Don't pressure, just feel

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Hi all, thank you for reviewing last chapter and we are one chapter away from the ending. I hope you guys enjoy it to the very end.


It’s been three full months since Seulgi and Joohyun were married, and in that amount of time a lot had happened. For one they found out that Jessica and Tiffany were still married after all, and even more amazing they would be getting re married in a vow renewal ceremony. Seulgi remembers being happy that Jessica seemed to be happier in ways she hadn’t seen her guardian in so long. Joohyun as well had been thrilled to see Tiffany and Jessica happy and together again. Both she and Seulgi were also excited to know there would be a wedding, and offered to help in anyway they could. Outside of that news Seulgi has been actively working at her family’s company with Jessica still mentoring her.


She was even able to go visit another location of the company to gain experience. Seulgi enjoyed getting to know more about the business, and once upon a time the monolid girl thought she would never be ready for such a task. She feels that one day she will be able to successfully lead the company, and one of her biggest supporters has been Joohyun. Her wife has been there offering any support to her, and telling her she will become a great CEO one day, all while still working at her own family company. Seulgi told Joohyun if she could be half the CEO that she sees Joohyun behaving like. She will surely be fine. They have been also been maintaining steady quality time together, despite being busy. They will still have their date nights on a weekly basis, and keep the communication lines open. Seulgi thinks these three months have been good, and she has enjoyed getting to know Joohyun on a level she never thought possible.


Seulgi is in the office working after having come straight here from class. Yerim arrives at her door with a less than pleased expression on her face.


“Yo, Seul. Your old lady is here.”


“My what?” Seulgi looks up from her papers in shock.


“Hey, I’m not old!” Joohyun shouts then and looks like she will hit Yerim who looks unamused by the older girl.


“It’s an expression, your wife is here. Anyway, please talk to her because she was getting on my nerves.”


“You know what, you little brat!”


Yerim says nothing else and simply closes the office door. Joohyun thinks she understands fully why Joy loves that girl so much. They are both annoying rude brats who deserve one another. Joohyun is glad that Joy seems in better spirits however, since finally getting back together with her beloved Yerim.


“I’m sorry.” Seulgi smiles in apology. “She isn’t really that bad. What brings you by? I thought you would be working still?”


“I took off the rest of my day, would you like to join me for a late lunch?”


Seulgi looks at all the papers she still hasn’t read through yet. She shouldn’t technically ditch work at this time, but Joohyun is looking at her all concerned if she ate or not. Seulgi knows the differences in the various looks the brunette will give her.


“Sure, let’s go have lunch together.”


“Good, I know you haven’t eaten yet.” Joohyun says knowingly and Seulgi smiles back. It’s been a nice three months getting to know one another, and Seulgi can say for sure she has gotten used to certain things with Joohyun. Seulgi tells Yerim she will be back later, but the younger girl is talking to Joy on the phone and is paying no attention to her.


“Right, we’re good to go.” She gives Joohyun her hand to hold and the older girl accepts the offered hand. She likes how these days Seulgi doesn’t have to be prompted, and just offers her hand or arm to hold. It was a nice added gesture that Joohyun found she really loved.


“The unnies are busy planning their wedding. I’m happy we can be there to see it this time.” Joohyun tells her.


“Me too, they really do belong together. I am glad they worked everything out.” Seulgi agrees. It will be nice to see Jessica and Tiffany recommit to one another after all this time.


Jessica and Tiffany were having lunch of their own with all of their friends, who were all excited, glad, and just relieved that they were finally back together as they should be. Their friends wanted to be of any support to the couple who planned to renew their vows.


“It’s about time you two idiots got your together.” Sooyoung says in between eating her food and actually being happy for the pair.


“I knew they would be fine.” Yuri gives a nod, as she knew they loved one another and would eventually work things out.


“I’m glad for you both.” Sunny smiles warmly, as really the American couple belong together.


“Thanks guys.” Tiffany thanks them. “Jessi and I are both glad you’re going to all be a part of this with us.”


“Of course we will.” The blonde lawyer says like it’s the most obvious thing. “Just in case though, if you do have to get divorced for real. Sica-unnie I’m more than fine representing you.”


“Yoong?” Seohyun shakes her head. “We want them to be together, remember?”


“Yes, but Yoong isn’t wrong or anything. You never know.” Hyoyeon casually teases.


“You don’t have to worry about us. Tiff and I are going to last, and no one’s getting divorced here.” Jessica tells them and it earns her a kiss from Tiffany, who agrees that they aren’t going to get divorced. This is it for the two of them, and they completely belong together.


Joohyun and Seulgi end up taking their lunch to go and sitting down by the Han River. It’s been sort of place that they have come to a lot to talk and have a date night or two. Seulgi promised herself she would no longer think about things in terms of time, but rather in quality. There have been some very good moments shared between them, such as the time they went back to Jeju as a way to celebrate their three month anniversary.




Seulgi was the one who suggested the do over trip to Jeju. Joohyun was excited because it was her wife’s suggestion, and then they were also celebrating their anniversary in a sense. They landed in Jeju and rather than going to a hotel. Seulgi had rented a beach house for them to stay in.


“This was really a nice idea.”


“Yeah, I figured it would be fun to get out of Seoul for a bit. You’ve been working a lot, and I thought a mini vacation would be good.”


“I appreciate that.” Joohyun nods and kisses her. “It’s good that we were able to get away for a little while.”


The two decided to go out for dinner that evening at a good seafood place, which Joohyun loved as there was not a chicken item in sight. Seulgi has been certainly opening up to her more than ever, and Joohyun is not only grateful she is excited that they are on this journey as a team now.


“You’ve got something on your chin.” The brunette gestures to a spot on Seulgi’s chin. The monolid girl tries to get whatever it is off, but keeps missing.


“No, a little to the left.”


“Like this?”


“No, hold on.” Joohyun leans over and tries to wipe the stain away. She does this successfully and figures she might as well try to go in for a kiss, as what better time. The thing that happens is Seulgi kisses her first, and it completely takes Joohyun by surprise.


“Wait, what?”


Seulgi laughs at the startled expression. She knew Joohyun would sneak in a kiss, as she has grown used to the brunette sneaking in kisses here and there. It’s why she knew she just had to get there first, if no reason but to see Joohyun surprised, and she is certainly surprised.


“I knew you would try to kiss me. I wanted to see the look of surprise on your face when I did.”


“I am surprised, but it was a nice surprise. I hope you keep on trying to surprise me, Seul.”




“Here, have some.” Joohyun tries to feed her a bite of her food. Seulgi complains for a second that she is too full from her own meal, but the brunette looks too cute trying to feed her.


“Alright, because you look cute trying to feed me.”


Joohyun feels her face get red when Seulgi calls her cute. It blows her mind how just Seulgi alone can say she’s cute, and it makes her feel like a school kid with a crush.


“See, it tastes good, right?”


“It tastes good.” Seulgi agrees. She also thanks Joohyun for lunch today, and tells her she does have to get back to the office. The brunette understands and lets her go with a lot of kisses first.


“Don’t work too hard, okay.”


“I won’t. I’ll see you at home later.”


“Yes, you will. I’ll see you later, Seul.”


Joohyun separates with her then and decides to check in with Tiffany. She might need extra help with her wedding planning. Now, Joohyun meant what she said when she told Seulgi to not think of their time together in terms of months left. She does want them to enjoy their time together in the quality of time spent. However, it’s unrealistic to not think about the fact that they have only three short months left. Joohyun shakes her head and tries to put those thoughts aside. She can’t think too much about them having three months, not when she still wants for them to have forever.


She meets Tiffany at her apartment that’s she’s been staying at for the last few months. The table in the living room is full of all sorts of wedding related things, magazines, dress ideas, lists of different caterers and bakers too. Joohyun stands in shock for a while.


“Um, should I come back?”


“No, come in. Don’t worry, I’m just a bit excited since I didn’t get to have a wedding like this before. I just want it to be the most special day for Jessi and I.”


“I am really happy for you, unnie. You and Jessica-unnie do deserve your happy ending.”


Tiffany nods and thanks her with a smile. She does know Joohyun however, and knows whenever something is wrong with her. She sits Joohyun down on the couch and offers her something to drink.


“No, I’m okay, unnie.”


“Sure, now tell me what’s really troubling you, Hyun.”


It’s no surprise that Tiffany knows something is up. She has only been in her life since she was three-years-old.


“I’m trying to remain hopeful, but the reality could be I might be divorced in three more months.”


Tiffany looks immediately sympathetic. She wants for Joohyun to be happy with Seulgi, as she knows that Joohyun loves her. At the same time there is that possibility of being divorced, and that will be a painful thing to deal with if that should happen. Tiffany hugs her then.


“Hey, you told me that you and Seul were doing well. Was that not true?”


“No, we’re doing well, and even better than when we first started. She’s even taken initiative too, like planning our dates, and it’s been good. I just can’t help to feel nervous, you know.”


“I understand, sweetie. I can’t lie to you and tell you everything will work out like you want, because we don’t know that yet. All I can say is take this one step at a time with Seulgi, and you’ll both figure this out together. I’m rooting for you, Hyun.”


“Thank you, unnie. Now, let’s see if we can help you with your wedding?”


Tiffany smiles and laughs some. “Yes, I want to find the right dress, as I’m not doing any of this again.”


Joohyun laughs too. She thinks Jessica and Tiffany will make it. She always knew that they would be more than fine, and now she wants for herself and Seulgi to make it too.


Seulgi goes back to the office and does work. She finds she does like working, and it’s in her blood. Her parents worked hard to leave this legacy for her, and she wants to make not only Jessica proud, but her parents proud too. There’s a picture of her parents hanging up in the lobby as the founders, and Seulgi will find herself looking at it and silently hoping they are watching out for her. She will do them proud too. Yerim drops by when it’s time for her to leave.


“Hey, are you staying?” The younger girl asks. “A lot of people have left by now.”


“I just have a few more things to do, and I’ll go. Are you ready for Jessica-unnies wedding coming up soon?”


Yerim nods with a smile. “I already got my dress. I’m really happy for Jessica-unnie. She deserves to be happy, after taking care of you forever.”


“Yes, oh wait!”


Yerim laughs and says goodbye after, saying she has a date and a life to get to. Seulgi waves goodbye to her and continues on with her work. She loses complete track of time, and notices how late it actually is when she sees her phone.


“Oh, my god. It’s 10!” It’s no wonder how someone can spend forever in an office. Seulgi grabs her bag and shuts off the lights. She texts Joohyun in apology saying she’s sorry that’s lost track of time. The response was instant with Joohyun telling her she’s glad that she’s okay, and just working late. Seulgi gets home as fast as she can, and sees there is food waiting for her on the table in the kitchen. Joohyun comes out from the bedroom then.


“Hey, I was worried about you, but glad you just got held up at the office.”


“Yes, it’s kind of too easy to end up stuck there. I’m sorry I worried you.”


Joohyun walks over and leaves a soft kiss to her lips. “It’s okay, you’re home now.”


Seulgi sits down to eat and Joohyun sits with her. Their unnies are going to be married soon, and that’s also something on their minds.


“It’s going to be a really great wedding. I was able to see some of what Tiffany-unnie is planning.”


“Sica-unnie hasn’t been telling me much. She’s just really happy and that makes me happy for her. I can’t wait to see them recommit to one another.”


“Me too.” Joohyun agrees and gives Seulgi’s hand a squeeze. She is also looking forward to the wedding of the two people they both love, and have been mother’s to them. Before bed Joohyun has to handle a few business calls and she finds Seulgi in bed later, but she’s looking at what is an old photo of her parents.


“Hey, are you okay?” The brunette asks while wrapping her arms around Seulgi’s shoulders.


“I’m fine, just thinking about my parents lately. I can’t remember them as well as I would like, but I can feel them, you know. I can feel them just watching over me while I learn how to become a good leader for the company.”


Joohyun understands what Seulgi means. She was also young when she lost her own parents.


“I think you’re going to succeed at whatever you want to do, and I understand about feeling your parents presence. I feel mine too, even though they aren’t here. We’ve been lucky to have Jessica and Tiffany.”


“Yeah.” Seulgi smiles some. “We have been lucky they were there to raise us. I hope they have the best wedding, and stay happy together.”


Since becoming reunited fully Tiffany has been spending more time with Jessica at her place. Sometimes they talk wedding things, and sometimes they just lay in bed for hours without having to talk, just feeling one another’s presence is enough. Tonight they do talk, and it’s about the kids and their marriage.


“I’m worried about them.” The dark-haired woman does admit to Jessica. “Hyun loves Seul so much, and it will break her heart if they don’t work out. Jessi has Seul spoken to you at all, has she given you an idea where her head is?”


“She spoke to me about being confused once, as she isn’t sure what she’s feeling for Joohyun.”


Jessica remembers once in the office during their lunch break. Seulgi came to her with concerns and they were valid concerns.




Jessica could tell from Seulgi’s actions alone she was nervous and worried. It’s why she suggested they have lunch outside to clear their minds from the office and their workload.


“What’s going on?”




“Don’t lie to me, Seul. You never could,

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2184 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥