Just kiss me

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Thank you guys for reading and reviewing the previous chapter. Some of you were wondering where Taeyeon is. I mentioned briefly what her role is in a previous chapter, but you’ll see her here. Those of you wondering where my evil devil babies joyri are, don’t worry they will be coming. Here’s chapter 6, please enjoy


Seulgi wakes up, and turns over in bed, only to come face to face with, Joohyun. Now, how the hell did this happen?


“What the !” The monolid girl covers to muffle her scream. Why is Joohyun in bed with her? Why isn’t she somewhere else instead of here in her bed, with her. Seulgi, could have sworn she locked the door, after the brunette made them have dinner together. In Joohyun’s, words, they were to have dinner like any married couple.


“I have to get out of here.” Seulgi thinks to herself. That’s the first thing. She needs to get away now. The second thought is something else. If they are in bed together, then does that mean what she thinks it means. Seulgi,  knows she has to make sure that no one is . Please, let everyone have clothes on. She doesn’t know what she will do if Joohyun is under the covers. Hell, she doesn’t know what she will do if somehow she is too. Seulgi, mentally prepares herself with a few deep breaths. She can do this. However, as she tries to see if Joohyun is . The brunette turns suddenly and collapses into her. She also throws her leg around hers.


“What is this!” Seulgi has to muffle her scream again.


Joohyun’s face is now close to her own. What is she supposed to do about this? This girl is clinging onto her like her very life depends on it.


“Uh, scary-unnie…” She whispers.


There is no response.


“Scary-unnie, yah wake up. Please get off.”


Those words only make Joohyun cling tighter, and Seulgi can feel her body touching her own. She shouldn’t be feeling this much of, Joohyun’s body.


“, s!” The dark-haired girl thinks, and tries to get out of Joohyun’s hold. It only makes the shorter girl cling tighter. Seulgi has a new idea. It seems that Joohyun really likes affection. More so, than what is daily recommended. She might have to bite the bullet, and show Joohyun affection now. That might get her off of her sooner.


“I can’t believe, I am about to do this.” Seulgi sighs. It’s now or never, god help her.


“Joohyun-unnie, baby. Can you get off?”


It works like a charm. Chocolate brown eyes open immediately.  It makes, Seulgi know for sure that the girl couldn’t have been sleeping.


“Hi, honey, good morning.” She smiles, and proceeds to place several kisses to her face.


“Yeah, okay. That’s enough. Can I ask you something?”


Joohyun maneuvers herself so she’s on top of her. She smiles down brightly at Seulgi.


“You can ask me anything?”

Seulgi wants her to get off, but it would be rude to just shove the girl off of her.


“Yeah, so I don’t know if you’ve noticed.” Seulgi begins calmly. “I just want to know why the hell are we in bed together!” The calm voice disappears into a loud, panicked one.


“Because you forgot to lock your door.”


“I see.” The taller girl nods. “So, we didn’t have or anything -like, right!” Seulgi’s voice raises higher again, and to Joohyun she just looks too cute.


“You’re so cute!” She leans down to kiss her, only this time on the lips. Whatever protest Seulgi had dies on pink lips covering her own. What is with this girl and kissing her? She doesn’t even stop at one kiss. Joohyun kisses her multiple times before finally stopping.


“Are you done?” Seulgi asks.


“It would be nice if you could kiss me back, you know.” Joohyun says with a slight pout.


“Unnie, you’re missing the point. Did we have or not?”


“No. I want you to be awake when we have . You poor baby, you were so out of it last night. Don’t you remember?”


Seulgi thinks back to yesterday. She remembers only very select things about the evening.




Seulgi knew that, Joohyun was right as far as she would be hungry. The monolid girl held out for almost 3 hours before she couldn’t stand her hunger anymore. It felt like her stomach was about to attack itself soon, saying “, feed me now!” Seulgi is more worried about her stomach than, Joohyun at the moment. She opens the door to look for any sign of Joohyun. She doesn’t see her, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t still around here somewhere. Seulgi decides she needs the food more. So, she makes her way to the kitchen. There is an entire dinner on the table, food galore. It’s like Christmas has come early for the dark-haired girl. She is so hungry. She doesn’t care where, Joohyun is now. She should have thought that part out better.


“Food! So much food. I’m coming to you, food!” Seulgi runs to the table, only to have Joohyun reach out to grab her by the hand.


“Ah-hah, caught you. Wait just a minute, sweetie. There will be no dinner until I get a kiss.”


“Oh…” Seulgi sighs. She didn’t even see the brunette anywhere. “I’m hungry!” She whines instead.


“And I want a kiss. See we all want things.”


“Fine.” Seulgi presses her hand to her own lips. Then she guides that hand to Joohyun’s cheek. There she’s been kissed. The smaller woman is pissed by the action.


“Yah, that was no kiss!”


“I’m hungry!”


“You will eat after we kiss.”


Seulgi pouts. She is really hungry, and Joohyun is not being unfair.


“You had enough kisses already. Didn’t you have enough fun making out with me earlier?”


The question makes Joohyun’s face turn red. She wouldn’t quite call it making out. All she was trying to do was give Seulgi mouth to mouth. The same girl that she thought was seriously injured.


“I was giving you mouth to mouth.”


“With tongue, unnie!”


“Just kiss me, and you can eat.”


“Okay, fine. This is only because I’m hungry.” Seulgi slowly leans forward so she can kiss Joohyun’s cheek. The brunette is having none of that of course. She pulls, Seulgi into an immediate lip lock. She doesn’t let her sit down until she’s satisified.


“Well, eat up.” Joohyun smiles when she lets her go. “I made a lot.”


“I only taste you.” Seulgi sighs.


“You could taste more.”


Seulgi practically chokes on her spit when, Joohyun implies what she could taste. The food looks suddenly even more interesting to her. Luckily the food is delicious, and she doesn’t have to think of Joohyun flirting with her. Since, once she has food in front of her, nothing else matters. She ate as much as she possibly could, in case she won’t eat again for some time. After dinner, she was so tired. She nearly fell asleep at the table.


“Honey, you’re tired. Let me help you to bed.” Joohyun puts Seulgi’s arm around her, and leads her to the bedroom. Seulgi is tired, but she isn’t that tired to not recognize where Joohyun is taking her.


“Fine, but you have to go sleep in the guest room.”


“Oh, yeah right.” Joohyun thinks to herself, amused. Sure, she’ll definitely hurry to the guest room, only not really. She helps Seulgi into bed, but not without helping her into a night shirt. Her eyes are huge when she gets a full glimpse of amazing abs. They’re so perfect looking, just as Joohyun imagined her body would be.


“Abs!” She tries to touch, but Seulgi turns, and collapses into bed. Joohyun frowns in disappointment as she wanted to feel.


“Joohyun-unnie…” Seulgi yawns.


The smaller girl sits down on the bed besides her. “Yes, Seul?”


“You know...you’re not so bad. I don’t think so….I don’t know, since you’re still scary.”


Joohyun runs her fingers through Seulgi’s dark locks. She chooses to ignore the part where Seulgi tells her she’s scary. The beginning part sounded nice.


“Yeah, I’m not so bad at all.” Joohyun leans over to kiss her forehead.




Seulgi proceeds to push, Joohyun off of her, but catches her before she can fall over.


“What was in that food? Did you drug it!”


“Yah, what?” Joohyun angrily hits her with a pillow.


“Ow, hey!”


“I didn’t drug you. You were probably just tired from all that running away you did.”


“Fine, fine...well I need to get ready for school. You’re sure we didn’t have , right?”


The brunette frowns, then leans over to kiss her lips a few times. They didn’t have last night, but that doesn’t mean they won’t.


“Honey, when we have . It will be memorable.” Her voice is just a bit husky, and Seulgi doesn’t know what to do.


“Y-yes, well….I’m going to go shower.”


“Do you need help?”




Joohyun laughs at the adorable girl. It’s only really a matter of time. Seulgi is warming up to her, whether she sees it or not.


Meanwhile, Jessica wakes up hungover, and tired to the sounds of Sooyoung. She is happily chatting away on the phone. She does this right above her head, while she is sleeping on the couch of Code White’s safe house.


“Yul, I miss you so much. You have no idea.”


“Oh, my god.” Jessica groans, putting a pillow over her head. Why can’t, Sooyoung go anywhere in the house. She just has to stand right over her head, when there is room all over. Years ago, they had all purchased this house as a way to relax, hideaway from the world, and sometimes girlfriend’s too.


“Yul, I’m going to go crazy if I don’t see you soon. First, are you sure you didn’t know anything at all about what happened yesterday?” Sooyoung pauses to listen for Yuri’s answer.


“Well, if you say so. It sounds suspicious to me that you didn’t know what Fany was going to do, but…” Then she lets out a loud, annoying squeal that has Jessica trying to suffocate herself with the pillow even more. Maybe, she can sleep after she succeeds.


“Alright, I believe you, baby. Well, I want to see you too, but…”


“No!” Hyoyeon shouts and runs to grab Sooyoung’s phone out of her hand. Then she hangs up on Yuri. The taller woman’s eyes get huge and full of horror. How dare, Hyoyeon hang up on Yuri. She looks devastated for all of a matter of seconds, and then grabs Hyoyeon.


“Yah, how dare you hang up on, Yul!”


“Soo, you’re being weak. She’s the enemy!”


“I’m going to kill you, Hyo!”


That’s it. Jessica can take no more of this.


“Yah, shut up both of you!” Jessica complains. “I’m over here hungover, and you two idiots are trying to kill each other. You can’t go anywhere else and fight!”


Sooyoung, and Hyoyeon slowly let go of each others necks. Jessica is right of course. They were all pretty drunk last night, it’s not their fault she was the most drunk yesterday.


“Sorry, Sica.” Hyoyeon apologizes.


“So, do you want to go back to sleep?” Sooyoung asks. Jessica glares at the taller woman. How the hell is she supposed to go to sleep now?


“No, emergency meeting. To the white room!”


“Unnie, we don’t actually have a white room, remember?” Yoona mentions.


“, I forgot I never finished designing it. Okay, to the game room! We need to discuss what happened yesterday.”


The four friends go to the game room, which is as it sounds. A game room. It has all sorts of gaming systems, pool tables, air hockey, fully equipped with snacks, food, and things of this nature. Jessica sits at the desk with coffee in hand, trying to look more alive. She definitely had way too much to drink last night.


“Well, you all should be ashamed of yourselves. Yoong is married, so she’s excused, but you two! What the hell is your excuse?”


“Sica! I’m sorry!” Sooyoung shouts suddenly. “I’m so in love with, Yul. I can’t even think straight. If I had some warning at least I would have had a more effective gameplan.”


“You already know Sunny drives me completely crazy, Sica.” Hyoyeon says.


“I’m still disappointed. There was no reason for us to fail yesterday.”


“Uh, unnie. You ran away from, Fany-unnie. You, Jung Jessica actually ran. I mean, you of all people. You ran! You’re just as weak.” Yoona lets her know.


“I’m not weak. She just surprised me with that back hug. I won’t fall for it again.”


“Sica, what’s going on? You and Fany were solid.” Hyoyeon remembers how in love and happy the American couple was. Jessica sighs, running her fingers through her hair.


“She won’t tell me anytime I ask, so I’m not going to keep asking.”


“No, does this mean no more American couple? Say it isn’t so Sica, what am I supposed to do without my American couple?” Sooyoung grabs her, and shakes her repeatedly.


“Soo, you need to calm down. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”


“Well, fine then.” Sooyoung lets her go. “I’m calling, Yul back.”


“No!” Hyoyeon and Yoona tackle Sooyoung to the ground. They have to make Sooyoung less weak for Yuri. The sake of the entire team depends on it.


“We’re a team Soo, unfortunately Yuri-unnie is on the enemy’s side.” Yoona explains gently. The taller woman then looks at Yoona with a lovesick gaze. Yoona looks quite similar to Yuri.


“Oh, Yoong you look so much like my, Yuri.” She tries to hug her, but Yoona falls back.


“Yah, stop that you creep. I am very married to my, Hyunnie.”


“Sorry, Yoong. I lost my mind for a moment.”


“Only a moment.” Jessica sighs, rubbing her aching forehead.


“You need to pull yourself together, Soo. Do you think Yuri is over there with the pink crew crying over you? Now, you need to toughen up so we can win next time.” Hyoyeon warns her.


“But, I love her. Give me back my phone.”


“We can’t do that, Soo. You need help!” The lawyer tosses her phone to one of the couches.


“No!” The taller woman whines. “Give me my phone.”


“Yah, Soo. Come here, food!” Jessica commands, showing her a plate of kimbap. At the sight of food, Sooyoung leaps up. She pushes, Yoona and Hyoyeon off of her.




As always food is proven to be the true love of, Sooyoung’s life. That wasn’t so hard to do. Just give her food, and that should work against Yuri in the future. Meanwhile, Yuri is freaking out over, Sooyoung’s interrupted phone call.


“Should I call her back? Maybe, I should call her back.” Yuri tells herself. “I probably should call her back.”


“No!” Sunny grabs her phone away from her. “Don’t you start acting weak, Yul.”



“No, you know it can’t be over like that. Sica, will want to retaliate.”


“Give me my phone. I need to call, Soo.”


Sunny facepalms. “Seohyunnie, help me with this one.”


Seohyun has her glasses on, and is reading. Oh well, she’s in lawyer mode right now, so no help there. Tiffany enters the room to see Sunny trying to keep Yuri’s phone away, which is hilarious because of the height difference.


“Guys, what is going on?”


“This one is trying to call, Soo.”


“We were talking.” Yuri defends herself.


“Seriously, this is what you’re fighting about?” Tiffany sighs. “What’s the matter if Yul talks to Soo?”


“Fany, you know, Sica isn’t just going to accept this.”


“I know, we’ll be ready.”


They notice though how, Tiffany keeps staring at her phone. She looks anxious about something.


“Fany, what’s wrong?” Sunny wonders.


“Are you okay, unnie?” The lawyer asks.


“Yeah, I’m fine.” She pauses. Tiffany isn’t sure if she wants to discuss this with her friends. They might possibly . It sounds ridiculous even now, as she thinks of it.


“Fany, what’s going on?” The tanned woman tries next, maybe she’ll talk.


The dark-haired woman turns around, phone clasped tight in hand. “Nothing, I was just wondering if I should text her. I feel like I should talk to her.”


“You have to talk anyway right, as far as the kids go?” The pink-haired woman says. They are both legal guardians, and in charge of much to do with the kids inheritance. They would have to talk as far as Joohyun and Seulgi go. They need to talk about possible wedding dates, and things of this nature. She has this feeling that Jessica might not want to talk to her, otherwise.


“We do, but maybe…”


“Hey.” Sunny comes over. “We don’t even know why you, and Sica ended your relationship. Fany, if you love her like we think you do. You need to try and work it out, okay?”


Tiffany can do nothing except nod. Af

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2183 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥