Chapter fifty one

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

The ambulance arrived to a hospital and the paramedics hurry inside. Doctors surrounded them and separate Siwon and his baby. Siwon is okay, he is just weak after the drugs which Ryeowook forced in his body. Unfortunately Yesung’s condition is bad and Siwon can’t see him yet. Yunho arrived because his friends from college work in this hospital and he can get information from them, also he got some clothes for Siwon.


Yunho goes to speak with the doctors and Siwon is sitting on a chair in a long white hallway and waits for some news about Yesung. A nurse is trying to get him in a bed but he refused to leave. He is anxiously waiting for Yunho to come back and it feels like an eternity before he sees him coming. Siwon looked up to him and Yunho smiled.


“He suffered from third-degree burns and second-degree burns. It is going to be hard but he is going to be completely okay.”


Siwon sighed in relief and started to cry. Yunho hugs him and pats his back to calm down his friend. Siwon knows that everything what happened is only his fault, he was dating with Ryeowook, he wasn’t careful enough and it caused that they were kidnapped.

Yunho showed him a room where is Yesung sleeping under the spell of strong painkillers and Siwon silently sat down on a chair next to his bed. Yunho goes to find a nurse to ask if they can add a second bed in Yesung’s room because it is clear that they don’t want to be separated again.


Siwon is staring on Yesung’s face and then looked on the burns covering his chest and also parts of his arms, back and thighs. The skin with third-degree burns is dark red and dry while the second-degree burns are red and the skin is covered with blisters and looks shiny and wet. The doctors treated the burns and an IV is leading in Yesung’s arm and oxygen mask is covering his nose and mouth. It is sure that the burns must be really painful but he hopes that the painkillers are helping him. Siwon suddenly feels so exhausted, everything what happened during the last week took away his strength and now he can’t keep his eyes open. He lay down in the second bed and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. Siwon doesn’t know what time it is when he opened his eyes but it is still quite dark outside so he was sleeping for a whole day or only for few hours. Suddenly he hears some noise and sat up. Yesung is whining!


Siwon immediately got up and hurries next to the bed. Yesung is squirming in pain and he cries. He starts to scratch the burns and then it started to bleed. Siwon quickly called a nurse who came and said that she has to restrain his hands to prevent him from scratching the burns. Yesung cries more when the nurse tied his wrists to railing off his bed. He is trapped again and he hates it. The nurse gave him another dosage of strong painkillers and Yesung’s eyes become glassy. Siwon his hair few times and after few seconds Yesung is sleeping again. The nurse changed the bandages and then left them alone. This circle repeats every day. The painkillers wear off and Yesung starts to cry in pain, they give him another dosage and the pain goes away but soon it is back and he is crying again. The third-degree burns don’t hurt because the nerve endings are mostly burned away but rest of the burns are torturing him.


Siwon feels guilty for every bit of Yesung’s pain and wishes some way how he could suffer instead of Yesung. Yunho is repeating all the time that it will take some time but soon the pain is going to fade away. But how could Yesung listen? The pain is too big and it itches so much. Yesung can only lie in the hospital bed with hands tied to the railing so he won’t touch the bandages and Heechul, Leeteuk and Changmin are often visiting him. Siwon is also trying to be the best daddy and gently cuddles with his baby all the time. Every time when a nurse or a doctor comes to change the bandages or check on the healing process, Yesung closes his eyes because he is terrified to look on his body. What if Ryeowook’s threats became truth and he is too ugly for Siwon?

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396 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
Chapter 65: I love happy endings ❤❤❤❤
Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
CamiiAusterlitz #7
Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?