Chapter eighteen

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Very exhausted Siwon and Heechul met in an elevator and Siwon sighed because his back is killing him. He is tired and a day spent in a spa ins’t helping. He and his baby would need some longer time to relax properly.


“I am thinking about having nice holidays somewhere. Maybe at sea or somewhere warm.”


Heechul clapped his hands and sweetly smiled.


“Please, please go on Jeju!”


Heechul is begging Siwon with the saddest puppy eyes and Siwon doesn’t understand why. Heechul isn’t someone who use word please often.


“Well, Leeteuk has a house on beach and we go there every summer. Jeju is boring for me and Leeteuk only wants to read books and walk on a beach. I need a friend on that isolated place!”


Siwon hesitantly nodded and thinks that Jeju would be fun. It would be also safe and Yesung wouldn’t be in middle of strangers who don’t speak Korean. It is warm but not much, there are no dangerous animals. Jeju island sounds great!


After two weeks they are ready. Their bags are packed, Siwon bought flight tickets in first class and Heechul with Leeteuk are already waiting for them on Jeju. Yesung is somewhere on unsure place between little space and being big, he wants to be little but the flight is scaring him. He doesn’t like the idea of being locked in a metal tube more than 10 kilometers in air. It sounds like some magic and when Siwon tried to calm him down it didn’t go well. Google was so kind that thousands of videos about plane crashes appeared.


Siwon is ready to cancel everything but Yesung doesn’t want to ruin well deserved holidays of his daddy so he tried to act brave. Today they take a taxi on airport and then after two hours got in the plane. Siwon bought him a two kilograms bag of M&M's so his little one has some treat for being so good. They sat down in their seats and  Yesung is nervously playing with hem of his shirt while Siwon his arm.


“Your first time? Do you want something to calm you down?”


A nice looking flight attendant is standing above them and Siwon thanked her. Soon she came back with pill of Xanax and glass of a juice. Yesung swallowed the pill and feels that the plane is moving. He gripped Siwon’s hand and bulges his eyes.


“Can it explode?”


Yesung simply doesn’t understand how this thing can fly but Siwon kissed his forehead and smiled.


“It is okay, think about Jeju. It is going to be so nice holidays.”


Yesung nodded and thinks about playing with his daddy in sea and eating many delicious food. Suddenly he feels so lightheaded and giggled. Siwon smirked because the Xanax probably kicked in. He Yesung’s hair and drinks an ice coffee. He is watching clouds outside and threw his worries away. Everything is wonderful. 


After few hours they landed on Jeju and Siwon has to almost carry Yesung out of the plane because the Xanax is still working. Then he took their bags and found car rental. Soon he fastened Yesung’s seatbelt and starts to drive. Heechul gave him the address and now he needs to find it which isn’t so easy. Yesung is singing happily and eats handful of his M&M’s and doesn’t mind that they are getting lost. After some time Siwon gave up on his pride and GPS. Finally they are stopping in front of Leeteuk’s house and the metal gate opened. The house is surrounded by fresh green lawn and there are many trees. In the back is a swimming pool with a slide and around the whole garden is tall wall made from grey stones. Leeteuk’s house is very modern and great for hot summer. It has white color and walls on ground floor are made from glass and around first floor is leading a terrace.


Heechul ran out of the house and helped them with his bags. Leeteuk is cooking fishes on grill and Heechul showed them their bedroom. Siwon pushed Yesung on the bed and starts to unpack their bags. They have plenty of bags because Siwon has to be prepared for big and also for little Yesung. Then Siwon goes downstairs where is Leeteuk waiting with food and they eat. Heechul left after few bites and then came back with sleepy Yesung. Yesung sat down on chair next to Siwon and wrapped his little hand around his upper arm. He is still dazed a bit but the food smells too delicious to be left alone. Yesung is eating and then remembers his M&M’s and goes to get them. He offers some to everyone and they smiled on the cute boy who slipped into little space because of feeling nervous. Yesung is feeling fussy because he doesn’t know this place and also he has a headache from the plane. Siwon is watching Yesung and immediately saw that he is little because of the way he is fidgeting and swings his legs in the air. 


“Is my baby boy here?”


Siwon asked Yesung and his hair. Yesung starts to on his thumb and nodded. Heechul jumped up and down in his seat and clapped his hands, also Leeteuk is happy because they love little Yesung. Everyone loves little Yesung because he is irresistible. Heechul hurries to bring a bowl with few scoops of cotton candy flavored ice cream and then added M&M’s on top. Yesung smiles happily and stars to eat and Siwon is wiping his mouth because he is eating very messily. When Yesung finished his ice cream he decided that it is time to explore this new place. Yesung visited the big living room with TV and many books and then Heechul’s and Leeteuk’s bedroom. After a while he spotted the swimming pool and heads there. Siwon is holding his hand while Yesung explores the clear water and the slide. After a while he tugs on his hand and Siwon understands that he wants to play in the swimming pool so they go to change into swimming suits. Heechul and Leeteuk changed their clothes too and jumped in the water, meanwhile Siwon and Yesung are much slower. Yesung is standing on edge of the pool and Siwon pours water over his little feet until he is ready to hop in too. Siwon holds him on his hip and slowly moves around the pool. Little Yesung is okay with baths but not with this much water so he is clinging to his daddy and then he is handed to uncle Heechul who hurries to the slide before Siwon can stop him. Leeteuk is waiting under the slide and caught him before he can sink his head. Yesung really likes this and spends almost whole hour by playing on the slide. Then his uncles and daddy decided to play with him before he can ruin his swimming suit on the slide. On end of the afternoon they completely tired Yesung who is now fighting to stay awake. Siwon picked him up and goes to run him a warm bath because he is cold. The bath is very short because Yesung’s head keeps lolling from side to side and he is going to break his neck if daddy doesn’t stop this. Siwon wrapped Yesung in a towel which Heechul put in a dryer so it is warm and fluffy. Then Siwon opened bottle of body lotion with goat’s milk and starts to apply it on Yesung’s dry skin. The baby is now completely asleep and Heechul helped Siwon with dressing him. When he saw a diaper in Siwon’s hand he blushed but says nothing.


“When he is in little space and exhausted like this, he won’t feel that he needs to wake up and simply pees while still sleeping.”


Heechul nodded and has to admit that the diaper did unbelievable thing - Yesung is now even ten times more adorable. Siwon goes to get a bottle of formula because it is useless to wake him up for dinner. Then he laid down in the bed next to Yesung and pulled out his pacifier. Yesung whined but then rubber teat of his bottle brushed against his lips and he latched on. Siwon smiles because now his baby has full stomach and he can eat now. Siwon put many pillows around him, also his plushies are resting under the little’s arms and he is covered with a thin blanket. Yesung is on a pacifier and Siwon knows that he is now deep in his dreamland so it is safe for him to leave.


Leeteuk prepared some pasta for them and they eat on the terrace.


“Lets go to a near bar, please! Just one beer!”


Heechul wants to have some fun with adults. He loves Yesung but he wants some fun for adults now. Maybe a beer or two and some dance with Leeteuk. Siwon is against the idea but he feels bad that Heechul was spending time with Yesung and now he doesn’t want to spend time with him.

“Okay, but only ONE beer.”


Heechul is nodding quickly and so they go in the bar. Of course that they have more than one beer, especially Heechul. They are drinking and laughing while Heechul is telling funny stories about his work. Suddenly huge and I mean really huge flash slitted the sky and a strong rain started to fall. Siwon sips on his beer one more time before he realized something.


“! Yesung is alone!”


He is immediately sober and starts to run back in their house. The wind and rain are slowing him down and he fell down many times but he deserves it, he left Yesung alone. It seems like forever before he is finally opening the front door and wants to turn on the lights but nothing happened. The storm knocked out electricity and Siwon fell down more times in the unknown house. He doesn’t remember which door belongs to their bedroom and he hears that Yesung is screaming in fear. Siwon feels huge lump of guilt in his throat and feels so selfish. Finally he opened the last door and stepped inside with bright smile on his lips.


Poor Yesung is now screaming even more. It is dark, outside is ragging a huge storms with many thunders and now a black shadow appeared in his bedroom. He is yelling on top of his lungs and Siwon is sure that if the storm wasn’t so loud then every neighbor would run here to save him. 


“It’s me! Daddy is here!”


Siwon used his phone to shine light on his face and Yesung finally stopped yelling. Now he throws himself back on the bed and starts to cry. He was so scared when he woke up alone and in middle of a storm.


“Daddy left and Sungie scared!”


Siwon fell down on the bed next to him and pulls him closer in his wet arms. Siwon hugs him and tries to calm down his heart. Yesung is still in little space, probably too tired to become big and it makes Siwon feel even worse. How could he leave his two years old baby alone? After few minutes they calmed down and Leeteuk with Heechul are back too. They bring many candles so at least they have some light and Siwon changed Yesung’s diaper. He also washed his tearstained face and then Leeteuk came with a new bottle of formula. Yesung’s eyes are still opened and searching for some monsters and he is wide awake. Luckily his daddy and uncles are experts in lulling him back into dreamland and after short moment he is snoring again, this time tangled in arms of his daddy and uncle Heechul.

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396 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
Chapter 65: I love happy endings ❤❤❤❤
Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
CamiiAusterlitz #7
Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?