Chapter twelve

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Yesung woke up tangled in a blanket and wrapped in Siwon’s arms. Why are they sleeping on floor? What the hell is in his mouth? Yesung is completely shocked and stares on the pacifier which was in his mouth. Also this cute pajama isn’t his and why are stuffed animals around him?


Siwon is lying next to him and sleeps while Yesung frowns. What has he done to him? Yesung hit his shoulder with his small fist and Siwon woke up with a groan.


“What is wrong little one?”


Yesung yelled in anger and threw his arms around to describe that everything is wrong.


“You were in little space.”


Yesung doesn’t know what is little space or what does it mean that he was in little space. Siwon put his hands on Yesung’s small shoulders and looks into his eyes. Big Yesung doesn’t remember what little Yesung did and obviously he has no idea that he is little. Siwon shows him the articles which he found on the internet and Yesung furiously shakes his head no. 


“I am not some freak!”


Yesung jumped on his feet and runs in the bathroom. He locked the door and Siwon hears that he is crying. Siwon knocked on the door and desperately tries to calm him down but Yesung is crying while yelling that he isn’t going to leave the bathroom, ever. 


“It isn’t wrong to be little! Come out so daddy can hug you.”


Siwon is knocking on the door and then goes to find a spare key. Meanwhile Yesung is sitting on floor and leans against bathtub. He isn’t some freak! He is crying and thinks that he doesn’t deserve to be with someone like Siwon, he is only a burden who doesn’t deserve to be happy. Yesung suddenly feels a very well known urge - he wants to cut himself so badly. His mind is playing with idea of finding a sharp razor in Siwon’s bathroom but then gasped in shock when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his small body.


“What made you so mad on fact that you are little?”


Yesung sobs and rubs his eyes with his little fists. What is so bad on it? He doesn’t know the answer. Siwon is rubbing his back and smiled on him.


“I love you and yesterday was very nice, I enjoyed little Yesung.”


Yesung is looking on him and doesn’t believe it. Everyone saw him as a burden and Siwon enjoyed it?!




Siwon sighed because he cant explain it. He doesn’t like kids and yesterday Yesung was a little kid. 

“You were cute and I felt relaxed while taking care of you. I cant explain it by anything better.”


Siwon is his hair and after long while he managed to calm him down. Siwon helped him to get up and then washed his red, tearstained face. He smiled widely and Yesung shakily smiles too. They moved back in the bedroom and Siwon sat down and then pulled Yesung to sit down in his lap. Yesung is finally calm and hiccups only from time to time. Siwon reached his hand toward a notebook and a pen. Yesung needs some rules and Siwon is going to create them. Yesung is sleeping with head on his chest and Siwon’s starts to write.


Rules for little Yesung:

  1. Don’t hurt yourself
  2. Eat three big meals and two snacks every day
  3. Always do what daddy tells you
  4. If you don’t like something or someone hurts you, tell it to daddy
  5. Tell daddy if you are feeling little
  6. No lying
  7. You will get punished for breaking rules


Siwon put the notebook away and reminds himself that he has to decor the rules later. Maybe he can buy some cute stickers and colorful paper, but it can wait. Siwon carefully laid down Yesung on a blanket and Yesung whined. Siwon panics for a moment and then gently pushed rubber off his pacifier between Yesung’s lips. After few seconds he started to on it and Siwon silently goes to prepare breakfast.


When he is done it is time to gently wake up the sleeping boy. Yesung whined again when Siwon shakes his shoulder a bit but then blushed. He isn’t a baby, he doesn’t need to whine like that but it caught Siwon’s attention really fast. He thinks that Yesung is in little space again and so he picks him up and put him on his hip. Yesung wrapped his lanky arms around his neck but then realized what he did.


“I am an adult!”


Yesung yelled and Siwon chuckled.


“Okay, so an adult can walk on his own.”


Siwon put him down back on his feet and Yesung wants to whine again. He likes when he is close to Siwon. Siwon is already in the kitchen when he hears soft pitter patter of small feet behind him and Yesung slipped his tiny hand in Siwon’s big palm. He says nothing and they sit down. Yesung is eating and when they are done he starts to wash the dishes. Siwon is watching him and then got up. He wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck.


“I have something to show you.”


Yesung is ready that they are going to have here next to a kitchen sink and a bowl with fruit but instead of his , Siwon shows him a paper with few lines written on it. 


“These are your rules. It doesn’t matter if you are little or not, this is your mantra.”



Yesung is reading them and frowns. He hates the last line.


“How are you going to punish me?”


Siwon smiled and his hair.


“Be a good boy and you wont need to find out.”


Yesung looked at him scared and Siwon frowned. Does his baby boy think that he is going to abuse him?!


"It will depend if you are big or little. Big Yesung can have more serious punishment like spanking but little Yesung is a real baby so he could get something easy like corner time.”


Yesung nodded and put the paper down. He remembers small parts of yesterday and he especially remembers the fact that Siwon was holding him all the time. Yesung actually miss it. He comfortably sprawled on the couch and put his head on Siwon’s thigh. Siwon starts to play with his hair but watches a basketball match which is going on in the TV. Yesung finds every sport very boring and he wants his attention. He reached his arms up and grabs collar off Siwon’s shirt. He starts to tug on it until Siwon looked down on him.


“What do you need, baby?”


Yesung shrugs because he wants something but doesn’t know what. Siwon turned his eyes back to the screen and this time Yesung even slightly kicked his legs in anger. Siwon looked on him again and his hair.


“You want daddy to hold you?”


Yesung doesn’t know if this is what he needs and Siwon grabbed him under armpits and pulled him up so in few seconds he is sitting in Siwon’s lap with his head on his shoulder.




Siwon asked and Yesung nodded because this is much more better. He put his head on Siwon’s shoulder while Siwon’s warm palm is running up and down his back. Yesung closed his eyes in bliss and enjoys Siwon’s calming scent all around him. This is the real and only heaven for Yesung. After a while the match ends and Siwon realized that his shoulder is wet. He carefully pulled Yesung a bit away and sees that he was slobbering on him for the whole match. Siwon is staring in Yesung’s sleeping face and admires how perfect he is. His cute feline eyes, pink pouty lips and adorable button nose. Moreover his tiny baby hands are so cute, Siwon simply cant imagine more adorable baby boy.

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395 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
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Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
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Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?