Honey, I'm home

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Hi all, so we’ve finally reached our conclusion chapter. Just wanted to sincerely thank all of you who have supported, read, and enjoyed this fic, and now it’s time to end this and say goodbye.


Seulgi woke up on the morning of the beginning of the 5th month of being married not in Seoul, but in a private house in Europe where she and Joohyun have come to have that one on one time. They couldn’t go right away because of work related issues. They are here now, after both agreeing that they wished to go to Europe. Seulgi turns to reach over for Joohyun who is not sleeping beside her.


“Joohyun?” She calls out for her. She’s grown used to waking up beside Joohyun. She has grown used to going to bed next to her every night. Seulgi can know almost immediately that the brunette isn’t with her. She gets up from the bedroom to see where Joohyun has gone to. The monolid girl finds Joohyun sitting out in the living room with tea and on her laptop. Seulgi knows she couldn’t just totally leave work at the office. There are important matters she as the CEO has to handle.


“Hi, good morning.” Joohyun smiles when she notices her. “How did you sleep?”


“Good, did you sleep fine?”


“I always slept good next to you.” The brunette leans up to kiss her on the lips. Seulgi leans into the kiss and asks her later if she’s eaten.


“Have you had anything to eat?”


“Oh, I’ve completely lost track of time. I should…”


“No, sit. Let me bring you something, okay.”


“Sure, why don’t we have breakfast out on the porch?”


“Alright, sounds good.”


Joohyun takes a break from her work and waits outside for Seulgi to bring them breakfast. It’s been a nice few days here in Europe, and it’s Joohyun’s hope that they will use the time together. She knows she loves Seulgi. She doesn’t know yet what Seulgi feels for her. All she can say it’s been nice spending time together, and how much Seulgi has progressed in showing more attention and affection too.




The very night they landed Seulgi noticed how cold Joohyun was, and not only out her jacket around her. She also put an arm around her to bring her closer. Joohyun hadn’t expected for it, so it was really nice to see Seulgi taking more initiative in this manner.


“Better?” Seulgi smiles.


“Yes, much better.”


“I hope we can also have fun here too, Hyun. I know I said I wanted the one on one time, but it’s still nice to just have fun with you.”


Joohyun agrees and she enjoys when they are having fun together, and enjoying the time, not worrying about what’s going to happen at the end of this.


“We’re going to have fun too.”




Seulgi brings them out some croissants, jam, tea, and fruits. She sits down across from Joohyun.


“I have a fun day planned for us, Seul. I can’t wait to spend it with you.”


“Oh, do you? Can I have a hint?”


“No, it’ll ruin the surprise. You’ll just have to trust me.” Joohyun smiles.


“I do trust you, Joohyun.” Seulgi thinks to herself, as she does trust Joohyun, and is also looking forward to their day out.


Back in Seoul, Jessica is working when she gets an odd interruption from Joohyun’s assistant Joy, who actually asks to meet with her. Jessica wasn’t sure what the meeting was about, but she agreed to see the younger woman. Joy looks nervous and Jessica tells her to sit.


“What’s going on?”


“Mrs. Jung, I kind of need your help.”


“My help?” Jessica says in surprise. She doesn’t know what help Joy thinks she can give to her.


“Yes, you and Tiffany-unnie.”


“Oh, boy, what did she sign me up for?”


“You know me so well!” Tiffany interrupts then and comes from out of nowhere it seems. The dark-haired woman hurries over to Jessica and wraps her arms around her wife. She places tons of kisses on her cheeks.


“Fany, stop it, what did you do?”


“We’re just going to help our assistants, baby. Don’t worry.”


“Yes, I wanted your help in asking Yerimie to marry me.”


Jessica sits stunned for a long time. She didn’t think she would be hearing this at all. Tiffany has to kiss her out of her trance.


“We have to help them, Jessi. They are such a cute pair. We could even go on double dates!”


Joy laughs nervously. She isn’t sure about going on double dates with the people she and Yerim work for, but she supposes she will humor the old people.


“Are you certain this is what you want? I won’t have my Yerimie hurt.” Jessica eyes the redhead with slight suspicion.


“No, I would never hurt her. The whole year we were apart it was so painful, and I would like if you both would help me with my proposal.”


Tiffany is naturally touched by what Joy says. She of course what’s Joy and Yerim to be happy, just like she and Jessica are. It’s why she quickly agrees to help in anyway she can, which also means Jessica will be helping too. Joy thanks them both with huge hugs and runs off.


“Tiff, really?”


Tiffany cups her cheeks and softly kisses her. “Yes, really. We’re going to help them. They’re so cute together, don’t you think?”


Jessica thinks they are indeed very cute. She just hopes they aren’t too young for this.


“Okay, we’ll help them.”


“Thanks, Jessi.” She hugs her wife, then she looks serious. “It’s almost 6 months for Hyun and Seul.”


“Yes.” The brunette nods. “But you know we can’t do anything for them right now, they have to figure this out together. They’re doing the right thing being together to find out where they stand.” Tiffany kisses the top of her forehead then.


“I know, we were there for them since they were kids. Taking them to school, tying shoelaces, and being there for bad dreams. This is one thing we have to let them do on their own.”


The first thing they did after breakfast was visit a vineyard. Joohyun knew it would be something fun for Seulgi, and it did give off a romantic vibe as they walked holding hands while on the tour. They even got to taste a few wines together, and it was fun to see the reactions.


“You look like you’re going to be sick.” Seulgi laughs at the expression on Joohyun’s face.


“It tastes too bitter.”


“Here, try this one. It’s a bit sweeter.” The monolid girl hands her glass over to Joohyun to try. The brunette thinks this wine tastes much better.


“It’s better.”


“Yea, I thought you would like this one.”


After the vineyard tour Joohyun tells her they are going to have a redo of that crazy boat ride they had a back in Jeju, but a calmer one where they can take a tour.


“I thought you were afraid of being on boats.” Seulgi thinks back to the time before when Joohyun was looking ill from the boat ride alone. The shorter girl takes a hold of her hand.


“You’re going to be with me, right?”


“Yes, I’ll be with you.”


They make it to their scheduled boat tour and it’s private as in there is no one there but them. Seulgi can see how this is quite the romantic mood and Joohyun has certainly went through a lot of effort here. It’s cold on this boat and so they wrap a blanket around most of their bodies. Joohyun leans her head on Seulgi’s shoulders.


“I’m not scared because you’re here.”


Seulgi takes one of her hands. “I like that we’re here together like this, Joohyun.”


“I’m glad, that makes me happy.”


The brunette thinks they should come back here one day, even for a vacation. They have time left before their trial period comes to an end. She is hoping for the best possible outcome, and that’s being Seulgi’s wife for good.


“Oh, look!” Seulgi points when she spots a duck with her babies. It’s the cutest sight to see the babies swimming after their mom. Joohyun snaps a photo as she has been snapping photos for the memories. She wants to remember everything about her time with Seulgi here. The older girl looks over to how excited Seulgi is and she smiles. She loves seeing Seulgi happy, and even if she has to end up agreeing to a divorce. It will hurt, but more than anything Joohyun wants her to be happy.


Joy knows she is absolutely doing the right thing by preparing to propose to Yerim. She doesn’t care if they’re young, what does it matter when she knows Yerim is her soulmate. Tiffany accompanied her to look at rings, and Joy knew she had excellent taste in jewelry from the ring she saw on Jessica’s hand, and her own rose-gold wedding ring is nothing to sneeze about as it’s a huge rock.


“Do you know what she would like, Joy?” The dark-haired woman asks while looking at some of the rings.


“Yeah, I know what she would like.” The younger woman nods. She looks at a few that she thinks Yerim would like, and then stops at the simple but pretty rose gold diamond band.


“She loves pink.” Joy mentions.


“A woman after my own heart.”


Joy rolls her eyes in exaggeration. She never met anyone who loves pink as much as Tiffany does. Yerim can’t come close to the level of love her boss has for pink.


“I’m going to get her this one. I just hope she’ll say yes.”


Tiffany hugs her then. “I’m sure she will. Remember when you thought you wouldn’t get back together, and now look.”


Joy nods and smiles. “Seeing you and Jessica-unnie at your wedding, it was inspiring. I already know I’m meant to be with Yerim, and being married to her is all I want.”


“I knew too, with Jessica that we were meant to be. It’s why she and I are going to help make this happen, Joy. You’re going to be engaged before you know it.”


“Thanks, boss.”


“Thank me, after we get you engaged, sweetie.” Tiffany is glad to be able to help a young couple in love, and she will see Joy get engaged to Yerim for them to be happy too.


They got separated. Seulgi doesn’t know how or when it happened, but on their way to have lunch. Somehow she and Joohyun got separated, and Seulgi didn’t know where she was. Worst of all it’s starting to rain, and she has no idea where Joohyun is.


“Hey, excuse me!” She worriedly flags down a cop. “Please help me, my wife is missing.”


“Your wife is missing?”


“Yes,” Seulgi nods. “We were separated, and I can’t reach her phone, it’s dead I think.”


“Can you give a description, Ma’am? Where was the last place you saw her?”


“She’s 5’1, light brown hair, really pretty, and she’s wearing a purple dress. I just…” Seulgi wipes away at tears. She hopes Joohyun is fine, and can’t believe they have become separated.


“Seul?” She hears Joohyun and looks across the way at the fountain they passed earlier. Joohyun is standing there with some bags in her hand, looking worried too. Seulgi quickly thanks the cop for listening, and tells him that her wife is right there. Seulgi takes off in a slight run to catch up to her. She hugs Joohyun immediately when they get closer.


“Are you okay?” Seulgi questions, and Joohyun nods. The monolid girl is shaking slightly as she holds her again. Joohyun was also worried when they somehow split up, and her phone had died.


“You’re shaking, Seul.” She takes the taller girl’s hands into her own.


“I thought I lost you.”


Joohyun smiles softly as she hears how worried Seulgi is about her. She gently pushes some of Seulgi’s dark locks out of her face. It’s cold and raining but in this moment all Joohyun can do is lean up to kiss her wife. Seulgi kisses her back in that second, not caring about the cold or the rain. She is relieved to have Joohyun here and with her.


“I’m here.” Joohyun tells her after they break away for air. Seulgi nods.


“You’re here.”


“Let’s get back to the house. It’s been an eventful day more than I thought.”


“Yeah, let’s go.”


They walk hand in hand back to get a taxi. It’s been an eventful day indeed, and they both need to change out of their wet clothes. The entire time they ride back to the house. No one drops the other’s hands. Seulgi simply looks at their joined hands and thinks of how she felt when she knew she had lost Joohyun. It was a feeling of dread and panic. It was the fear of not knowing where her wife was that got to her. Is this the feelings of love? The feelings of not wanting to be separated from that person ever? Once at the house Joohyun lets go only so she can put some tea on.


“We should probably get out of these wet clothes.”


“Yeah,” Seulgi agrees. “I had a nice time today, otherwise.”


“Me too.”


It’s when Joohyun is walking passed Seulgi that the monolid girl reaches out for her. She gently takes a hold of Joohyun’s arm before leaning down to kiss her. It’s different from the kiss earlier. This one is much more full of need, and then there’s want too. Joohyun finds herself being pushed up against the nearby wall and feeling Seulgi’s arms wrapped around her. She doesn’t hesitate in kissing her back and places her own arms around Seulgi’s shoulders. The kiss grows so intense that they both have to soon break away for air.


“Wait…” Joohyun breathes.


“What’s wrong?”


“The tea, and we still need to get out of these wet clothes.”


Seulgi agrees. They can’t stand around in these wet clothes, and the tea too. Joohyun cuts it off and they leave to change into something warmer. Joohyun asks her to sit down on the couch with her.


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2183 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥