Lions and deers/Cats and dogs

Lovely nightmare
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Jin pov

The three youngest were playing with Hoseok in the corner.They were surrently playing something like cat and dog or was it lion and deer(?)And apparently Jungkook was the inoccent little deer along with Taehyung and Jimin and Hoseok were the lions(?)Hoseok lunged at the youngest and teasingly bit his ear while tickiling him.The others joined in and Kookie was already crying from all the tickles.Namjoon was watching something on his phone with his earphones plugged in while Suga was sleeping and I'm making food.

All seemed well except a loud 'owww' from Taehyung who hit Hoseok in return.Then Hoseok tried to hit him back but accidentally hit the maknae so Jimin got mad and before I knew it they were getting violent.

Jungkookie was currently trying to separate his hyungs and getting hit A LOT.He tried to hug them to get them to separate but then someone flung him to the side and he hit the ground hard.Jimin and Taehyung growl at Hoseok and things just got worse after that.

It took a while but amidst the noise of them fighting,I heard a sob and remembered the maknae.I scooped him up from the ground and lay him next to Yoongi.I hit Namjoon's head hard and pointed to the boys who were really playing lion and deer right now......or was it can and dog(?)He looked at me in confusion.Aish these idiots.

"They already hurt the maknae.If they get hurt even further I don't even know what will happen." I pointed to the crying boy beside Yoo

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Chapter 8: Don't be sad ! hwaiting ! and thnx for the update ..cheer up :D
Chapter 6: cute :) I really like it !
Chapter 4: Bwaha ha ..what on earth is going on ! Whatsoever thanks for the update.. and my birthday comes in june too ! what a coincidence ...happy b'day in advance :)
Chapter 2: This is so funny ! Jimin's XD --lol creep , and typical hope bursting into tears .
Chapter 1: LOL ! This is way too hilarious ..I can imagine them doing that in their free time