Chapter twenty one

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Today Siwon got an emergency call from his company and he has to fly back in Seoul. He was thinking that Yesung is going back with him but the little likes it here and it wouldn’t be right to end also his holidays so early. Heechul and Leeteuk told him that he can fly back and they would take care of Yesung until Siwon come back. Siwon thinks that it is good idea but he needs to know what Yesung thinks about it. Yesung isn’t sure if he would like to stay only with Heechul and Leeteuk. Little Yesung knows them better and he loves them as much as they love him but big Yesung doesn’t have memories of little Yesung so he doesn’t know them much. The truth is that he would like to fly back with Siwon but Siwon is going to be busy and wouldn’t spend time with him so Yesung nodded. Next morning his daddy is leaving very early when he is still sleeping. 


Siwon is already sitting in plane when Yesung woke up. He is dazed for a while and wonders where is Siwon but then remembered that he is gone. Yesung whined in sadness but then got up because he is hungry.  He is about going downstairs when door of Heechul’s and Leeteuk’s bedroom opened and smiling Heechul walked out of there. Yesung wants to hide in his room again but Heechul is already holding his wrists.


“Did you sleep well?”


Yesung bites his lower lip because he doesn’t like so close physical contact with not very well known people and Heechul sensed his distress and let him go. 


“Okay, see you in the kitchen.”


Yesung nodded and after few minutes he goes downstairs too. Donghae and Hyukjae are going to try windsurfing so they only grab few toasts and left. Yesung looked on the two who are watching him and unknowingly started to bite on sleeve of his shirt. 


“Do you want your pacifier?”


Heechul is trying to be nice to him and he is hiding his anxiety. Now he doesn’t feel so confident when is Siwon actually far away from here and they are alone on taking care of him. Yesung isn’t little all the time but it is easier to take care of a toddler than taking care of an adult who is so anxious and shy as Yesung. Leeteuk put a sandwich with cheese and ham and a cup of warm tea on the table. Yesung is slowly eating and hopes that they will leave him alone. After breakfast he thanked for the food and goes back in the bedroom. He snuggles close to Siwon’s pillow and stares out of the window on the blue sea and sky. He is almost falling asleep because the distant sounds of waves hitting the beach and seagulls are calming him down when his phone decided to start ringing. Yesung quickly picked up the call after seeing that Siwon is calling. He is trying to say something but his throat is suddenly blocked with a lump and he sobs. It is breaking Siwon’s heart to hear Yesung’s broken sobs when he can’t help him.


“Shhh Yesung. Only two nights and one day and I am back, okay?”


Yesung is still sobbing because he wants him NOW! Siwon says few more soothing things but then has to end the call. Yesung sobs few more times and put his phone on nightstand. Then he spotted his pacifier and reached his hand for it. He is staring on the baby blue pacifier and then pushed the teat between his lips. Yesung on it few times and then feels that he is slipping into little space. He laid down and squirmed around the big bed. It is lonely without his daddy but he still has his uncles. Wait, where are they? Yesung got up and grabs his stuffed turtle. He wanders downstairs and looked around. Where is everyone? Yesung peeked in the kitchen, then on terrace and he is ready to cry when Heechul called him from behind. He is surprised when Yesung turned to him and his eyes fall on the pacifier. 


“My good little baby is back?”


Heechul kneeled down in front of him and smiled when the little nodded. Heechul grabs his hand and leaded him in the living room.


“Uncle Leeteuk, we are babysitting little Yesungie!”

Leeteuk smiled from his spot on a couch and pulled Yesung to sit on his knee. He holds his hand pressed on Yesung’s small back and starts to bounce him on his knee. They really love being uncles and Yesung is their little darling. 


“Heechul, today is your turn to cook lunch.”


Heechul grumpily groaned and made sad puppy eyes on Leeteuk who is too busy with cuddling Yesung. Heechul knows that he lost and goes to cook lunch. After a while Yesung squirmed out of Leeteuk’s arms and starts to crawl around the sofa. Leeteuk decided that maybe he should help Heechul with cooking and that Yesung can watch some movie from their collections of movies. He found one with a clown on poster and thinks that it is probably Donghae’s because he doesn’t remember buying this. He turned it on and patted Yesung’s head and told him to be good while they cook. Yesung nodded and turned his eyes to the TV screen. The movie started and oh God, Leeteuk should have stayed for few minutes because a clown on movie poster doesn’t mean that it is funny. Not if the clown’s name is Pennywise. 


After a while Yesung started to cry hysterically and covers his face with his little hands.


“Make it stop!”


Yesung is screaming on top of his lungs while Leeteuk runs around and searches for the remote control. Heechul runs in the living room and yelled when he spotted the clown in the TV. Like what the hell is this?! He ran to the TV and unplugged it and then ripped the DVD out of the device.




Heechul is stomping on it until it shattered into pieces and then he pants.


“What the Leeteuk?!”


Leeteuk has no idea that the movie is a horror. Heechul picked up the crying little and bounces him on his hip.


“It wanna eats Yesungie!”


Heechul laid Yesung’s head on his shoulder and his back.


“Uncle protects you baby, don’t worry.”


But it is hard to calm him down when he is completely terrified and the vision of the clown is haunting him. Heechul shot another angry glare toward Leeteuk and then goes upstairs with the crying baby. Yesung is yelling in fear that the thing is going to crawl out of the TV and eats him. Heechul wrapped him in a soft pink blanket and rocks him back and forth while singing a lullaby to him. After a long time Heechul lulled him to sleep. He Yesung’s tears stained cheeks and laid him down on bed. The little is on his pacifier and Heechul leaves the bedroom but let the door opened. He goes downstairs and slapped back off Leeteuk’s head.


“Why the did you play that movie?!”


Leeteuk feels so bad that he has to cook something delicious for him. He prepared plate full of famous Korean honey cookies and Heechul is slowly forgiving him. It was only an accident and now they need to show to the little that Pennywise isn’t real. After his nap Yesung woke up and immediately cries until his uncle came. Heechul holds him and then goes in the kitchen. Leeteuk handed him a cookie and bottle full of warm milk. Luckily for him the little accepted his apology and nibbles on the cookie like a little mouse. 


Yesung refused to let go of Heechul for rest of the day and it went that far that Heechul needed to bath with the little. He took Yesung in his bathroom which is his sanctuary. There is huge luxurious bathtub with hydro massage and around are many different bottles and boxes. Heechul started to run warm bath for him and shows a basket full of bath bombs to the little.


“Which one, baby boy?”


Yesung is thinking for a while and then pointed at one which looks like a turtle. Heechul smiled and then threw the bath bomb in the warm water. Yesung clapped his hands happily and Heechul starts to take off their clothes. Of course that he is wearing swimming suit but still feels unsure. He sat Yesung in the water which turned green and then got in too. Heechul has many different wash clothes and sponges and then takes the softest and rubs it against bar of raspberry milkshake soap. Then he started to wash Yesung’s petite body with it and Yesung is melting. This skin ship is better than when is daddy kneeling outside the bathtub. Heechul likes it too, he doesn’t need to think and only focus on running the washcloth over Yesung’s milky white skin. Yesung is letting the green water running between his fingers and giggles because there are silver glitters. After the water becomes cold Heechul got up and wrapped a towel around his waits and then picked up Yesung. He dressed him in Leeteuk’s big bathrobe and sat him down on the marble bathroom counter top.


“Lets do uncle’s evening routine, okay?”


Heechul put on a pink hairband and then combed Yesung’s black hair out of his face and secured them with a silver hair clip. Heechul applied face mask on his skin and then handed Yesung his toothbrush with Nemo. Yesung is brushing his teeth and watches his uncle who is cleaning his porcelain white skin. Yesung is eyeing the tube with his toothpaste because it has strawberry flavor and he likes strawberries. Luckily Heechul realized it and moved the tube away. Heechul applied coconut oil on his face and then smeared some on Yesung’s skin. He lifted the little and carried him in his bedroom. Leeteuk goes in the finally free bathroom to take a shower and Heechul laid the baby on bed. He opened bottle with body lotion with Levander oil and pushed some of it on his hands. Then he starts to run his palms over Yesung’s body and knows where he can apply some pressure to soothe the little. Yesung’s body soon is limp and he closed his eyes in pure bliss. He loves to feel someone so close to him and Heechul’s hands are so soft and gentle. Yesung starts to on his thumb and Leeteuk walked out of the bathroom and pulled his thumb away only to replace it with a pacifier and his hair. It seems that Yesung is ready to sleep so he hands him his plushies and then Heechul carefully dressed him in a thin night gown. The night is very hot and humid so they can’t fall asleep for very long time, only the little doesn’t mind it. Yesung is sleeping between them and Leeteuk with Heechul are staring on the ceiling of their bedroom. Suddenly they hear Donghae and Hyukjae having . Leeteuk groaned because he wants to do it too but they can’t with the baby between them. Heechul smirked and fell asleep with mischievous smile on his lips while Leeteuk sighed sadly. This is going to be very long night.

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396 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
Chapter 65: I love happy endings ❤❤❤❤
Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
CamiiAusterlitz #7
Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?