary, unnie?” Wendy’s head ducked in embarrassment. Who even came up with such a pick up line?

“Of course, since I really am Wendy’s. Anyway, that’s beyond the point right now, Seungwan. The whole idea of this set up is for me to be able to honestly confess my love for you. To be honest, I’ve had a crush on you even before the whole mess happened, I was just too shy to admit it. But now, it’s been months since we started hanging out, I’ve grown to love you even more. I don’t just like you now, I love you. Please accept my feelings and be my girlfriend?”


Wow. So, how much time did you spend decorating this place?” Wendy flashed a playful smile before looking around the fairly large, and perfectly decorated room.

“Seungwan, Answer me!” Just as expected, Irene began to whine, kicking a few of the balloons out of the way.

“Look at you whining. My girlfriend is so cute.” Wendy’s lips began to form into a lovable smile, staring back at Irene with a pair of love-filled orbs.

“Is that a yes?” Irene sprinted towards Wendy, looking at the younger with hopeful eyes.


“Of course, I would never reject such a cutie like you.” Wendy cupped Irene’s face with a pair of her tiny, but very soft and soothing, warm hands. “I love you too.”

“You make me so happy.” Tears of happiness began to form in Irene’s eyes.

“Don’t you cry on me now. My mother taught me to never ever make the love of my life, cry.” Seungwan ran her thumb just under Joohyun’s eyes, wiping the remaining tears that had fallen.

“I just, really love you.”

“And I feel the same way.”


“By the way, now that we’re officially together, you definitely have to wear that shirt I got you for our first month anniversary.” Wendy wasn’t sure if she was hallucinating but she was pretty sure she heard Yeri’s voice saying ‘good luck with that.’

“Yes, I’ll wear it. Anything for my girl. No matter how foolish it is.” Wendy grinned before pulling the taller girl into her warm, muscular embrace.


As the newly birthed official couple continued hugging each other with all their might, three exhausted looking girls slowly approached the pair, disrupting their sugary time.


“Irene unnie, Now that she’s said ‘yes’, don’t you think it’s time to pay us back?” The three held out their palms like the deprived beggars that they were.


“Wait, what do you mean she has to pay you back? For what?” The three eggheads, and Irene just looked at each other before slowly turning towards Wendy’s way.


“Unnie, you might wanna tell her what really happened.”




Exactly three months ago.


It was another casual day in the school’s cafeteria where each clique gathered around, talking about the wonders of the world. A certain table was remarkably louder than the rest, attracting the attention of some onlookers that happened to pass by. Not only because the occupants were visually pleasing, but also due to the fact that the girls were in a current disagreement about one of the most trendy- but very much foolish- talks of the internet.  


“It’s blue and black.”

“I’m telling you, It’s white and gold! Are you blind?”

“Seulgi unnie is right with this one, It’s white and gold.”

“How is that white? Where on earth do you see gold? No wonder you’re not passing English.”

“What does English have to do with this?”

“You can’t even get the colour right, how are you supposed to pass the actual subjects?”

“It’s two against one Sooyoung. Majority wins.”

“Not if you’re both stup-”


“Seulgi?” Another voice called out, interrupting the triplets’ heated argument.


“Irene unnie?” The three’s attention were now on the newcomer. “Can I help you with anything?” The respected senior wouldn’t just come barging in without a reason, surely.

“I was gonna ask a favour from the three of you..” Irene asked hesitantly, triggering curiosity among the three.  

“What favour, unnie?” The most nosey of the trio, Sooyoung, asked, full of suspicion.

“We’re not gonna rob a bank are we? But as long as we don’t get caught, I guess it’s okay..” The three looked at Seulgi weirdly before in-syncly shaking their heads, giving up on the girl and her four-dimensional mind.

Anyway.. You’re all close with Seungwan, right?” They all nodded attentively.


They all leaned in closer, huddling in a semi circle as they listened to Irene’s request.

“You see.. The thing is-”




“Oh my god, unnie! You won’t believe what I just heard!”


Unfazed, the short girl continued to munch on her steaming hot trail-mix, eyes never once leaving the television screen.


“Oh my! Really? Oh wait, don’t care.” Wendy deadpanned, without a hint of interest in her tone.

“But listen, I just heard from the girls in class that a ne-”

“So you were snooping?” The older simply chuckled, never bothering with even sparing a slight glance at satan’s right hand girl.

“Was not! I was just- anyway, I just happened to heard that a really good sale is happening at that famous store in Gangnam. You know, the one Yerim and I always shops at.” Joy continued to fake enthusiasm, her patience running out from the oblivious girl.

“Good for you. Now would you mind leaving? This is a new episode, and you’re being disruptive.” Wendy tried her best to focus on the current scene yet Joy’s obnoxious voice was a little too loud for such wish to happen. God must have forsaken her already.

“I’ll leave if you promise to accompany me.”

“Why don’t you ask Yeri instead?”

“Because.. She has a thing.. At a place..” The latter quickly grabbed the remote, putting the show on pause, her neck snapping towards the younger’s way.


“She has a thing at a place?” Wendy’s eyebrow rose, dramatically popping a piece of salted pretzel in .


Her words, not mine..” Joy flashed an awkward smile, shrugging her shoulders timidly.


A defeated sigh rang across the room before Wendy once again turned her back against Joy, resuming her unfinished business.


“Fine, I’ll go.”

“Thank you, unnie. I love you!” Joy excitedly hopped on her spot, throwing a buttery kiss towards Wendy’s direction, in which the older happily dodged.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now shoo, you’re ruining my vibe.”


The young Satan rubbed her palms together as she silently giggled to herself.






At a clothing store located in the busy street of Gangnam.


“Are you sure she bought it?” Irene confirmed for the nth time, slightly annoying Solar.

“Yes! I already told you, she doesn’t know a thing. She bought the shirt thinking it was just new arrival for our summer collection.” Solar rubbed her face in frustration. It was like she had been talking to a wall, Joohyun has been asking the same question for approximately fifteen minutes now. One can only take so much.

“Thank you so much, you’re the best!” Irene was about to pounce on her friend who had just saved her life when the taller outstretched her arm, stopping the former’s future movements.

“Nope. I prefer cash, thanks.” Solar deadpanned.

“Okay fine. I need the other pair first though.” Solar then walked into the store’s storage before retrieving a couple clothing with a missing pair.

“She got the pink, so you’re left with a blue one.” Solar chuckled, knowing her friend’s hatred for the colour.

“No purple?” Irene whined in a rare child-like voice, topping it with a pout.

“Do you want to own a couple item with her or not?” Solar’s faced turned emotionless, an indication that her patience was cutting thin.

“Blue.. Haha. Yay. I love it.” Irene faked a smile, making Solar laugh once again.


“You’re hopeless.”




“Is she wearing it? I swear Yerim if she isn’t-” Irene’s threat was cut short by the freshman.

“She’s wearing it, okay? I spent hours trying to talk her into it, now shut up unnie.” The older sighed in relief.

“Good, I was just making sure. I’ll be taking you to your favourite bakery tomorrow.” An obnoxious squeal was heard over the phone.

“You better! You don’t know how hard it was to convince her to wear a brand new shirt to school.”

“I know. Thanks Yerim! Everything’s almost set.”


“You’re hopeless, unnie. Goodluck.” Was the last thing the pokemon-like girl said before hanging up.




“Did you know Irene unnie is dating Wendy?” Irene, who was casually leaning back against her assigned chair, bit back a smirk at the current topic.

“Really? Wendy Son? No way!”

“It’s true. They’re even wearing couple shirts today.” Sooyoung continued gossiping, internally laughing at the gullible blockheads that surrounded her. Catching Irene’s eyes, the sophomore student sent the older girl a wink, in which Irene just replied an approving nod to.

“I saw Wendy this morning! She’s actually wearing the same shirt as Irene, but in pink.” Another nosey student joined along.

“I’ve never seen them talk though.”

“I’ve seen them together outside of school. I think they want to keep their relationship a secret. They’ve been dating for a while now.” Joy lied smoothly.

“Wow. I guess they finally got tired of hiding it. If it were me, I’d like to be able to hug my boyfriend in public.”


The evil smug plastered on Joy’s face grew as she watched her creation spread like wildfire. Soon enough, everyone’s gonna be aware of the rumour that she proudly started.


Which exactly what was planned.




“Are you sure she’s gonna not gonna see through us? Wendy unnie is pretty smart.”

“If she was, she would have figured it out by now.” Sooyoung argued.

“Yeah, but you know how pure she is. She doesn’t listen to gossips.” Seulgi added.

“Whatever. Let’s just wing it. I’m trusting on your inner oscar-deserving acting skills.” Sooyoung patted the two by the shoulder before turning around, heading towards the innocent girl eating her lunch deliciously; A lunch consisting of ‘healthy crap’ according to the youngest.


“Wendy Son Seungwan. If you're hiding anything from us, you better spill!”




“Hello, Irene unnie? She’s on the old bench, by the big oak tree. The one in the field? The scary one. Yeah, hurry. Don’t worry she’s not leaving anytime soon. She’s just listening to music. Yup. Okay, bye.”






“Did you get it?” The tallest of the three asked the young photographer.

“Yeah, I got it! Perfect. It looks like they’re kissing.” Yeri’s face screamed of pride as she stared at the masterpiece she had just captured.

“Take more, we need more than one picture.”


“Irene unnie better buy us a whole buffet’s worth. We’re doing all the work for her.”


The three looked at each other before sighing. The couple required too much work.


Why does Wendy have to be so dense?




“Woah, You’re a genius Yeri!” The two seemingly proud mothers clapped at the younger’s brilliance with technology. The youngest had just uploaded the scandalous photos of Wendy and Irene on the school’s hot secret website.

“Hopefully this time, yes.”

“Finally. We’re basically doing professional work here.”


“I’m craving some sushi. Seulgi unnie, do you have any money?” Yeri gave an innocent grin, batting her eyelashes playfully.


The oldest of the three just sighed in defeat, unable to resist the youngest’s puppy eyes.


Irene is so gonna pay her back for this.




“Y-You owe me for that!” Joy stormed off the cafeteria after the humiliating encounter.

‘I know.’ Irene mentally noted as her laughter eventually died down to a series of light chuckles.


Hearing a familiar tone echo from her pocket, Irene immediately fished out her phone, swiping the message from Joy.


From: The Satan Worshipper

“That was hurtful, unnie! You owe me thrice the usual amount for taking that blow. I didn’t know your girlfriend was capable of being a savage. I hate you, bye.”

Received. 12:21


Irene knew that the day would come when someone would leave Joy speechless over such a remarkable slander, and yet, she never would have seen the angelic Junior being the one capable of doing so.


Wendy had never looked so perfect in her eyes.




“How am I supposed to confess? I need ideas!” Irene trashed around the floor, not paying any mind to the weird stares the trio were giving.

“Unnie, you should make a hundred origami cranes, then write ‘Be my girlfriend?’ In one of them! That would be so romantic.” Seulgi squealed at the thought of her cliche idea.

What kind of kdrama is that from?” Yeri muttered under her breath.

“So Wendy unnie has to actually unfold every single paper until she finds ‘the one’?” Joy’s face scrunched at the troublesome suggestion.


The innocent bear just nodded happily in return.


“The right term isn’t ‘romantic’ it’s ‘a waste of time’.”

“Hey, don’t be too harsh on Seulgi!” Irene scolded, though she slightly agreed with the second youngest. Sooyoung just crossed her arms in disobedience.


“How about we kidnap her and take her somewhere isolated? Hold her captive until she says yes.” Yeri grinned like it was the brightest idea she had ever come up with.

“Everything about that sentence is illegal, Yerimmie..” Seulgi gave a pitiful smile, patting the younger’s head affectionately.


“How about-” Joy started, only to be stopped by Irene.


“But you haven’t even heard my idea!”

“Don’t need to.”

“Too bad, it’s a great plan.”


“Ugh, fine! Let me hear it.” Irene rolled on the floor, at the tragic situation.


“How about you sit on her lap and whisper, ‘Your body is a wonderland, and I happened to be an explorer’.”


Irene immediately shot up at the idea.


Are you crazy!? She’s gonna think I’m a ert!”

Aren’t you?” Yeri answered in an uninterested manner, eyeing her decorated nails.


The oldest looked away in guilt.


“Then how about, ‘This world is full of hotties, but to me, you’re the only one that matters.’ Oh man, am I a genius or what?” The proud smug on Joy’s face had everyone giving up on humanity.


What. Between the two, you’re a ‘what’.” Yeri answered, making Seulgi giggle at the blunt and savage response.


“This is hopeless!” Irene buried her face on the dirty carpet. The second oldest wondered if she should remind Irene of her strict hygiene but decided against it. No one liked a furious Irene. No one.


“Does it even matter? You could literally just ask her to be your girlfriend, that’s it; Without all these jazz. It’s just a confession! No need to get all technical.” Joy deadpanned.


But to Irene, it wasn’t just any confession, especially since it’s for Wendy; Anything that is meant for Wendy should be special and well thought of. Because Wendy deserves anything Irene can offer within the best of her ability.




“Is everything set?” Irene once again asked, her whole body visibly shaking in nerves.

“Unnie, can you stop walking around? You’re making me dizzy.” The younger complained, going back to her assigned task of filling up each balloon. “I don’t get why we decided on this big place if there’s only three of us decorating, and Joy unnie babbling.”

“I do not babble! I’ve been helping around!”

“With what?” Seulgi, who was in charged of the poster papers, rolled her eyes at the younger.

“I have been making sure that everything is put in place!” Joy proudly pumped her fist in the air, which made the two groan.

Whatever.” Seulgi and Yeri just sighed in defeat. Arguing wouldn’t do any good, knowing Joy was the most stubborn of them all.


“How long do we have left?” The youngest questioned, clearly dying to get out of the said place.


Joy fished out her phone to check. “About two hours.”


“Oh my god, we only have two hours left! What if this fails? Oh god! What if she says no?”

“Unnie can you like, maybe, shut up for one second? You’re stressing me out.” Seulgi never liked stress. She prefered going with the flow, taking everything at her own pace; nice and slow.

Agreed. I’ve pumped about two hundred balloons now and I’d really appreciate not hearing any more complaints.” Yeri nodded, frustratedly throwing the balloon to the side. “Why do I even have to do this much work? I’m not the one confessing.”


And you talk about hating complaints..” Joy mumbled. The younger did have a point though, they weren’t the ones confessing, and yet they were the ones who had to do all the work for Irene.


“At this rate, I might as well be the one to confess to Wendy.” Seulgi couldn’t help but scratch her head at the chaotic situation.


If Irene only chose to confess directly, like most people would, everything would have been much easier for everybody.




“I’m hungry and Irene unnie still hasn’t paid us back!” The youngest whined as she rolled to and fro Seulgi’s soft mattress.

“You always blab about food, Fatass.” Joy, who was comfortably sitting at the edge of the bed, flicked Yerim’s forehead.

“Ow! What? And you’re not?” The freshman scoffed.

“On second thought, I’m hungry too.”


“I’ll treat you two, for now.” A glint of mischief flashed among the young duo’s gazes, reading one another through their eyes. The two younger then grinned as they sprinted towards the door, racing each other to the car, screaming suggestions of a restaurant they’d like to go to. Seulgi could only shake her head, grabbing her car keys as she reflected on what sin so big has she committed in her previous life, making her deserving of such a cruel punishment.


She could almost hear her wallet’s silent weeping from her pocket, begging for mercy.


All these trouble, just because she was friends with a clueless couple. She could only scoff at the memory of all the effort they needed to put through just to get Wendy’s head out of the gutter; for Wendy to finally notice Irene.


How hopeless, really..






For Goldeun-nim.

Thanks for everything. Seriously, you cheered me up and motivated me, I’m very thankful :> Such a cutie.



11k words, because I’m crazy.. This is the longest I’ve ever written.. I actually hate this story so much, y’all have no idea. Omg. I really hate long stories since it means I have to reread it about a million times. But readers enjoy long stories, so I hope you all enjoyed this. Please give me feedback. Any feedback.. :< So I at least know my hard work paid off.. ^^; Pls excuse my mistakes. I’ll correct them later. (Or maybe not, since it’s too damn long to go over.)

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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.