She's my Fiance

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Again, thank you all so much for being so into this story. I’m having a lot of fun writing this and I am genuinely excited you all are too! Please enjoy chapter 4 and hopefully you’ll all remain interested.


When Seulgi awakes the following day. She breathes a sigh of relief. Yesterday must have all been a dream. One long and terrible dream. Thank god it wasn’t real. Joohyun-unnie is probably somewhere far away and she can resume life as usual. She gets out of bed dressed only in a black tank top and shorts. She’s alone so it doesn’t matter what she’s wearing. After all, who’s actually here with her? No one, that’s right. The monolid girl happily walks towards the living room area. Only to her horror. She sees Jessica and Tiffany are fast asleep on one of the couches. Their heads are pressed against one another. There is also a blanket covering them and it looks as if they’ve been asleep for awhile.


“What the hell!” She screams.


“Yah, be quiet. The unnies are sleeping!” Yoona says coming out the kitchen with coffee in hand.


“Yoona-unnie. What are you doing here?”


“Hyunnie and I had to stay to mediate. You missed quite a show, kid.”


“I did?”


“Yeah Jessica-unnie, and Tiffany-unnie. It was so epic. I can’t believe they are fighting, or something.”


“Well, what happened?” Seulgi wonders.


Seohyun comes over with two cups of tea. One for herself and one for Seulgi.


“I’m not sure what they’re fighting about. There was just some sort of huge debate. Some weird pillow fight that lead to name calling, and the next thing I know they were in a strange staring contest. They fell asleep like that. So, I put a blanket around them.” Seohyun explains.


“Unnies, are so cute!” Yoona says while snapping photos of them.


Seulgi is just staring at Seohyun. She finally remembers how she knows this unnie.


“I remember you now! You’re sweet potato unnie!”


“What?” Seohyun blinks.


“That’s how I remembered you, unnie. You had sweet potatoes every time I saw you. I think you tried to feed me them too.”


Seohyun laughs. “That’s right I did, Seulgi-yah. You didn’t really like them and wanted Pringles all the time.”


Seulgi nods in remembrance. She just couldn’t imagine someone loving that much sweet potatoes.


“I just kept thinking. This unnie must really like them.”


“Like them?” Yoona laughs. “She doesn’t like them. She loves them more than anything. I’ve never seen someone eat that much sweet potatoes, ever! I…” The blonde stops because Seohyun is looking at her with such a disapproving look.


“What was that, Yoong?”


“Uh, nothing honey. I said nothing, but hey Seulgi remembers you now. Kid, what’s with your memory to forget so much?”


“ My memory isn’t that bad, but how could I forget the nice sweet potato, unnie?”


“Oh, well you can call me, Seohyun-unnie now.”


“Okay, if you say so, but I will probably still think of sweet potatoes anyway.”


Seohyun just smiles at the adorable girl, and Seulgi smiles back. Then she realizes something else important. If the unnies are here. Then that means the scariest unnie of all is also here too.


“Wait, if you’re all here. That also means Joohyun-unnie is real, and not far, far away.”


Her answer is two hands placing themselves over her eyes.


“Hi, honey. Guess who?”


“Oh god.” Seulgi swallows nervously. “I’m going to take a hopeful guess, and say you’re not Joohyun-unnie?”


“Aw, babe come on, be nice.” She kisses her cheek. “Good morning.”


“Yes, good morning, and also goodbye.”


Seulgi tries to walk off, but Joohyun grabs her hand.


“Yah, wait let me make you breakfast.”


“Scary unnie, stay back!” Seulgi shouts and it startles awake the sleeping unnies. Tiffany hits her head on Jessica’s.


“Ow, whose forehead is this?” She cracks open and eye and sees Jessica. It takes all of a second for her to scream.


“Yah! Jung why are we here like this?”


“What?” The sleepy brunette yawns.


“Jung, wake up! Why are we under this blanket together?”


The brunette blinks several times. Not knowing why the hell is Tiffany screaming so damn much.




“Jung, get away from me!”


“Oh, Fany?” She yawns again. “What are you doing here?”


“Unnies, you fell asleep here. Don’t you remember?” Yoona tells them. They both blink several times when, Yoona tells them what happened.


“Fany, get away!” Jessica pushes her.


“You get away first!” Tiffany pushes back, and then they end up in a pushing match with one another.


“Unnie, calm down.” Seohyun grabs Tiffany first. Then Yoona pulls Jessica to her.


“You two are grownups, act like it!” The blonde tells them.


“It’s like a nightmare that doesn’t end.” Seulgi says in shock. How is this her life? The other day she forgot that Joohyun even existed. The brunette turns Seulgi to face her.


“Hi, how did you sleep last night? I wanted to go sleep with you, but your door was locked, so…”


“Yah, Joohyun-ah what did I say! No sleeping with Seulgi yet.” Tiffany barks at her.


“But unnie…” Joohyun pouts. “We’re engaged.” Then reaches to squeeze Seulgi’s , who jumps right away.


“Yah! What are you doing?”


“You have a really nice !”


“Wait just a second. Not only are you mean, scary, but you’re also a ert unnie too! Jeez, it can’t possibly be worse than this.” The monolid girl sighs.


“Joohyun-ah, how has Fany been raising you? Why are you a ert?”


“Yah, Jung! I didn’t teach her to be this way!”


“A highly unlikely story.” Jessica doesn’t buy it. She’s known Joohyun since she was a kid. She never showed any ert tendencies when she was small. So, somewhere along the way she was corrupted. Seulgi has had enough. She needs to get the hell out of here now.


“Anyway, I need to go to school.”


“Wait, let me at least make you breakfast.” Joohyun offers.


“No time. I need to be in school.”


“Dressed in such little clothes, where girls can gawk at your… body.” The brunette frowns, but can’t help eyeing the monolid girl’s biceps. Damn do they look good. That means Seulgi must have an incredible body.


“I’m going to change.”


“Well, do you need some help, honey?”


“No!” Tiffany screams. “She doesn’t need help, Joohyun-ah.”




Seulgi just bolts for her bedroom to use the time to get herself ready for school. She has no time for this craziness now. Joohyun is unhappy though, why does her guardian feel the need to .


“Unnie, why are you trying to keep me away from my bear?” Joohyun wants to know.


“Hyun-ah, it’s more special if you wait.”


“Unnie, you’re being hypocritical. You, and Sica-unnie sure didn’t wait!” Yoona broadcasts and everyone pauses. Tiffany is red and stunned into silence. Seohyun is busy facepalming. Jessica on the other hand is cracking up in laughter at how red Tiffany’s face is.


“Yah, Yoong!” Tiffany finds her voice.


“I knew it!” Joohyun interrupts. “You and Sica-unnie, were a thing.”


“We…” The older dark-haired woman loses her voice, but that’s okay because, Yoona has plenty of voice.


“They were a thing? Joohyun-ah, these two unnies right here…”


“Be quiet, Yoong!” Tiffany interrupts. “We are not talking about this!”


“But unnie, don’t you still love each other?” Seohyun genuinely wonders.


That’s when Tiffany looks at Jessica who is just staring back at her.


“I don’t know, Fany, do we?”




Seulgi comes back soon dressed, bag on her back, and is ready to go. She wants to grab some pop tarts or something, but wow is it tense as hell in here.


“Hey, why is so tense in here? Engagement off?” She laughs uneasily, Joohyun frowns right away.


“No, our engagement is not off! And it won’t ever be off!”


“Jeez, sorry for hoping, but, what’s wrong. You okay, unnie?” She asks Jessica. They’ve been a family unit for so long that Seulgi can always tell if something is wrong, and vice versa.


“I’m fine Seulgi.” Jessica assures. She doesn’t like to worry Seulgi if she can help it.


“Are you sure, unnie?”


“I’m sure, but you should really eat breakfast, before you go.”


“I’ll eat with, Wannie. Bye unnies, and scary unnie.” She gestures to Joohyun.


“Wait, you’re going to eat with, who? You mean that girl from yesterday? Let me make you breakfast!” The smaller brunette shouts, why won’t Seulgi just let her make breakfast?


“Joohyun-unnie, I need to go.”


“Wait, can’t I at least give you a hug goodbye?”


“Um…” Seulgi looks reluctant. However, Joohyun looks so hopeful.


“Fine, but…”


“Yes!” The smaller girl hugs her. “Have a good day Seulgi-yah. Please eat soon.”


Seulgi blinks, Joohyun is being nice? It is a never ending nightmare. Tiffany notices the girl zoned out.


“Seulgi-yah, are you okay?” She wonders.


“Um, Joohyun-unnie is being nice. I don’t understand.”


“Yah, go to school!” The brunette smacks her and the monolid girl yelps.


“Yeah, that’s more like you.” And before Joohyun can grab her again. Seulgi hurries out the door for school. She never thought she’d see the day where school was the best and safer option. However, it really is the best place she could be right now. She sure as hell can’t be home now, not until Joohyun-unnie leaves anyway.


However, Yoona and Seohyun are trying to get their unnies to talk. Joohyun is thinking about what she could do. Maybe she can make Seulgi lunch and take it to her. Yeah, that sounds like an excellent idea.


“Unnies, you need to talk.” The brunette lawyer tells them. Jessica sits on one end of the couch, and Tiffany way on the other side. The dark-haired woman crosses her arms over her chest.


“I have nothing to say to her, other than stuff that involves the kids, and their marriage.” Tiffany lets it be known.


Jessica on the other hand is in between texting on her personal cell, and sending emails on her business cell. Yoona taps her to get her attention.


“Sica-unnie, did you hear what, Fany-unnie said?”


“Nope.” Jessica smiles. “I didn’t hear a word she said, was it important?”


“Oh, unnie…” Seohyun sighs.


“That’s your problem, Jung. You never listen!”


“You talk too much, as always!”


“You… you, Ice Princess!”


Yoona gasps loudly to hear the dreaded nickname that Jessica hates so much. "It's about to go down, Hyunnie."


“Pig Fany!” Jessica fires back.


“Oh, god…” Seohyun covers in shock, as one of the names Tiffany hates most is said.


“Ice Princess, Jung!”


“Pink Pig, Fany!”


They go back and forth, eyeing each other. As if they are going to either kiss, kill each other, or possibly both.


“Sica-unnie?” Joohyun starts.


“Yes, sweetie.” She stops the arguing, and offers Joohyun a smile.


“What’s Seulgi’s favorite food to eat?”


“Oh, food. Well, anything really. She’s not really picky with most food. She doesn’t like vegetables. So, you’ll probably have to sneak them in, somehow.”


“Okay, thank you, unnie.”


“You’re welcome Joohyun-ah.” She offers one more smile, then turns back to Tiffany with a glare. “Now, where were we. Oh, yea….”


“No, no more name calling.” Seohyun interrupts. “Why are you fighting for? The last time I saw you two. You were so happy.”


“How long ago was this, Seobaby? I don’t even know what this woman’s problem is.” Jessica points to her.


“Oh, of course you don’t. You never know what’s going on.”


“This is so stupid. I need to go to court. I should have been there, oh , like an hour ago.” Yoona facepalms.


“Yoong, again with your language.”

“Sorry, Hyunnie.”


“Yah, Yoong.” Jessica turns to her. “Code White.” Is all she says, and the blonde lawyer freeze, and gasps.


“Uh, Sica-unnie. Are you sure? I mean, are you really, really sure?”


“I’m positive, let’s do this.” She initiates the secret handshake, with Seohyun, and Tiffany wondering what the is actually happening.


“Wait, wait. We forgot the high five, unnie.”


Jessica sighs. “So, I already initiated the Code White.”


“It’s not official without the the final high five, unnie.”


“Alright, fine.” They proceed to do the secret handshake again. Tiffany has a pretty good idea what it’s actually about, though. She has little choice, but to respond with her own answer.


“Seohyunnie, proceed with, Operation Pink.”


“Oh…” The younger woman pauses. “Unnie, are you positive?”


“Yes, proceed.”


“Yah, Fany. What’s with you, and copying me!”


“Calm down, Jung. Operation Pink has always been in existence.”


“Oh, yeah right. Code White was first! What the hell is this?”


Joohyun however finishes packing her lunch for Seulgi, and slips passed the arguing unnies.


“I’m going to be with Seulgi now, bye. Don’t kill each other unnies.”


It takes 20 minutes before Jessica and Tiffany realize that she’s gone.


“Hey, where’s, Joohyun-ah?”


“This is what happens, when you unnies fight, you lost a kid!” Yoona lets them know.


“This is your fault, Ice Princess!”


“My fault? She’s your kid, you should keep a better eye on her, Pig Fany!’


Seohyun and Yoona shake their heads at their still arguing unnies. How is that everything went so wrong with them?


For Seulgi, she has never been more on edge than she is now. Every corner she turns she fears Joohyun will be there. That she might reach out and….


“Ah!” The monolid girl jumps when someone grabs her arm.


“Calm down, Seul. It’s just me.” Seungwan assures her.


“Oh, Wannie, thank god. You can’t go sneaking up on me anymore. These are scary times.”


Seungwan nods. She hasn’t been good since that scary, Bae Irene chick showed up. It’s only been a day, but already she can’t sleep, and had to change bookbags since the other one. Now has terrible memories of being a shield.


“Seul, who was that girl? Did you find out?”


“Come, let’s talk where it’s safer.” Seulgi tells her, and the go the office of the Dance club President. Her, personal office that was technically a professors once. Seulgi bribed them with very good money to get this spacious, cozy office. With amazing view of the campus. It’s safe because Joohyun can’t possibly find her here. Seulgi still checks though, to make sure she isn’t anywhere in sight before turning to her best friend.


“Okay, so that crazy chick is actually a girl I grew up with. Our parents were best friends, and get this. She’s apparently my fiance.”


Seungwan’s eyes go wide. “No, you’re kidding! Rich people still do arranged marriages. What century is this?”


Seulgi shrugs. How would she know what her parents were thinking. Maybe they owed the Bae’s money, and they had nothing to bargain with, but her.


“I wish this was a joke. I’m doing all I can to get out of it. She’s one scary unnie.”


“Damn. Seul, I’m sorry. How are you going to get out of it?”


That’s when Seulgi gets a brilliant, possibly stupid idea, but anything is worth a shot.


“Hey, Wan. I have an idea, want to earn a million dollars?”


The limo driver pulls up to the school, and lets Joohyun out. She needs to find Seulgi, the faster the better. People are once again sta

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2184 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥