Give her a chance

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Thank you again readers for remaining interested and enjoying this fic. I haven’t been this excited to write for a fic, in practically ever. So that’s why I’ve been updating so quickly than I normally would. I feel good about this fic, and the fact you all as readers do too makes it great. Wow, can’t believe I’m at chapter 5 already that never happens. So, is Seulgi hurt? What about code white/operation pink?  And who is ready for some very iconic jeti to show up. Let’s find out, and please enjoy


Joohyun is beyond freaking out. She’s hurt Seulgi and has brought harm to the one she loves.


“Seulgi, oh my god speak to me.”


“Joohyun?” Tiffany’s voice is heard coming from her phone. “What happened?”


“I don’t know. She just fell and now she’s not moving. What am I going to do?”


“Hey, Joohyun. Calm down okay, kiddo. Fany and I are on the way.” Jessica tells her next. Joohyun gives a nod into the phone, then turns back to Seulgi.


“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. Please don’t be seriously hurt.” The brunette feels for a pulse and she is breathing. The only thing is what’s wrong with her.


“I’ll give you mouth to mouth!”


“What the actual !” Seulgi mentally thinks to herself. As she wills her face to not look any out of the ordinary. She should have really thought this out better. She was kind of hoping that Joohyun would just leave her here, like she used to. Not that she would be concerned, and about to perform mouth to mouth.


“, what am I going to do? I can’t move now or she’ll know I’m not hurt, but, I also can’t have her kissing me either.” The monolid girl thinks to herself.


“Ms. Bae!” Her limo driver shouts out, hurrying over. “Perhaps, we should call an ambulance.”


“Ambulance?” She sounds as if she hadn’t even considered that possibility. “Um, but maybe I should wait for the unnies to come. Maybe, she’s not really hurt.”


Seulgi takes notice to how genuinely worried she sounds about her. It’s throwing her off so badly, because this isn’t the Joohyun she remembers. The Joohyun remembers used to beat her up, and terrorize her. She feels soft fingers run through her dark locks.


“Seul, the unnies are coming. I’m so sorry if I hurt you. Maybe you really just need some mouth to mouth.”


She goes back to ert unnie in a matter of seconds. She sounds so excited about the mouth to mouth part. Thank god, Seulgi can act with the best of them.


“Oh, god . Is she seriously about to make out with me!”


Then she feels pink lips covering . Joohyun stops only to start up again.


‘, she’s serious!”


“Please be okay, Seulgi-yah.”


 All Seulgi can really do is lay there and take it, so to speak. Damn, why did she fake being hurt again?


Meanwhile, Tiffany and Jessica are trying to make it over to the school in one piece. They keep colliding with one another, though. As in reaching for bags, keys, and trying to get out the door.


“Move out of the way, Fany.” Jessica pushes the dark-haired woman.


“You move out of the way first. I need to find out what’s going on?”


“Me too, move!”


Jessica walks off first, but Tiffany realizes that if Joohyun is gone. The limos is also gone too. She has no ride, unless someone named Jung Jessica is willing to give her one.


“Um, Jung. I don’t have a ride.”


“How is that my problem?”


“Come on, seriously. If something is really wrong then I need to be there for Joohyun, and Seulgi too. I know you’re worried about her.”


Jessica looks suddenly sympathetic. Of course she is worried about Seulgi, that is her daughter, and Joohyun too, as she has known the girl forever.


“Fine, but it’s my car, and my rules!”


“Yes, I choose the music!” Tiffany eye smiles and runs off. Jessica quickly locks Seulgi’s apartment door.


“Yah, didn’t you hear me. My car and my rules.”


Only, Tiffany is long gone already. Jessica can’t help but to chuckle though in amusement. “Idiot, you don’t even know which is my car.”  She follows the dark-haired woman anyway. Her phone is ringing, and she answers it to see it’s Yoona.


“Yoong, what’s up?”


“Code White is ready to go at anytime, Sica-unnie. Today even, if you need it.”


“Oh, good. I’m surprised you got this done so fast. I’ll send the SOS if I need to use it today.”


“Unnie, I’m honestly freaking out about this. It can go so wrong, you know.”


“Yoong calm down. I already put it in motion, we handshaked on it, and everything. I need to go though, something’s up with, Seulgi and I need to find out what’s happening.”


“Do you need me, unnie?”


“Be on standby just in case. I’ll call you back.”


Jessica ends the call and when she gets outside she sees, Tiffany standing casually by a black Maserati Quattro Trope. Not, just any freaking Maserati, but her damn Maserati. How the does she know it’s hers?


“Jung, come on. What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”


“How do you know it’s mine, and not that, jeep over there?”


Tiffany laughs. “Please, you and a jeep, no way. You like chic, cool things, and this car just screams you. Come on, then, let’s go. The kids need us.”


“Alright, but you’re riding in the back, and none of your annoying pop music at the moment.”


“I don’t feel like your moody alternative music either, Jung.”


“Fine, whatever just get in, and to let you know if, Seulgi is actually hurt for real. I will have a serious issue with Joohyun, even if I’ve known her forever. That’s no excuse for hurting Seulgi.”


‘We don’t even know what happened yet. Come on let’s go.”


They get in the car and of course, Tiffany is in the passenger's seat, and of course there is pop music playing. Jessica wants to bang her head into the steering wheel. Only this doesn’t necessarily surprise her at all.


“Hey, remember when…” Tiffany begins.


“Oh, no. No way, Fany. We’re not about to have memory lane moments now.”


“No, it’s nothing bad. I’m just remembering when the kids were younger. Remember, you and I were watching them together, and Seulgi didn’t really want to play with us all that much.”


“She didn’t like you!” Jessica lets her know.


“Yah, that’s not how I remember it.”




Jessica had come over with baby Seulgi who was about 9 months now. The Kangs were out of town and Jessica was left with watching her, as she is the only person they can trust with Seulgi’s care.


“Jessi!” Tiffany beams in excitement. “Hi, I’m glad you came. Oh, hi little cutie.” She tries to hug Seulgi, but Seulgi squirms away, and snuggles further into Jessica.


“Don’t scare her, Fany. Aw, Seulgi-yah did the pink monster scare you?”


“Hey! Well, this pink monster is not letting you in without my kiss!” Tiffany gestures to her lips. Jessica playfully rolls her eyes, and then kisses her on the lips.




“Yes, now come in.”


Jessica sits down, and as normal with, Seulgi she is crawling away to play with the toys. Tiffany sits nearby and tries her best to interact with Seulgi. The child is focused on anything but her.


“Seulgi-yah, why won’t you play with me? I’m fun!”


Jessica chuckles. “Give it up Fany. She’s on my side only, right Seulgi-yah.” Jessica calls and the small, monolid child turns to her immediately, and crawls over to her. Jessica picks her up and sits her in her lap.


“Wow, I never thought you’d be good with kids, Jessi.”


“I like kids. Why’d you think I didn’t, hm?” She glares at her and Tiffany laughs nervously.


“No, reason. Seulgi is sure a cutie, though. Look at these cheeks and monolids.” She pokes her belly and that does make Seulgi giggle.


“Hey, she laughed! I’m winning her over.”


Tiffany opens her arms to try to get Seulgi to come to her, and when it looks like she will, Seulgi crawls straight for the toys.


“Oh...well, we’ll work on that.”


“Ha, give it up Fany.” Jessica repeats, and then turns her attention back to some important documents she needs to look over. Tiffany uses the time try to bond with Seulgi. Who is pretty much like a daughter to her girlfriend. She might as well get in good with the cutie if she can.


“Seulgi-yah, how about we introduce you to your wife!”


Jessica is zoned out, but she heard wife. “Wife?”


“Yeah, wife.” Tiffany nods.


“Whose wife?”


“Seulgi-yah’s, wife.”


“She has a wife!” Jessica looks at her with such a look that Tiffany can’t help but to laugh at her expression.


“Yes, Joohyun-ah. That’s her wife.”


“Oh,” Jessica nods. As they do both know that eventually, Seulgi and Joohyun will be married.


“Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea, Fany. Joohyun is a cutie and all, but….”


“It’ll be fine, i’ll get her. Just wait a minute, Seulgi-yah.”


It takes really no time as small footsteps are heard at full speed. Joohyun scans the room for the baby, and giggles when she sees her.


“Seulgi-yah!” She tries to hug her. The child turns and crawls away so fast for Jessica.


“Wait! I’m not going to hurt you. It’s me, Joohyun, you remember right? I saw you when you were much smaller. I love you, Seulgi-yah!” She shouts and the next thing they see is Seulgi bawling loudly, like she’s scared.


“Oh…” Tiffany whispers. “I guess it wasn’t such a good idea.”


“You think.” Jessica deadpans and soothes the crying Seulgi in her arms. Tiffany can’t help but notice how comfortable the two of them look. Jessica would be an amazing mom.




“She made her cry, even then.” Is all Jessica can say.


“Yah, don’t say that. They are getting married, you know.”


“Maybe, I mean if Seulgi really doesn’t want this marriage. I’m going to see if Yoong can do something about it. It’s not fair to force this on her, or Joohyun either, for that matter.”


“Jung, Joohyun loves her. I don’t know if you can see that, but she loves her.”


“I’m just worried about her. I don’t want Seulgi hurt, and well honestly I don’t want Joohyun hurt either. Never mind, we’re almost there.” Tiffany knows enough that Jessica is finished talking. This will probably have to be revisited another time.


Seulgi is dead, or at least she feels dead. Joohyun gave her so much mouth to mouth, it can’t even be considered as mouth to mouth. It’s more like she was making out with her.


“I’m not even hurt!” Seulgi thinks.


“Seulgi-yah, I’m really sorry. Not just for this, but for everything when we were kids. I didn’t mean to scare you so much. That now you’re still scared of me.”


“Damn, she actually sounds believable.”


Very soon though there are voices that belong to Tiffany and Jessica.


“Kids, what happened!”


“Unnies, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”


Tiffany takes one look at how still Seulgi is. “Damn, Hyun-ah. Did you really kill her?”


“Yah, no….” She shouts. “I didn’t hurt her. I didn’t mean to…” She trails off sadly.


Jessica though is eyeing Seulgi with suspicion. This has the look of Seulgi’s infamous "I’m hurt so bad, I can’t go to school" all over it.


“Oh, my god. My child!” Jessica shouts out suddenly and gets down to Seulgi. “Sweetie, are you okay? Talk to me. Fany, Joohyun-ah will one of you call the ambulance.”


Tiffany nods and also uses the time to comfort Joohyun off to the side.  Seulgi cracks open an eye and Jessica is internally so proud.


“Oh, that’s my daughter!”


“Unnie..” She whispers. “Get me out of here!”


“I will, calm down. The ambulance will be here soon. Nice work, using your “I’m hurt tactic.”


“I learned from the best.”


Only Seulgi has to close her eyes fast because, Tiffany and Joohyun are coming back over.


“Joohyun-ah, don’t cry. I’m sure this was an accident.”


“What happened, Joohyun?” Jessica asks.


“I just told her she was going to fall in love with me, and then she fell. I’m sorry, Sica-unnie.”


“No, no don’t apologize. Seulgi is very clumsy, so clumsy in fact just as clumsy as, Fany.”


“Sica-unnie, really.” Seulgi thinks.


“The ambulance is coming. Can I go with her, unnie?”


“That is very sweet, Joohyun, but I’ll go with her. Don’t worry.”


The ambulance comes and the next thing, Joohyun knows they are putting Seulgi inside. She really wants to go too, and make sure she’s really okay. Jessica pulls one of the EMT workers to the side and hands over some money.


“She’s not really hurt, but those two don’t know that. Still, drive us off like we’re going to the hospital.”


“Um, ma’am. This is highly unusual.”


“Yeah, how fascinating. Just get ready to drive us off.”


Jessica hurries to hug Joohyun. “Don’t worry, Joohyun-ah. She’s going to be fine. I will call you when we get her checked out.”


“Yah, Jung wait just a second. What did they say was wrong with her.”


Jessica pauses. “Wrong?”


“Yeah, is she seriously injured or, sick?”


“Wrong?” Jessica repeats.


“Yeah, what happened to her, Jung?”


“She collapsed due to shock and stress!’ Jessica makes up on the spot. “Now, I must go and be with my child who needs me. I will be sure to fill you in later. Bye!” She waves and gets into the ambulance. Tiffany is definitely sure something is up.


“Hey, Joohyun-ah. I wouldn’t worry about Seul. I have a feeling she will be fine.”


“Are you sure, unnie?”


“I’m positive. In fact, why don’t we make sure to get her some get well stuff, and bring it over to her later, sound good?”


“Yeah, sounds good,unnie.”


Tiffany wants to see how they will pull that off. As clearly something is up and Seulgi is probably not actually hurt at all. Meanwhile, in the ambulance Seulgi and Jessica high five.


“Thanks, unnie!”


“You sneaky child. Who told you it was fine to be this way?”


“You raised me!"


Jessica runs her fingers through dark locks. “I’m so proud, Seul, but you might have gone too far. Joohyun was actually really worried about you. She was about to cry.”


“How do we know that her crying wasn’t an act too, though?”


“I saw her. She was worried about you. She probably thought she hurt you for real. Maybe, give her a break okay. She isn’t a kid anymore, and maybe you should try to get to know her as who she is now?”


Seulgi looks reluctant. “Unnie, don’t betray me now. You’re on my side, remember?”


“I’m always on your side, but, I don’t know. You can be a little more open to her. I know she does care about you.”


“Unnie, then you have to be more open with, Fany-unnie.”


“What! This isn’t about me, Seulgi-yah. I’m not getting married here, you are.”


“I won’t do anything. If you don’t try too with, Fany-unnie.”


Jessica glares at her and in turn Seulgi glares back. “I will think about it, Seul.”


"Then I will also think about it.”


They take one look at each other and start cracking up. They can hardly believe that it went so far, even calling an ambulance.


“Seul, I’m just letting you know this is far from over. Fany, already put in her so called, Operation Pink. This can and will get ugly.”


“Ohh…” Seulgi nods. “Unnie, what happened between you two? You used to be happy once.”


“How the hell should I know? She won’t tell me what’s wrong.”


 Seulgi hopes that they will both be okay, whatever happened to them. It can’t be so bad to end the kind of love they had, could it?


Meanwhile, Tiffany is on the phone with Seohyun. Operation Pink is a go, and will be ready to launch so to speak. She’s holding off though, until she sees how Seulgi and Jessica will get out of this. Joohyun actually made food and has all sorts of things in some bag for her. The poor girl really was worried about her.


“Hyun-ah, I wouldn’t pack so much food.”


“She might be hungry, and, I just want her to be okay, unnie.”


“You really do love her, don’t you?”


Joohyun nods. “I love her, unnie. I just wish that she would give me a chance.”


“Oh, Hyun come here. She’ll come around. You can’t blame her for being hesitant, though. You sound like you were a little monster, hm?” Tiffany cups her cheeks.


“I’m not a child!”


“You’re my child!” Tiffany shouts back. “Anyway, try to be a little more understanding. These things have a way of working out.”

“Then you need to be more understanding with, Sica-unnie.”


“What!” The dark-haired woman coughs. “This isn’t about me,

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2183 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥