Nuts For You.

Home Run




For Tyas :D Sorry for being super late with this. I hope you enjoy it anyway. >o<

Warning: A W-T-F kind of story. If you get confused as you read on, that's okay because even I'm confused XD




The bells chimed, welcoming the newly entered costumer into the particularly cozy pet store. Newly polished floors, the smell of vanilla with the hint of chocolate covered the air and Irene had to take another waft into the air to confirm her senses. 
Solar was right, this certain pet store was unlike others. She has visited other stores before but none rightfully fitted her picky attitude. Her sensitive nose was greeted warmly with the pleasant odour, completely masking the unwanted smell of those normally surrounding the shop. 
"Hey, unnie! Welcome to Red VelPet Store- Where all can be found at a satisfying price." The girl in charged of the retail, 'Yerim' according to her name tag, hanging loosely on her purple collared shirt, brightly flashed a cheeky smile followed by a- what Irene thought to be quite a sly laughter. 
"What kind of help can I offer you today?" The girl fumbled on her pocket for God-knows-what. Irene couldn't help but stare at the hem of the Yerim's shirt which was noticeably wrinkled. Irene quickly fought back the urge to straighten the creases of the girl's top. 
Where was her portable iron when she needed one
"Do you have any chipmunks?" Irene asked hesitantly, still pondering if it was such a good idea to buy Joy a chipmunk for her birthday. 
What could go wrong, really? Ever since Joy came across a certain documentary on National Geographic channel mainly centred on the said furry animal, the girl had grown quite an obsession. All Irene needs an answer to now is, would it be worth dealing with a possible Satan's pet? But on a slightly brighter side of things, it will save Irene from the constant whining of the younger about wanting a pet of the kind.
"Oh, of course unnie! Come with me and you can take your pick. You don't look like an animal lover, though." 
That blunt comment had Irene rolling her eyes at the tactless employee. The girl was not wrong in any way, if she were to be honest. Irene isn't the most loving when it came to animals, seeing them as violent, unpredictable creatures that should not be trusted. 
But being the kind hearted girl that she was, decided to drop by the pet store to buy Joy her wanted gift. 
The worker then reached her arm into a drawer looking for a specific item.
"Aha!" She claimed as she finally 
found what she was looking for.
sign. A plated one at that. 
'Ring the bell for assistance. Sorry for the inconvenience.' Irene mentally voiced.
"Let's go, unnie." The young girl hopped off her chair before heading somewhere unknown. Irene figured that she would have to follow the strangely bright girl and the thought frightened her a little.
They walked further away from the entrance and into the deep, isolated section of the store that was piled with Irene assumed to be sacks of fertilizer? It sure smelled of one. But then again, what kind of a pet store would have stacks of dirt?
Maybe it was a type of food for the animals? She isn't very educated when it came to animals- actually, she wasn't very familiar with the world outside of her comfort zone in general.
Irene continued to glance around until they had reached the opposite end of the shop. 
She's not gonna murder me, is she? I mean this is the best place to hide a body; isolated, quiet, with an overly preppy looking teenage girl as a worker. 
Irene is screwed. No one will know where she is. Not even her; She sort of just followed the mapping device on her car.
-Wait, Joy doesn't know where she is.. Is there a chance that she will ever be found if she does disappear from being stuck with the strange worker? Is it too late to call for help.
Irene was then in the area that surrounded with cages- noticeably bigger than her size. Empty cages. Were the bodies transported already? Are they looking for a new victims?
Irene definitely should have known better than to enter a store with a name like the one she is in currently. 
I mean, Red VelPet store; seriously? 
She is dead. She is definitely dead.
I should have said 'I love you' to Mom and Dad when they called yesterday. Oh god- I'm still young. 
"Hey, unnie? Are you okay? We're here." The girl waved her right hand in front of Irene's face, slightly making the older uneasy. 
Too close for comfort. 
Hold on, did she just say 'We're here'? Oh my god, this is it. This is how I die. 
"This unnie is so weird.." Irene heard the younger mumble before opening up the gate of a small cage. 
The worker then reached both of her arms inside before pulling out something Irene was not sure of. 
She really just hoped it wasn't a weapon of some sort. 
A chipmunk. 
Irene blinked in bewilderment as the small creature on the girl's hand sat motionless, seeming to be mimicking Irene's stupefied expression. 
"This is Seungwan, she was shipped from North America- Canada to be exact. She's twenty four weeks old, and the fluffiest chipmunk we've ever had; Boss loves her." The young girl who sounded slightly more professional than she was, listed down the facts about the creature. 
Yerim raised her arms higher to give Irene a better view of the immovable rodent's face. The older couldn't help but narrow her eyes in anticipation for any possible movements. 
The chipmunk continued to sit on Yerim's palms like a little statue. 
"I guess I'll take it?" Irene said, with a bit of hesitance in her quivering voice.
Yerim nodded in approval before placing the tiny chipmunk in her chest pocket, walking like before with Irene following closely behind.
Their steps halted when the young blonde took a sudden break in the aisle that reeked of god-knows-what
"You're gonna have to buy this as well-" Yerim said, placing her tiny hands on top of a heavy looking dusty sack that pricked Irene's finger as she attempted to poke the unknown item. "And a cage is also highly recommended since you wouldn't want such a tiny creature running around your house." Yeri giggled in amusement.
Irene mentally calculated all her current savings in her bank account that she had been trying to store for months- and the possibility of all her cash simply going down the drain.
Irene was too preoccupied with other businesses that she only nodded in agreement. 
Yeri then happily walked a few metres away to retrieve a cart. She then took a grip at the opposite end on the heavy looking object before pulling it until the item made a loud thud, landing flat against the bottom of the cart. The worker then pushed the heavy cart to the direction of the entrance, curving to the left hallway of the shop.
They stopped in front of a metal cage about Yerim's height loaded with a series of contraptions that seems to come with the item.
"Here. I recommend this cage. It has its own built-in bridge, a ladder- that Seungwan can climb on whenever she's bored-, a running wheel and a water dispenser. It's got everything a pet owner needs, it's our best seller."
Irene looked at the worker with an impressed smile; Yerim sounded much like a real estate agent, by the way she tried to sell the cage.
"I'll take it." Irene gulped forcefully as she caught a glimpse of the price tag. 
Damn you, Joy!
They then walked back to the front desk where the plated sign did nothing but collect dust. 
"That would be $478.67." Yerim said happily. 
Irene's hand visibly shook as she pulled out her credit card, showing it to Yerim. 
"Whenever you're ready." Yerim gestured, pointing both hands at the credit machine's direction. 
Irene then punched the buttons in, regretting it almost immediately as the item beeped, indicating that the transaction has been completed. 
Yerim opened up the cage and grabbed Seungwan out of her pocket and into its new home, letting the creature free. 
"Bye, Seungwan." She dorkily waved before allowing Irene to get ahold of the cart. 
Irene moved to the other end of the cart before pushing away towards the exit. 
"Thanks, unnie! Have a great day!" The younger continued to wave as Irene headed towards her car, not quite ready to carry such heavy items to her car.
"Great. Now I'm broke and tired." Irene sighed heavily, mourning at the loss of her earned money from the bank; before finally driving away.
A certain pet shop worker was snickering to herself as she scanned her eyes through the previous customer's transaction. 
"The fluffiest chipmunk we've ever had; Boss loves her." Yeri repeated to the empty in a disgustingly mocking tone. 
'A cage for two-hundred and forty dollars, are you kidding me?' Yeri smirked in victory.
She probably robbed Irene's money by easily a hundred dollars. Which means a hundred dollars of tip straight to her salary.
If there was one thing Yeri was talented at, it would be her skill of conning her customers dry. 
Rapid breathing echoed through the silent apartment followed by a patterned sound of clanks and screeches.
An exhausted looking Irene placed the fairly large metal cage against the empty wall beside her couch as she slumped her sweaty body against the leather cushion.  
Irene turned to the small rodent, her finger lightly poking the metal cage. 
"You know what, this is all your fault. You made me buy you a big house and food- more expensive than my monthly grocery. Spoiled fluffball. You're lucky you're cute." Irene muttered, remorse clear on her voice. 
It's as if the creature had understood her silent cry, Seungwan came crawling across the bridge and onto an empty wood, that happened to be right in front of Irene. 
The hyperactive chipmunk stared at Irene, much like their interaction in the pet store earlier, but this time, the chipmunk was able to speak.
Of course it wasn't a type of communication that Irene understood- or anyone for that matter- but Seungwan seemed to be talking to her. 
Or at least, trying to. 
Irene's brows scrunched in confusion trying to understand what the bundle of fur was trying to tell her.
"You probably don't know this, but I have no idea what you're saying." Irene chuckled dryly in the realization of how pathetic she must be in other people's eyes if they witnessed her current state.
Seungwan responded quickly- which Irene really liked- but really, it would not have made a difference anyhow.
The rodent turned its body to the side, slowly crawling to the eastern side of the cage, its neck panning side to side.
"What are you looking for, Seungwan?" 
With a full attention, Seungwan's head snapped to Irene's direction before crawling back to her previous spot in front of Irene, staring at the girl once again. 
"Joy's birthday is in a few days, do you want to meet her then?" Irene asked, uncharacteristically insistent. 
The previously attentive Seungwan turned its back against Irene before crossing the suspended bridge back to the other side and completely ignoring Irene.
She mustn't like Joy all that much. Irene giggled to herself as she laid her aching body against the couch. 
She peeked at Seungwan for one last time before drowsiness overtook her.
"Stupid manager and her dumb projects." Irene slumped her sore body against the couch as she threw her bag in the one seater sofa. She just got home from an exhausting day of nonstop programming, topped by her grumpy boss that would not get off her back. She demanded and demanded, but nothing was good enough. Not to mention the hectic traffic on the way home.
Rattling noises startled Irene, used to her usually silent apartment. It was Seungwan.
"What is it?"  Irene slid her body to the other end of the couch, observing Seungwan sprint to the top half of the cage, facing Irene just like she did on their first night together.  
Seungwan rhythmically bobbed her tiny head at nothing, looking at Irene as she did so.
"Are you hungry? I haven't fed you since I left." Like a smart chipmunk that she is, Seungwan shook her head before crawling away from Irene's hand filled with food. 
"Then what do you want? I don't understand what you're trying to say Seungwan." 
Seungwan continued on with the nonsense gestures until she turned her furry head towards the direction of the abandoned purple pillows that were stacked neatly along Irene's wooden tabletop.
"What is it? You want me to sleep?" Like an unrealistically intelligent creature that could somehow communicate with it's owner, Seungwan nodded enthusiastically, creating a series incoherent noises. Irene assumed they were 'excited' cries judging by it's hyper and high pitch tone. 
The owner of the little animal awed by the thoughtful action, temporarily forgetting the fact that Seungwan was nothing but a furry pet.
"Are you sure I can sleep for a while? Are you gonna be alright?" 
Seungwan sqeaked in return.
"I'll just give you some nuts. Eat up okay? I'll just get some rest." Irene dumped a hand-load of food for the said pet before dusting her hands away, getting rid of the grounded residue. 
"I'll just head upstairs for some sleep okay?" Like a bipolar rodent, Seungwan began to trash around the cage, throwing some of her nuts all over the shelter's floor, creating a mess. 
Irene's brow perked up in dissapproval at the odd behavior. Seungwan has never acted in such a way. 
"You don't want me to leave?" Seungwan's violent actions came into a halt, stopping to stare at Joohyun blankly. 
"Where am I supposed to sleep? My bed is upstairs. I can't stay here Seungwan." Irene thought that she must have lost her sanity, explaining to a creature that does not speak the same language as she does. In fact, Seungwan was a creature that doesn't speak a coherent language at all.
Seungwan's eyes then moved from Joohyun, then onto the girl's leader couch.
"You want me to sleep on the couch? Right beside you?" Seungwan's gaze returned to her.
"But my bed is more comfortable.." Irene mumbled. Just like that, Seungwan continued on with her reckless behavior, sprinting back and forth along her cage, scattering her food even more.
"Okay fine, I'll sleep on the couch." Irene sighed, testing to see if the creature would stop her petty attitude, in which Seungwan did.  All her movements came to an abrupt stop, before Seungwan calmly crawled to the side of the cage where Irene was located, facing her nonchalantly. 
"I'll just grab my sheets from upstairs then. I'll be right back." Seungwan sat quietly, watching Irene as she made herway towards the stairs. For the first step, Irene could see Seungwan's gaze moving along to her every movement.
"Gosh, even clingier than my ex-girlfriend.." Irene sighed as she defeatedly made her way to her room, grabbing her freshly washed purple blanket. She did not know why, but she was definitely whipped for Seungwan.
A ridiculous thought, indeed. But she just could not resist her frivolous Chipmunk. 
It has been weeks since Seungwan started growing attached to Joohyun and ever since that night, nothing has remained the same. Seungwan became whinier as days went by, constantly demanding for Irene's undevided attention. She often ran around, or disturbed the silent air just to get Irene to play with her. Having to spend day and night together, Irene's world started revolving around Seungwan and the next thing she knew, she too became overly attached to her chipmunk.
"Unnie since when did you get a pet?" Sooyoung decided to raid Irene's apartment out of nowhere, welcoming herself one Friday evening, knowing that it was Irene's day off work. 
"Oh, uh.. Just a while back?" Irene trembled slightly, feeling a little possesive of her rodent, that was supposedly for Joy; But the latter didn't need to know that.
"And you didn't tell me? You know I love chipmunks! Can I have-" 
"No! You can't have Seungwan! Seungwan is mine, okay? No one is allowed to touch my Seungwan." Irene yelled possesively, startling Joy. The younger has never seen Irene so uptight before. Of course the younger knew about Irene's hatred for lending her items to others but the crazy look the older was currently giving her, just brought the whole idea to a whole new level.
So much for being self proclaimed 'goddess of peace'.
"Okay, chill. Gosh. PMS, much? I was just gonna ask if I could have some nuts to feed your chipmunk." She accusingly pointed at the innocent rodent before showing a few nuts in hand, ready to feed the caged animal.
"Seungwan doesn't like anyone else feeding her. She only likes it if I feed her." Irene scoffed cockily. 
"Oh yeah? Just watch." Joy grabbed a few nuts from its sack before waving it in front of little Seungwan's fluffy cheeks, face seemingly full of stored food already. 
To Irene's shock, Seungwan cautiously crawled closer to Joy before biting on to the offered food, followed by her elated munching.
"See? I told you I have a way with animals. You can call me 'The Seungwan Whisperer' " Joy laughed boisterously.
"Seungwan! I can't believe you betrayed me like that! I thought you only like me? How could you cheat on me?!" Irene let out a desperate cry before shaking Seungwan's cage a little.
Joy was at a loss for words. How long has she left Irene alone? Has the older been taking drugs since she hasn't visited? Joohyun has gone completely bonkers!
"Um unnie, Are you okay?" Joy asked carefully. She wasn't sure how the older would react so she chose to take the safe route and ask carefully.
"Seungwan cheated on me.. She likes you better now." Irene mumbled, sulking over the previous interaction between Joy and Seungwan.
Seungwan, who has been pacing nonstop in her cage with an alarmed look crawled to wear Irene was standing, before letting out a few noises; Once that Joy left baffled. 
"Don't you dare explain. I saw everything! You cheated." Irene's voice heighted with a hint of fury and dissappointment.
Joy couldn't help but blink in confusion. Was Irene really having a coversation with a chipmunk?!
"Still, You ate the food that she gave.." Irene crossed her arms childishly
Once again, Seungwan seem to have understood Irene's whines because she answered with her nonsense squeaks that Irene seem to have comprehended. 
"Really? You only like me?" 
"You promise? Okay, I forgive you. Just don't do it again." Irene giggled, creeping out Joy completely.
"Unnie, No offense but what the ?" Joy gave a mortified look, taking a few steps back, away from Irene whom she believe - has been summoned by Satan on crack. Not the evil Satan that Joy is associated with, Nope. The Satan that runs all the messed up around the world, kind of like what just happened between Irene and her tiny pet.
"Watch your language Sooyoung!" The older scolded. At least that part was normal. The conservative Joohyun was still present. 
"That's why I said 'No offense', unnie." The younger reasoned with her foolish excuses, like always.
"That's not what they are for." Irene glared.
"That's not the point! As I was saying, did you really just talk to that chipmunk?" Joy pointed her finger towards the innocent creature that was munching some food off of her little bowl.
"Watch your mouth, her name is Seungwan." Irene smacked Joy's shoulder, glaring with her infamous ice-princess stare.
"To hell with her name, I don't care! You're talking to an animal for goodness sakes, are you crazy?" Joy grabbed the older girl by the arm shaking her violently, in hopes of waking her up to reality. 
"Seungwan is my baby, how dare you!" Irene pushed Joy aside, hugging the metal cage protectively.
"Unnie, Seungwan is a chipmunk, she doesn't understand you. Do you need a doctor?" 
"I only need Seungwan.." Irene mumbled, crouching down to level with Seungwan. "And she only needs me.." 
"I give up.. Go to a doctor yourself.." Joy sighed before heading towards the fridge, grabbing herself a glass of ice cold water. One can only take so much in one day. 
Mr. And Mrs. Bae are gonna ever regret sending their daughter to Seoul. Joy thought as she gulped a glass-full of the chilly beverage. And to think I came her to check up on her well being.
Joy looked back at the girl in the living room, only to see her acting all mushy to Seungwan, who she needs to remind everyone once again, is actually a chipmunk
"Is she flirting with Seungwan?" Joy had to rub both of her eyes, taking a double take at the scene that is currently displaying before her and maybe she has gone nuts along with Irene but she was a hundred percent sure that Irene and her pet are flirting with each other. And she repeats, flirting
If she had to describe the situation (And Lord knows that she really doesn't) It would be that Irene is whispering sweet nothings to Seungwan while the rodent made her own chipmunk noises, assuming to be flirting back. 
Joy was utterly confused and a little terrified with the whole set-up. 
Irene has fallen in love with a Chipmunk she got from who-knows-where, It's possible that the chipmunk has been drugged to rule-in their customers.
For what reason, that's something Joy has to figure out herself. Quickly walking to the living room, Joy interrupted the "couple's" disturbing and quite gross, moment.
"Unnie, where did you get that Chipmunk from?" 
"Why? Are you gonna look for someone like Seungwan? Sorry, but there's only one. My Seungwan can't be found anywhere else." Irene flashed a lovesick smile towards Joy, in which the younger gladly looked away from.
Joy wanted to argue that Seungwan isn't exactly a someone but a something, but she knew that that won't get her anywhere but trouble with Irene. 
"I won't, just tell me." Joy was getting anxious, ready to interrogate the previous owner that sold Seungwan to her Joohyun unnie.
"It's called 'Red VelPet Store' It's in downtown." Irene gave a curt answer before focusing her attention back to Seungwan, returning to the puke-inducing interaction. 
Joy didn't let the older finish as she took off, faster than she has ever ran;  easily putting her track record to shame. 
With what seem like a lightning speed, Joy drove all the way to downtown, finding her way towards a shady looking shop with a it's "open" sign seemingly falling apart, its bulb already flickering as it provided a dim light. The ghetto vibe was overwhelming. 
What kind of a person would find this pet store trustable? Ah, yes; Irene unnie.
Without further judgement, Joy walked in to the store. It was bigger than she had imagined, and it smelt of vanilla too. 
No wonder Irene unnie ignored the fact that it was within an unsafe area. 
"Hi, Welcome to Red VelPet Store! Where all can be found at a satisfying price. How may I help you?" The clerk greeted with a bright smile that reminded Joy much of a certain pokemon character she has seen on TV just a few days ago.
Joy's Satanic radar became strong, sensing a strong evil entity coming from the cheeky cashier up-front. 
She is probably the reason why Irene unnie ended up with Seungwan. Joy internally voiced out.
"Any specific thing you'd like, unnie?" The smile on the younger's face grew wider, momentarily putting Joy in a trance. 
"A C-chicken?" Joy mumbled, quickly clasping her hand against . But before she could take her words back, the store worker was already dragging her to the back of the building, babbling about the different kinds of chicken they have and the necessities needed to take care of a chicken and its possible chicks.
"I can show you my boss' favourite chicken, her name is Seulgi. You're gonna love her!" The jolly girl excitedly went on.
"O-Okay.." Joy could only answer, not knowing exactly what to do.
Now, Joy understands exactly how Irene ended up in such a chaotic predicament. 
She completely understands.
And she hates to admit, but it really wasn't Irene's fault.
A/N: First of all, I'd just like to apologize for whatever the hell you just read up there. If you haven't already figured out, this was a crack fic and I have no knowledge about chipmunks whatsoever, like none. And since It's summer vacation, I'm planning on updating alot, finishing my stories since I have nothing better to do besides prepare for my birthday. There's been a really sad drought and I'd like to help kind of save it with a bunch of my random nonsense excuse of  a oneshot. I hope you guys enjoyed it. You have no choice anyway, you already read it, and I can't give you your time back xD 
-Bai for now.
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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.