Unpredictable. Part I.

Home Run

 A/N: Warning. Everything is on crack. Even I, when I decided to write this. 

"Wendy, what on earth are you doing?" A clueless brunette lowly asked, slightly flushed from the attention they were currently receiving. 
Wendy, the infamous blonde charmer of the Junior status, continued to crouch in front of an innocent bystander (who seemed to be in a deep slumber), gently cupping her face. "Rigor mortis, my friend. Rigor mortis."
"Come again?" The brunette named Seulgi couldn't help but judge her best friend over her little random quirks, or more in this case, her obsession with all things mystery. 
"Eight hours. It's been approximately eight hours since she was killed, ten at most." Wendy dramatically shook her head, showing pity as she calmly stood up, giving Seulgi a gentle pat on the shoulder. 
"She will be missed. In order to give her justice, I must find the ruthless culprit of this murder. This was a clear homicide and I make a promise that I will commit my life to it, even if it means it will be the end for me." 
In Seulgi's point of view, her friend has completely lost her marbles. She could hear the loud applause of the students that crowded around Wendy , showering her compliments on her improvised acting. 
The taller of the two couldn't help but take ahold of the blonde's wrist, taking her away from the crowd. Mutters of profanities were spilling out of Seulgi's mouth as she walked with a great speed, dragging the helpless Wendy along. 
Wendy's unpredictable traits has always been a charm. Tiny details about the girl that made her stand out from the crowd. 
Wendy was Wendy, there was no other explanation that best suits her personality. 
"She's everything I've ever wanted." A dreamy sigh came out of a senior student's lips as she mindlessly walked to her Biology class with her younger companion. Although she dreaded the subject, she was inspired, seeing the person she has admired for years. 
"Oh, please Joohyun. Give me a break." A groan came out a certain Joyful person, her desire to smack some sense into her older friend has never been so tempting.
"Leave me alone! She's hot okay?" Defended, Irene.
"Wendy? Hot? Where?" Joy grumbled at her friend who was obviously ogling at the girl who has started a small chaos just a few moments ago. 
"Everywhere, Sootan! How come you don't see it? The rest of the school obviously agrees with me." 
"Oh I'm sorry? I didn't notice. I was too busy being distracted by her tearjerking improv performance." Joy wiped an imaginary tear that was 'threatening' to fall as she sobbed. "It was.. So bad! Jezzus, unnie! What do you see in her?" 
"Her voice, her eyes. Those sparkling orbs. It reminds me of the pure and mesmerizing ocean." Irene sighed hopelessly. Daydreaming about holding hands with the Junior she has been crushing on for years. 
"Unnie, Wendy's eyes are brown. Whatever ocean you're talking about, it's probably in need of immediate environmental help right now. " Joy deadpanned. 
"What-ever Joy. Don't you have Yeri to annoy?" And with that, Joy was quickly distracted. Rapidly typing away on her phone with a dangerous knowing smile effortlessly flaunting on what she claims to be as her gorgeous face. 
What a Joy, indeed
Going back to the Junior duo's situation. 
Poor little Seungwan was dragged to her most despised Pre-Calculus class. She wasn't particularly a hater of the subject. In fact, she loved calculus. Easily passing with flying colours. However, the problem was their ever-so-stupid Math professor, Kang-in. Or as he preferred being addressed as, Mr. Kim. 
Seungwan has never been a fond of him for a few reasons. In her opinion, he is nothing but a misogynistic, homophobic, roll of sour and bitter attitude, bastard
Of course, in order to avoid having to deal with paperwork, and mopping the filthy hallways, Wendy always kept tightly shut. Casually answering textbook exercise questions, here and there. 
After all, if you don't have anything to say. Say nothing at all. 
"Come on Deulgi-jjing! There's still 25 minutes left! I don't want to die here." Wendy whined, childishly stopping her right foot which did not faze Seulgi at all. The pout was left hanging along with Wendy's twinkling pleading eyes. 
"What do you wanna do?" The former continued tapping away on her phone, with a focus too intimidating for a regular onlooker to disrupt. Wendy on the otherhand, is an exception. Being able to torment her cuddly bestfriend to a disbelieving extent. 
It's an advantage, and Wendy makes a good use of it
"Let's play tag!" The shorter, suggested excitedly.
"What are you, five?" Attention still unfazed from her phone, Seulgi continued with her rhythmic tapping pattern on her IPhone screen. 
"I must be the hottest 5 year-old to exist then." Wendy cockily boasted. 
Seulgi could feel her ears slightly ring from such a conceited statement. And so Wendy's ego was popped, gratefully. 
"Don't you mean the shortest to ever exist?" Wendy witnessed the oh-so-punchable smirk slowly bloom on the usual innocent bear-like face. 
And for the first time, the ever so brilliant Wendy was silent. Which could only meant victory to Seulgi. 
If Wendy enjoyed tormenting the girl, she could retaliate just as badly. 
Wendy could only groan in despair as she thought of other activities they could use to kill time. 
"Okay, I admit defeat. What about hide and seek?" 
"No. It's a classroom, Wendy." Seulgi uninterested voice, slowly the life out of her best friend. 
"Do you even do anything fun?" Wendy was so close to ripping her hair out in frustration. "Oh! Let's play predict!"
Her final word caught Seulgi's attention. Even going as far as pausing her current business which to no one's surprise, was the latest virtual game that the latter was currently addicted to. 
"Yes, predict." Wendy grinned brightly.
"What's that?" Seulgi's full attention is now on Wendy. Curiosity visible in the girl's eyes. 
"Simple. You predict; hence the name. Predict what a person is into. What the they like." Wendy enthusiastically explained.
"..And suddenly, I'm bored again. I should have known better than to listen." Seulgi's uninterested eyes made a great comeback. Turning on her phone once again, the brunette was ready to log in to her dismissed game.
"I'll start!" Wendy completely ignored her best friend's sass. "That guy! Shindong, he looks like someone who abducts toddlers, only to lock them in a secret compartment in his base--." 
"Wendy, no! He can hear you, you !" Seulgi whisperingly scolded the other as she didn't hesitate to clamp her clammy hand over Wendy's mouth. The latter almost getting a taste of the salty residue from the girl's sweaty palms. 
Wow, tasty. Wendy sarcastically noted before shoving the moist hand. 
What a word
"I should have known better than to even consider the made up games of yours." Seulgi could only shake her head disapprovingly at the girl's weird delusions about the world. "And for goodness' sake, stop watching Criminal Minds." 
"But I could have sworn he looks like the character! He's definitely hiding something. Perhaps, a dismembered body. Who knows? He's definitely on to something. He can't be that big for no reason." Wendy rambled on, causing her bestfriend to mentally day dream about the day Wendy turns into a normal, loving, cutie pie. 
But I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Seulgi can only sigh.
"Or maybe he just loves food, Wen. Not everyone has the time to go on a kidnapping spree." In all honesty, Seulgi does not know why she's even letting herself drag on the conversation. Or why she became friends with Wendy at all. Sure, she loved her best friend to pieces but one can only take so much weirdness
"Hey, bearbear. Do you know who she is?" 
"Who? Solar? The girl in pink?" 
"Yes her. She has a neck ." The taller of the two almost collapsed on a the floor after hearing such a ridiculous comment. 
"What? How do you know?" Seulgi asked disbelievingly. 
"I was walking by the field when I came across Solar and Moon? Solar's face was buried deep in Moon's neck. And I think she even it! How odd. So either she has a or she's Dracula." Seulgi was at a loss for words. She simply did not know what to make of Wendy's overly innocent (and unbelievably dumb) statement.
Dracula. There goes another one of the Wendy's unfeasible and idiotic theories.
"They're dating.. They were just making o-- nevermind. Forget it." You'll understand someday. At this point of their interaction, Seulgi was slowly losing hope for her best friend to ever find true love. Yes, Wendy is a popular girl but only lord, and Seulgi knew how quirky Wendy really is.
"What are you doing?" Wendy wondered as Seulgi repeatedly scratched the tile floor.
"Finding a way out of here. Possibly to China. Away from this stupid conversation."  She mumbled.
"China! Can I come? I like Chinese food!" Wendy blurted.
Yes. Seulgi was done. 
"She's just so charming!" Irene lovingly dazed off, imagining the blessed day when her dream girl will finally speak to her.
"Unnie, she called Shindong a child abductor! I mean, she's not exactly wrong but How is that charming?" Joy protested. She definitely made a mistake of allowing the girl to pass by the Junior's hallway and happen to eavesdrop the duo's disturbing conversation.
"She didn't call him one, she just said he seemed like one. There's a difference, Sooyoung-ah!" The older as expected, took her love's side.
"Ugh. You'd be a horrible lawyer. You're biased as hell." 
"Lawyers are biased. I honestly don't see the point you are trying to get across." Irene victoriously grinned, seeing the younger's defeated and overly frustrated face. 
"I meant a judge.." Joy explained, refusing to lose to the older. 
"Well, that's not what you said." Irene nonchalantly shrugged. 
Hah! In your face Satan's spawn! Irene maniacally laughed in mind. She was starting to lose her rationality, much like her beloved oddball. 
"I still don't like her." Sooyoung stubbornly stated. 
"What did the poor girl ever do to you?" 
Joy paused for a moment, contemplating whether to tell Irene the real reason why she wasn't fond of the older junior or to avoid the topic using her never ending excuses. 
She decided to go with the former. 
"She.. Stole my chicken.." Joy looked away as she mumbled the said words.
"What?" Maybe it was because Irene was getting old but she couldn't quite comprehend what the other was saying.
"She stole my chicken.." Joy repeated with a slightly heightened volume.
"She what? She stole your chicken?" Maybe Irene really is getting old for she's hearing nothing but nonsense at the moment. 
"Yes.." Now that Joy has said it out loud, she must admit that it really is quite a petty and absurd reason for hating such (what Irene claims to be) a total sweet heart. 
"Sooyoung, you often don't make any sense to me but this time, I actually don't understand." For the first time, Irene felt dumber than the girl in front of her. 
"It was last year when I was lined up at the school cafeteria. I was standing right behind her. There was a piece of chicken left and I really wanted it but she got it and ate it happily! Unnie she stole my chicken.. That was mine.. I hate her." Joy spat bitterly as her lips quiver, at the verge of tearing up at the painful memory that continues to haunt her. 
Irene was at a loss for words. 
Yes. Joy was definitely the dumb one of the two
Irene never thought the day would happen when she is going to willingly admit that Yeri was her favoured one out of the two. 
Although the youngest often drove Irene close to bankruptcy in exchange with inside information about her beloved. The younger is witty when it came to business. Being the social butterfly that she was, never failed to get what she wanted. 
No wonder she was always down with a full stomach
Speaking of the hell's overwhelmingly adorable princess. 
"Hey unnie!" The youngest greeted with her infamous (and irritatingly bright) grin. "What's up with Sooyoung unnie? Why is she looking uglier than usual?" Yeri's mischievous laugh rang on the long hallway waking Joy up from her dramatic flashback. 
Processing what the youngest had said, Joy's hand automatically swung across Yeri's shoulder, making the younger yelp. 
"You're such a brat!" Joy scolded. 
"Coming from you? Well, I guess it really does take one to know one." Yeri retaliated. 
Joy was about to say a genius comeback when none came to mind, leaving her looking like a exasperated gaping fish. 
Irene looked at the two with an amused expression. She doesn't know how Yeri does it but she always managed to make older Satan spawn, speechless. Being the only one who can provoke Joy. 
Irene always wondered how capable their youngest really was but her trait of effortlessly irritating Joy was something Irene wants to have. 
"Oops. Time's up! Looks like you lost again." Yeri's tongue darted at Joy, aggravating the older even more. 
"Okay, okay. Enough. Yeri, stop annoying Sooyoung even more. Looks like she's about to explode. Let's go back to class." Irene playfully reprimanded, taking the motherly role as always. 
Yeri looked up at Irene only to smile as she witnessed the older mouthing 'good job' along with a wink. 
Irene always felt satisfied seeing her loving Joy, miserable. 
Karma is definitely sweet. 
"Wendy unnie! Seulgi unnie!" A nasally voice echoed through the cafeteria, startling the two. Their Pre-Calculus class just came to an end, declaring a well deserved lunch. 
"Oh hey, squirtle. What's got you so hyped up?" Wendy gave the younger a surgary smile. She's always had a soft spot for the bright girl. 
"We did archery in class and I beat everyone! I won!" The excited girl proudly announced. 
"Wow!" The junior duo exclaimed in unison before ruffling their baby girl's hair. 
A series of whines was heard from the youngest yet none was paid attention to. She was simply too cute for her own sake. 
"So, did you get a reward?" Wendy curiously asked, caressing Yeri's head while fixing her now messy hair.
Seulgi smiled at the sight. She thinks that her best friend is only ever normal when the youngest is around. Proof that Wendy will someday be a great mother. Wendy is very quirky for sure but that always changed when she took the role of being the younger's mother in school. 
Yeri enthusiastically nodded. 
"Irene unnie promised to buy me a lot of food after school! I can't wait!" 
"Irene unnie? You mean our senior Irene unnie?" Seulgi confirmed. 
"I didn't know you're close with her." 
"I'm close with everyone, Seulgi unnie." 
"Fair enough." The older smiled. 
"Irene unnie.. She's the pretty girl that's always walking around, right? Purple backpack with an ironman pin?" Wendy tried her best to recall. She's familiar with the name but wasn't quite sure of the owner's face. 
"Yes that's her! Wait, how did you know?" It was now Yeri's turn to ask questions.
"Detective habits. Observation is a must." Wendy proudly flashed a toothy grin. 
"So you know her?" Yeri is now very excited for her unnie. The oldest might even faint. 
"We haven't talked yet but yes. Such a face doesn't go unnoticed, really." Wendy's cheeky smile remained glued to her face. 
Looks like I'm getting an endless supply of pudding and ice cream! Yeri couldn't wait to tell the older about the claimed information. 
"I can introduce you to her, unnie." 
"Are you sure? She doesn't seem to enjoy socializing." Wendy hesitatingly answered. 
"Well, that's true. But I'm sure she'd love to talk to you, unnie!" 
"What? Why me?"
"Because, you're kind of an idiot." Yeri nonchalantly stated. 
Seulgi almost choked on her ham sandwich, swallowing forcefully before she bursting into an obnoxious laughter. 
"What I mean is, you're very dorky, unnie. Irene unnie loves dorky people! Especially you. " 
"Then I shall introduce myself when I see her!" 
"You should. She'd love that." Yeri knowingly smiled. 
She'll probably marry you on the spot. Yeri mentally voiced her thoughts. Which was 99.9% accurate. 
They chatted about nonsense for a little while until Seulgi spotted a certain boy in a flashy dark green hoodie. Seulgi knows him as a transfer student from a highschool far far away. 
He wasn't hard to spot since Seulgi noticed his peculiar liking to everything of the green colour. Yes, that includes leaves. Seulgi once caught the boy taking aesthetic pictures of the dull and old tree by the school's field. 
Green backpack, phone case, hoodie and even the boy's snapback hat is of the colour. He can easily blend in to nature, the junior thought. 
"Hey, Peter!" Seulgi called out. They've exchanged a few words in chemistry. Nothing too personal but enough to be comfortable in each other's presence. 
The boy looked around before spotting her lab mate in a table close to the south side of the cafeteria. 
"Hey, Seulgi!" Peter ran to the table before eyeing the occupants. Yeri saw the way the boy froze on the spot as his wandering eyes made a quick stop on Wendy. 
He definitely checked her out. Yeri suspiciously noted. Well, looks like Irene unnie has a new rival
"So, why did you call me over?" Seulgi thought it was slightly weird how the boy sputtered his words messily. But then again, he is a fairly odd boy. 
"I was just wondering if you finished your part of the lab work." 
"Oh that? Yes I finished it yesterday." The boy didn't spare a nervous glance at Wendy. Looking at everything but the girl. 
Seulgi simply nodded at the words. Why did she even call him over? That lab work was definitely not the reason. 
"Bye Peter oppa!" The green-loving boy was startled and very much confused when the youngest of the four started bidding him farewell. 
"What?" He was about to protest but stopped midway as he saw Yeri's eyes. The girl was grinning widely but her eyes burned his soul. Peter felt a shiver run down his spine and that's when he knew he had to go. Without any further words, Peter ran for his life, stumbling along as he did so. 
"What happened to him? Is he okay?" Wendy, who was preoccupied with her phone, happened to see the guy clumsily making his way out of the area. She turned to her best friend before looking at her favourite freshman. 
Wendy was surprised to see a terrifying smile on the girl's face. Almost as if she had just gotten away with a terrible crime. 
"Oh him? Don't worry about him unnie. I got him taken care of." The girl's smile grew wider making Wendy nervously swallow the sandwich she did not even notice she was chewing. 
Wendy looked at her bestfriend and she could tell that Seulgi was screaming internally. Fortunately, the bell had rung once again, indicating it was time to go back to class. 
Part II is coming up soon. Please let me know what you think. And if you at request or anything, feel free to message me on Twitter or ask.fm @kairelly. I hope you guys liked this messed up story of mine hahaha!  
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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.