We're going to make it

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Hi everyone, thanks so much those of you who reviewed the last chapter. This fic should be ending within the next 5 chapters, so please do enjoy it for the remainder. Seulgi dropped some news that didn’t sit well with Joohyun, so we will pick up right where we left off.


There is a long pause of silence afterwards. Seulgi knew Joohyun would probably be upset about the added clause. The monolid girl is only thinking logically. The two of them have not really seen each other since they were kids. A lot of time has passed since then, and although it’s true that they’ve been getting closer lately. Seulgi can also admit that she’s been getting along with Joohyun well enough too, but there is also no guarantee that she and Joohyun will be happy together. There is no guarantee that this marriage will last.


If Jessica and Tiffany could get divorced when Seulgi thought they were an example of a perfect couple, what chance does she and Joohyun have? It’s scary to think of getting married only to be divorced in the end. Seulgi just thinks it’s the best choice to give it a trial run first. Joohyun still hasn’t said anything and the hurt look on her face speaks volumes. The dark-haired girl does hate that at least. She didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.


“Joohyun?” Seulgi questions softly.


“I don’t understand why you’re doing this so suddenly. It doesn’t make sense, Seul.”


Seulgi can understand why she would feel it doesn’t makes sense. They have been getting closer and she can see why Joohyun feels it doesn’t make sense.


“I think it’s what’s best.”


“Hyun,” Seohyun gently begins. “You have to at least see this from Seulgi’s perspective. The news about the unnies divorce was shocking.”


Now Joohyun understands. Seulgi is asking for this because she is worried they will end up like Jessica and Tiffany. Those two can barely speak to one another these days, or rather Jessica is making sure they have little contact as possible. The slightly older girl does understand, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t hurt by it anyway.


“You don’t know that we’ll end up like our unnies.” Joohyun softly speaks.


“Joohyun, it’s honestly not so bad.” The blonde lawyer reminds her again. “Worst case scenario you’ll get divorced but nothing will happen to either of your inheritances. On the bright side, maybe in these 6 months you two will really take that time to fall in love and be happy. It’s just a precaution.”


Joohyun understands. She says she will wait until Tiffany gets here so that her guardian can know what’s going on. Seulgi can see she doesn’t want to talk now, and the dark-haired girl can’t even blame her. She has sprung this on her suddenly.


“Joohyun, I am really sorry.” She sounds sincere. “I’m not doing this to hurt you.”


“I know.” The older girl nods. She knows it’s not being done intentionally, but that doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt. Joohyun really thought the two of them had made some real progress towards their future. She knows she’ll agree to the clause, but not without adding something in it of her own. Meanwhile, Tiffany is running into Seulgi’s apartment complex. She can’t believe there’s some meeting and Seohyun had just told her. It’s not like the brunette to just spring some random news without a reason.


“Well, this had better be a damn good reason.” The woman sighs. She is seconds away from getting to the elevator when she notices a familiar sight. She sees Jessica coming into the building too. The brunette looks exhausted as if she has been up for days.


“Jessi could sleep for days and still say she’s tired.” The raven sighs. She also can’t help her smile when she sees how adorable Jessica yawns while reaching for her shades.


“Shades inside, Jessi?”


“Who?” The brunette looks up right away when she hears Tiffany. She sighs right away.


“Oh, it’s just you.”


“It’s just me?” Tiffany repeats. “Come on, Jessi. You don’t have to be this way.”


“I’m only here because Yoona called me.”


Jessica enters the elevator and they stand in silence for awhile‍. Tiffany sighs as this is not who they are. She and Jessica used to be that couple everyone wanted to be, or hated because they had been so happy.


“I’m not giving up on you.” The dark-haired woman tells her when they make it to the floor.


“Let’s not do this right now, Tiffany.”


“I’m just letting you know I’m not going to give up on you. It won’t end for us like it did the first time.”


Jessica has no words at the moment, so she says nothing. They get to Seulgi’s apartment and are both quickly filled in with the sudden development. Jessica thinks it’s a smart idea, and what’s wrong with the kids being cautious. Tiffany reacts just as she expected for her to react.


“What!” The older raven explodes.


“Unnie, calm down.” Seohyun gently tells her.


“You want me to calm down! This is the last thing I expected. Seulgi-yah, what are you thinking?”


“It’s what’s best, Tiffany-unnie. I don’t want for Joohyun and I to get married and possibly end up hating one another.”


“In other words, Seul doesn’t want for their marriage to end up like how we did.” Jessica tells Tiffany what is already quite obvious. When the raven hears that she grows quiet.




“We won’t end up like our unnies.” Joohyun tells Seulgi. “I will still respect your wishes, but you have to do something for me too.”


Yoona nudges Seulgi to tell her that it’s only fair she give something in return. After all, she did spring this on suddenly and without warning.


“Okay, what is it?”


“I want us to get married as soon as possible. If I’m only going to get 6 months then I’m going to be your wife soon.”


“Uh, how soon, Hyun.” Tiffany speaks. “I wanted to throw you an elaborate over the top wedding!”


“Of course you did.” Jessica rolls her eyes.


“We don’t need to do anything elaborate right now. Seulgi and I can have a bigger and better ceremony later after the 6 months is up. We should get married soon, next week.”


“Oh, okay.” Seulgi agrees. “We’ll get married next week.”


The older women leave them alone so that arrangements can start to be made, and also the lawyers need to get things in order too as far as the new additions go. Seulgi wants to ask Joohyun how it is she’s so sure about this.


“We’ll make it.” The brunette says and it startles Seulgi because she was just thinking about their possible future.


“How do you know?”


“I just know. I do want for you to give me a chance, Seul. I want us both to go into these 6 months with an open mind, deal?”


“Yes, I promise.” Seulgi offers her hand for Joohyun to shake.


“Um, no you’re going to give me a kiss.”


Seulgi finds she has little choice here. The taller girl leans over to kiss the brunette, who right away pulls her into a hot and heated kiss. When they break away Joohyun is looking down and avoiding her gaze.


“We’re going to make it, Seulgi.”


Tiffany doesn’t stay with everyone because she’s getting a random phone call.




“We need to work together.” The voice on the other end is trying to hide their voice.


“Who the hell is this!” Tiffany demands to know.


“We just need to work together to get the people we love back, don’t ask questions!”


“Joy! I swear to god, Joy if this is you and you’re up to your crazy !”


There’s a long pause of silence and then it sounds like someone trying not to cry.


“Finally! Someone calls me Joy.”


“Oh my god, Joy. What is wrong with you?”


“Tiffany-unnie just meet me at the office. We need to discuss strategy right now.”




“Yes, strategy. Bye for now.”


“Wait a damn minute…” Tiffany gets cut off by the sound of the dial tone. She has no idea what the hell that girl is up to, but she supposes she better find out before it’s too late.


Yeri is struggling to get any work done because her phone keeps blowing up with phone calls and texts. If that wasn’t bad enough Joy also kept sending her flowers. Inside of her office looks like someone died because she has a lot of pink bouquets all over.


“Jesus, what the hell happened here?” Sooyoung questions while entering the room with a large order of french fries.


“I hope you bought me some too, unnie?” The dark-haired girl asks.


“Did I do what now?” The brunette wonders as she pours a mouthful of fries down .


“Never mind. What’s going on?”


“Oh, I stopped by to let you know we have big plans for the Pink Crew. We’re going to make them pay for all the they’ve done. Well, specifically Tiffany because my Yul must not be harmed.”


“Oh my god.” Yeri groans. “I don’t know why you unnies are still going on about this Code White versus Pink Crew stuff. Hasn’t it been about 50 years?”


“50 years!” Sooyoung shouts and spits out some of her fries. “How old do you think we are?”


“How should I know? Makeup works wonders and everything.”


“You’re so lucky we love you kid. Anyway, I’m here to help you too.”


Yeri doesn’t know what Sooyoung thinks she can help her with, but she assumes this ought to be good. She tells the older woman to sit down.


“What do you think you can help me with?”


“Your girlfriend problem.”


“I don’t have a girlfriend!”


“Your Sooyoung.” The brunette frowns in distaste. “If we can even acknowledge that she is a Sooyoung. It’s clear she loves you, Yeri. What happened?”


“Nothing happened. We just parted ways.”


“Uh, she doesn’t seem to think so.”


Yeri sighs. She really doesn’t want to have this conversation with anyone. Sooyoung gets up to hug the dark-haired girl.


“Come on sweetie, tell mama all about it.”


“You’re not my mom!”


“I raised you! Now you better tell me what the hell happened to your relationship.”


“Okay, fine, but you better not breathe a word to anyone about this unnie.”


“I swear on my most beloved food I won’t tell anyone.”


Yeri rolls her eyes. She isn’t sure she can trust the brunette, but she is going to tell her anyone, mostly to get the older woman to leave her alone.


“Alright, this is what happened.”




It’s almost going to be her and Sooyoung’s anniversary. It’s been about 3 years now since they’ve become a couple, and Yeri is glad to say she is happy with Sooyoung and happy in their relationship. Yeri is also about to start working for Kang Inc, and she can’t wait to share the good news. She especially wants to share the news with Sooyoung. She called her earlier in the day to let her know she had big news.


Her girlfriend should be home since she doesn’t have work or class today. Yeri is holding onto what is a box of Sooyoung’s favorite candy. She knocks on the door of the apartment and is met with someone who is not her girlfriend. She sees a beautiful, auburn-haired girl wearing nothing but an oversized shirt.


“Who the hell are you?” Yeri questions.


“I’m Rose. Who are you?”


“Oh no she didn’t!” Yeri thinks to herself. Who the hell is Rose and why is she answering her girlfriend’s door.


“I’m Yeri.”


“Yeri, Joy didn’t mention anyone named Yeri?”


“Joy?” Now Yeri is not only confused she is getting angry. She doesn’t want to stand here arguing with some random girl.


“You know what, forget it. You can tell Joy or Sooyoung whatever the hell she told you her name was that I’m going and she better not ever talk to me again.”




Sooyoung hugs Yeri immediately after she finishes telling her story. She puts down her French fries for long enough to grab the younger girl into a hug all over again.




“She’s not worthy of being called Sooyoung. How dare she betray you!”


“I don’t know for sure if she slept with that girl. I just didn’t want to find out.”


“We’re done with her. She’s an enemy just like the Pink crew. You just forget about that no good ex of yours.”


It’s the real problem though. Yeri has tried for the entire year to get over Park Sooyoung, and no matter what she hasn’t been able to do so. She honestly doesn’t know if she will ever get over her.


Tiffany meets Joy who pulls her into the office and locks the door behind her. Tiffany doesn’t even have time to complain about what she’s doing. Joy shoves the older woman into a chair.


“Joy, what the hell!”


“Do you want your wife back or not?”


“Of course I want my wife, but that doesn’t explain what the hell you’re doing.”


“Oh.” The redhead chuckles then. “I’m sorry, I was getting carried away. Anyway, Tiffany-unnie I want my Yerimie back, and you want Jessica-unnie. We can do this. We are strong, independent, y women. We can win them back!”


Tiffany appreciates Sooyoung’s enthusiasm. She really does appreciate how fired up she is. There is just one little problem with all this energy.


“Joy this is all well and good. How are we supposed to do this without any plan?”


“What?” The redhead’s enthusiasm dies down a little.


“I said what’s the plan?”


“Plan, oh the plan?”


“Don’t worry Joy. I will win my wife back on my own.”


Joy listens to how Tiffany calls Jessica her wife. It surely sounds like someone who is determined to win the love of her life back. The younger woman knows she will be just as determined to win Yeri back, after all she’s sure it’s some sort of misunderstanding that caused them to break up.


Joohyun and Seulgi spend time on the phone making arrangements and notifying all the people who will come to their wedding that it’s going to happen next week. Seulgi still can’t hardly believe she’s about to become someone’s wife. She has no idea what these 6 months will be like. Seulgi does know she will do as Joohyun asks and have an open mind. When the monolid girl enters the living room she sees Joohyun has just gotten off her phone too.


“It doesn’t have to be any over the top wedding. It’ll be small with our unnies. You can invite your friend, and I have just asked my friend Jennie to come if she can.”


“Jessica’s sister Soojung will come if that’s okay.” Seulgi lets her know.


“Oh, sure.”


“Her girlfriend Jinri is a close friend of mine too, so I know she’ll show.”


“I don’t mind who shows up. I care more that you’re going to come.”


“Me?” Seulgi blinks.


“Yes, can you blame me? You’re the one who jumped out of the window to get away from me.”


“Oh.” The dark-haired girl laughs. “That was a really long time ago.”


“Uh-huh. You just make sure that you show up.”


“I will, but you have to not fight me on the divorce. If I decide I want one after 6 months is up.”


Joohyun has already said she will respect her wishes and of course that means she’ll give Seulgi the divorce with no problem if that’s what she wants. The brunette just doesn’t think they’ll end up like Jessica and Tiffany. Joohyun is hoping for a reunion for them too.


“We won’t end up divorced, but I promise you I won’t fight you if you end up wanting one. I know you’ll fall so in love with me in these 6 months that you won’t ever want to leave me, Kang Seulgi.”


Seulgi can’t say anything about Bae Joohyun’s confidence. The older girl is nothing it not very confident. Seulgi wishes she had even half of that sort of sure thinking. The week before the wedding flies on by. Joohyun also told her they had to go on a honeymoon somewhere too. Seulgi said she couldn’t go far because she has school, so it was decided they would go to Jeju. The day of their wedding wasn’t anything elaborate much to Tiffany’s disappointment as she was ready to go all out for Joohyun.


They did have a few guests outside of all of their unnies. Joohyun’s friend Kim Jennie and her girlfriend Jisoo did show up. Seulgi was introduced to them before the wedding and she found that Joohyun was right about her getting along well with Jisoo, as they seemed to have things in common. She also saw there wasn’t any reason to be jealous because right away it was clear Jennie loved Jisoo.


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2183 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥